Acronym | Sense | Language | Topics |
VHK | Vlug Heid en Kracht | In Dutch | → Sport, physical exercises |
VHN | Vereniging van Havenmeesters in Nederland | In Dutch | → 627 → Netherlands |
VHO | Verein für Höhlenkunde in Obersteier | In German | |
VHO | Village Health Organization ( | In English | → Medicine |
VHP | Vlaams Huisartsenparlement | In Dutch | → Medicine → Belgium |
VHP | Vakorganisatie van het Middelbaar en Hoger Personeel | In Dutch | → Labour, labour economics |
VIA | Voetbal Is Alles | In Dutch | → Football and rugby |
VIBA | Vereniging Integrale Biologische Architectuur | In Dutch | → Construction → Architecture |
VIBOA | Voetbal Is Bij Ons Aangenaam | In Dutch | → Football and rugby |
VIC | Visitor Information Center | In English | → Museums |
VIC | Voetbalvereniging Ignatius College | In Dutch | → Football and rugby |
VIDES | Volontariato Internazionale Donna Educazione Sviluppo | In Italian | → Education → Development |
VIDO | Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization | In English | → Immunology and allergy → Infectious diseases |
VIJDO | Volhardende IJver Doet Overwinnen | In Dutch | → Football and rugby |
VIJW | Voorwaarts IJlen Wij | In Dutch | → Football and rugby |
VIKOP | Verein für Internationale Forschungs-, Technologie- und Bildungskooperation | In German | → Research policy → Education |
VIM | Vlaams Instituut voor Mobiliteit ( | In Dutch | → Transport and postal services → Belgium |
VIN | Veterinary Information Network ( | In English | → Veterinary medicine |
VIOD | Vooruitgang Is Ons Doel | In Dutch | → Sport, physical exercises |
VIOLA | Voetbal Is Onze Lust Alphen | In Dutch | → Football and rugby |
VIOS | Vooruitgang Is Ons Streven | In Dutch | → Sport, physical exercises |
VIOZ | Vereinigung Islamischer Organisationen Zürich | In German | → Islam |
VIS | Volontariato Internazionale per lo Sviluppo | In Italian | → Development |
VIS | Vlug Is Ons Streven | In Dutch | → Sport, physical exercises |
VISBA | Volontari Internazionali Scuola Beato Angelico | In Italian | → Christianity |
VISPE | Volontari Italiani Solidarietà Paesi Emergenti | In Italian | → Italia |
VISTA | Volunteers in Service to America | In English | → Social welfare → United States |
VITO | Vlaams Instituut voor Technologisch Onderzoek ( | In Dutch | → Research institutes → Engineering, technology → Belgium |
VIVOO | Voetbal Is Voor Ons Ontspanning | In Dutch | → Football and rugby |
VKV | Vehbi Koç Vakfı | In Turkish | → Foundations |
VKW | Vlugheid en Kracht Westerbork | In Dutch | → Sport, physical exercises |
VLA | Vereniging Leraars Aardrijkskunde ( | In Dutch | → Education → Geography → Belgium |
VLAMO | Vlaamse Amateurmuziekorganisatie ( | In Dutch | → Music → Belgium |
VLEW | Vereniging van Leraren in de Economische Wetenschappen ( | In Dutch | → Education → Economics → Belgium |
VLHORA | Vlaamse Hogescholenraad ( | In Dutch | → Education → Belgium |
VLIR | Vlaamse Interuniversitaire Raad | In Dutch | → Higher education, universities → Belgium |
VLM | Verband Luzerner Mittelschullehrerinnen und Mittelschullehrer | In German | → Education |
VLOR | Vlaamse Onderwijsraad ( | In Dutch | → Education → Belgium |
VLOT | Vereniging Leerkrachten Oude Talen ( | In Dutch | → Education → Language, linguistics, literature → Belgium |
VLSS | Verein der leitenden Spitalärzte der Schweiz = AMDHS | Association des Médecins Dirigeants d'Hôpitaux de Suisse | In French |
In German | → Associations → Medicine → Switzerland |
VLVB | Vereniging Leraren Beeldende Vakken ( | In Dutch | → Education → Netherlands |
