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Acronym Sense Language Topics
BSR Brevet de Sécurité Routière In French Education
Transport and postal services
BSR Broadband Services Router In English Networks, communication
BSS Base Station Subsystem In English Telecommunications
BT Business Telecommunications In English Telecommunications
BT British Telecommunications (https://www.bt.com) In English Telecommunications
United Kingdom
BTB Belgische Transportarbeidsbond In Dutch Organizations and associations
Labour, labour economics
Transport and postal services
BTC Business TeleCommunications In English Telecommunications
BTC Bulgarian Telecommunication Company In English Telecommunications
BTE British Telecommunications Engineering In English Serial publications, periodicals
United Kingdom
BTN Bloc Tertiaire Numérique In French Telecommunications
Networks, communication
BTRC Belaruskaja Tele-Radio Campanija In Russian Telecommunications
BTRC Bio-Tek Research Consultants (www.btrc.com) In English Consulting
BTRC Bluetooth Remote Control In English Telecommunications
BTS Base Transceiver Station In English Telecommunications
BuAkK Budapest, Akadémiai Kiadó In Hungarian Graphic industries, printing, publishing
Serial publications, periodicals
BUPT Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (https://www.bupt.edu.cn/) In English Higher education, universities
Transport and postal services
BVBC Bundesverband der Bilanzbuchhalter und Controller In German Organizations and associations
BVP Bureau de Vérification de la Publicité In French Advertising
C&W Cable & Wireless In English Networks, communication
C2T Cable Connect Technology In English Networks, communication
C3 Command and Control Communications In English Telecommunications
Military affairs
CAB Civil Aviation Board In English Aeronautics, aircraft
Transport and postal services
CABA Connecticut Antiquarian Booksellers Association In English Associations
Graphic industries, printing, publishing
CADH Communications and Data Handling In English Telecommunications
Data processing
CAETI Centre d'Alta Especialització en Tecnologies de la Informació In Spanish Computer science
CAF Capacité d'Autofinancement In French Finance
CAJV Central Accounting Journal Voucher
= PJCC | Pièce de Journal de la Comptabilité Centrale | In French
In English Accounting
CALIPSO Comptabilité Axée sur la LIsibilité de Processus et la Simplification des Organisations In French Accounting
CAMEL Customized Applications for Mobile networks Enhanced Logic In English Networks, communication
CAN Compagnie Auxiliaire de Navigation In French Transport and postal services
CAO Central Accounting Office In English Accounting
CAP Cost Account Package In English Prices
CAP Carrierless Amplitude Phase In English Telecommunications
CAPEX CAPital EXpenditure In English Finance
CAPS Call Attempts Per Second In English Telecommunications
CARS Configuration Accounting and Reporting System In English Accounting
CAS Configuration Accounting System In English Accounting
CAS Cost Accounting Standard In English Accounting
CAS Channel Associated Signaling In English Telecommunications
CASB Cost Accounting Standards Board In English Organizations and associations
CATV Cable Television In English Telecommunications
CATV Community Antenna Television In English Telecommunications
CAUCE Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial Email In English Organizations and associations
Networks, communication
CAUG Civil Aviation Users Group In English Organizations and associations
Aeronautics, aircraft
Transport and postal services
CAVEC Caisse d'Assurance Vieillesse des Experts-Comptables In French Labour, labour economics
CBARS Classified Baseline Accounting and Reporting System In English Accounting
CBC Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation (www.cybc.com.cy)
= ΡIK | Ραδιοφωνικό Ίδρυμα Κύπρου | In Greek
= RIK | Radiofoniko Idryma Kyprou | In Greek
In English Telecommunications
CC Crew Compartment In English Aeronautics, aircraft
Transport and postal services
CC Communications Control In English Telecommunications
CCARES Culver City Amateur Radio Emergency Service In English Telecommunications
CCBS Call Completion on Busy Subscriber In English Telecommunications
CCC Communication Control Center In English Telecommunications
CCCH Common Control Channel In English Telecommunications
CCCPA Convention Collective de la Communication et de la Production Audiovisuelles In French Labour, labour economics
