Pure sciences and exact or mathematical sciences, including astronomy, mechanics and mathematical physics.
Acronym | Sense | Language | Topics |
Cd | Κάδμιο = Cd | Cadmium | In English = Cd | Kadmium | In Afrikaans = Cd | كادميوم | In Arabic = Cd | ক্যাডমিয়াম | In Bengali = Cd | Кадмій | In Belarusian = Cd | Kadmijum | In Bosnian = Cd | Кадмий | In Bulgarian = Cd | Cadmi | In Catalan = Cd | Kadmium | In Czech = Cd | Cadmiu | In Corsican = Cd | Cadmiwm | In Welsh = Cd | Cadmium | In Danish = Cd | Cadmium | In German = Cd | Kaadmium | In Estonian = Cd | Cadmio | In Spanish = Cd | Kadmio | In Esperanto = Cd | Kadmio | In Basque = Cd | کادمیوم | In Persian = Cd | Cadmium | In French = Cd | Cadmi | In Friulian = Cd | Caidmiam | In Irish = Cd | Cadmium | In Manx = Cd | Cadmio | In Galician = Cd | Kak | HAK = Cd | 카드뮴 | In Korean = Cd | Կադմիում | In Armenian = Cd | काडमियम | In Hindi = Cd | Kadmij | In Croatian = Cd | Kadmio | In Ido = Cd | Kadmium | In Indonesian = Cd | Kadmín | In Icelandic = Cd | Cadmio | In Italian = Cd | קדמיום | In Hebrew = Cd | Kadmium | JV = Cd | ಕ್ಯಾಡ್ಮಿಯಂ | In Kannada = Cd | Cadimi | In Swahili = Cd | Kadmyòm | In Haitian Creole = Cd | Kadmiyûm | In Kurdish = Cd | Cadmium | In Latin = Cd | Kadmijs | In Latvian = Cd | Cadmium | In Letzeburgesh = Cd | Kadmis | In Lithuanian = Cd | Cadmio | In Ligurian = Cd | jinmrkadmu | In Lojban = Cd | Kadmium | In Hungarian = Cd | കാഡ്മിയം | In Malayalam = Cd | Cadmium | In Dutch = Cd | カドミウム | In Japanese = Cd | Kadmium | In Norwegian = Cd | Kadmium | In Nynorsk = Cd | Cadmi | In Occitan = Cd | Kadmiy | In Uzbek = Cd | Cadmium | In Low German = Cd | Kadm | In Polish = Cd | Cádmio | In Portuguese = Cd | Cadmiu | In Romanian = Cd | Kadmiyu | In Quechua = Cd | Кадмий | In Russian = Cd | Cadmium | In Saterland Frisian = Cd | Kadmiumi | SQ = Cd | Cadmiu | In Sicilian = Cd | Kadmium | In Slovak = Cd | Kadmij | In Slovenian = Cd | Кадмијум | In Serbian = Cd | Kadmijum | In Serbo-Croatian = Cd | Kadmium | In Finnish = Cd | Kadmium | In Swedish = Cd | காட்மியம் | In Tamil = Cd | แคดเมียม | In Thai = Cd | Kadmiyum | In Turkish = Cd | Кадмій | In Ukrainian = Cd | Cadmi | In Vietnamese = Cd | 镉 | In Chinese |
In Greek | → Chemistry |
Cd | Cadmio = (look above) |
In Spanish | → Chemistry |
Cd | Kadmio = (look above) |
In Esperanto | → Chemistry |
Cd | Kadmio = (look above) |
In Basque | → Chemistry |
Cd | کادمیوم = (look above) |
In Persian | → Chemistry |
Cd | Cadmium = (look above) |
In French | → Chemistry |
Cd | Cadmi = (look above) |
In Friulian | → Chemistry |
Cd | Caidmiam = (look above) |
In Irish | → Chemistry |
Cd | Cadmium = (look above) |
In Manx | → Chemistry |
Cd | Cadmio = (look above) |
In Galician | → Chemistry |
Cd | Kak = (look above) |
[HAK] | → Chemistry |
Cd | 카드뮴 = (look above) |
In Korean | → Chemistry |
Cd | Կադմիում = (look above) |
In Armenian | → Chemistry |
Cd | काडमियम = (look above) |
In Hindi | → Chemistry |
Cd | Kadmij = (look above) |
In Croatian | → Chemistry |
Cd | Kadmio = (look above) |
In Ido | → Chemistry |
Cd | Kadmium = (look above) |
In Indonesian | → Chemistry |
Cd | Kadmín = (look above) |
In Icelandic | → Chemistry |
Cd | Cadmio = (look above) |
In Italian | → Chemistry |
Cd | קדמיום = (look above) |
In Hebrew | → Chemistry |
Cd | Kadmium = (look above) |
[JV] | → Chemistry |
Cd | ಕ್ಯಾಡ್ಮಿಯಂ = (look above) |
In Kannada | → Chemistry |
Cd | Cadimi = (look above) |
In Swahili | → Chemistry |
Cd | Kadmyòm = (look above) |
In Haitian Creole | → Chemistry |
Cd | Kadmiyûm = (look above) |
In Kurdish | → Chemistry |
Cd | Cadmium = (look above) |
In Latin | → Chemistry |
Cd | Kadmijs = (look above) |
In Latvian | → Chemistry |
Cd | Cadmium = (look above) |
In Letzeburgesh | → Chemistry |
Cd | Kadmis = (look above) |
In Lithuanian | → Chemistry |
Cd | Cadmio = (look above) |
In Ligurian | → Chemistry |
