HADES - Main pageAckr → Mathematics and natural sciences

Mathematics and natural sciences

Pure sciences and exact or mathematical sciences, including astronomy, mechanics and mathematical physics.

→ Mathematics and natural sciences
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Acronym Sense Language Topics
AdGDP Advances in Geophysical Data Processing In English Serial publications, periodicals
Data processing
AdGeo Advances in Geophysics In English Serial publications, periodicals
AdGeS Advances in Geophysics Supplement In English Serial publications, periodicals
Earth sciences
AdGR Advances in Geophysical Research In English Serial publications, periodicals
ADH Antidiuretisches Hormon In German Hormones
ADH Antidiuretic hormone In English Hormones
ADIEP Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics In English Serial publications, periodicals
ADIL Astronomy Data Image Library In English Libraries
AdMat Advances in Mathematics In English Serial publications, periodicals
AdMPS Advances in Mechanics and Physics of Surfaces In English Serial publications, periodicals
ADN Acidum deoxyribonucleinicum
= ADN | Acide désoxyribonucléique | In French
= DNA | Deoxyribonucleic acid | In English
= TDN | Trenkenn dizoksiribonukleek | In Breton
= DNK | Deoxyribonukleová kyselina | In Czech
= DNA | Deoksiribonuklea acido | In Esperanto
= DNS | Deoksiribonukleïnesuur | In Afrikaans
= ADN | Ácidu desoxirribonucleicu | In Asturian
= DNT | Dezoksiribonuklein turşusu | In Azerbaijani
= DNR | Deuoksėrėbuonokleuorūgštis | In Baltic languages
= ДНК | Дезоксирибонуклеиновата киселина | In Bulgarian
= DNK | Dezoksiribonukleinska kiselina | In Bosnian
= DNS | Desoxyribonukleinsäure | In German
= ADN | Ácido desoxirribonucleico | In Spanish
= DNH | Desoksüribonukleiinhape | In Estonian
= ADN | Azido desoxirribonukleiko | In Basque
= ADN | Aigéad dí-ocsairibeanúicléasach | In Irish
= ADN | Ácido desoxirribonucleico | In Galician
= DNK | Deoksiribonukleinska kiselina | In Croatian
= ADN | Asid Dezoksiribo Nikleyik | In Haitian Creole
= DNS | Dezoxiribonukleinsav | In Hungarian
= ԴՆԹ | Դեզօքսիռիբոնուկլեական թթուն | In Armenian
= ADN | Acido deoxyribonucleic | In Interlingua
= DKS | Deoxýríbóasakjarnsýra | In Icelandic
= დნმ | დეზოქსირიბონუკლეინის მჟავა | In Georgian
= ДНҚ | Дезоксирибонуклеин қышқылы | KK
= DNR | Deoksiribonukleorūgštis | In Lithuanian
= ДНХ | Дезоксирибонуклейны хүчил | In Mongolian
= ADN | Acid desoxiribonucleïc | In Occitan
= ADN | Ásido desoksiribonukleiko | In Papiamento
= ADN | Ácido desoxirribonucleico | In Portuguese
= ДНК | Дезоксирибонуклеиновая кислота | In Russian
= ДНА | Диоксирибонуклеин аhыыта | SAH
= DNK | Dezoksiribonukleinska kiselina | In Serbo-Croatian
= DNK | Deoksiribonukleinska kislina | In Slovenian
= ADN | Acidi desoksiribonukleik | SQ
= ДНК | Дезоксирибонуклеинска киселина | In Serbian
= DNA | Deoksiribonükleik asit | In Turkish
= ДНК | Дезоксирибонуклеїнова кислота | In Ukrainian
In Latin Genetics
Biochemistry, biophysics
ADN Acide désoxyribonucléique
= DNA, TDN, DNK, DNS, DNT, DNR, ДНК, DNH, ԴՆԹ, DKS, დნმ, ДНҚ, ДНХ, ДНА (look above)
In French Genetics
Biochemistry, biophysics
ADN Ácidu desoxirribonucleicu
