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Mathematics and natural sciences

Pure sciences and exact or mathematical sciences, including astronomy, mechanics and mathematical physics.

→ Mathematics and natural sciences
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Acronym Sense Language Topics
Fe Železo
= Fe | Yster | In Afrikaans
= Fe | Eisen | In Tosk
= Fe | حديد | In Arabic
= Fe | Fierro | In Asturian
= Fe | Dəmir | In Azerbaijani
= Fe | Жалеза | In Belarusian
= Fe | Желязо | In Bulgarian
= Fe | লোহা | In Bengali
= Fe | Houarn | In Breton
= Fe | Željezo | In Bosnian
= Fe | Ferro | In Catalan
= Fe | Ferru | In Corsican
= Fe | Železo | In Czech
= Fe | Тимĕр | In Chuvash
= Fe | Haearn | In Welsh
= Fe | Jern | In Danish
= Fe | Eisen | In German
= Fe | Σίδηρος | In Greek
= Fe | Iron | In English
= Fe | Fero | In Esperanto
= Fe | Hierro | In Spanish
= Fe | Raud | In Estonian
= Fe | Burdina | In Basque
= Fe | آهن | In Persian
= Fe | Rauta | In Finnish
= Fe | Fier | In Friulian
= Fe | Iarann | In Irish
= Fe | 鐵 | GAN
= Fe | Iarann | In Scottish Gaelic
= Fe | Ferro | In Galician
= Fe | Kuarepoti | GN
= Fe | લોખંડ | In Gujarati
= Fe | Yiarn | In Manx
= Fe | Thiet | HAK
= Fe | ברזל | In Hebrew
= Fe | लोहम् | In Hindi
= Fe | Željezo | In Croatian
= Fe | Fè | In Haitian Creole
= Fe | Vas | In Hungarian
= Fe | Երկաթ | In Armenian
= Fe | Ferro | In Interlingua
= Fe | Besi | In Indonesian
= Fe | Fero | In Ido
= Fe | Járn | In Icelandic
= Fe | Ferro | In Italian
= Fe | 鉄 | In Japanese
= Fe | tirse | In Lojban
= Fe | Wesi | JV
= Fe | რკინა | In Georgian
= Fe | Kibende | KG
= Fe | 철 | In Korean
= Fe | Eisen | In Kölsch
= Fe | Hesin | In Kurdish
= Fe | Ferrum | In Latin
= Fe | Eisen | In Letzeburgesh
= Fe | Iezer | In Limburgish
= Fe | Ebendé | In Lingala
= Fe | Geležis | In Lithuanian
= Fe | Dzelzs | In Latvian
= Fe | Rino | In Māori
= Fe | Железо | In Macedonian
= Fe | ഇരുമ്പ് | In Malayalam
= Fe | Төмөр | In Mongolian
= Fe | लोखंड | In Marathi
= Fe | Besi | In Malay
= Fe | Ħadid | In Maltese
= Fe | Кшни | MYV
= Fe | Tlīltepoztli | En Nahuatl
= Fe | Iesen | In Low German
= Fe | IJzer | In Dutch
= Fe | Jern | In Nynorsk
= Fe | Jern | In Norwegian
= Fe | Fé | In Norman
= Fe | Fèrre | In Occitan
= Fe | Żelazo | In Polish
= Fe | Ferro | In Portuguese
= Fe | Chuki | In Quechua
= Fe | Fier | In Romanian
= Fe | Железо | In Russian
= Fe | लोहम् | In Sanskrit
= Fe | Ferru | In Sicilian
= Fe | Airn | SCO
= Fe | Željezo | In Serbo-Croatian
= Fe | Železo | In Slovak
= Fe | Hekuri | SQ
= Fe | Гвожђе | In Serbian
= Fe | Järn | In Swedish
= Fe | Chuma | In Swahili
= Fe | இரும்பு | In Tamil
= Fe | ఇనుము | In Telugu
= Fe | Оҳан | In Tajik
= Fe | เหล็ก | In Thai
= Fe | Demir | In Turkish
= Fe | Залізо | In Ukrainian
= Fe | Temir | In Uzbek
= Fe | Fero | VEC
= Fe | Sắt | In Vietnamese
= Fe | אייזן | In Yiddisch
= Fe | 铁 | In Chinese
In Slovenian Chemistry
Fe Hekuri
= (look above)
[SQ] Chemistry
Fe Гвожђе
= (look above)
In Serbian Chemistry
Fe Järn
= (look above)
In Swedish Chemistry
Fe Chuma
= (look above)
In Swahili Chemistry
Fe இரும்பு
= (look above)
In Tamil Chemistry
Fe ఇనుము
= (look above)
In Telugu Chemistry
Fe Оҳан
= (look above)
In Tajik Chemistry
Fe เหล็ก
= (look above)
In Thai Chemistry
Fe Demir
= (look above)
In Turkish Chemistry
Fe Залізо
= (look above)
In Ukrainian Chemistry
Fe Temir