Cd | jinmrkadmu = (look above) |
In Lojban | → Chemistry |
Cd | Kadmium = (look above) |
In Hungarian | → Chemistry |
Cd | കാഡ്മിയം = (look above) |
In Malayalam | → Chemistry |
Cd | Cadmium = (look above) |
In Dutch | → Chemistry |
Cd | カドミウム = (look above) |
In Japanese | → Chemistry |
Cd | Kadmium = (look above) |
In Norwegian | → Chemistry |
Cd | Kadmium = (look above) |
In Nynorsk | → Chemistry |
Cd | Cadmi = (look above) |
In Occitan | → Chemistry |
Cd | Kadmiy = (look above) |
In Uzbek | → Chemistry |
Cd | Cadmium = (look above) |
In Low German | → Chemistry |
Cd | Kadm = (look above) |
In Polish | → Chemistry |
Cd | Cádmio = (look above) |
In Portuguese | → Chemistry |
Cd | Cadmiu = (look above) |
In Romanian | → Chemistry |
Cd | Kadmiyu = (look above) |
In Quechua | → Chemistry |
Cd | Кадмий = (look above) |
In Russian | → Chemistry |
Cd | Cadmium = (look above) |
In Saterland Frisian | → Chemistry |
Cd | Kadmiumi = (look above) |
[SQ] | → Chemistry |
Cd | Cadmiu = (look above) |
In Sicilian | → Chemistry |
Cd | Kadmium = (look above) |
In Slovak | → Chemistry |
Cd | Kadmij = (look above) |
In Slovenian | → Chemistry |
Cd | Кадмијум = (look above) |
In Serbian | → Chemistry |
Cd | Kadmijum = (look above) |
In Serbo-Croatian | → Chemistry |
Cd | Kadmium = (look above) |
In Finnish | → Chemistry |
Cd | Kadmium = (look above) |
In Swedish | → Chemistry |
Cd | காட்மியம் = (look above) |
In Tamil | → Chemistry |
Cd | แคดเมียม = (look above) |
In Thai | → Chemistry |
Cd | Kadmiyum = (look above) |
In Turkish | → Chemistry |
Cd | Кадмій = (look above) |
In Ukrainian | → Chemistry |
Cd | Cadmi = (look above) |
In Vietnamese | → Chemistry |
Cd | 镉 = (look above) |
In Chinese | → Chemistry |
CDB | Convenio sobre la Diversidad Biológica = CBD | Convention on Biological Diversity | In English = CDB | Convenção sobre a Diversidade Biológica | In Portuguese |
In Spanish | → United Nations → Environmental protection |
CDB | Convenção sobre a Diversidade Biológica = CBD (look above) |
In Portuguese | → United Nations → Environmental protection |
CDCARS | Cadres de Développement de la Capacité Autochtone de Recherche en Santé | In French | → Biological sciences → Medicine |
CDDIS | Crustal Dynamics Data Information System (http://https://cddis.nasa.gov/) | In English | → Software → Data → Astronautics → Geodesy, cartography |
CDERA | Caribbean Disaster Emergency Response Agency (www.cdera.org) | In English | → Organizations and associations → Natural disasters |
CDEX | Center for Deep Earth Exploration | In English | → Research institutes → Earth sciences |
CDGF | Cartilage-Derived Growth Factor | In English | → Biochemistry, biophysics |
CDIAC | Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center | In English | → Research institutes → Meteorology, climatology |
CDM | Cold Dark Matter | In English | → Astronomy → Physics |
CDO | Central Dense Overcast | In English | → Meteorology, climatology |
CDP | Carbon Disclosure Project | In English | → Organizations and associations → Environmental protection |
CDQ | Cromodinàmica Quàntica = QCD | Quantum Chromodynamics | In English |
In Catalan | → Quantum mechanics |
CDSF | Commercially Developed Space Facility | In English | → Astronomy → Astronautics |
CDT | Connaissance des Temps | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Astronomy |
CEA | Center for Extreme Ultraviolet Astrophysics | In English | → Research institutes → Astronomy → Optics → Astronautics |
CEA | Circular Error Average | In English | → Mathematics |
CEA | Carcino-Embryonales Antigen | In German | → Biochemistry, biophysics → Oncology |
CEA | Cambridge Electron Accelerator | In English | → Nuclear, atomic, and molecular physics → United States |
CEA | Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique (www.cea.fr) | In French | → Research institutes → 5931 → Energy economics → Nuclear technology → France |
