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Applied sciences, technology

→ Applied sciences, technology
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Acronym Sense Language Topics
GDS Geriatric Depression Scale In English Neurology
GDTA Groupement pour le Développement de la Télédétection Aérospatiale In French Organizations and associations
Aeronautics, aircraft
GE General Electric In English 33893
Electrical engineering
GEA Gimbal Electronics Assembly In English Electronics
GEA Grazer Energieagentur In German Energy economics
GEA Groupe des Écoles Aéronautiques et spatiales In French Organizations and associations
Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Aeronautics, aircraft
GEAESD General Electric Aerospace Electronics Systems In English Electronics
Aeronautics, aircraft
GEAL Galway Energy Agency Limited In English Energy economics
GEAN Genetic Engineering Action Network In English Genetics
GEC General Electrodynamics Corporation In English Electrical engineering
GECAS General Electric Commercial Aviation Services In English Organizations and associations
Transport by air
Aeronautics, aircraft
GEDAC General Electric Detection and Automatic Correction In English Electrical engineering
GEDP Gene Expression Data Portal In English Data
GEH Groupe d'Exploitation Hydraulique In French Energy economics
GEII Génie Électrique et Informatique Industrielle In French Computer science
Electrical engineering
GEIPI Groupement d'Écoles d'Ingénieurs à Préparation Intégrée In French Organizations and associations
Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Engineering, technology
GELA Groupe d'Étude des Lymphomes de l'Adulte In French Oncology
GEM Giotto Extended Mission In English Astronautics
GEM Graphite Epoxy Motor In English Vehicle engineering
GEM Generic Electronics Module In English Electronics
GEM Greenstar Energy Management In English Energy economics
GEM Glomérulonéphrite extra-membraneuse In French Pathology
GEMINI GEstion sur MINitel des Inscriptions In French Networks, communication
GEMME Groupe d'Étude du Modélisme ferroviaire à voie Métrique et Étroite (www.gemme.org) In French Organizations and associations
Rail transport engineering
GEMPPM Groupe d'Études de Métallurgie Physique et de Physique des Matériaux In French Research institutes
GEMS General Energy Management System In English Energy economics
GEMS Global Emergency Missile Surveillance In English Military engineering
GEN-AU GENome research in AUstria In English Genetics
GenePAST Gene Patent Application Search Tool In English Software
Industrial property
GEO Geosynchronous Earth Orbit In English Astronautics
GEO Gene Expression Omnibus (www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/) In English Genetics
GEO Group on Earth Observations (www.earthobservations.org) In English Organizations and associations
Earth sciences
GEO Geostationary Earth Orbit In English Astronautics
GEODE Gestion Élaborée sur Ordinateur des Dépenses des Entités In French Software
GEODE Getion de l'Équilibre Offre-Demande d'Électricité In French Energy economics
Electrical engineering
GEODSS Ground-based Electro-Optical Deep-space Surveillance System In English Astronautics
GEODSS Ground-Based Electro-Optical Deep-Space Surveillance In English Electrical engineering
GEOSEPS Geosynchronous Solar Electric Propulsion Stage In English Electrical engineering
GEOSS Global Earth Observation System of Systems (www.epa.gov/geoss/) In English Astronautics
Earth sciences
Geoth Geothermics In English Serial publications, periodicals
Earth sciences
Energy economics
GEP Génie Électrique et des Procédés In French Electrical engineering
Chemical technology
GEPRAF Grupo de Esperanto-Parolantaj Radio-Amatoroj en Francio In Esperanto Organizations and associations
Artificial languages (linguistics)
GER Générateurs Électro-Radiologiques (www.ger-int.com) In French Veterinary medicine
Electrical engineering
GERC Glendora Emergency Response Communications In English Telecommunications
GERCO Grand Équipement de Recherche sur les Composants et Ouvrages du bâtiment In French Construction
GERONIMO GEstion Relationnelle des Ouvrages Nationaux ImmObilisés In French Software
GERPA Groupe d'Étude et de Réflexion de Psychologie Analytique (www.gerpa.fr) In French Organizations and associations
GERPAC Groupe d'Évaluation et de Recherche sur la Protection en Atmosphère Contrôlée In French Organizations and associations