= DNA, TDN, DNK, DNS, DNT, DNR, ДНК, DNH, ԴՆԹ, DKS, დნმ, ДНҚ, ДНХ, ДНА (look above)
In Asturian Genetics
Biochemistry, biophysics
ADN Ácido desoxirribonucleico
= DNA, TDN, DNK, DNS, DNT, DNR, ДНК, DNH, ԴՆԹ, DKS, დნმ, ДНҚ, ДНХ, ДНА (look above)
In Spanish Genetics
Biochemistry, biophysics
ADN Azido desoxirribonukleiko
= DNA, TDN, DNK, DNS, DNT, DNR, ДНК, DNH, ԴՆԹ, DKS, დნმ, ДНҚ, ДНХ, ДНА (look above)
In Basque Genetics
Biochemistry, biophysics
ADN Aigéad dí-ocsairibeanúicléasach
= DNA, TDN, DNK, DNS, DNT, DNR, ДНК, DNH, ԴՆԹ, DKS, დნმ, ДНҚ, ДНХ, ДНА (look above)
In Irish Genetics
Biochemistry, biophysics
ADN Ácido desoxirribonucleico
= DNA, TDN, DNK, DNS, DNT, DNR, ДНК, DNH, ԴՆԹ, DKS, დნმ, ДНҚ, ДНХ, ДНА (look above)
In Galician Genetics
Biochemistry, biophysics
ADN Asid Dezoksiribo Nikleyik
= DNA, TDN, DNK, DNS, DNT, DNR, ДНК, DNH, ԴՆԹ, DKS, დნმ, ДНҚ, ДНХ, ДНА (look above)
In Haitian Creole Genetics
Biochemistry, biophysics
ADN Acido deoxyribonucleic
= DNA, TDN, DNK, DNS, DNT, DNR, ДНК, DNH, ԴՆԹ, DKS, დნმ, ДНҚ, ДНХ, ДНА (look above)
In Interlingua Genetics
Biochemistry, biophysics
ADN Acid desoxiribonucleïc
= DNA, TDN, DNK, DNS, DNT, DNR, ДНК, DNH, ԴՆԹ, DKS, დნმ, ДНҚ, ДНХ, ДНА (look above)
In Occitan Genetics
Biochemistry, biophysics
ADN Ásido desoksiribonukleiko
= DNA, TDN, DNK, DNS, DNT, DNR, ДНК, DNH, ԴՆԹ, DKS, დნმ, ДНҚ, ДНХ, ДНА (look above)
In Papiamento Genetics
Biochemistry, biophysics
ADN Ácido desoxirribonucleico
= DNA, TDN, DNK, DNS, DNT, DNR, ДНК, DNH, ԴՆԹ, DKS, დნმ, ДНҚ, ДНХ, ДНА (look above)
In Portuguese Genetics
Biochemistry, biophysics
ADN Acidi desoksiribonukleik
= DNA, TDN, DNK, DNS, DNT, DNR, ДНК, DNH, ԴՆԹ, DKS, დნმ, ДНҚ, ДНХ, ДНА (look above)
[SQ] Genetics
Biochemistry, biophysics
ADNDT Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables In English Serial publications, periodicals
Nuclear, atomic, and molecular physics
AdNuP Advances in Nuclear Physics In English Serial publications, periodicals
Nuclear, atomic, and molecular physics
ADOP Association des Doctorants et Docteurs en Physique de Grenoble In French Associations
Higher education, universities
ADP Adénosine Diphosphate In French Biochemistry, biophysics
ADPCM Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation In English Algorithms
Computer science
AdPhG Advances in Physical Geochemistry In English Serial publications, periodicals
AdPhy Advances in Physics In English Serial publications, periodicals
AdPlP Advances in Plasma Physics In English Serial publications, periodicals
Plasma physics
AdPPR Advances in Plasma Physics Research In English Plasma physics
ADRPCC Association pour le Développement des Recherches et applications de Physique Corpusculaire et Cosmique In French Associations
ADS Astrophysics Data System In English Data
ADS Astrophysics Data Service In English Data
AdSAC Advanced Series in Astrophysics and Cosmology In English Serial publications, periodicals
AdSMP Advanced Series in Mathematical Physics In English Serial publications, periodicals
AdSpR Advances in Space Research In English Serial publications, periodicals
AdSSP Advances in Solid State Physics In English Serial publications, periodicals