CEAB | Central European Astrophysical Bulletin | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Astronomy |
CEAV | Certificat d'Études Approfondies Vétérinaires | In French | → Education → Zoology → Veterinary medicine |
CEC | Commission for Environmental Cooperation | In English | → Organizations and associations → International relations → Environmental protection |
CECA | Club d'Étude du Comportement Aviaire | In French | → Organizations and associations → Zoology |
CECAM | Centre Européen de Calcul Atomique et Moléculaire | In French | → Nuclear, atomic, and molecular physics |
CEDRE | Centre de Documentation, de Recherche et d'Expérimentations sur les pollutions accidentelles des eaux | In French | → Research institutes → Documentation → Environmental protection → Threats to the environment → Hydrology |
CEEETA | Centro de Estudos em Economia da Energia, dos Transportes e do Ambiente | In Portuguese | → Research institutes → Environmental protection → Energy economics → Applied sciences, technology |
CEFE-CNRS | Centre d'Écologie Fonctionnelle et Évolutive - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique | In French | → Ecology |
CEIRD | Center of Environmental Issues and Regional Development | In English | → 5023 → Regional planning |
CEJ | Chemistry European Journal | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Chemistry |
CEJPh | Central European Journal of Physics | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Physics |
CELSS | Controlled Ecological Life Support System | In English | → Ecology |
CeMDA | Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Astronomy |
CeMec | Celestial Mechanics | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Astronomy |
CEN | Creative Environmental Networks | In English | → Organizations and associations → Environmental protection |
CEN | Centre d'Études Nucléaires | In French | → Research institutes → Nuclear, atomic, and molecular physics → Nuclear technology |
CENG | Centre d'Études Nucléaires de Grenoble | In French | → Research institutes → Nuclear, atomic, and molecular physics → Nuclear technology |
CEnTp | Engineering Thermophysics China | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Thermodynamics → Engineering, technology → China |
CEO | Centro di Eccellenza Optronica | In Italian | → Optics → Electronics |
CEOP | Coordinated Energy and Water Cycle Observing Period (www.ceop.net) | In English | → Meteorology, climatology → Hydrology |
CEP | Circle of Equal Probability | In English | → Mathematics |
CEP | Circular Error Probability | In English | → Mathematics |
CEPCIECC | Comisión Ejecutiva Permanente del Consejo Interamericano para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura | In Spanish | → International relations → Education → Civilization, culture, progress |
CEPH | Centre d'Études du Polymorphisme Humain | In French | → Research institutes → Genetics |
CEPIS | Centro Panamericano de Ingeniería Sanitaria y Ciencias del Ambiente (www.cepis.ops-oms.org) = CEPIS | Centro Pan-americano de Engenharia Sanitária e Ciências do Ambiente | In Portuguese |
In Spanish | → Organizations and associations → Threats to the environment → Medicine |
CEPIS | Centro Pan-americano de Engenharia Sanitária e Ciências do Ambiente (www.cepis.ops-oms.org) = (look above) |
In Portuguese | → Organizations and associations → Threats to the environment → Medicine |
CEPMMT | Centre Européen pour les Prévisions Météorologiques à Moyen Terme | In French | → Meteorology, climatology |
CEPMMT | Centre Européen de Prévision Météorologique à Moyen Terme (www.ecmwf.int) |
In French | → Research institutes → Meteorology, climatology |
CEPREDENAC | Centro de Coordinación para la Prevención de los Desastres Naturales en América Central = CEPREDENAC | Centro de Coordenação para a Prevenção de Desastres Naturais na América Central | In Portuguese |
