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Organizations and associations

→ Organizations and associations
International organizations@
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Acronym Sense Language Topics
GAM Groupe Archéologique du Mesmontois In French Archeology
GAPAN Guild of Air Pilots And Navigators In English Transport by air
Aeronautics, aircraft
GAQ Groupe d'Amélioration de la Qualité In French Quality management
GARP Global Association of Risk Professionals (www.garp.com) In English Associations
Financial markets
GARP Groupement des ASSEDIC de la Région Parisienne In French Insurance
Labour, labour economics
GART Groupement des Autorités Responsables des Transports In French Transport and postal services
GART Groupement des Autorités Responsables de Transports In French Public administration, government
Transport and postal services
GAVC Grouwse Arbeiders Voetbal Club In Dutch Football and rugby
GAVC Grouwster Athletiek Voetbal Club In Dutch Football and rugby
GBC Global Business Coalition on HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (www.gbcimpact.org) In English Infectious diseases
GBF Gesellschaft für Biotechnologische Forschung In German Biotechnology
GBO Groupement Belge des Omnipraticiens In French Medicine
GBS Groupement Belge des Spécialistes In French Medicine
GBV Gemeinsamer Bibliotheksverbund In German Libraries
GCB Groupe Consultatif des Bailleurs In French
GCFI Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institut (www.gcfi.org) In English Fishing, hunting
GCHG Groupement des Coopératives d’Habitation Genevoises In French Accommodation
GCLW General Confederation for Lebanese Workers In English Labour, labour economics
GCRAI Groupe Consultatif pour la Recherche Agronomique Internationale In French Biological sciences
Agricultural sciences
GCSV Groningse Christelijke Sport Vereniging In Dutch Sport, physical exercises
GDA Gesamtverband der Aluminiumindustrie In German Metallurgy
GDA Gabriël del Adalorata In Dutch Sport, physical exercises
GDC Genderen Drongelen Combinatie In Dutch Sport, physical exercises
GDCh Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (www.gdch.de) In German Chemistry
GDD Guilde Des Doctorants In French Higher education, universities
Research policy
GdG Gens de Gland (www.gdg-gland.ch) In French
GDG Gettysburg Discussion Group (www.gdg.org) In English
GdG Gewerkschaft der Gemeindebediensteten (www.gdg.at) In German Labour, labour economics
Municipal administration
GDO Grande Distribuzione Organizzata In Italian Transport and postal services
GDS Groot Door Samenwerking In Dutch Sport, physical exercises
GDTA Groupement pour le Développement de la Télédétection Aérospatiale In French Aeronautics, aircraft
GEA Germana Esperanto-Asocio (www.esperanto.de/gea/) In Esperanto Associations
Artificial languages (linguistics)
GEA Groupe des Écoles Aéronautiques et spatiales In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Aeronautics, aircraft
GEAI Groupement d'Entrepreneurs Accompagnés Individuellement In French Economics
Labour, labour economics
GEAN Georgia Environmental Action Network In English Environmental protection
United States
GEB Gemeentelijke Energie Boys In Dutch Sport, physical exercises
GECAS General Electric Commercial Aviation Services In English Transport by air
Aeronautics, aircraft
GECT Groupement Européen de Coopération Transfrontalière
= GEKT | Grupoj Eŭropaj je Koopero Teritoria | In Esperanto
= PSI | Paul Scherrer Institut | In German
= IPS | Institut Paul Scherrer | In French
In French International relations
GEDEM Groupement des Éditeurs et Diffuseurs d'Éducatif Multimédia (www.gedem.org) In French Computer science
Cinema, movies
GEE Groupement des Enseignants Espérantophones In French Education
Artificial languages (linguistics)
GEIPI Groupement d'Écoles d'Ingénieurs à Préparation Intégrée In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Engineering, technology
GEJ Germana Esperanto-Junularo (www.esperanto.de/gej) In Esperanto Artificial languages (linguistics)
GEJ Guanabara Esperanto Junularo In Esperanto Artificial languages (linguistics)
GEKT Grupoj Eŭropaj je Koopero Teritoria
= GECT, PSI, IPS (look above)
In Esperanto International relations
GEL Germana Esperanto-Ligo In Esperanto Artificial languages (linguistics)
GELAHN Groupe des Enseignants de Langues Anciennes de Normandie In French Education
GEMA Groupement des Entreprises Mutuelles d'Assurances In French Insurance
GEMME Groupe d'Étude du Modélisme ferroviaire à voie Métrique et Étroite (www.gemme.org) In French Entertainment
Rail transport engineering