AdTMP Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics In English Serial publications, periodicals
AdTPh Advanced Texts in Physics In English Serial publications, periodicals
AdWR Advances in Water Resources In English Serial publications, periodicals
AE Astronomische Einheit In German Astronomy
AEA Agenzia per l'Energia e l'Ambiente (della Provincia di Perugia) In Italian Environmental protection
Energy economics
AEBL Association des Étudiants de Biologie de Lyon In French Associations
Higher education, universities
Biological sciences
AED Analyse Exploratoire des Données In French Statistics
AEdRv Astronomy Education Review In English Serial publications, periodicals
AeDy Aerospace Dynamics In English Serial publications, periodicals
Aeronautics, aircraft
AEE Agence Européenne pour l'Environnement (www.eea.europa.eu/fr) In French European Union
Environmental protection
AEEPS Advances in Electronics and Electron Physics Supplement In English Serial publications, periodicals
AEGRS ASEAN Experts Group on Remote Sensing In English Geodesy, cartography
AeJ Aeronautical Journal In English Serial publications, periodicals
Aeronautics, aircraft
AeKV Aerodinamika Kanalov i Ventiliatorov In Russian Serial publications, periodicals
AEPI Atmospheric Emissions Photometric Imaging In English Meteorology, climatology
AeQ Aeronautical Quarterly In English Serial publications, periodicals
Aeronautics, aircraft
AeRaG Aerodinamika Razrezhennykh Gazov In Russian Serial publications, periodicals
AerST Aerosol Science Technology In English Serial publications, periodicals
Meteorology, climatology
AerTe Aerojet Technology In English Serial publications, periodicals
Aeronautics, aircraft
AES Advanced Encryption Standard In English Computer science
AES Auger Electron Spectroscopy In English Physics
Analytical chemistry
AeSc Collection of Papers on Aerospace Science In English Serial publications, periodicals
Aeronautics, aircraft
AeSIJ Aeronautical Society India Journal In English Serial publications, periodicals
Aeronautics, aircraft
AESS Agenzia per l'Energia e lo Sviluppo Sostenibile (di Modena) In Italian Environmental protection
Energy economics
AEST Apliko de Esperanto en Scienco kaj Tekniko In Esperanto Congresses
Applied sciences, technology
Artificial languages (linguistics)
AESTO Advenced Earth Science and Technology Organization (www.aesto.or.jp)
= 財団法人 | 地球科学技術総合推進機構 | In Japanese
In English Organizations and associations
Earth sciences
AET Algorithm Evaluation and Test In English Algorithms
AExpr Astronomy Express In English Serial publications, periodicals
AFA Association Française des Anthropologues (www.afa.msh-paris.fr) In French Associations
AFA Association Française d'Astronomie (www.afanet.fr) In French Associations
AFAST Association Franco-Allemande pour la Science et la Technologie In French Associations
Engineering, technology
AFC Aerodynamic Flight Control In English Aerodynamics
Aeronautics, aircraft
AFCSC Air Force Cryptologic Support Center In English 358
United States
AFEDES Asociación Forestal Ecológica de Desarrollo Sostenible In Spanish Associations
Environmental protection
AFEE Association Française pour l'Étude des Eaux In French Associations