Pharmacology, toxicology
GERT Graphical Evaluation and Review Technique In English Engineering, technology
GES Gestion Élaborée des Stocks In French Software
Maintenance and logistics
GESTAC GEStion du compTeur jAune éleCtronique In French Electrical engineering
GESTE Groupement des Éditeurs de Services en Ligne (www.geste.fr) In French Associations
Graphic industries, printing, publishing
Networks, communication
GET Groupe des Écoles de Télécommunications (www.get-telecom.fr) In French Organizations and associations
Specialized or polytechnical colleges
GET Groupe d'Exploitation Transport In French Electrical engineering
GETI Ground Elapsed Time of Ignition In English Vehicle engineering
GETL Ground Elapsed Time of Landing In English Aeronautics, aircraft
GFA Générale Française Automobile In French Automobile manufacturing
GFAE Government-Furnished Aeronautical Equipment In English Public administration, government
Aeronautics, aircraft
GFAE Government-Furnished Aircraft Equipment In English Public administration, government
Aeronautics, aircraft
GFC Groupe Français de la Céramique In French Organizations and associations
GFCI Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter In English Electrical engineering
GFESS Gaz de France Energy Supply & Solutions In English Energy economics
GFEV Groupe Français d'Étude des Vascularites In French Organizations and associations
Blood and circulatory system
GFM Gélatine Fluide Modifiée In French Blood and circulatory system
GFMS Georgian Foundrymen and Material Scientists Society In English Organizations and associations
Materials science
United States
GFR Gros Filet Rond In French Firefighting
GFRP Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic In English Plastic industry
GFRP Graphite Fiber Reinforced Plastic In English Plastic industry
GFS Gemeinsame Forschungsstelle In German Mathematics and natural sciences
GFSA Global Forum on Sustainable Energy In English Energy economics
GFTM Generic Fluids Transfer Model In English Mechanical engineering
GfW Gesellschaft für Weltraumforschung In German Organizations and associations
GGAG Groupe de Gestion des Accidents Graves In French Accidents, risks, safety
GGC Groupe Génétique et Cancer In French Research institutes
GGD Gemeentelijke Gezondheidsdienst In Dutch Medicine
GGD Gıda Güvenliği Derneği (https://www.ggd.org.tr) In Turkish Associations
Food technology
GGF La Gérance Générale Foncière In French Accommodation
Electrical engineering
GGSN Gateway GPRS Support Node In English Telecommunications
GGVM Gas Generator Valve Module In English Mechanical engineering
GHA General Housekeeping Area In English 64
GHDx Global Health Data Exchange In English Data
Public health and hygiene
GHM Groupe Hersant Médias In French Telecommunications
Graphic industries, printing, publishing
GHZ Gigahertz In English Physics
GI Galvanized Iron In English Metallurgy
GI Gastrointestinal In English Medicine
GI Glycemic Index
= GI | Glykemický index | In Czech
= GI | Glykæmisk indeks | In Danish
= GI | Glykämischer Index | In German
= GI | Glükeemiline indeks | In Estonian
= GI | Glykeeminen indeksi | In Finnish
= IG | Índice glicêmico | In Portuguese
= ГИ | Гликемијски индекс | In Serbian
= GI | Glisemik indeks | In Turkish
In English Nutrition
Food technology
GI Glykemický index
= IG, ГИ (look above)
In Czech Nutrition
Food technology
GI Glykæmisk indeks
= IG, ГИ (look above)
In Danish Nutrition
Food technology
GI Glykämischer Index
= IG, ГИ (look above)
In German Nutrition
Food technology
GI Glükeemiline indeks
= IG, ГИ (look above)
In Estonian Nutrition
Food technology
GI Glykeeminen indeksi
= IG, ГИ (look above)
In Finnish Nutrition
Food technology
GI Glisemik indeks
= IG, ГИ (look above)
In Turkish Nutrition
Food technology
GIA Global Industry Analysts (www.strategyr.com) In English 659
GIAG Guide d'Intervention en cas d'Accident Grave In French Accidents, risks, safety
GIANT Gene therapy: an Integrated Approach for Neoplastic Treatment In English Biotechnology
GIB Giza Immunoeskasiaren Birusa
= VIH | Virus de l'Immunodéficience Humaine | In French
= HIV | Human Immunodeficiency Virus | In English
= VIH | Virus d'Inmunodeficencia Humana | In Asturian
= VIH | Vírus da imunodeficiência humana | In Portuguese
= VIDH | Virus Immunitarii Defectus Humanae | In Latin