VLVB | Vlaanderens Liefhebbersvoetbal Bond ( | In Dutch | → Football and rugby |
VMF | Veterinærmedicinsk Forening ( | In Danish | → Higher education, universities → Veterinary medicine → Denmark |
VMSÖ | Verband für medizinischen Strahlenschutz in Österreich ( | In German | → Medicine → Austria |
VNA | Voetbal Na Arbeid | In Dutch | → Football and rugby |
VNB | Voetbal Na Bevrijding | In Dutch | → Football and rugby |
VNC | Vereniging Nederlandse Cementindustrie | In Dutch | → Construction → Netherlands |
VND | Vooruit Naar 't Doel | In Dutch | → Sport, physical exercises |
VNL | Verein Netzwerk Logistik ( | In German | → Maintenance and logistics → Austria |
VNL | Voetbalvereniging Nieuw Leiden | In Dutch | → Football and rugby → Netherlands |
VOAB | Van Onder Af Begonnen | In Dutch | → Sport, physical exercises |
VÖB | Verband der Österreichischen Beton- und Fertigteilwerke ( | In German | → Construction → Austria |
VÖB | Verband Österreichischer Beton- und Fertigteilwerke ( | In German | → Construction → Austria |
VOB | Voetbal Op Bouw | In Dutch | → Football and rugby |
VOC | Volharding Olympia Combinatie | In Dutch | → Sport, physical exercises |
VOEMEC | Verband Österreichischer Modell-Eisenbahn-Clubs ( | In German | → Entertainment → Rail transport engineering → Austria |
VOG | Verein Österreichischer Gießereifachleute ( | In German | → Metallurgy → Austria |
VOG | Voetbalclub Ons Genoegen | In Dutch | → Football and rugby |
VOG | Voor Ons Genoegen | In Dutch | → Sport, physical exercises |
VOGEL | Voor Ons Genoegen En Lust | In Dutch | → Sport, physical exercises |
VOGIDO | Voor Ons Genoegen Is Deze Opgericht | In Dutch | → Sport, physical exercises |
VÖI | Vereinigung Österreichischer Industrieller ( | In German | → Industry, industrial policy → Austria |
VON | Vereniging voor het Onderwijs in het Nederlands ( | In Dutch | → Education → Netherlands |
VOP | Voor Ons Plezier | In Dutch | → Sport, physical exercises |
VOS | Vooruitgang Ons Streven | In Dutch | → Sport, physical exercises |
VOSTA | Vooruit Omhoog Sportief Trots Alles | In Dutch | → Sport, physical exercises |
VOV | Voetbal Ons Vermaak | In Dutch | → Football and rugby |
VOW | Voetbalvereniging Oranje Wit | In Dutch | → Football and rugby |
VÖWG | Verband der Öffentlichen Wirtschaft und Gemeinwirtschaft Österreichs | In German | → Economics → Public administration, government → Austria |
VÖZ | Verband Österreichischer Zeitungen ( | In German | → Newspapers, journalism → Austria |
VÖZ | Vereinigung der Österreichischen Zementindustrie ( | In German | → Construction → Austria |
VPTÖ | Vereinigung zur Förderung der Modernisierung der Produktionstechnologien in Österreich | In German | → Engineering, technology → Austria |
VRC | Veenendaalse Racing Club | In Dutch | → Sport, physical exercises |
VRZA | Vereniging van Radiozendamateurs ( | In Dutch | → Telecommunications |
VSA | Victorian Society in America | In English | → Associations → History → United States |
VSAO | Verband der Schweizer Assistenz- und Oberärzte/-ärztinnen = ASMAC | Association Suisse des Médecins-Assistant(e)s et Chef(fe)s de clinique | In French |
In German | → Associations → Medicine → Switzerland |
VSB | Vereniging Surinaams Bedrijfsleven | In Dutch | |
VSCO | Verenigde Sport Club Oosterwolde | In Dutch | → Sport, physical exercises |
VSF | Vétérinaires Sans Frontières = VSF | Veterinarios Sin Fronteras | In Spanish = VSF | Veterinari Senza Frontiere | In Italian |
In French | → Veterinary medicine |
VSF | Veterinarios Sin Fronteras = (look above) |
In Spanish | → Veterinary medicine |