= (look above)
In Uzbek Chemistry
Fe Fero
= (look above)
[VEC] Chemistry
Fe Sắt
= (look above)
In Vietnamese Chemistry
Fe אייזן
= (look above)
In Yiddisch Chemistry
= (look above)
In Chinese Chemistry
FEA Finite Element Analysis In English Mathematics
Mechanical engineering
FEL Free-Electron Laser In English Physics
FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency (www.fema.gov) In English Central administration
Natural disasters
FEP Fluorinated Ethylene-Propylene In English Chemical technology
FFA Free Fatty Acid In English Biochemistry, biophysics
FFCSA Fondation Franco-Chinoise pour la Science et ses Applications In French Foundations
Engineering, technology
FFEM Fonds Français pour l'Environnement Mondial In French Finance
FFEMS Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures In English Serial publications, periodicals
FFF Forschungsförderungsfonds für die gewerbliche Wirtschaft In German Economics
FFFP Film Forming Fluoroprotein In English Proteins
FFR Friends for Rivers (www.ffr.org) In English Organizations and associations
Environmental protection
FFSPN Fédération Française des Sociétés de Protection de la Nature In French Organizations and associations
Environmental protection
FFT Fast Fourier Transform In English Mathematics
FGER Fonds de Gestion de l'Espace Rural In French Environmental protection
Agricultural sciences
FGF Fibroblast Growth Factor In English Biochemistry, biophysics
FGF1 Fibroblast Growth Factor 1 In English Biochemistry, biophysics
FGM Flux-Gate-Magnetometer In English
FHST Fixed-Head Star Tracker In English Astronomy
FI Field Intensity In English Physics
FIG Fédération Internationale des Géomètres In French Organizations and associations
Geodesy, cartography
FiIO Fiber and Integrated Optics In English Serial publications, periodicals
FiMek Fizicheskaia Mekhanika In Russian Serial publications, periodicals
Electrical engineering
FINES Fichier National en matière Scientifique et Technologique In French Files
Engineering, technology
FinLAS Finnish Laboratory Animal Scientists In English Organizations and associations
Biological sciences
FIOpt Fiber Integrated Optics In English Serial publications, periodicals
FIPOL Fonds International d'Indemnisation des dommages dus à la Pollution par les hydrocarbures In French Environmental protection
FIRM Forschungsinstitut Rechenintensive Methoden (www.wu-wien.ac.at/firm) In German Research institutes
Computer-based techniques
FIRSSE Far Infrared Sky Survey Experiment In English Astronomy
FISH Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization In English 5708
FISH Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization In English Genetics
Biochemistry, biophysics
FIV Feline Immunodeficiency Virus In English Virology
Immunology and allergy
Infectious diseases
FizAS Fizika Aerodispersnykh Sistem In Russian Serial publications, periodicals
Fluid mechanics
FizEl Fizicheskaia Elektronika In Russian Serial publications, periodicals
FizGV Fizika Goreniia i Vzryva
= FizGV | Физика горения и взрыва | In Russian
In Russian Serial publications, periodicals
FizGV Физика горения и взрыва
= (look above)
In Russian Serial publications, periodicals
FizKM Fiziko-Khimicheskaia Mekhanika Materialov In Russian Serial publications, periodicals
FizKO Fizika i Khimiia Obrabotki Materialov