= ŽIV | Žmogaus Imunodeficito Virusas | In Lithuanian
= ХИВ | Хумане имунодефицијенције | In Serbian
= MIV | Menslike Immuniteitsgebreksvirus | In Afrikaans
= HIV | Humani Imunodeficientni Virus | In Slovenian
= ВИЧ | Вирус иммунодефицита человека | In Russian
= HIV | Humaan Immunodeficiëntie Virus | In Dutch
In Basque Virology
Immunology and allergy
Infectious diseases
GICA Groupe Industriel des Ciments d'Algérie In French 6669
GIDS General-Purpose Interactive Display System In English Computer hardware
GIE-SIPS Groupement d'Intérêt Économique - Système d'Infomation sur les Produits de Santé In French Organizations and associations
Pharmacology, toxicology
GIFAM Groupement Interprofessionnel des Fabricants d'Appareils d'Équipement Ménager In French Organizations and associations
Engineering, technology
GiGi Gidroprivod i Gidropnevmoavtomatika In Russian Serial publications, periodicals
Engineering, technology
GIL Guide d'Imputation Local In French Accounting
GIM Génie Industriel et Maintenance In French Maintenance and logistics
Engineering, technology
GIMADS Generic Integrated Maintenance And Diagnostic System In English Maintenance and logistics
Engineering, technology
GIMADS Generic Integrated Maintenance Diagnostics In English Maintenance and logistics
Engineering, technology
GIMELEC Groupement des Industries de Matériels d'Équipement Électrique et de l'Électronique industrielle associée In French Organizations and associations
Electrical engineering
GIMES Groupement des Industriels en Matériel de Sécurité Électronique In French Organizations and associations
GIMR Groupe Ingénierie et Maintenance Réseaux In French Electrical engineering
GIN Growth Initiative for Nanoelectronics In English Electronics
GIP GSM Interworking Profile In English Telecommunications
GIP Groupe d'Intervention Préventif In French Firefighting
GIRCEP Groupement des Industries et Centres de Recherche en Électronique de Puissance In French Organizations and associations
Electrical engineering
GIRD Ground Integration Requirements Document In English
GIS Genome Institute of Singapore In English Research institutes
GIS-MRGenCi Groupement d'Intérêt Scientifique pour la Maîtrise des Risques en Génie Civil In French Organizations and associations
Accidents, risks, safety
Civil engineering
GISAID Glabal Initiative on Sharing Avian Influenza Data In English Zoology
Veterinary medicine
GiSan Gigiena i Sanitariia
= GiSan | Гигиена и санитария | In Russian
In Russian Serial publications, periodicals
Personal health and hygiene
GiSan Гигиена и санитария
= (look above)
In Russian Serial publications, periodicals
Personal health and hygiene
GISO General Industry Safety Order In English Accidents, risks, safety
GITEP Groupement des Industries de Télécommunications et d'Électronique Professionnelle In French Organizations and associations
GITEP Grupo de Intercambio Tecnológico de Explotaciones Porcinas In Spanish Organizations and associations
Agricultural sciences
GITEP TICS Groupement des Industries des Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication In French Organizations and associations
Computer science
GITT Groupement des Industries du Transport et du Tourisme In French Organizations and associations
Transport and postal services
GITT Geriatric Interdisciplinary Team Training (Program) (www.gittprogram.org) In English Specialized or polytechnical colleges
GIVE Groupe Interministériel sur le Véhicule Électrique In French Central administration
Vehicle engineering
GLA Gangmasters Licensing Authority (www.gla.gov.uk) In English Labour, labour economics
Agricultural sciences
GLA Global Logistics Associates (www.glanetwork.com) In English Maintenance and logistics
Transport and postal services
GLAADS Gun Low-Altitude Air Defense System In English Military engineering
Aeronautics, aircraft
GLAST Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope In English Astronautics
GLB Gemeenschappelijk Landbouwbeleid
= PAC | Politique Agricole Commune | In French
= PAC | Política Agrícola Comunitària | In Catalan
= SZP | Společná Zemědělská Politika | In Czech
= GAP | Gemeinsame Agrarpolitik | In German
= ΚΑΠ | Κοινή αγροτική πολιτική | In Greek
= KAP | Komuna Agrikultura Politiko | In Esperanto
= PAC | Política Agrícola Común | In Spanish
= KAP | Közös agrárpolitika | In Hungarian
= PAC | Politica Agricola Comune | In Italian
= BŽŪP | Bendroji žemės ūkio politika | In Lithuanian