CCCPA Cleveland-Cuyahoga County Port Authority In English Municipal administration
Transport and postal services
CCEP Comité Consultatif d'Études Postales In French Organizations and associations
Postal services
CCFE Communauté des Chemins de Fer Européens In French Organizations and associations
Transport and postal services
CCIERBC Comité Consultatif INRETS d'Éthique sur la Recherche Biomédicale et Comportementale In French Organizations and associations
Transport and postal services
CCIR International Radio Consultative Committee In English Organizations and associations
CCITT Comité Consultatif International pour le Téléphone et le Télégraphe In French Organizations and associations
CCITT Certification for IT&T In English Networks, communication
CCITT Comité Consultatif Tnternational Télégraphique et Téléphonique In French Organizations and associations
CCM Compagnie Corse Méditerranée In French Transport and postal services
CCP Compte Chèque Postal In French Banks
Postal services
CCR Centrale Commissie voor de Rijnvaart
= CCR | Commission Centrale pour la Navigation du Rhin | In French
= CCR | Central Commission for Navigation on the Rhine | In English
= ZKR | Zentralkommission für die Rheinschifffahrt | In German
In Dutch Transport and postal services
CCR Commission Centrale pour la Navigation du Rhin
= ZKR (look above)
In French Transport and postal services
CCR Central Commission for Navigation on the Rhine
= ZKR (look above)
In English Transport and postal services
CCR Commission Consultative des Radiocommunications In English Organizations and associations
CCS Command and Communication System In English Telecommunications
CCS Console Communication System In English Telecommunications
CCS Cargo Community System In French Transport and postal services
CCS Centre de Coût de Structure In French Accounting
CCS7 Common Channel Signalling System 7 In English Networks, communication
CCSC Computer and Communications Security Center In English Computer science
CCSD Collins Communications Systems Division In English Telecommunications
CCSR Centre for Communication Systems Research In English Research institutes
CCT Centre de Coûts Techniques In French Accounting
ccTLD Country code Top Level Domain In English Networks, communication
CCTS Call Center Test System In English Telecommunications
CCTV Closed-Circuit Television In English Telecommunications
CCU Communications Carrier Umbilical In English Telecommunications
CCU Communications Carrier Unit In English Telecommunications
CCU Crew Communications Unit In English Telecommunications
CCU Crewman Communications Umbilical In English Telecommunications
CDA Continuous Descent Approach In English Aeronautics, aircraft
Transport by air
CDC Collins Defense Communications In English Networks, communication
Military affairs
CDCD Collins Defense Communications Division In English Military affairs
CdG Contrôle de Gestion In French Accounting
CDMA Code Division Multiple Access
= AMRC | Accès Multiple par Répartition en Code | In French
In English Telecommunications
CDNT Centre Droit et Nouvelles Technologies In French Law, jurisprudence
CDPD Cellular Digital Packet Data In English Data
CEC Coût d'Exploitation par Client In French Accounting
CECB Coupon-Eligible Converter Box In English Telecommunications
CECCAR Corpul Expertilor Contabili si Contabililor Autorizati din România In Romanian Commercial law
CEDEX Courrier d'Entreprise à Distribution EXceptionnelle In French Postal services
CEDIA Consorcio Ecuatoriano para el Desarrollo de Internet Avanzado In Spanish Internet
Organizations and associations
CEGF Compagnie des Entrepôts et Gares Frigorifiques In French Transport and postal services
Rail transport engineering
CEIS Compagnie Européenne d'Intelligence Stratégique In French 659
CEMT Conferinţa Europeană a Miniştrilor de Transport In Romanian International relations
Central administration
Transport and postal services
CEMT Conférence Européenne des Ministres des Transports (www.cemt.org)
In French European Union
Transport and postal services
CENA Centre d'Études de la Navigation Aérienne In French Transport and postal services
CENTACS Center for Tactical Communications Systems In English Telecommunications
Military engineering
CENTIC Centro de Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación (www.centic.es) In Spanish Computer science
CePIT Centar za Proučavanje Informacionih Tehnologija In Serbian Telecommunications
CEPT Conférence Européenne des Postes et Télécommunications (www.cept.org) In French Organizations and associations
