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Mathematics and natural sciences

Pure sciences and exact or mathematical sciences, including astronomy, mechanics and mathematical physics.

→ Mathematics and natural sciences
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Acronym Sense Language Topics
GGG Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems In English Serial publications, periodicals
GGM Goskogidromet/Gidromettsentr In Russian Meteorology, climatology
ggT Größter gemeinsamer Teiler
= PPCM | Plus Petit Commun Multiple | In French
= LCM | Least Common Multiple | In English
= KGV | Kleinste Gemene Veelvoud | In Dutch
= MCM | Mínim Comú Múltiple | In Catalan
= NSN | Nejmenší Společný Násobek | In Czech
= PMKO | Plej Malgranda Komuna Oblo | In Esperanto
= MCM | Mínimo Común Múltiplo | In Spanish
= PYJ | Pienin yhteinen jaettava | In Finnish
= LKKT | Legkisebb közös többszörös | In Hungarian
= KPK | Kelipatan persekutuan terkecil | In Indonesian
= MCM | Minimo Comune Multiplo | In Italian
= NWW | Najmniejsza wspólna wielokrotność | In Polish
= MMC | Mínimo Múltiplo Comum | In Portuguese
= НОК | Наименьшее общее кратное | In Russian
= NSN | Najmenší spoločný násobok | In Slovak
= НСК | Найменше спільне кратне | In Ukrainian
In German Number theory
GHA General History of Astronomy In English Serial publications, periodicals
GHE Gaseous Helium In English Chemistry
GHRS Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph In English Physics
Analytical chemistry
GHZ Gigahertz In English Physics
GI Geophysical Institute In English Research institutes
GIB Giza Immunoeskasiaren Birusa
= VIH | Virus de l'Immunodéficience Humaine | In French
= HIV | Human Immunodeficiency Virus | In English
= VIH | Virus d'Inmunodeficencia Humana | In Asturian
= VIH | Vírus da imunodeficiência humana | In Portuguese
= VIDH | Virus Immunitarii Defectus Humanae | In Latin
= ŽIV | Žmogaus Imunodeficito Virusas | In Lithuanian
= ХИВ | Хумане имунодефицијенције | In Serbian
= MIV | Menslike Immuniteitsgebreksvirus | In Afrikaans
= HIV | Humani Imunodeficientni Virus | In Slovenian
= ВИЧ | Вирус иммунодефицита человека | In Russian
= HIV | Humaan Immunodeficiëntie Virus | In Dutch
In Basque Virology
Immunology and allergy
Infectious diseases
GICi Gruppo Italiano RV Tauri Circolare In Italian Astronomy
GIGOLO Global Information on Gravity Over Land and Ocean In English Earth sciences
GIRM Gruppo Interdivisionale Risonanze Magnetiche In Italian Organizations and associations
GIRM Geospatial Interoperability Reference Model In English Geodesy, cartography
GIRSE Gruppo Italiano di Risonanza di Spin Elettronico In Italian Nuclear, atomic, and molecular physics
GIS Groupement d'Intérêt Scientifique In French Organizations and associations
GISAID Glabal Initiative on Sharing Avian Influenza Data In English Zoology
Veterinary medicine
GISS Goddard Institute for Space Studies In English Astronomy
GLA Gamma-Linolenic Acid In English Biochemistry, biophysics
GLAST Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope In English Astronautics
GlMaJ Glasgow Mathematical Journal In English Serial publications, periodicals
United Kingdom
GLORe Goethe Link Observatory Reprints In English Serial publications, periodicals
GLORIA Global Observation Research Initiative in Alpine Environments In English Earth sciences
GM Geometric Mean In English Mathematics
GM Geografische Mijl In Dutch Geodesy, cartography
GMES Global Monitoring for Environmental and Security In English Environmental protection
Threats to the environment
GMI Gregor Mendel-Institut für Molekulare Pflanzenbiologie (www.gmi.oeaw.ac.at) In German Research institutes
Biological sciences
GML Geo-Marine Letters In English Serial publications, periodicals
Marine research, oceanography
GMM Geometric Morphometrics In English Anthropology
GMM Geometrical Math Model In English Mathematics