AFEQ Association Française pour l'Étude du Quaternaire In French Associations
Earth sciences
AFERNOD Association Française d'Étude et de Recherche des Nodules océaniques In French Associations
Marine research, oceanography
AFES AGCM for the Earth Simulator In English Earth sciences
AFFFP Agent Formant un Film Flottant Protéinique In French Chemicals
AFGL Air Force Geophysics Laboratory In English Research institutes
United States
AFGWC Air Force Global Weather Center In English 358
Meteorology, climatology
United States
AFIS Association Française pour l'Information Scientifique In French Associations
AFKE Association Franco-Kirghize d'Écotourisme In English Associations
Environmental protection
AFLB Annales de la Fondation Louis de Broglie In French Serial publications, periodicals
AFLP Amplified Fragment-Length Polymorphism In English Genetics
AFM Association Française de Microminéralogie (www.micromineral.org) In French Associations
AFOEV Bulletin de l'Association Française d'Observateurs d'Étoiles Variables In French Serial publications, periodicals
AFPS Association Française du Génie Parasismique (www.afps-seisme.org) In French Associations
Seismology, earthquakes
AFRRI Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute (www.afrri.usuhs.mil) In English Research institutes
Biological sciences
Military affairs
AFSCN Air Force Space Command Network In English 358
United States
AFSD Air Force Space Division In English 358
United States
AFSSE Agence Française de Sécurité Sanitaire Environnementale (www.afsse.fr) In French Environmental protection
AFT Aerodynamic Flight Test In English Aerodynamics
Aeronautics, aircraft
Afz Astrofizika In Russian Serial publications, periodicals
AFZ Association Française de Zootechnie (www.zootechnie.fr) In French Associations
Agricultural sciences
Ag Argent
= Ag | Silwer | In Afrikaans
= Ag | ብር | AM
= Ag | Archent | In Aragonese
= Ag | فضة | In Arabic
= Ag | Plata | In Asturian
= Ag | Gümüş | In Azerbaijani
= Ag | Серабро | In Belarusian
= Ag | Сребро | In Bulgarian
= Ag | রূপা | In Bengali
= Ag | প্রাটা | BPY
= Ag | Srebro | In Bosnian
= Ag | Plata | In Catalan
= Ag | Pilak | In Cebuano
= Ag | Argentu | In Corsican
= Ag | Stříbro | In Czech
= Ag | Кĕмĕл | In Chuvash
= Ag | Arian | In Welsh
= Ag | Sølv | In Danish
= Ag | Silber | In German
= Ag | Sêm | In Dimli (Zazaki)
= Ag | Άργυρος | In Greek
= Ag | Silver | In English
= Ag | Arĝento | In Esperanto
= Ag | Plata | In Spanish
= Ag | Hõbe | In Estonian
= Ag | Zilar | In Basque
= Ag | نقره | In Persian
= Ag | Hopea | In Finnish
= Ag | Arint | In Friulian
= Ag | Airgead | In Irish
= Ag | 銀 | GAN
= Ag | Airgead | In Scottish Gaelic
= Ag | Prata | In Galician
= Ag | Itatĩ | GN
= Ag | Argid | In Manx
= Ag | Ngiùn | HAK
= Ag | כסף | In Hebrew
= Ag | ચાંદી | In Gujarati
= Ag | चाँदी | In Hindi
= Ag | Srebro | In Croatian
= Ag | Ajan | In Haitian Creole
= Ag | Ezüst | In Hungarian
= Ag | Արծաթ | In Armenian
= Ag | Perak | In Indonesian
= Ag | Arjento | In Ido
= Ag | Silfur | In Icelandic
= Ag | Argento | In Italian
= Ag | 銀 | In Japanese
= Ag | rijno | In Lojban
= Ag | Perak | JV
= Ag | ვერცხლი | In Georgian
= Ag | ಬೆಳ್ಳಿ | In Kannada
= Ag | 은 | In Korean
= Ag | Silber | In Kölsch