= FizKO | Физика и химия обработки материалов | In Russian
In Russian Serial publications, periodicals
FizKO Физика и химия обработки материалов
= (look above)
In Russian Serial publications, periodicals
FizMM Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie
= FizMM | Физика металлов и металловедение | In Russian
In Russian Serial publications, periodicals
FizMM Физика металлов и металловедение
= (look above)
In Russian Serial publications, periodicals
FizMS Fizika Mnogochastichnykh Sistem In Russian Serial publications, periodicals
FizNT Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur
= ФНТ | Физика низких температур | In Russian
In Russian Serial publications, periodicals
FizPl Fizika Plazmy
= FizPl | Физика плазмы | In Russian
In Russian Serial publications, periodicals
Plasma physics
FizPl Физика плазмы
= (look above)
In Russian Serial publications, periodicals
Plasma physics
FizTT Fizika Tverdogo Tela
= Фтт | Физика твердого тела | In Russian
In Russian Serial publications, periodicals
FizTV Fizika i Tekhnika Vysokikh Davlenii
= FizTV | Физика и техника высоких давлений | In Russian
In Russian Serial publications, periodicals
Fluid mechanics
Engineering, technology
FizTV Физика и техника высоких давлений
= (look above)
In Russian Serial publications, periodicals
Fluid mechanics
Engineering, technology
FizZS Fizika Zhidkogo Sostoianiia In Russian Serial publications, periodicals
FLAC Fédération des Luttes Anti-Corrida In French Organizations and associations
FLAME Familiy of Atlantic Model Experiment In English Meteorology, climatology
Marine research, oceanography
FlDy Fluid Dynamics In English Serial publications, periodicals
Fluid mechanics
FlDyR Fluid Dynamics Research In English Serial publications, periodicals
Fluid mechanics
FlDyT Fluid Dynamics Transactions In English Serial publications, periodicals
Fluid mechanics
FlMSR Fluid Mechanics Soviet Research In English Serial publications, periodicals
Fluid mechanics
FLOZ Flussordnungszahl In German Hydrology
FluQ Fluids Quarterly In English Serial publications, periodicals
Fluid mechanics
FM Fracture Mechanics In English Mechanics
FMAG Fluid Mechanics of Astrophysics and Geophysics In English Serial publications, periodicals
FME Facultat de Matemàtiques i Estadística In Spanish Higher education, universities
FMI Finnish Meteorological Institute In English Meteorology, climatology
FMR Function Max Rate In English Mathematics
fMRI Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging In English Nuclear, atomic, and molecular physics
FMS Flexible Modeling System In English Computer simulation
Meteorology, climatology
FNAS Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences In English Higher education, universities
Biological sciences
Agricultural sciences
FNE France Nature Environnement (www.fne.asso.fr) In French Associations
Environmental protection
Threats to the environment
FNL Fluctuation and Noise Letters In English Serial publications, periodicals
FNOC Fleet Numeric Oceanography Center In English Marine research, oceanography
FNS Fonds National de la Science In French
FOAM Forecasting Ocean-Atmosphere Model In English Marine research, oceanography
Meteorology, climatology
FODM Friends of Dyke Mar In English Organizations and associations
Environmental protection
FoGeo Fotointerpretacja w Geografii In Polish Serial publications, periodicals