GMM Gaussian Mixture Model In English Statistics
GMS Geostationary Meterological Satellite In English Meteorology, climatology
GMS Geostationary Meteorological Satellite In English Astronautics
Meteorology, climatology
GMuD Gesellschaft für Mathematik und Datenverarbeitung In German Organizations and associations
Data processing
GNDF Glial cell-line-Derived Neurotrophic Factor In English Biochemistry, biophysics
GNV Gruppo Nazionale per la Vulcanologia (http://gnv.ingv.it) In Italian Research institutes
GO Gene Ontology In English Biological sciences
GOAPI Grupo de Óptica Aplicada y Procesado de Imágenes In Spanish Graphical processing
Image processing
GÖCH Gesellschaft Österreichischer Chemiker (www.goech.at) In German Organizations and associations
Chemical technology
GOCNAE Grupo de Organização da Comissão Nacional de Atividades Espaciais In Portuguese Astronomy
GODAC Global Oceanographic Data Center In English Research institutes
Marine research, oceanography
GODAE Global Ocean Data Assimilation Experiment (www.godae.org) In English Marine research, oceanography
GOES Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite In English Threats to the environment
GOES Geostationary Operational Environment Satellite In English Earth sciences
GOES Geosynchronous Operational Environmental Satellite In English Earth sciences
GOLD Genomics of Lipid-associated Disorders In English Genetics
GONLO Groupe d'Optique Non-Linéaire et d'Optoélectronique In French Optics
GOOS Global Ocean Observation System (www.ioc-goos.org) In English Marine research, oceanography
GOSAMOR Global Ocean Salinity MonitORing In English Marine research, oceanography
GOSAMR Gelation of Soils - Applied Microgravity Research In English Earth sciences
GPB General Physiology and Biophysics In English Serial publications, periodicals
Biochemistry, biophysics
GPC Global and Planetary Change In English Serial publications, periodicals
Earth sciences
GPGP Great Pacific Garbage Patch In English Threats to the environment
GPI Glycophosphatidyinositol In English Biochemistry, biophysics
GPM Global Precipitation Measurement In English Meteorology, climatology
GPNDS Global Positioning and Nuclear Detection System In English Geodesy, cartography
Nuclear technology
GPS Global Positioning System In English Geodesy, cartography
GPSCP GPS (Global Positioning System) Computer Program In English Computer programs
Geodesy, cartography
GPT Glutamic-Pyruvate Transaminase In English Enzymes
GPT Glutamate Pyruvate Transaminase
= GPT | Glutamate Pyruvate Transaminase | In French
= GPT | Glutamat-Pyruvat-Transaminase | In German
= TGP | Transaminase Glutâmico Pirúvica | In Portuguese
In English Enzymes
GPT Glutamate Pyruvate Transaminase
= TGP (look above)
In French Enzymes
GPT Glutamat-Pyruvat-Transaminase
= TGP (look above)
In German Enzymes
GPVI Glycoprotéine Plaquettaire VI In French Proteins
Blood and circulatory system
GQA Groupe des Questions Atomiques In French Organizations and associations
Nuclear, atomic, and molecular physics
Nuclear technology
GRACE Global Resource Action Center for the Environnement In English Environmental protection
GRACE Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (www.csr.utexas.edu/grace/) In English Astronautics
Meteorology, climatology
GrAeH Grumman Aerospace Horizons In English Serial publications, periodicals
Aeronautics, aircraft
GRAPE Graphics Programming Environment In English Computer-based techniques
GRAV Gruppo di Ricerca Astrofotometrica Variabilisti In Italian Astronomy
GRE Gamma Ray Explorer In English Astronomy
GREG Groupement de Recherche et d'Études sur le Génome In French Genetics
GReGr General Relativity and Gravitation In English Serial publications, periodicals
GRIM Groupe de Recherche en Informatique et Mathématiques In French Organizations and associations
Computer science
GriO Griffith Observer In English Serial publications, periodicals