= Ag | Zîv | In Kurdish
= Ag | Эзысь | In Komi
= Ag | Argentum | In Latin
= Ag | Sëlwer | In Letzeburgesh
= Ag | Zèlver | In Limburgish
= Ag | Argento | In Ligurian
= Ag | Sidabras | In Lithuanian
= Ag | Sudrabs | In Latvian
= Ag | Kawata | In Māori
= Ag | Сребро | In Macedonian
= Ag | വെള്ളി | In Malayalam
= Ag | Мөнгө | In Mongolian
= Ag | चांदी | In Marathi
= Ag | Perak | In Malay
= Ag | Сия | MYV
= Ag | Iztāc teōcuitlatl | En Nahuatl
= Ag | Sülver | In Low German
= Ag | Zilver | In Dutch
= Ag | Sølv | In Nynorsk
= Ag | Sølv | In Norwegian
= Ag | Ergent | In Norman
= Ag | Argent | In Occitan
= Ag | Æвзист | In Ossetian
= Ag | ਚਾਂਦੀ | PA
= Ag | Pilak | In Kapampangan
= Ag | Srebro | In Polish
= Ag | Prata | In Portuguese
= Ag | Qullqi q'illay | In Quechua
= Ag | Argint | In Romanian
= Ag | Серебро | In Russian
= Ag | रूप्यम् | In Sanskrit
= Ag | Argentu | In Sicilian
= Ag | Srebro | In Serbo-Croatian
= Ag | Striebro | In Slovak
= Ag | Srebro | In Slovenian
= Ag | Argjendi | SQ
= Ag | Сребро | In Serbian
= Ag | Säälwer | In Saterland Frisian
= Ag | Silver | In Swedish
= Ag | Agenti | In Swahili
= Ag | வெள்ளி | In Tamil
= Ag | వెండి | In Telugu
= Ag | Нуқра | In Tajik
= Ag | เงิน | In Thai
= Ag | Pilak | In Tagalog
= Ag | Gümüş | In Turkish
= Ag | Kömeş | In Tatar
= Ag | كۈمۈش | In Uyghur
= Ag | Срібло | In Ukrainian
= Ag | چاندی | In Urdu
= Ag | Kumush | In Uzbek
= Ag | Arxento | VEC
= Ag | Bạc | In Vietnamese
= Ag | 銀 | In Wu Chinese
= Ag | זילבער | In Yiddisch
= Ag | Ngaenz | ZA
= Ag | 銀 | In Chinese
In French Chemistry
Ag Silwer
= (look above)
In Afrikaans Chemistry
Ag ብር
= (look above)
[AM] Chemistry
Ag Archent
= (look above)
In Aragonese Chemistry
Ag فضة
= (look above)
In Arabic Chemistry
Ag Plata
= (look above)
In Asturian Chemistry
Ag Gümüş
= (look above)
In Azerbaijani Chemistry
Ag Серабро
= (look above)
In Belarusian Chemistry
Ag Сребро
= (look above)
In Bulgarian Chemistry
Ag রূপা
= (look above)
In Bengali Chemistry
Ag প্রাটা
= (look above)
[BPY] Chemistry
Ag Srebro
= (look above)
In Bosnian Chemistry
Ag Plata
= (look above)
In Catalan Chemistry
Ag Pilak
= (look above)
In Cebuano Chemistry
Ag Argentu
= (look above)
In Corsican Chemistry
Ag Stříbro
= (look above)
In Czech Chemistry
Ag Кĕмĕл
= (look above)
In Chuvash Chemistry
Ag Arian
= (look above)
In Welsh Chemistry
Ag Sølv
= (look above)
In Danish Chemistry
Ag Silber
= (look above)
In German Chemistry
Ag Sêm
= (look above)
In Dimli (Zazaki) Chemistry
Ag Άργυρος
= (look above)
In Greek Chemistry
Ag Silver
= (look above)
In English Chemistry
Ag Arĝento
= (look above)
In Esperanto Chemistry
Ag Plata
= (look above)
In Spanish Chemistry
Ag Hõbe
= (look above)
In Estonian Chemistry
Ag Zilar
= (look above)
In Basque Chemistry
Ag نقره
= (look above)
In Persian Chemistry
Ag Hopea
= (look above)
In Finnish Chemistry
Ag Arint
= (look above)
In Friulian Chemistry
Ag Airgead
= (look above)
In Irish Chemistry
= (look above)
[GAN] Chemistry
Ag Airgead
= (look above)
In Scottish Gaelic Chemistry
Ag Prata
= (look above)
In Galician Chemistry
Ag Itatĩ
= (look above)
[GN] Chemistry
Ag Argid
= (look above)
In Manx Chemistry
Ag Ngiùn
= (look above)
[HAK] Chemistry
Ag כסף
= (look above)