Transport and postal services
CERP Comité Européen de Réglementation Postale In French Organizations and associations
Postal services
CERTU Centre d'Études sur les Réseaux, les Transports, l'Urbanisme et les constructions publiques In French Research institutes
Civil engineering
Transport and postal services
CESIA Centre d'Études des Systèmes d'Information des Administrations In French Computer science
Public administration, government
CESP Centre d'études des supports de publicité In French Advertising
CESTEL Centro Español de Servicios Telemáticos (www.cestel.es) In Spanish Computer science
CETE Centre d'Étude Technique de l'Équipement In French Civil engineering
Transport and postal services
CETELIC Centre de Traitement Électronique Intercaisses In French Computer-based techniques
CETIC Centre d’Excellence en Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication (www.cetic.be) In French Computer science
CETUR Centre d'Études Techniques des Transports Urbains In French Vehicle engineering
Transport and postal services
CFC Chemins de Fer de la Corse (www.traincorse.net) In French Rail transport engineering
Transport and postal services
CFI Canal France international In French Telecommunications
CFNR Compagnie Française de Navigation Rhénane In French Transport and postal services
CFPNC Centre de Formation du Personnel Navigant Commercial In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Transport by air
CFTE Center for Transportation Excellence In English Vehicle engineering
Transport and postal services
CFTV Chemin de Fer Touristique du Vermandois In French Transport and postal services
CGA Centre de Gestion Agréé In French Economics
CGCT Compagnie Générale de Constructions Téléphoniques In French Telecommunications
CGFTE Compagnie Générale Française de Transports et d'Entreprise In French Transport and postal services
CGI Cell Global Identity In English Telecommunications
CGM Compagnie Générale Maritime In French Transport and postal services
CGNR Compagnie Générale pour la Navigation du Rhin In French Transport and postal services
CGS Contrôle de Gestion Stratégique In English Accounting
CGS Contrôle de Gestion Stratégique In French Accounting
CGTI Conseil Général des Technologies de l'Information In French Computer science
CHAP Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol In English Telecommunications
CHMAC Coopération Homme-Machine pour l'Assistance à la conduite In French Human-computer interaction
Vehicle engineering
Transport and postal services
CHTML Compact HyperText Markup Language In English Programming languages
CI Cell Identity In English Telecommunications
CIA Configuration Identification Accounting In English Accounting
CIC Contrôle Interne Comptable In French Accounting
CICOM Carrefour International de la Communication In French Telecommunications
Transport and postal services
CIDT Centre de Développement des Technologies de l'Information In French Computer science
CIE Communications Interface Equipment In English Human-computer interaction
CIF Centre International de Fret In French Transport and postal services
CIG Communications and Interface Group In English Human-computer interaction
CIGT Centre d'Ingénierie et de Gestion du Trafic In French Transport and postal services
CIMIR Commission Interministérielle des Matériels d'Imprimerie et de Reprographie In French Central administration
Graphic industries, printing, publishing
CIP Communications Interface Processor In English Human-computer interaction
CIRT Compagnie Internationale de Radiodiffusion et de la Télévision In French Telecommunications
CISI Comité Interministériel pour la Société de l'Information In French Central administration
Computer science
CISR Comité Interministériel de Sécurité Routière In French Central administration
Transport and postal services
CISR Comité Interministériel de la Sécurité Routière In French Central administration
CISS Call Independent Supplementary Services In English Telecommunications
CIT Computing & Information Technology In English Computer science
CIT Conseil Intermunicipal de Transport In French Organizations and associations
Municipal administration
Transport and postal services
CITEL Comisión Interamericana de Telecomunicaciones
= CITEL | Commission Interaméricaine des Télécommunications | In French
= CITEL | Comissão Interamericana de Telecomunicações | In Portuguese
In Spanish Organizations and associations
CITEL Commission Interaméricaine des Télécommunications
= (look above)
In French Organizations and associations
