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Organizations and associations

→ Organizations and associations
International organizations@
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Acronym Sense Language Topics
IAGC Institute of Applied Genetics and Cell Biology
= IAGZ | Institut für Angewandte Genetik und Zellbiologie | In German
In English Research institutes
IAGZ Institut für Angewandte Genetik und Zellbiologie
= IAGC (look above)
In German Research institutes
IAH International Association of Hydrogeologists (www.iah.org) In English Associations
IAHA International Association of Historians of Asia In English Associations
IAHR International Association of Hydraulic Engineering and Research In English Associations
Environmental technology, water supply, waste management
IAHS International Association of Hydraulical Sciences In English Associations
Environmental technology, water supply, waste management
IAIK Institut für Angewandte Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikationstechnologie (www.iaik.tugraz.at) In German Research institutes
Computer science
IAIN International Association of the Navigation Institutes In English Associations
Geodesy, cartography
Vehicle engineering
IAL International Association for Lichenology (www.lichenology.org) In English Associations
IALANA International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms In English Associations
Law, jurisprudence
Nuclear technology
Applied sciences, technology
IALL International Association of Law Libraries (www.iall.org) In English Associations
Law, jurisprudence
IALS International Association of Literary Semantics In French Associations
IAM International Association of Machinists In English Associations
Mechanical engineering
IAMA Institute of Arbitrators and Mediators Australia (www.iama.org.au) In English Law, jurisprudence
IAMAS International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences (www.iamas.org)
= AIMSA | Association Internationale de Météorologie et des Sciences de l'Atmosphère | In French
In English Associations
Meteorology, climatology
IAMT International Association for Machine Translation In English Associations
Computer-based techniques
IAO Institut für Arbeitswirtschaft und Organisation (www.iao.fraunhofer.de) In German Research institutes
Labour, labour economics
IAPO International Alliance of Patients' Organizations (www.patientsorganizations.org) In English Medicine
IAPS International Association for People-environment Studies In English Associations
IAPS International Association of Physics Students In English Associations
IAPS International Association for the Philosophy of Sport In English Associations
Philosophy, psychology
Sport, physical exercises
IAPS International Association of Pastel Societies In English Associations
IAPS Independent Association of Prep Schools In English Associations
IAPS International Association of Patristics Studies
= AIEP | Association Internationale des Études Patristiques | In French
In English Associations
Roman catholic church
IAPSO International Association for Physical Sciences of the Oceans In English Associations
Marine research, oceanography
IARC International Agency for Research on Cancer In English Oncology
IARC International Arctic Research Center (www.iarc.uaf.edu) In English Associations
Meteorology, climatology
IARU International Amateur Radio Union (www.iaru.org) In English Telecommunications
IAS International Association of Sufism In English Associations
IAS Islamic Academy of Sciences In English Academies
Mathematics and natural sciences
IAS Indian Academy of Science (www.ias.ac.in) In English Serial publications, periodicals
Mathematics and natural sciences
IAS Institute for Advanced Study (www.ias.edu) In English Research institutes
IASB International Accounting Standards Board In English Standardization
IASC Inter-Agency Standing Committee In English
IASCF International Accounting Standards Committee Foundation In English Foundations
IASON In Aangename Samenwerking Overwinning Nastreven In Dutch Sport, physical exercises
IASP Indian Association for the Study of Population (www.iasp.ac.in) In English Associations
IASP International Association of Science Parks In English Associations
Mathematics and natural sciences
IASPEI International Association of Seismology and Physics of Earth Interior (www.iaspei.org) In English Associations
Seismology, earthquakes
IASS International Association for Semiotic Studies
= AIS | Association Internationale de la Sémiotique | In French
In English Associations
IASS International Association of Sanskrit Studies In English Associations
Language, linguistics, literature
IASSI Indian Association of Social Science Institutions (http://iassi.nic.in) In English Associations
Social sciences
IASTAM International Association for the Study of Traditional Asian Medicine In English Associations
IAT Institute of Animal Technology (www.iat.org.uk) In English Pharmacology, toxicology
Veterinary medicine
United Kingdom
IATA International Air Transport Association In English Associations
Transport and postal services
IATC International Association of Teachers of Czech In English Associations
Language, linguistics, literature
IATSE International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees and Moving Picture Machine Operators In English Cinema, movies
IATSS International Association of Traffic and Safety Sciences In English Associations
Transport and postal services
IAU International Astronomical Union In English Astronomy