In Hebrew Chemistry
Ag ચાંદી
= (look above)
In Gujarati Chemistry
Ag चाँदी
= (look above)
In Hindi Chemistry
Ag Srebro
= (look above)
In Croatian Chemistry
Ag Ajan
= (look above)
In Haitian Creole Chemistry
Ag Ezüst
= (look above)
In Hungarian Chemistry
Ag Արծաթ
= (look above)
In Armenian Chemistry
Ag Perak
= (look above)
In Indonesian Chemistry
Ag Arjento
= (look above)
In Ido Chemistry
Ag Silfur
= (look above)
In Icelandic Chemistry
Ag Argento
= (look above)
In Italian Chemistry
= (look above)
In Japanese Chemistry
Ag rijno
= (look above)
In Lojban Chemistry
Ag Perak
= (look above)
[JV] Chemistry
Ag ვერცხლი
= (look above)
In Georgian Chemistry
Ag ಬೆಳ್ಳಿ
= (look above)
In Kannada Chemistry
= (look above)
In Korean Chemistry
Ag Silber
= (look above)
In Kölsch Chemistry
Ag Zîv
= (look above)
In Kurdish Chemistry
Ag Эзысь
= (look above)
In Komi Chemistry
Ag Argentum
= (look above)
In Latin Chemistry
Ag Sëlwer
= (look above)
In Letzeburgesh Chemistry
Ag Zèlver
= (look above)
In Limburgish Chemistry
Ag Argento
= (look above)
In Ligurian Chemistry
Ag Sidabras
= (look above)
In Lithuanian Chemistry
Ag Sudrabs
= (look above)
In Latvian Chemistry
Ag Kawata
= (look above)
In Māori Chemistry
Ag Сребро
= (look above)
In Macedonian Chemistry
Ag വെള്ളി
= (look above)
In Malayalam Chemistry
Ag Мөнгө
= (look above)
In Mongolian Chemistry
Ag चांदी
= (look above)
In Marathi Chemistry
Ag Perak
= (look above)
In Malay Chemistry
Ag Сия
= (look above)
[MYV] Chemistry
Ag Iztāc teōcuitlatl
= (look above)
En Nahuatl Chemistry
Ag Sülver
= (look above)
In Low German Chemistry
Ag Zilver
= (look above)
In Dutch Chemistry
Ag Sølv
= (look above)
In Nynorsk Chemistry
Ag Sølv
= (look above)
In Norwegian Chemistry
Ag Ergent
= (look above)
In Norman Chemistry
Ag Argent
= (look above)
In Occitan Chemistry
Ag Æвзист
= (look above)
In Ossetian Chemistry
Ag ਚਾਂਦੀ
= (look above)
[PA] Chemistry
Ag Pilak
= (look above)
In Kapampangan Chemistry
Ag Srebro
= (look above)
In Polish Chemistry
Ag Prata
= (look above)
In Portuguese Chemistry
Ag Qullqi q'illay
= (look above)
In Quechua Chemistry
Ag Argint
= (look above)
In Romanian Chemistry
Ag Серебро
= (look above)
In Russian Chemistry
Ag रूप्यम्
= (look above)
In Sanskrit Chemistry
Ag Argentu
= (look above)
In Sicilian Chemistry
Ag Srebro
= (look above)
In Serbo-Croatian Chemistry
Ag Striebro
= (look above)
In Slovak Chemistry
Ag Srebro
= (look above)
In Slovenian Chemistry
Ag Argjendi
= (look above)
[SQ] Chemistry
Ag Сребро
= (look above)
In Serbian Chemistry
Ag Säälwer
= (look above)
In Saterland Frisian Chemistry
Ag Silver
= (look above)
In Swedish Chemistry
Ag Agenti
= (look above)
In Swahili Chemistry
Ag வெள்ளி
= (look above)
In Tamil Chemistry
Ag వెండి
= (look above)
In Telugu Chemistry
Ag Нуқра
= (look above)
In Tajik Chemistry
Ag เงิน
= (look above)
In Thai Chemistry
Ag Pilak
= (look above)
In Tagalog Chemistry
Ag Gümüş
= (look above)
In Turkish Chemistry
Ag Kömeş
= (look above)
In Tatar Chemistry
Ag كۈمۈش
= (look above)
In Uyghur Chemistry
Ag Срібло
= (look above)
In Ukrainian Chemistry
Ag چاندی
= (look above)
In Urdu Chemistry
Ag Kumush
= (look above)
In Uzbek Chemistry
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