GRIP Greenland Icecore Project In English Earth sciences
GRIP Glucocorticoid Receptor-Interacting Protein In English Proteins
GRL Geophysical Research Letters In English Serial publications, periodicals
GRO Gamma Ray Observatory In English Astronautics
GrTOn Gravitatsiia i Teoriia Otnositel'nosti
= GrTOn | Гравитация и теория относительности | In Russian
In Russian Serial publications, periodicals
GrTOn Гравитация и теория относительности
= (look above)
In Russian Serial publications, periodicals
GSA Galileo Supervisory Authority (https://www.gsa.europa.eu)
= GSA | European Global Navigation Satellite Systems Supervisory Authority | In English
In English European Union
Geodesy, cartography
GSA European Global Navigation Satellite Systems Supervisory Authority (https://www.gsa.europa.eu)
= (look above)
In English European Union
Geodesy, cartography
GSAMB Geological Society of America Bulletin In English Serial publications, periodicals
Earth sciences
United States
GSAMm Geological Society of America Memoirs In English Serial publications, periodicals
Earth sciences
United States
GSASP Geological Society of America Special In English Serial publications, periodicals
Earth sciences
United States
GSC Guide Star Catalog In English Astronomy
GSC Genome Sequencing Center In English Biological sciences
GSI Geographical Survey Institute In English Earth sciences
GSI Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung In German Nuclear, atomic, and molecular physics
GSMaP Global Satellite Mapping of Precipitation In English Astronautics
Meteorology, climatology
GSN Global Seismographic Network In English Seismology, earthquakes
GSN Gelsolin In English Genetics
Biochemistry, biophysics
GSO Glandular sensory organ(s) In English Biological sciences
GSSPs Global Boundary Stratotype Sections and Points In English Stratigraphy
GSTDN Ground Space Flight Tracking and Data Network In English Astronomy
GSTDN Ground Spacecraft Tracking and Data Network In English Data
GTC Genzyme Transgenics Corporation In English Organizations and associations
GTD Genomic Threading Database In English Genetics
Biochemistry, biophysics
GTE Génie Thermique et Énergie In French Thermodynamics
Energy economics
GTEPE Grupo de Trabalho de Estudos e Projetos Espaciais In Portuguese Astronomy
GTP Guanosintriphosphat In German Biochemistry, biophysics
GTPZ Gigiena Truda i Professional'nye Zabolevaniia
= GTPZ | Гигиена труда и профессиональные заболевания | In Russian
In Russian Serial publications, periodicals
Biological sciences
GTPZ Гигиена труда и профессиональные заболевания
= (look above)
In Russian Serial publications, periodicals
Biological sciences
GTVE Groupe de Travail sur la Vérification Environnementale In French 5023
Threats to the environment
GUGK Glavnoye Upravileniye Geodesii i Kartografii In Russian Geodesy, cartography
GUL Geschichte und Lichtwechsel der Veränderlichen Sterne In German Serial publications, periodicals
GUVZS Glasgow University of Veterinary Zoological Society In English Organizations and associations
Veterinary medicine
United Kingdom
GVL Ground Vibrations Laboratory In English Research institutes
GVT Ground Vibration Test In English Acoustics
GVTA Ground Vibration Test Article In English Acoustics
GWP Global Water Partnership (www.gwpforum.org) In English Organizations and associations
Environmental technology, water supply, waste management
H Histidine
= H | Histidin | In Bosnian
= H | Histidina | In Catalan
= H | Histidin | In Czech
= H | Histidin | In German
= H | Histidina | In Spanish
= H | Histidino | In Esperanto
= H | Histidine | In French
= H | 히스티딘 | In Korean
= H | Histidin | In Croatian
= H | Histidin | In Indonesian
= H | Istidina | In Italian
= H | היסטידין | In Hebrew
= H | Histidīns | In Latvian
= H | Histidin | In Letzeburgesh
= H | Histidinas | In Lithuanian
= H | Hisztidin | LU
= H | Histidine | In Dutch
= H | ヒスチジン | In Japanese