IAUPL Internacia Asocio de Universitataj Profesoroj kaj Lekciistoj In Esperanto Associations
Higher education, universities
IAVCEI International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior (www.iavcei.org) In English Associations
IB Institut für Bodenforschung (www.boku.ac.at/boden/) In German Research institutes
Agricultural sciences
IBA Institute for Biomedical Aging Research In English Research institutes
Biological sciences
IBA International Bar Association (www.ibanet.org) In English Associations
Law, jurisprudence
IBAS Indonesian Business Association of Shanghai In English Associations
IBC Itteren Borgharen Combinatie In Dutch Sport, physical exercises
IBE International Bureau for Epilepsy (www.ibe-epilepsy.org) In English Neurology
IBEC Irish Business and Employers Confederation In English Labour, labour economics
Economic policy
IBEW International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers In English Electrical engineering
IBL Institut de Biologie de Lille In French Research institutes
Biological sciences
IBM International Business Machines (https://www.ibm.com/) In English Computer hardware
IBN Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology In English Research institutes
IBO Associazione Italiana Soci Costruttori In Italian Associations
IBRI Icelandic Building Research Institute In English Research institutes
IBS Instituto Brasileiro de Siderurgia (www.ibs.org.br) In Portuguese Metallurgy
IBSC International Barley Sequencing Consortium In English Genetics
IBT Internationaler Bund der Tierversuchsgegner (www.tierversuchsgegner.at) In German Environmental protection
Pharmacology, toxicology
IBT International Brotherhood of Teamsters In English
ÍBV Íþróttabandalag Vestmannaeyja (www.ibv.is) In Icelandic Sport, physical exercises
ICAAE International Center for Aquaculture and Aquatic Environments In English Fishing, hunting
ICAANE International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East In English Congresses
ICAD International Conference on Alzheimer's Disease (and Related Disorders) In English Congresses
ICAD International Conference on Auditory Display In English Congresses
Human-computer interaction
ICADTS International Council on Alcohol and Traffic Safety In French Accidents, risks, safety
Transport and postal services
ICAITI Instituto Centroamericano de Investigación y Tecnología In Spanish Research institutes
Research policy
Engineering, technology
ICAMES Interuniversity Consortium for Arab and Middle Eastern Studies In English Area studies
ICANAS International Congress for Asian and Northern African Studies In English Congresses
Area studies
ICANN International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks In English Congresses
Artificial intelligence
ICANN Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (www.icann.org) In English Internet
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization
= IOCA | Internacia Organizo pri Civila Aviado | In Esperanto
In English Aeronautics, aircraft
Transport and postal services
ICAP International Conference on Atomic Physics In English Congresses
ICAP Idaho Child Abuse Prevention (Coalition) (www.idahosheart.org) In English Sexual problems
Law, jurisprudence
United States
ICAR Indian Council of Agricultural Research (www.icar.org.in) In English Agricultural sciences
Research policy
ICARDA International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas In English Research institutes
Agricultural sciences
ICARE Installation Confinée d'Analyses et de Recherches Environnementales In French Research institutes
ICAS International Convention of Asia Scholars In English Area studies
ICASSP International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing In English Congresses
Acoustical engineering
ICB International Centre of Biocybernetics In English Research institutes
Computer science
ICBO International Conference of Building Officials In English Congresses
ICC International Association for Cereal Science and Technology In English Associations
Agricultural sciences
ICC Internet Chess Club (www.chessclub.com) In English Entertainment
ICC International Chamber of Commerce (www.iccwbo.org)
= CCI | Cámara de Comercio Internacional | In Spanish
= CCI | Chambre de Commerce Internationale | In French
= CCI | Câmara de Comércio Internacional | In Portuguese
In English Trade
ICCA International Congress and Convention Association In English Associations
ICCAT International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (www.iccat.es) In English Environmental protection
Fishing, hunting
ICCHP International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs In English Congresses
Computer-based techniques
ICCO Interkerkelijke organisatie voor ontwikkelingssamenwerking In Dutch Development
ICCRF International Chamber of Commerce Research Foundation In English Foundations
ICD Institute for Cultural Diplomacy In English International relations
Civilization, culture, progress
ICDAA International Criminal Defence Attorneys Association (www.aiad-icdaa.org)
= AIAD | Association Internationale des Avocats de la Défense | In French
In English Associations
Criminal law
ICDAR International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition In English Congresses
Document processing
ICEBE International Conference on e-Business Engineering In English Congresses
ICEI Istituto Cooperazione Economica Internazionale In Italian International economic cooperation
ICEIS International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems In English Congresses
Knowledge management