GEMPPM Groupe d'Études de Métallurgie Physique et de Physique des Matériaux In French Research institutes
GEO Garmerwolde En Omstreken In Dutch Sport, physical exercises
GEO Group on Earth Observations (www.earthobservations.org) In English Astronautics
Earth sciences
GEPRAF Grupo de Esperanto-Parolantaj Radio-Amatoroj en Francio In Esperanto Telecommunications
Artificial languages (linguistics)
GERME Groupe d'Études et de Recherche sur les Mouvements Étudiants In French
GERPA Groupe d'Étude et de Réflexion de Psychologie Analytique (www.gerpa.fr) In French Psychology
GERPAC Groupe d'Évaluation et de Recherche sur la Protection en Atmosphère Contrôlée In French Pharmacology, toxicology
GERRA Groupe d'Ergonomie de la Région Rhône-Alpes In French Human-computer interaction
GESAC Groupement Européen des Sociétés d'Auteurs et Compositeurs (www.gesac.org) In French Literature
Artistic property
GESEAS Global Eagle Strategic Empowerment Alliance Systems In English
GESTA Galder En Strijbeek Ten Aanval In Dutch Sport, physical exercises
GESTE Groupement des Éditeurs de Services en Ligne (www.geste.fr) In French Associations
Graphic industries, printing, publishing
Networks, communication
GET Groupe des Écoles de Télécommunications (www.get-telecom.fr) In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
GETALP Groupe d'Étude pour la Traduction/le Traitement Automatique des Langues et de la Parole In French Research institutes
Computer-based techniques
GFC Groupe Français de la Céramique In French 666
GFC Goorsche Football Club In Dutch Football and rugby
GFC Grubbenvorster Football Club In Dutch Football and rugby
GFDL Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (www.gfdl.gov) In English Research institutes
GFEV Groupe Français d'Étude des Vascularites In French Blood and circulatory system
GFF Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Forschung In German Research policy
GFI Groupe des Fédérations Industrielles (www.industrie-gfifrance.com) In French Industry, industrial policy
GFII Groupement Français de l'Industrie de l'Information In French Documentation
GfK Gesellschaft für Konsumgüterforschung In German
GfK Gesellschaft für Konsumforschung In German Consumerism
GFMS Georgian Foundrymen and Material Scientists Society In English Metallurgy
Materials science
United States
GfW Gesellschaft für Weltraumforschung In German Astronomy
GFZ Geoforschungszentrum (www.gfz-potsdam.de) In German Research institutes
Earth sciences
GGC Groupe Génétique et Cancer In French Research institutes
GGD Gıda Güvenliği Derneği (https://www.ggd.org.tr) In Turkish Associations
Food technology
GGFP Gesellschaft für Gemeindepsychologische Forschung und Praxis In German Psychology
GGK Gemeentelijk Gasbedrijf Keileweg In Dutch Sport, physical exercises
GHC Groene Hart Combinatie In Dutch Sport, physical exercises
GHI German Historical Institute In English History
GHIA Grupo de Herramientas Interactivas Avanzadas In Spanish Research institutes
Computer-based techniques
GI Gesellschaft für Informatik (www.gi-ev.de) In German Computer science
GI Geophysical Institute In English Research institutes
GIDEP Government and Industry Data Exchange Group In English Public administration, government
Industry, industrial policy
GIE Groupement d'Intérêt Économique In French Economics
GIE-SIPS Groupement d'Intérêt Économique - Système d'Infomation sur les Produits de Santé In French Pharmacology, toxicology
GIFAM Groupement Interprofessionnel des Fabricants d'Appareils d'Équipement Ménager In French Engineering, technology
GIFTS Global Initiative to Fight Trafficking and Slavery In English Slavery
GIMELEC Groupement des Industries de Matériels d'Équipement Électrique et de l'Électronique industrielle associée In French Electrical engineering
GIMES Groupement des Industriels en Matériel de Sécurité Électronique In French Electronics
GIP Groupement d'Intérêt Public In French
GIP-SIM Groupement Interprofessionnel de Promotion des Systèmes d'Information Médico-sociale In French
GIPSA Grenoble Images Parole Signal Automatique In French Research institutes
Computer-based techniques
GIRCEP Groupement des Industries et Centres de Recherche en Électronique de Puissance In French Electrical engineering
GIRM Gesellschaft für integriertes Risikomanagement In German Management
GIRM Gruppo Interdivisionale Risonanze Magnetiche In Italian Chemistry
GIRPR Gruppo Italiano Ricercatori in Pattern Recognition In Italian Computer-based techniques
GIS Genome Institute of Singapore In English Research institutes
GIS Groupement d'Intérêt Scientifique In French Mathematics and natural sciences