In Spanish | → Natural disasters |
CEPREDENAC | Centro de Coordenação para a Prevenção de Desastres Naturais na América Central = (look above) |
In Portuguese | → Natural disasters |
CEPREMAP | Centre d'Études Prospectives d'Économie et de Mathématiques Appliquées à la Planification | In French | → Research institutes → Economics → Mathematics |
CERB | Centre de Recherches Biologiques (www.cerb.fr) | In French | → Research institutes → Biological sciences → France |
CERC3 | Chairmen of the European Research Councils' Chemistry Committees | In English | → Organizations and associations → Research policy → Chemistry |
CEREGE | Centre Européen de Recherche et d'Enseignement des Géosciences de l'Environnement | In French | → Education → Earth sciences → Threats to the environment |
CERFACS | Centre de Recherche et de Formation avancée en Calcul Scientifique | In French | → Computer science → Mathematics |
CERMES | Centre de recherche Médecine, Sciences, Santé et Société | In French | → Sociology → Medicine |
CERMICS | Centre d'Enseignement et de Recherche en Mathématiques, Informatique et Calcul Scientifique | In French | → Computer science → Higher education, universities → Mathematics |
CERN | Centre Européen de Recherche Nucléaire (www.cern.ch) | In French | → Nuclear, atomic, and molecular physics → Nuclear technology |
CERR | Centre d'Écologie des Ressources Renouvelables | In French | → Environmental protection → Threats to the environment |
CES | Conservation des Eaux et des Sols | In French | → Threats to the environment → Hydrology → Environmental technology, water supply, waste management |
CESTMed | Centre d'Étude et de Sauvegarde des Tortues marines de Méditerranée | In French | → Threats to the environment → Zoology |
CETHIL | Centre de Thermique de Lyon | In French | → Thermodynamics → Mechanical engineering → France |
CEyeR | Current Eye Research | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Biological sciences → Anatomy |
CEZ | Centre d'Enseignement Zootechnique | In French | → Zoology → 636 |
CF | Computers and Fluids | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Computer science → Fluid mechanics |
CfA | Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (https://www.cfa.harvard.edu/) | In English | → Research institutes → Astronomy → United States |
CFC | Chrlorofluorocarbone | In French | → Chemistry → Chemical technology |
CFC | Cubique à Faces Centrées | In French | → Crystallography |
CFI | Chemisches Forschungsinstitut der Wirtschaft Österreichs | In German | → Research institutes → Chemistry → Chemical technology → Austria |
CFIS | Calculateur du Fractionnement des Isotopes Stables = SIFC | Stable Isotope Fractionation Calculator | In English |
In French | → Atomic physics |
CFME | Centre de Formation aux Métiers de l'Environnement | In French | → Education → Threats to the environment → Environmental technology, water supply, waste management |
CFS | Climate Forecast System | In English | → Computer simulation → Meteorology, climatology |
CG | Computers and Geosciences | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Computer science → Earth sciences |
CGA | Caractérisation et Gestion de l'Atmosphère | In French | → Meteorology, climatology |
CGAM | Centre for Global Atmospheric Modelling (www.cgam.nerc.ac.uk) | In English | → Research institutes → Meteorology, climatology → United Kingdom |
CGDAM | Conformal Geometry and Dynamics of the American Mathematical Society | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Mathematics → United States |
CGES | Centre de Géotechnique et d'Exploitation du Sous-sol | In French | → Earth sciences → Mining |
CGH | Computergeneriertes Hologramm | In German | → Graphical processing → Optics |
cGMP | Cyclic Guanosine Monophosphate | In English | → Biochemistry, biophysics |