VSF | Veterinari Senza Frontiere = (look above) |
In Italian | → Veterinary medicine |
VSG | Verein Slowakischer Gießereifachleute | In German | → Metallurgy |
VSG | Verein schweizerischer Gymnasialehrerinnen und Gymnasiallehrer ( = SSPES | Societé Suisse des Professeurs de l'Enseignement Secondaire | In French = SSISS | Società Svizzera degli Insegnanti delle Scuole Secondarie | In Italian |
In German | → Education → Sport, physical exercises → Switzerland |
VSG | Verein für Sozialprävention und Gemeinwesenarbeit | In German | → Social welfare |
VSG | Verband Schweizerischer Graphologen | In German | → Switzerland |
VSG | Verband Schweizerischer Gerbereien ( | In German | → Leather industry → Switzerland |
VSG | Verband zum Schutze des Greifensees | In German | → Environmental protection → Threats to the environment |
VSHS | Västra Sveriges Heraldiska Sällskap | In Swedish | → Flags, banners → Sweden |
VSI | Vereinigung Schweizer Innenarchitekten/architektinnen = ASAI | Association Suisse des Architectes d'Intérieur | In French = ASAI | Associazione Svizzera degli Architetti d'Interni | In Italian |
In German | → Associations → Architecture → Switzerland |
VSJ | Volcanological Society of Japan | In English | → 55121 |
VSK | Vrienden Sport Kring | In Dutch | → Sport, physical exercises |
VSKO | Vlaams Secretariaat van het Katholiek Onderwijs | In Dutch | → Education → Roman catholic church → Belgium |
VSMB | Verband Schweizerischer Modellbaubetriebe ( | In German | → Mechanical engineering → Switzerland |
VSPB | Vereinigung Schweizerischer Privatbankiers ( = ABPS | Association des Banquiers Privés Suisses | In French |
In German | → Associations → Banks → Switzerland |
VSV | Verband Schweizerischer Vermögensverwalter = ASG | Association Suisse des Gérants de fortune | In French |
In German | → Associations → Switzerland |
VSV | Velseroorder Sport Vereniging | In Dutch | → Sport, physical exercises |
VSV | Valkenswaardse Sport Vereniging | In Dutch | → Sport, physical exercises |
VSW | Verband Schweizerischer Werbegesellschaften ( = ASPP | Association des Sociétés Suisses de Publicité | In French = ASSP | Associazione delle Società Svizzere di Pubblicità | In Italian |
In German | → Associations → Advertising → Switzerland |
VSW | Voetbal Sport Windesheim | In Dutch | → Football and rugby |
VTB | Vlaamse Toeristenbond ( | In Dutch | → Tourism → Belgium |
VTC | Vlaamse Thermie Coordinate | In Dutch | → Energy economics → Belgium |
VTC | Vehicular Technology Conference | In English | → Congresses |
VTL | Vlug Trouw en Lenig | In Dutch | → Sport, physical exercises |
VTÖ | Verband der Technologiezentren Österreichs ( | In German | → Engineering, technology → Austria |
VTV | Vaalser Turn Vereniging | In Dutch | → Sport, physical exercises |
VUAO | Vjetnama Unio de Amikecaj Organizoj | In Esperanto | |
VUC | Voorwaarts Utile Dulci Combinatie | In Dutch | → Sport, physical exercises |
VUSF | Vlaamse Universitaire Sport Federatie | In Dutch | → Sport, physical exercises → Higher education, universities → Belgium |
VVA | Voetbal Vereniging Amsterdam | In Dutch | → Football and rugby → Netherlands |
VVA | Voetbal Vereniging Achterberg | In Dutch | → Football and rugby |
VVAC | Voetbal Vereniging Alblasserwaard Centrum | In Dutch | → Football and rugby |
VVAK | Voetbal Vereniging Alteveer Kerkenveld | In Dutch | → Football and rugby → Netherlands |
VVARC | Victor Valley Amateur Radio Club | In English | → Telecommunications |
VVB | Voetbal Vereniging Breesaap | In Dutch | → Football and rugby |