Earth sciences
FOKUZ Fundamenteel Onderzoek van Kust en Zee In Dutch Earth sciences
FoPh Foundations of Physics In English Serial publications, periodicals
FOPL First Order Predicate Logic In English Computer science
FORSGC Frontier Observational Research System for Global Change In English Meteorology, climatology
FOS Faint Object Spectrograph In English Physics
Analytical chemistry
FP Focal Plane In English Physics
FP Freezing Point In English Physics
FP Fluoroprotein Foam In English Proteins
FPA Focal Plane Array In English Physics
FPA Focal Plane Assembly In English Physics
FPhL Foundations of Physics Letters In English Serial publications, periodicals
FPLC Fast Protein Liquid Chromatography In English Analytical chemistry
FPMD First-Principles Molecular Dynamics In English 5367
FPU Floating-Point Unit In English Mathematics
FPU Floating Point Unit In English Computer science
FQXi Foundational Questions Institute In English Physics
FRAM Fine Resolution Antarctic Model In English Meteorology, climatology
Marine research, oceanography
FRAPNA Fédération Rhône-Alpes de Protection de la Nature In French Organizations and associations
Environmental protection
Threats to the environment
FRCGC Frontier Research Center for Global Change In English Research institutes
Meteorology, climatology
FrInJ Franklin Institute Journal In English Serial publications, periodicals
Computer science
Engineering, technology
FrPhC Frontiers in Physics in China In English Serial publications, periodicals
FrPhy Frontiers in Physics In English Serial publications, periodicals
FRSGC Frontier Research System for Global Change In English Meteorology, climatology
FSB Fibrin Split Product In English Biochemistry, biophysics
FSE Fast Software Encryption In English Software
FSEA Faculté des Sciences Exactes et Appliquées In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Applied sciences, technology
FSH Follicle Stimulating Hormone In English Hormones
Reproductive biology
FSS Field Spectrometer System In English Analytical chemistry
FSSE Florida State University Superensemble In English Meteorology, climatology
FST Faculté des Sciences de Tunis In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
FST Fullerene Science and Technology In English Serial publications, periodicals
Materials science
FSTS Faculté des Sciences et Techniques de Settat In French Higher education, universities
Applied sciences, technology
FSTT Faculté des Sciences et Techniques de Tanger (www.fstt.ac.ma) In French Higher education, universities
Applied sciences, technology
FT Facteur Tissulaire In French Biological sciences
FTI Forschung, Technologie und Innovation In German Research policy
Applied sciences, technology
FTIR Fourier Transform Infrared In English Mathematics
FTP Fundamental Theories of Physics In English Serial publications, periodicals
FTT Field Test Telescope In English Astronomy
FUNDACYT Fundación para la Ciencia y la Tecnología In Spanish Foundations
Applied sciences, technology
FUSE Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer In English Astronautics
FZP Fresnel Zone Plate In English Optics
FZÚ Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd České republiky (https://www.fzu.cz/) In Czech Research institutes
Czech Republic
G Guanin
= G | Guanine | In French
= G | Guanino | In Esperanto