CGRO | Compton Gamma Ray Observatory | In English | → Astronautics → Astronomy |
CGRO | Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory | In English | → Observatories |
CGSESE | Centre de Gestion de la Sécheresse pour l'Europe du Sud-Est = DMCSEE | Drought Management Centre for South-Eastern Europe | In English |
In French | → Organizations and associations → Natural disasters → Europe |
CGU | Canadian Geophysical Union (www.cgu-ugc.ca) = UGC | Union Géophysique Canadienne | In French |
In English | → Organizations and associations → Geophysics → Canada |
CHA | Centre Hydrométéorologique Alpes | In French | → Meteorology, climatology → Hydrology |
CHA | Centre Hydrométéorologique des Alpes | In French | → Meteorology, climatology → Hydrology |
ChA&A | Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Astronomy → China |
CHARA | Center for High Angular Resolution Astronomy | In English | → Astronomy |
CHASER | CHemical AGCM for Study of atmospheric Environment and Radiative forcing | In English | → Meteorology, climatology → Threats to the environment |
CHCM | Concentração de Hemoglobina Corpuscular Média = CCMH | Concentration Corpusculaire Moyenne en Hémoglobine | In French = MCHC | Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration | In English |
In Portuguese | → Diagnostics → Blood and circulatory system → Proteins |
ChCom | Chemical Communications | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Chemistry |
CHD | Chromodomain Helicase DNA binding protein | In English | → Proteins → Enzymes → Ecology |
CHE | Chemistry | In English | → Chemistry |
ChEdu | Chemical Educator | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Chemistry |
ChEnC | Chemical Engineering Communications | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Chemistry → Chemical technology |
ChEnN | Chemical Engineering News | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Chemistry → Chemical technology |
ChEnS | Chemical Engineering Science | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Chemistry → Chemical technology |
ChGeo | Chemical Geology | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Earth sciences |
CHIPS | Cosmic Hot Interstellar Plasma Spectrometer (http://chips.ssl.berkeley.edu) | In English | → Astronomy → Plasma physics → 543422 → United States |
CHIPS | Cosmic Hot Interstellar Spectrometer | In English | → Astronautics → Astronomy |
ChJAA | Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Astronomy → China |
ChJCP | Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Physics → Chemistry → China |
ChJG | Chinese Journal of Geophysics | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Geophysics → China |
ChJIR | Chinese Journal of Infrared Research | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Optics → China |
ChJL | Chinese Journal of Lasers | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Optics → China |
ChJNP | Chinese Journal of Nuclear Physics | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Nuclear, atomic, and molecular physics → China |
ChJPh | Chinese Journal of Physics | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Physics → China |
ChJPR | Chinese Journal of Polar Research | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Earth sciences → China |
ChJSS | Chinese Journal of Space Science | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Astronomy → Astronautics → China |
ChPh | Chemical Physics | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Chemistry → Physics |
ChPhL | Chinese Physics Letter | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Physics → China |
ChPhy | Chinese Physics | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Physics → China |
ChSBu | Chinese Science Bulletin | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → China |
ChSRv | Chemical Society Reviews | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Chemistry |