GIS-MRGenCi Groupement d'Intérêt Scientifique pour la Maîtrise des Risques en Génie Civil In French Accidents, risks, safety
Civil engineering
GISTI Groupe d'Information et de Soutien aux Immigrés In French Migrations
GITEP Groupement des Industries de Télécommunications et d'Électronique Professionnelle In French Electronics
GITEP Grupo de Intercambio Tecnológico de Explotaciones Porcinas In Spanish Agricultural sciences
GITEP TICS Groupement des Industries des Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication In French Computer science
GITT Groupement des Industries du Transport et du Tourisme In French Transport and postal services
GJF Gesellschaft für Japanforschung In German Area studies
GJS Gorkumse Jonge Spartaan In Dutch Sport, physical exercises
GKC Gasselte Kostvlies Combinatie In Dutch Sport, physical exercises
GKE Gobernuz Kanpoko Erakunde
= ONGs | Organizações Não Governamentais | In Portuguese
= NGO | Non-Governmental Organization | In English
= NGO | Nichtregierungsorganisation | In German
= ANG | Aozadur Nann-Gouarnamantel | In Breton
= ONG | Organisation Non Gouvernementale | In French
= NRO | Ne-Registara Organizo | In Esperanto
= ONG | Organizzazione non governativa | In Italian
= LSM | Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat | In Indonesian
= ONG | Organización non gobernamental | In Galician
= ONG | Organización no gubernamental | In Spanish
= ΜΚΟ | Μη κυβερνητικές οργανώσεις | In Greek
= NNO | Nevládní nezisková organizace | In Czech
= ONG | Organització no governamental | In Catalan
= ННО | Неурядові неприбуткові організації | In Ukrainian
= ONG | Organização não governamental | In Portuguese
= NGO | Niet-gouvernementele organisatie | In Dutch
= NVO | Nevyriausybinė organizacija | In Lithuanian
In Basque
GLFA Groupement des Lamineurs et Fileurs d'Aluminium In French Metallurgy
GLRA German Leprosy and Tuberculosis Relief Association In English Associations
Infectious diseases
GLZ Geestdrift Leert Zegevieren In Dutch Sport, physical exercises
GMA Gruppo Missioni Asmara In Italian
GMA Grocery Manufacturers Association (www.gmabrands.com) In English Associations
Beverage industry
Food technology
GMA Grocery Manufacturers of America In English Associations
Beverage industry
Food technology
GMA (Stichting voor) Gezondheid en Milieu in Afrika In Dutch Foundations
GMEC Global Medical Excellence Cluster (www.gmecuk.com) In English Biotechnology
GMI Gregor Mendel-Institut für Molekulare Pflanzenbiologie (www.gmi.oeaw.ac.at) In German Research institutes
Biological sciences
GMI Groupement des Métiers de l'Imprimerie (www.gmi.fr) In French Graphic industries, printing, publishing
GML Government Metallurgical Laboratory In English Research institutes
GMM Gruppo Missionario Merano In Italian
GMMAFG Global Multimedia Mobility Architecture Framework Group In English Telecommunications
GMMCG Global Multimedia Mobility Co-ordination Group In English Telecommunications
GMuD Gesellschaft für Mathematik und Datenverarbeitung In German Mathematics
Data processing
GNCR Groupement National des Cinémas de Recherche (www.cinemas-de-recherche.com) In French Cinema, movies
GNPI Gesellschaft für Neonatologie und Pädiatrische Intensivmedizin In English Obstetrics
GNPÖ Gesellschaft für Neuropsychologie Österreich (www.gnpoe.at) In German Psychology
GNV Gruppo Nazionale per la Vulcanologia (http://gnv.ingv.it) In Italian Research institutes
GOBTP Groupement pour le financement des Ouvrages du Bâtiment et des Travaux Publics In French Finance
Civil engineering
GÖCH Gesellschaft Österreichischer Chemiker (www.goech.at) In German Chemistry
Chemical technology
GODAC Global Oceanographic Data Center In English Research institutes
Marine research, oceanography
GOES Gezamenlijk Opwaarts, Eendrachtig Sterker In Dutch Sport, physical exercises
GOLTO Grondig Oefenen Leidt Tot Overwinnen In Dutch Sport, physical exercises
GOMOS Gezamenlijk Oefenen Maakt Ons Sterker In Dutch Sport, physical exercises
GONA Gezonde Ontspanning Na Arbeid In Dutch Sport, physical exercises
GOSCON Government Open Source Conference In English Congresses
GOVA Giro Ontspannings Vereniging Arnhem In Dutch Sport, physical exercises
GOZ Gemengd Oranje Zwart In Dutch Sport, physical exercises
GP Groupe Projet In French
GPC Gemeentelijke Post Combinatie In Dutch Sport, physical exercises
GPL General-Purpose Laboratory In English Research institutes
GPL Groupe des Pingouins Libres In French Operating systems
GPR Groupe Permanent chargé des Réacteurs nucléaires In French Nuclear technology
GPSA Great Plains Sociological Association In English Associations