= G | Guanina | In Spanish
= G | グアニン | In Japanese
= G | גואנין | In Hebrew
= G | جوانين | In Arabic
= G | Гуанин | In Russian
In German Biochemistry, biophysics
G Guanine
= (look above)
In French Biochemistry, biophysics
G Guanino
= (look above)
In Esperanto Biochemistry, biophysics
G Guanina
= (look above)
In Spanish Biochemistry, biophysics
G グアニン
= (look above)
In Japanese Biochemistry, biophysics
G גואנין
= (look above)
In Hebrew Biochemistry, biophysics
G جوانين
= (look above)
In Arabic Biochemistry, biophysics
G Гуанин
= (look above)
In Russian Biochemistry, biophysics
G Glycine
= G | গ্লাইসিন | In Bengali
= G | Glicina | In Catalan
= G | Glycin | In Czech
= G | Glycin | In Danish
= G | Glycin | In German
= G | Glicina | In Spanish
= G | Glicino | In Esperanto
= G | Glycine | In French
= G | 글리신 | In Korean
= G | Glicin | In Croatian
= G | Glisin | In Indonesian
= G | Glicina | In Italian
= G | גליצין | In Hebrew
= G | Glicīns | In Latvian
= G | Glycin | In Letzeburgesh
= G | Glicinas | In Lithuanian
= G | Glicin | In Hungarian
= G | Glycine | In Dutch
= G | グリシン | In Japanese
= G | Glycin | In Norwegian
= G | Glicyna | In Polish
= G | Glicina | In Portuguese
= G | Глицин | In Russian
= G | Глицин | In Serbian
= G | Glisin | In Sundanese
= G | Glysiini | In Finnish
= G | Glycin | In Swedish
= G | Glisin | In Turkish
= G | Гліцин | In Ukrainian
= G | 甘氨酸 | In Chinese
In English Biochemistry, biophysics
G গ্লাইসিন
= (look above)
In Bengali Biochemistry, biophysics
G Glicina
= (look above)
In Catalan Biochemistry, biophysics
G Glycin
= (look above)
In Czech Biochemistry, biophysics
G Glycin
= (look above)
In Danish Biochemistry, biophysics
G Glycin
= (look above)
In German Biochemistry, biophysics
G Glicina
= (look above)
In Spanish Biochemistry, biophysics
G Glicino
= (look above)
In Esperanto Biochemistry, biophysics
G Glycine
= (look above)
In French Biochemistry, biophysics
G 글리신
= (look above)
In Korean Biochemistry, biophysics
G Glicin
= (look above)
In Croatian Biochemistry, biophysics
G Glisin
= (look above)
In Indonesian Biochemistry, biophysics
G Glicina
= (look above)
In Italian Biochemistry, biophysics
G גליצין
= (look above)
In Hebrew Biochemistry, biophysics
G Glicīns
= (look above)
In Latvian Biochemistry, biophysics
G Glycin
= (look above)
In Letzeburgesh Biochemistry, biophysics
G Glicinas
= (look above)
In Lithuanian Biochemistry, biophysics
G Glicin
= (look above)
In Hungarian Biochemistry, biophysics
G Glycine
= (look above)
In Dutch Biochemistry, biophysics
G グリシン
= (look above)
In Japanese Biochemistry, biophysics
G Glycin
= (look above)
In Norwegian Biochemistry, biophysics
G Glicyna
= (look above)
In Polish Biochemistry, biophysics
G Glicina
= (look above)
In Portuguese Biochemistry, biophysics
G Глицин
= (look above)
In Russian Biochemistry, biophysics
G Глицин
= (look above)
In Serbian Biochemistry, biophysics
G Glisin
= (look above)
In Sundanese Biochemistry, biophysics
G Glysiini
= (look above)
In Finnish Biochemistry, biophysics
G Glycin
= (look above)
In Swedish Biochemistry, biophysics
G Glisin
= (look above)
In Turkish Biochemistry, biophysics
G Гліцин
= (look above)
In Ukrainian Biochemistry, biophysics
G 甘氨酸
= (look above)
In Chinese Biochemistry, biophysics
G-CSF Granulocyte Colony Stimulating-Factor In English Proteins
Blood and circulatory system