VVBED | Vlaamse Vereniging voor Bibliotheek-, Archief- en Documentatiepersoneel | In Dutch | → Demography, statistics, sociology → Documentation → Libraries → Belgium |
VVC | Venlosche Voetbal Club | In Dutch | → Football and rugby |
VVC | Vennepse Voetbal Combinatie | In Dutch | → Football and rugby |
VVC | Voetbal Vereniging Central | In Dutch | → Football and rugby |
VVD | Voetbal Vereniging Duinlaan | In Dutch | → Football and rugby |
VVD | Voetbal Vereniging Droste | In Dutch | → Football and rugby |
VVDL | Voetbal Vereniging De Lutte | In Dutch | → Football and rugby |
VVE | Voetbal Vereniging Excelsior | In Dutch | → Football and rugby |
VVG | Voetbal Vereniging Groningen | In Dutch | → Football and rugby |
VVG | Voetbal Vereniging Gaanderen | In Dutch | → Football and rugby |
VVG | Vereniging Gentse Geografen | In Dutch | → Geography |
VVGA | Voetbal Vereniging Gemeente Ambtenaren | In Dutch | → Football and rugby |
VVGZ | Voetbal Vereniging Gelukvogels Zwijndrecht | In Dutch | → Football and rugby |
VVH | Voetbal Vereniging Hercules | In Dutch | → Football and rugby |
VVH | Voetbal Vereniging Heerlen | In Dutch | → Football and rugby |
VVI | Voetbal Vereniging Idskenhuizen | In Dutch | → Football and rugby |
VVIJ | Voetbal Vereniging IJsselstein | In Dutch | → Football and rugby |
VVJ | Voetbal Vereniging Jaffa | In Dutch | → Football and rugby |
VVK | Voetbal Vereniging Korreweg | In Dutch | → Football and rugby |
VVK | Voetbal Vereniging Kethel | In Dutch | → Football and rugby |
VVKBaO | Vlaams Verbond van het Katholiek Basisonderwijs | In Dutch | → Education → Roman catholic church → Belgium |
VVKBuO | Vlaams Verbond van het Katholiek Buitengewoon Onderwijs | In Dutch | → Education → Roman catholic church → Belgium |
VVKHO | Vlaams Verbond van het Katholiek Hoger Onderwijs | In Dutch | → Education → Roman catholic church → Belgium |
VVKSO | Vlaams Verbond van het Katholiek Secundair Onderwijs ( | In Dutch | → Education → Roman catholic church → Belgium |
VvL | Vakuutusväen liitto | In Finnish | → Labour, labour economics → Insurance |
VVL | Voetbal Vereniging Lengel | In Dutch | → Football and rugby |
VVLE | Vereniging Vlaamse Leerkrachten Engels | In Dutch | → Education → Belgium |
VVLG | Vlaamse Vereniging Leraren Geschiedenis en Maatschappelijke Vorming | In Dutch | → Education → History → Social sciences → Belgium |
VVLK | Voetbal Vereniging Leuth Kekerdom | In Dutch | → Football and rugby |
VVLV | Voetbal Vereniging Laurentius Voorschoten | In Dutch | → Football and rugby |
VVM | Voetbal Vereniging Maasstraat | In Dutch | → Football and rugby |
VVN | Voetbal Vereniging Noordschans | In Dutch | → Football and rugby |
VVO | Voetbal Vereniging Olympia | In Dutch | → Football and rugby |
VVOG | Voetbal Voor Ons Genoegen | In Dutch | → Football and rugby |
VVOH | Voetbal Vereniging Ons Huis | In Dutch | → Football and rugby |
VVOM | Voetbal Vereniging Overvecht Minerva | In Dutch | → Football and rugby |
VVOO | Voetbal Vereniging Onder Ons | In Dutch | → Football and rugby |
VVOP | Voetballen Voor Ons Plezier | In Dutch | → Football and rugby |
VVOR | Voetbal Vereniging Oost Rotterdam | In Dutch | → Football and rugby → Netherlands |
VVP | Voetbal Vereniging Pancratius | In Dutch | → Football and rugby |
VVR | Voetbal Vereniging Rijsbergen | In Dutch | → Football and rugby |
VVRA | Voetbal Vereniging Rijks Ambtenaren | In Dutch | → Football and rugby |
VVS | Voetbal Vereniging Stratum | In Dutch | → Football and rugby |
VVS | Voetbal Vereniging Sparta | In Dutch | → Football and rugby |
VVS | Voetbal Vereniging Spanbroek | In Dutch | → Football and rugby |
VVS | Voetbal Vereniging Smit | In Dutch | → Football and rugby |