= H | Histidin | In Norwegian
= H | Histydyna | In Polish
= H | Histidina | In Portuguese
= H | Гистидин | In Russian
= H | Histidiini | In Finnish
= H | Histidin | In Swedish
= H | Histidin | In Turkish
= H | Гістидин | In Ukrainian
= H | 組氨酸 | In Chinese
In English Biochemistry, biophysics
H Histidin
= (look above)
In Bosnian Biochemistry, biophysics
H Histidina
= (look above)
In Catalan Biochemistry, biophysics
H Histidin
= (look above)
In Czech Biochemistry, biophysics
H Histidin
= (look above)
In German Biochemistry, biophysics
H Histidina
= (look above)
In Spanish Biochemistry, biophysics
H Histidino
= (look above)
In Esperanto Biochemistry, biophysics
H Histidine
= (look above)
In French Biochemistry, biophysics
H 히스티딘
= (look above)
In Korean Biochemistry, biophysics
H Histidin
= (look above)
In Croatian Biochemistry, biophysics
H Histidin
= (look above)
In Indonesian Biochemistry, biophysics
H Istidina
= (look above)
In Italian Biochemistry, biophysics
H היסטידין
= (look above)
In Hebrew Biochemistry, biophysics
H Histidīns
= (look above)
In Latvian Biochemistry, biophysics
H Histidin
= (look above)
In Letzeburgesh Biochemistry, biophysics
H Histidinas
= (look above)
In Lithuanian Biochemistry, biophysics
H Hisztidin
= (look above)
[LU] Biochemistry, biophysics
H Histidine
= (look above)
In Dutch Biochemistry, biophysics
H ヒスチジン
= (look above)
In Japanese Biochemistry, biophysics
H Histidin
= (look above)
In Norwegian Biochemistry, biophysics
H Histydyna
= (look above)
In Polish Biochemistry, biophysics
H Histidina
= (look above)
In Portuguese Biochemistry, biophysics
H Гистидин
= (look above)
In Russian Biochemistry, biophysics
H Histidiini
= (look above)
In Finnish Biochemistry, biophysics
H Histidin
= (look above)
In Swedish Biochemistry, biophysics
H Histidin
= (look above)
In Turkish Biochemistry, biophysics
H Гістидин
= (look above)
In Ukrainian Biochemistry, biophysics
H 組氨酸
= (look above)
In Chinese Biochemistry, biophysics
H Hydrogène
= H | Waterstof | In Afrikaans
= H | هيدروجين | In Arabic
= H | Hidróxenu | In Asturian
= H | Hidrogen | In Azerbaijani
= H | Wassastoff | In Austro-Bavarian
= H | Вадарод | In Belarusian
= H | Водород | In Bulgarian
= H | হাইড্রোজেন | In Bengali
= H | Hidrogen | In Breton
= H | Vodonik | In Bosnian
= H | Hidrogen | In Catalan
= H | Idroheno | In Cebuano
= H | Idrogenu | In Corsican
= H | Vodík | In Czech
= H | Водород | In Chuvash
= H | Hydrogen | In Welsh
= H | Brint | In Danish
= H | Wasserstoff | In German
= H | Υδρογόνο | In Greek
= H | Hydrogen | In English
= H | Hidrogeno | In Esperanto
= H | Hidrógeno | In Spanish
= H | Vesinik | In Estonian
= H | Hidrogeno | In Basque
= H | هیدروژن | In Persian
= H | Vety | In Finnish
= H | Hydrogen | In Faroese
= H | Idrogjen | In Friulian
= H | Hidrigin | In Irish
= H | Haidreagain | In Scottish Gaelic
= H | Hidróxeno | In Galician
= H | હાઈડ્રોજન | In Gujarati
= H | מימן | In Hebrew
= H | हाइड्रोजन | In Hindi
= H | Vodik | In Croatian
= H | Idwojèn | In Haitian Creole
= H | Hidrogén | In Hungarian
= H | Ջրածին | In Armenian
= H | Hydrogeno | In Interlingua
= H | Hidrogen | In Indonesian
= H | Hidrogeno | In Ido
= H | Vetni | In Icelandic
= H | Idrogeno | In Italian
= H | 水素 | In Japanese
= H | წყალბადი | In Georgian
= H | អ៊ីដ្រូសែន | In Khmer (Cambodian)
= H | ಜಲಜನಕ | In Kannada
= H | 수소 | In Korean
= H | Hîdrojen | In Kurdish
= H | Hydrogenium | In Latin
= H | Waasserstoff | In Letzeburgesh
= H | Waterstof | In Limburgish
= H | Idrògen | In Lombard
= H | Idrojɛ́ní | In Lingala
= H | Vandenilis | In Lithuanian
= H | Ūdeņradis | In Latvian
= H | Hauwai | In Māori
= H | Водород | In Macedonian
= H | ഹൈഡ്രജന്‍ | In Malayalam
= H | Устөрөгч | In Mongolian
= H | हायड्रोजन | In Marathi
= H | Hidrogen | In Malay
= H | Āyōcoxqui | En Nahuatl
= H | Waterstoff | In Low German
= H | Waterstof | In Dutch
= H | Hydrogen | In Nynorsk
= H | Hydrogen | In Norwegian