CITEL Comissão Interamericana de Telecomunicações
= (look above)
In Portuguese Organizations and associations
CITI Centre d'Innovation en Télécommunications et Intégration de services In French Research institutes
CITIC Centro Andaluz de Innovación y Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones (www.citic.es) In Spanish Research institutes
Computer science
CITILOG Carrefour Intelligent - Traitement d'Images LOGiciels In French Image processing
Transport and postal services
CITS Croatian Information Technology Society In English Organizations and associations
Computer science
CIU Communication Interface Unit In English Human-computer interaction
CLIP Calling Number Identification Presentation In English Telecommunications
CLIR Calling Number Identification Restriction In English Telecommunications
CLMS Connectionless Message Service In English Telecommunications
CMA Configuration Management Accounting In English Accounting
CMA Compagnie Maritime d'Affrètement In French 6295
Transport and postal services
CMA Certified Management Accountant In English Accounting
CMJN Cyan-Magenta-Jaune-Noir In French Graphic industries, printing, publishing
CMO Chief Marketing Officer In English 659
CMPC Coût Moyen Pondéré du Capital
= WACC | Weighted Average Cost of Capital | In English
In French Finance
CMRA California Microwave Relay Association In English Associations
United States
CMSRSC China Maritime Silk Roads Study Centre In English Research institutes
Transport and postal services
CMTS Cable Modem Termination System In English Telecommunications
Networks, communication
CMVAS Configuration Management Verification Accounting System In English Accounting
CNA Caisse Nationale des Autoroutes In French Civil engineering
Transport and postal services
CNAC China National Aviation Corporation In English Organizations and associations
Transport by air
CNAE Conferedación Nacional de Autoescuelas In Spanish Organizations and associations
Transport and postal services
CNAFMC Caisse Nationale d'Allocations Familiales des Marins du Commerce In French Social welfare
Transport and postal services
CNAFNI Caisse Nationale d'Allocations Familiales de la Navigation Intérieure In French Social welfare
Transport and postal services
CNBA Chambre Nationale de la Batellerie Artisanale In French Organizations and associations
Transport and postal services
CNC Compagnie Nouvelle de Conteneurs In French Transport and postal services
CNC Conseil National de la Comptabilité (www.cnc.minefi.gouv.fr) In French Organizations and associations
CNCL Commission Nationale de la Communication et des Libertés In French Telecommunications
CNECB Collège National des Experts Comptables de Belgique (www.ncab-cnecb.be)
= NCAB | Nationaal College der Accountants van België | In Dutch
In French Organizations and associations
CNET Centre National d'Études des Télécommunications In French Telecommunications
CNIR Centre National d'Information Routière In French Police
Transport and postal services
CNIT Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Telecomunicazioni In Italian Higher education, universities
CNL Centre National du Livre In French Graphic industries, printing, publishing
CNN Compagnie Nationale de Navigation In French Transport and postal services
CNoCP Conseil de Normalisation des Comptes Publics (https://www.economie.gouv.fr/cnocp) In French Central administration
CNP Compagnie Navale des Pétroles In French Transport and postal services
CNPAC Comité National de Prévention des Accidents de la Circulation In French Central administration
Accidents, risks, safety
Transport and postal services
CNRA Conseil National des Radios Associatives In French Organizations and associations
CNRB Caisse Nationale de Retraite de la Batellerie In French Labour, labour economics
Transport and postal services
CNRL Communications and Navigation Research Laboratory In English Research institutes
CNS Communication Network Systems In English Networks, communication
CNS2T Communication, Navigation et Surveillance pour les Transports Terrestres In French Transport and postal services
CNSA Contact Network of Spam Authorities In English Telecommunications
CNT Caisse Nationale des Télécommunications In French Telecommunications
CNTC Centre National des Technologies et du Consulting In French Engineering, technology
CoA Chart of Accounts In English Accounting
COAR City of Orange Amateur Radio In English Telecommunications
COB Communications Office Building In English Telecommunications
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