Immunology and allergy
G2E Géologie, Eau et Environnement In French Education
Threats to the environment
Earth sciences
GA Glutaraldehyde In English Chemistry
Ga Gallium
= Ga | Gallium | In Afrikaans
= Ga | غاليوم | In Arabic
= Ga | Галій | In Belarusian
= Ga | Галий | In Bulgarian
= Ga | গ্যালিয়াম | In Bengali
= Ga | Galijum | In Bosnian
= Ga | Gal·li | In Catalan
= Ga | Galliu | In Corsican
= Ga | Gallium | In Czech
= Ga | Galiwm | In Welsh
= Ga | Gallium | In Danish
= Ga | Gallium | In German
= Ga | Γάλλιο | In Greek
= Ga | Gallium | In English
= Ga | Galiumo | In Esperanto
= Ga | Galio | In Spanish
= Ga | Gallium | In Estonian
= Ga | Galio | In Basque
= Ga | گالیوم | In Persian
= Ga | Gallium | In Finnish
= Ga | Gali | In Friulian
= Ga | Gailliam | In Irish
= Ga | Galio | In Galician
= Ga | Gallium | In Manx
= Ga | גליום | In Hebrew
= Ga | गैलिअम | In Hindi
= Ga | Galij | In Croatian
= Ga | Galyòm | In Haitian Creole
= Ga | Gallium | In Hungarian
= Ga | Գալիում | In Armenian
= Ga | Galium | In Indonesian
= Ga | Galio | In Ido
= Ga | Gallín | In Icelandic
= Ga | Gallio | In Italian
= Ga | ガリウム | In Japanese
= Ga | fasyjinme | In Lojban
= Ga | Galium | JV
= Ga | 갈륨 | In Korean
= Ga | Galyûm | In Kurdish
= Ga | Gallium | In Latin
= Ga | Gallium | In Letzeburgesh
= Ga | Galis | In Lithuanian
= Ga | Gallijs | In Latvian
= Ga | ഗാലിയം | In Malayalam
= Ga | Gallium | In Dutch
= Ga | Gallium | In Nynorsk
= Ga | Gallium | In Norwegian
= Ga | Galli | In Occitan
= Ga | Gal | In Polish
= Ga | Gálio | In Portuguese
= Ga | Galyu | In Quechua
= Ga | Галлий | In Russian
= Ga | Galliu | In Sicilian
= Ga | Galijum | In Serbo-Croatian
= Ga | Gálium | In Slovak
= Ga | Galij | In Slovenian
= Ga | Галијум | In Serbian
= Ga | Gallium | In Swedish
= Ga | Gali | In Swahili
= Ga | காலியம் | In Tamil
= Ga | แกลเลียม | In Thai
= Ga | Galyum | In Turkish
= Ga | Галій | In Ukrainian
= Ga | Galliy | In Uzbek
= Ga | Gali | In Vietnamese
= Ga | 镓 | In Chinese
In French Chemistry
Ga Gallium
= (look above)
In Afrikaans Chemistry
Ga غاليوم
= (look above)
In Arabic Chemistry
Ga Галій
= (look above)
In Belarusian Chemistry
Ga Галий
= (look above)
In Bulgarian Chemistry
Ga গ্যালিয়াম
= (look above)
In Bengali Chemistry
Ga Galijum
= (look above)
In Bosnian Chemistry
Ga Gal·li
= (look above)
In Catalan Chemistry
Ga Galliu
= (look above)
In Corsican Chemistry
Ga Gallium
= (look above)
In Czech Chemistry
Ga Galiwm
= (look above)
In Welsh Chemistry
Ga Gallium
= (look above)
In Danish Chemistry
Ga Gallium
= (look above)
In German Chemistry
Ga Γάλλιο
= (look above)
In Greek Chemistry
Ga Gallium
= (look above)
In English Chemistry
Ga Galiumo
= (look above)
In Esperanto Chemistry
Ga Galio
= (look above)
In Spanish Chemistry
Ga Gallium
= (look above)
In Estonian Chemistry
Ga Galio
= (look above)
In Basque Chemistry
Ga گالیوم
= (look above)
In Persian Chemistry
Ga Gallium
= (look above)
In Finnish Chemistry
Ga Gali
= (look above)
In Friulian Chemistry
Ga Gailliam
= (look above)
In Irish Chemistry
Ga Galio
= (look above)
In Galician Chemistry
Ga Gallium
= (look above)
In Manx Chemistry
Ga גליום
= (look above)
In Hebrew Chemistry
Ga गैलिअम
= (look above)
In Hindi Chemistry
Ga Galij
= (look above)
In Croatian Chemistry
Ga Galyòm
= (look above)
In Haitian Creole Chemistry
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