ICES International Council for Exploration of the Sea In French Earth sciences
ICES International Council for the Exploration of the Seas (www.ices.inst.dk) In English Marine research, oceanography
ICF International Canoe Federation (https://www.canoeicf.com/) In English Sport, physical exercises
ICF International Christian Fellowship In English Christianity
ICF International Coach Federation (http://https://coachfederation.org/) In English 659
ICF Institutul de Chimie Fizică (www.icf.ro) In Romanian Research institutes
ICFTU International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (www.icftu.org)
= CISL | Confédération Internationale des Syndicats Libres | In French
= CIOSL | Confederación Internacional de Organizaciones Sindicales Libres | In Spanish
= CIOSL | Confederação Internacional de Organizações Sindicais Livres | In Portuguese
= ICB | International Criminal Bar | In English
= BPI | Barreau Pénal International | In French
In English Labour, labour economics
ICG Inter-universitair Centrum voor Geo-ecologisch Onderzoek (www.science.uva.nl/ibed/icg/) In Dutch Research institutes
Higher education, universities
Earth sciences
ICG International Crisis Group (www.crisisgroup.org) In English Polemology
ICG Institut Charles Gerhardt (www.icgm.fr) In French Research institutes
ICG International Committee on GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems) In English Astronautics
ICG International Cinematographers Guild (www.cameraguild.com) In English Cinema, movies
ICG Institute for Computer Graphics and Vision In English Research institutes
Computer-based techniques
ICHO Iran Cultural Heritage Organisation In English Civilization, culture, progress
ICHR Indian Council of Historical Research (www.ichrindia.org) In English History
Research policy
ICHRDD International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development (www.ichrdd.ca)
= CIDPDD | Centre International des Droits de la Personne et du Développement Démocratique | In French
In English Fundamental rights
ICHRP International Council on Human Rights Policy In English Human rights
Fundamental rights
ICHSEA International Conference on the History of Science in East Asia In English Congresses
Mathematics and natural sciences
ICIA Institutul de Cercetări pentru Inteligenţă Artificială (www.racai.ro) In Romanian Research institutes
Artificial intelligence
ICID International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage In English Agricultural sciences
Environmental technology, water supply, waste management
ICID International Commission for Irrigation and Drainage
= CIID | Commission Internationale pour les Irrigations et le Drainage | In French
In English 627
Agricultural sciences
ICLP Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy In English Research institutes
Philosophy, psychology
ICMAB Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Barcelona (www.icmab.es) In Spanish Research institutes
Materials science
ICMI International Commission on Mathematical Instruction (www.mathunion.org/ICMI/) In English Mathematics
ICMI International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces In English Congresses
Human-computer interaction
ICMR Indian Council for Medical Research (www.icmr.nic.in) In English Medicine
Research policy
ICMS International Committee on Museum Security In English Museums
ICN International Conference on Nutrition
= CIN | Conferencia Internacional sobre Nutrición | In Spanish
= CIN | Conférence Internationale sur la Nutrition | In French
= CIN | Conferência Internacional sobre Nutrição | In Portuguese
In English Congresses
ICNEM Internacia Centro de la Neŭtrala Esperanto-Movado In Esperanto Artificial languages (linguistics)
ICO Interuniversitair Centrum voor Onderwijskundig Onderzoek In Dutch Research institutes
Higher education, universities
ICOC Indonesia Council Open Conference In English
ICOLD International Commission on Large Dams (www.icold-cigb.org) In English 627
ICOMP Institute for Computational Mechanics in Propulsion In English Research institutes
Mechanical engineering
Computer simulation
Vehicle engineering
ICOMTEC Institut de Communication et des Nouvelles Technologies (http://icomtec.univ-poitiers.fr) In French Higher education, universities
Research institutes
Computer science
ICOPHIL International Conference on Philippine Studies In English Congresses
Area studies
ICORD International Collaboration on Repair Discoveries In English Neurology
ICOTT International Congress of Official Tourist Traffic Associations In English Tourism
ICPDR International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River In English 5023
ICPO Institute of Cytology and Preventive Oncology In English Research institutes
ICPO International Criminal Police Organization In English Criminology
ICPR Indian Council of Philosophical Research (www.icpr.in) In English Philosophy, psychology
Research policy
ICPS International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors In English Congresses
Electricity, magnetism, electromagnetism
Electrical engineering
ICRA Internet Content Rating Association In English Associations
ICRA Association de Classification du Contenu de l'Internet In French Internet
ICRAT International Conference on Research in Air Transportation In English Congresses
Transport and postal services
ICRC International Committee of the Red Cross (www.icrc.org)
= CICR | Comité Internacional de la Cruz Roja | In Spanish
= CICR | Comité International de la Croix-Rouge | In French
= CICV | Comitê Internacional da Cruz Vermelha | In Portuguese
= МККК | Международный комитет Красного Креста | In Russian