VVS | Vlaamse Vereniging van Studenten | In Dutch | → Higher education, universities → Belgium |
VVSB | Voetbal Vereniging Sint Bavo | In Dutch | → Football and rugby |
VVSN | Vier Vereenigde Sportclubs Nijmegen | In Dutch | → Sport, physical exercises |
VVT | Voetbal Vereniging Twijzelerheide | In Dutch | → Football and rugby |
VVT | Vlaamse Vereniging van Tandartsen | In Dutch | → Belgium |
VVV | Venlose Voetbal Vereniging | In Dutch | → Football and rugby |
VVW | Volharding Vergt Wilskracht | In Dutch | → Sport, physical exercises |
VVWL | Vlaamse Vereniging van Wiskundeleraren ( | In Dutch | → Education → Mathematics → Belgium |
VVZ | Voetbal Vereniging Zaandam | In Dutch | → Football and rugby |
VVZ | Voetbal Vereeniging Zwolle | In Dutch | → Football and rugby |
VVZ | Voetbal Vereniging Zonnegloren | In Dutch | → Football and rugby |
VVZA | Voetbal Vereniging Zeehelden Amersfoort | In Dutch | → Football and rugby |
VWDHZ | Vereniging van Winkelketens in de Doe Het Zelf Branche | In Dutch | → Trade |
VWGÖ | Verband wissenschaftlicher Gesellschaften Österreichs ( | In German | → Mathematics and natural sciences → Austria |
VWS | Van Wijk Sportvereniging | In Dutch | → Football and rugby |
VZVV | Vereenigde Zaandamsche Voetbal Vereenigingen | In Dutch | → Football and rugby |
VZW | Vereniging Zonder Winstoogmerk | In Dutch | |
W&D | Woord en Daad | In Dutch | |
W3C | World Wide Web Consortium | In English | → Networks, communication |
WAA | Wiener Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Astronomie | In German | → Associations → Astronomy → Austria |
WAAO | Wisconsin Association of Assessing Officers ( | In English | → Associations → 332 → United States |
WAB | World Association for Buiatrics ( |
In English | → Associations → Agricultural sciences |
WABA | Washington Antiquarian Booksellers Association ( | In English | → Associations → Trade → Graphic industries, printing, publishing → United States |
WAD | World Association of Detectives ( | In English | → Associations |
WADA | Welt-Anti-Doping-Agentur = WADA | World Anti-Doping Agency | In English |
In German | → Sport, physical exercises |
WADA | World Anti-Doping Agency = (look above) |
In English | → Sport, physical exercises |
WADA | Wereld Anti Doping Agentschap ( | In Dutch | → Sport, physical exercises |
WAGGGS | World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts | In English | → Associations |
WAIMH | World Association of Infant Mental Health | In English | → Associations → Pediatry → Neurology |
WALA | Western Amateur Linking Association | In English | → Telecommunications |
WANO | World Association of Nuclear Operators | In English | → Associations → Nuclear technology |
WARA | Western Amateur Radio Association | In English | → Telecommunications |
WARDA | West Africa Rice Development Association ( | In English | → Associations → Agricultural sciences → Africa |
WARIMA | West African Research and Innovation Management Association ( | In English | → Associations → Management → Research policy |
WAS | World Aquaculture Society | In English | → Fishing, hunting |
WASP | Workshop on Application Specific Processors | In English | → Congresses → Computer hardware |
WAVE | World Association of Veterinary Educators | In English | → Associations → Education → Veterinary medicine |
WAVV | Wageningse Arbeiders Voetbal Verenigng | In Dutch | → Football and rugby |
WAWH | Western Association of Women Historians | In English | → Associations → History |
WBC | World Buiatrics Congress | In English | → Congresses → Agricultural sciences |