ChSST | Chinese Space Science Technology | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Astronomy → Astronautics → China |
CIAP | Climatic Impact Assessment Program | In English | → Meteorology, climatology |
CIB | Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas | In Spanish | → Biological sciences |
CiBAA | Circular of the British Astronomical Association | In English | → Serial publications, periodicals → Astronomy → United Kingdom |
CICTA | Commission Internationale pour la Conservation des Thonidés de l'Atlantique | In French | → International relations → 5023 → Fishing, hunting |
CICTA | Commission Internationale pour la Conservation des Thonidés de l'Atlantique et des mers adjacentes | In French | → Organizations and associations → Environmental protection → Fishing, hunting |
CIDUS | Centre d'Information et de Documentation Universitaire et Scientifique | In French | → Documentation → Higher education, universities |
CIECC | Consejo Interamericano para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura | In Spanish | → International relations → Education → Civilization, culture, progress |
CIESIN | Center for International Earth Science Information Network | In English | → Research institutes → Earth sciences |
CIESM | Commission Internationale pour l'Exploration Scientifique de la mer Méditerranée | In French | → Organizations and associations → Marine research, oceanography |
CIGAR | Compact Idiosyncratic Gapped Alignment Report | In English | → Genetics → Biotechnology |
CIHR | Canadian Institutes of Health Research (www.cihr.ca) = IRSC | Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada | In French |
In English | → Research institutes → Biological sciences → Medicine → Canada |
CIKTN | Chemistry Innovation Knowledge Transfer Network | In English | → Organizations and associations → Chemistry |
CIMP | Commision Internationale de Microflore Paléozoique | In English | → Organizations and associations → Paleobotany, palynology → Botany |
CIMPA | Centre International de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées | In French | → Mathematics |
CIP | Cahn-Ingold-Prelog | In many languages | → Organic chemistry |
CIR | Centre Instantané de Rotation | In French | |
CIRAD | Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement | In French | → Biological sciences → Zoology → Agricultural sciences |
CIRCE | Confusion-limited Infrared Cosmology Explorer | In English | → Astronautics → Cosmology |
CIRDN | Comité Interamericano para la Reducción de los Desastres Naturales = IACNDR | Inter-American Committee on Natural Disaster Reduction | In English = CIRDN | Comitê Interamericano sobre a Redução de Desastres Naturais | In Portuguese |
In Spanish | → Organizations and associations → Natural disasters |
CIRDN | Comitê Interamericano sobre a Redução de Desastres Naturais = IACNDR (look above) |
In Portuguese | → Organizations and associations → Natural disasters |
CIRED | Centre International de Recherches sur l'Environnement et le Développement | In French | → Research institutes → Environmental protection → Agricultural sciences |
CIRESS | Colloque International sur les Ressources en Eau Souterraines dans le Sahara | In French | → Congresses → Hydrology |
CIS | Commissione Italiana di Stratigrafia | In Italian | → Organizations and associations → Earth sciences → Italia |
CISAB | Center for the Integrative Study of Animal Behavior | In English | → Organizations and associations → Zoology |
CISB | Centre for Integrated Structural Biology | In English | → Biological sciences |
CISK | Conditional Instability of the Second Kind | In English | → Meteorology, climatology |
CiSSV | Circolare Interna della Sezione Stelle Variabili dell'Unione Astrofili Italiani | In Italian | → Serial publications, periodicals → Astronomy → Italia |