= H | Hidrogene | NOV
= H | Idrogèn | In Occitan
= H | Hiidrojen | In Pitcairn-Norfolk
= H | Wodór | In Polish
= H | Hidrogénio | In Portuguese
= H | Yakuchaq | In Quechua
= H | Hidrogen | In Romanian
= H | Водород | In Russian
= H | हाइड्रोजन | In Sanskrit
= H | Idrògginu | In Sicilian
= H | Vodik | In Serbo-Croatian
= H | Vodík | In Slovak
= H | Vodik | In Slovenian
= H | Hidrogjeni | In Albanian
= H | Водоник | In Serbian
= H | Hidrogén | In Sundanese
= H | Väte | In Swedish
= H | Hidrojeni | In Swahili
= H | ஹைட்ரஜன் | In Tamil
= H | హైడ్రోజన్ | In Telugu
= H | Ҳидроген | In Tajik
= H | ไฮโดรเจน | In Thai
= H | Idroheno | In Tagalog
= H | Hidrojen | In Turkish
= H | Водень | In Ukrainian
= H | آبگر | In Urdu
= H | Vodorod | In Uzbek
= H | Hiđrô | In Vietnamese
= H | Woaterstof | In Vlaams
= H | Idrodjinne | In Walloon
= H | 氢 | In Wu Chinese
= H | היידראזשן | In Yiddisch
= H | 氢 | In Chinese
In French Chemistry
H Waterstof
= (look above)
In Afrikaans Chemistry
H هيدروجين
= (look above)
In Arabic Chemistry
H Hidróxenu
= (look above)
In Asturian Chemistry
H Hidrogen
= (look above)
In Azerbaijani Chemistry
H Wassastoff
= (look above)
In Austro-Bavarian Chemistry
H Вадарод
= (look above)
In Belarusian Chemistry
H Водород
= (look above)
In Bulgarian Chemistry
H হাইড্রোজেন
= (look above)
In Bengali Chemistry
H Hidrogen
= (look above)
In Breton Chemistry
H Vodonik
= (look above)
In Bosnian Chemistry
H Hidrogen
= (look above)
In Catalan Chemistry
H Idroheno
= (look above)
In Cebuano Chemistry
H Idrogenu
= (look above)
In Corsican Chemistry
H Vodík
= (look above)
In Czech Chemistry
H Водород
= (look above)
In Chuvash Chemistry
H Hydrogen
= (look above)
In Welsh Chemistry
H Brint
= (look above)
In Danish Chemistry
H Wasserstoff
= (look above)
In German Chemistry
H Υδρογόνο
= (look above)
In Greek Chemistry
H Hydrogen
= (look above)
In English Chemistry
H Hidrogeno
= (look above)
In Esperanto Chemistry
H Hidrógeno
= (look above)
In Spanish Chemistry
H Vesinik
= (look above)
In Estonian Chemistry
H Hidrogeno
= (look above)
In Basque Chemistry
H هیدروژن
= (look above)
In Persian Chemistry
H Vety
= (look above)
In Finnish Chemistry
H Hydrogen
= (look above)
In Faroese Chemistry
H Idrogjen
= (look above)
In Friulian Chemistry
H Hidrigin
= (look above)
In Irish Chemistry
H Haidreagain
= (look above)
In Scottish Gaelic Chemistry
H Hidróxeno
= (look above)
In Galician Chemistry
H હાઈડ્રોજન
= (look above)
In Gujarati Chemistry
H מימן
= (look above)
In Hebrew Chemistry
H हाइड्रोजन
= (look above)
In Hindi Chemistry
H Vodik
= (look above)
In Croatian Chemistry
H Idwojèn
= (look above)
In Haitian Creole Chemistry
H Hidrogén
= (look above)
In Hungarian Chemistry
H Ջրածին
= (look above)
In Armenian Chemistry
H Hydrogeno
= (look above)
In Interlingua Chemistry
H Hidrogen
= (look above)
In Indonesian Chemistry
H Hidrogeno
= (look above)
In Ido Chemistry
H Vetni
= (look above)
In Icelandic Chemistry
H Idrogeno
= (look above)
In Italian Chemistry
H 水素
= (look above)
In Japanese Chemistry
H წყალბადი
= (look above)
In Georgian Chemistry
H អ៊ីដ្រូសែន
= (look above)
In Khmer (Cambodian) Chemistry
H ಜಲಜನಕ
= (look above)
In Kannada Chemistry
H 수소
= (look above)
In Korean Chemistry
H Hîdrojen
= (look above)
In Kurdish Chemistry
H Hydrogenium
= (look above)
In Latin Chemistry
H Waasserstoff
= (look above)
In Letzeburgesh Chemistry
H Waterstof
= (look above)
In Limburgish Chemistry
H Idrògen
= (look above)
In Lombard Chemistry
H Idrojɛ́ní
= (look above)
In Lingala Chemistry
H Vandenilis
= (look above)
In Lithuanian Chemistry
H Ūdeņradis
= (look above)
In Latvian Chemistry
H Hauwai
= (look above)
In Māori Chemistry
H Водород
= (look above)
In Macedonian Chemistry
H ഹൈഡ്രജന്‍
= (look above)
In Malayalam Chemistry
H Устөрөгч
= (look above)
In Mongolian Chemistry
H हायड्रोजन
= (look above)
In Marathi Chemistry
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