= SSKK | Starptautiskā Sarkanā Krusta Komiteja | In Latvian
= CICR | Comitato Internazionale della Croce Rossa | In Italian
= ICRC | 적십자 국제 위원회 | In Korean
= CICR | Comitè Internacional de la Creu Roja | In Catalan
= CICR | Comitât entèrnacionâl de la Crouèx-Roge | In Franco-Provençal
In English Medicine
ICRC 적십자 국제 위원회 (www.icrc.org)
= CICR, CICV, МККК, SSKK (look above)
In Korean Medicine
ICRISAT International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (www.icrisat.org) In English Research institutes
Agricultural sciences
ICS International Commission on Stratigraphy In English Stratigraphy
ICS International Child Support In English
ICS Institut Clinique de la Souris (www-mci.u-strasbg.fr) In French Research institutes
Pharmacology, toxicology
ICS Ingénierie des Contenus et Savoirs (http://scenari.utc.fr) In French Research institutes
Computer science
Knowledge management
ICS Initiative Clause Sociale (www.ics-asso.org) In French Economics
Labour, labour economics
ICS Institut Charles Sadron (www-ics.u-strasbg.fr) In French Research institutes
ICS Institut de Cinématographie Scientifique (www.ics.cnrs-bellevue.fr) In French Research institutes
Cinema, movies
ICS International Continence Society (www.icsoffice.org) In English Urology
ICS Onderzoekschool Interuniversitair Centrum voor Sociaalwetenschappelijke Theorievorming en Methodenontwikkeling (www.ics-graduateschool.nl) In Dutch Research institutes
Social sciences
ICSA International Cultic Studies Association In English Associations
Social sciences
ICSC International Council of Shopping Centers In English Trade
ICSLP International Conference on Spoken Language Processing In English Congresses
Computer-based techniques
ICSSR Indian Council of Social Science Research (www.icssr.org) In English Social sciences
Research policy
ICSU International Council of Scientific Unions In English Mathematics and natural sciences
ICSV International Congress on Sound and Vibration In English Congresses
ICTA Instituts et Centres Techniques Agricoles In French Research institutes
Agricultural sciences
ICTS International Conference on Thai Studies In English Congresses
Area studies
ICTU Irish Congress of Trade Unions In English Labour, labour economics
ICTU Irish Congress of Trade Union In English Labour, labour economics
ICU Istituto per la Cooperazione Universitaria In Italian Higher education, universities
ICUAER International Commitee on Urgent Anthropological and Ethnological Research In English Ethnology
ID Initiative Développement In French Development
IDA International Development Association (www.worldbank.org/ida/)
= AID | Association Internationale de Développement | In French
= AIF | Asociación Internacional de Fomento | In Spanish
= AID | Associação Internacional de Desenvolvimento | In Portuguese
= МАР | Международная ассоциация развития | In Russian
= MAP | Міжнародна асоціація розвитку | In Serbian
In English Associations
IDA International Desalination Association In English Associations
Environmental technology, water supply, waste management
IDEFIE Initiative pour le Développement de l'Expertise Française à l'International et en Europe (www.idefie.org) In French France
IDÉO Institut Dominicain d'Études Orientales du Caire (https://www.ideo-cairo.org/fr/) In French Research institutes
Roman catholic church
Area studies
IDF International Diabetes Federation (www.idf.org)
= FID | Fédération Internationale du Diabète | In French
= FID | Federación Internacional de Diabetes | In Spanish
In English Physiology
IDF International Dairy Federation In English Agricultural sciences
Food technology
IDM Institut für den Donauraum und Mitteleuropa In German Research institutes
International relations
Area studies
IDSA Institute for Defense Studies and Analyses In English Research institutes
Military affairs
IEARC Inland Empire Amateur Radio Club In English Telecommunications
IEAS Institute of East Asian Studies In English Research institutes
Area studies
IEC Independent Ethics Committee In English Ethics
IEC Institut Émilie du Châtelet In French Research institutes
IECARO Inland Empire Council of Amateur Radio Organizations In English Telecommunications
IEF International Energy Foundation In English Foundations
Energy economics
IEHS Immigration and Ethnic History Society In English Migrations
IEI Istituto di Elaborazione dell'Informazione In Italian Research institutes
Computer science
IEJ Itala Esperantista Junularo (http://iej.esperanto.it) In Esperanto Associations
Artificial languages (linguistics)
IEKA Internacia Esperanto-Klubo Aŭtomobilista In Esperanto Vehicle engineering
Transport and postal services
Artificial languages (linguistics)
IEM Internacia Esperanto-Muzeo In Esperanto Museums
Artificial languages (linguistics)
IEMW Institut für Industrielle Elektronik und Materialwissenschaften (www.iemw.tuwien.ac.at) In German Research institutes
Materials science
IERSE Institut d'Études et de Recherche pour la Sécurité des Entreprises In French Research institutes
IESG Internet Engineering Steering Group In English Internet
IESNA Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (www.iesna.org) In English Electrical engineering
United States
IEŚW Instytut Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej In Polish Research institutes
IETF Internet Engineering Task Force (www.ietf.org) In English Internet
IEV In Eendracht Vooruit In Dutch Sport, physical exercises
IEXAS Institute of Experimental Animal Sciences In English Veterinary medicine
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