GPSPC Government Postage Stamp Printer's Conference In English Graphic industries, printing, publishing
Transport and postal services
GQA Groupe des Questions Atomiques In French Nuclear, atomic, and molecular physics
Nuclear technology
GRA Groupe de Recherche Alpina In French
GRA Goffstown Residents Association (www.goffstownresidentsassociation.com) In English Associations
GRA Groupe Randonnée Ardennaise In French Sport, physical exercises
GRAL Groupement Réunionnais des Amis de Linux In French Operating systems
GRAMPTC Groupe de Recherches Alternatives et de Monitoring du Projet Pétrole Tchad-Cameroun In French Mining
GRASS Groupe d'Analyse du Social et de la Sociabilité In French Research institutes
GRC Glenn Research Center (www.grc.nasa.gov) In English Research institutes
Aeronautics, aircraft
United States
GRCE Groupe de Recherche en Communication Écrite In French Research institutes
GREAH Groupe de Recherche en Électrotechnique et Automatique du Havre In French Research institutes
Electrical engineering
GRECO Groupement d'Études Coordonnées In French
GREMI Groupe de Réflexion sur l'Enseignement des Méthodologies de l'Information In French Libraries
GRETSI Groupement de Recherche en Traitement du Signal et de l'Image In French Research institutes
Computer-based techniques
GRIB Groupement des Radios Indépendantes en Belgique In French Telecommunications
GRIM Groupe de Recherche en Informatique et Mathématiques In French Computer science
GRN Goa Research Net In English Area studies
GRPS Groupement Régional de Promotion de la Santé In French Medicine
GRRT Groupement Régional Nord Pas-de-Calais pour la Recherche dans les Transports In French Transport and postal services
GRT Gruppo per le Relazioni Transculturali In Italian Civilization, culture, progress
GrUB Groupe d'utilisateurs borains In French Operating systems
GSA Georgia Sociological Association In English Associations
United States
GSA Gerontological Society of America (https://www.geron.org) In English Gerontology
United States
GSBW Goirlese Sportvereniging Blauw Wit In Dutch Sport, physical exercises
GSC Gelukvogels Stadspolders Combinatie In Dutch Sport, physical exercises
GSC Germanicus Sparta Combinatie In Dutch Sport, physical exercises
GSDL Ground Software Development Laboratory In English Research institutes
GSN GEOIDE Students' Network In English Higher education, universities
GSN Groupe Sida Neuchâtel In English Pathology
GSS Goede Sport Staalt In Dutch Sport, physical exercises
GSSMT German Society for Sexual Medicine and Sexual Therapy In German Urology
GST Gesellschaft Schweizerischer Tierärztinnen und Tierärzte (www.gstsvs.ch)
= SVS | Société des Vétérinaires Suisses | In French
In German Veterinary medicine
GSV Gesellschaft für Straßen- und Verkehrswesen In German Civil engineering
Transport and postal services
GSV Glaner Sport Vereniging In Dutch Sport, physical exercises
GSV Goudse Sport Vereniging In Dutch Sport, physical exercises
GSV Groot Schermerse Voetbalclub In Dutch Football and rugby
GSV Genhoutse Sport Vereniging In Dutch Sport, physical exercises
GSV Giesbeekse Sport Vereniging In Dutch Sport, physical exercises
GSV Geesterse Sport Vereniging In Dutch Sport, physical exercises
GSVV Gerkesklooster Stroobos Voetbal Vereniging In Dutch Football and rugby
GSVV Groninger Studenten Voetbal Vereeniging In Dutch Football and rugby
GTARC Golden Triangle Amateur Radio Club In English Telecommunications
GTB Geen Tegenstander Beter In Dutch Sport, physical exercises
GTC Genzyme Transgenics Corporation In English Biotechnology
GTF Groupement des Transporteurs Français In French Transport and postal services
GTFF Group of Terrestrial Freight Forwarders In English Transport and postal services
GTR Groupe des Transporteurs Routiers In French Transport and postal services
GTRI Georgia Tech Research Institute (www.gtri.gatech.edu) In English Research institutes
Applied sciences, technology
United States
GTZ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (www.gtz.de) In German Applied sciences, technology
GTZ Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit In German
GU4L Groupe des Utilisateurs de Logiciels Libres Léo Lagrange In French Software
GUAVA Group of Universities for the Advancement of Vietnamese Abroad In English Higher education, universities
Language, linguistics, literature
GUDOK Goed Uit De Ogen Kijken In Dutch Sport, physical exercises
GUIDE Groningen University Institute for Drug Exploration In English Research institutes
Pharmacology, toxicology
GUL Groupes d'Utilisateurs de Linux
= LUG | Linux Users' Groups | In English
In French Operating systems
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