= CAP | Common Agricultural Policy | In English
= WPR | Wspólna polityka rolna | In Polish
= ССП | Спільна сільськогосподарська політика | In Ukrainian
In Dutch European Union
Agricultural sciences
GLCM Ground-Launched Cruise Missile In English Military engineering
GLCM Ground Launched Cruise Missile In English Military engineering
GLFA Groupement des Lamineurs et Fileurs d'Aluminium In French Organizations and associations
GLIP Grain Legumes Integrated Project In English Agricultural sciences
GLNR Gaz Liivré Non Relevé In French Energy economics
GLNR Gaz Livré Non Relevé In French Energy economics
GLOMR Global Low-Orbiting Message Relay In English Astronautics
GLRA German Leprosy and Tuberculosis Relief Association In English Associations
Infectious diseases
GLT Gestion Logistique et Transport In French Maintenance and logistics
Transport and postal services
GM Guided Missile In English Military engineering
GMA Grocery Manufacturers Association (www.gmabrands.com) In English Associations
Beverage industry
Food technology
GMA Grocery Manufacturers of America In English Associations
Beverage industry
Food technology
GMA Gestion des Miniatures Agricoles In French Software
Agricultural sciences
GMA Génie Mécanique et Automatique In French Mechanical engineering
GMA (Stichting voor) Gezondheid en Milieu in Afrika In Dutch Foundations
GMAL General Electric Macro Assembly Language In English Electrical engineering
GMAW Gas Metal Arc Welding In English Metallurgy
GMB Globaal Medisch Dossier In Dutch Medicine
GME Gimbal Module Electronics In English Electronics
GMEC Global Medical Excellence Cluster (www.gmecuk.com) In English Organizations and associations
GMFCS Guided Missile Fire Control System In English Military engineering
GMI Groupement des Métiers de l'Imprimerie (www.gmi.fr) In French Organizations and associations
Graphic industries, printing, publishing
GML Guided Missile Launcher In English Military engineering
GML George Massenburg Labs In English
GML Government Metallurgical Laboratory In English Research institutes
GML Glycerol Monolaurate In English Chemicals
Food technology
GMLS Guided Missile Launching System In English Military engineering
GMMAFG Global Multimedia Mobility Architecture Framework Group In English Organizations and associations
GMMCG Global Multimedia Mobility Co-ordination Group In English Organizations and associations
GMP Good Manufacturing Practice In English Engineering, technology
GMP Génie Mécanique et Productique In French Mechanical engineering
GMPLS Generalized Multi-Protocol Label Switching In English Networks, communication
GMS Geostationary Meterological Satellite In English Meteorology, climatology
GMS Geostationary Meteorological Satellite In English Astronautics
Meteorology, climatology
GMSC Gateway Mobile Service Switching Center In English Telecommunications
GMU Guided Missile Unit In English Military engineering
GN Glomérulonéphrite In French Pathology
GN&C Guidance, Navigation, and Control In English Vehicle engineering
GN&CS Guidance, Navigation, and Control Subsystem In English Vehicle engineering
GNA Glomérulonéphrite aiguë In French Pathology
GNC Guidance, Navigation, and Control In English Vehicle engineering
GNC Guidance and Navigation Computer In English Computer hardware
Vehicle engineering
GNC Glomérulonéphrite chronique In French Pathology
GNCFTS Guidance, Navigation, and Control Flight Test Station In English Aeronautics, aircraft
GNCIS Guidance, Navigation, and Control Integration Simulator In English Vehicle engineering
GNCSIM Guidance, Navigation, and Control Simulation In English Vehicle engineering
GNCTS Guidance, Navigation, and Control Test Station In English Vehicle engineering
GNDF Glial cell-line-Derived Neurotrophic Factor In English Biochemistry, biophysics
GNE Guidance and Navigational Electronics In English Electronics
Vehicle engineering
GNL Gaz Naturel Liquefié In French Energy economics
Chemical technology
GNPI Gesellschaft für Neonatologie und Pädiatrische Intensivmedizin In English Organizations and associations
GNPÖ Gesellschaft für Neuropsychologie Österreich (www.gnpoe.at) In German Organizations and associations
GNR Gasoil Non routier In French Chemicals
GNRP Glomérulonéphrite rapidement progressive In French Pathology
GNS Guidance and Navigation Simulator In English Vehicle engineering
GNS Guidance Navigation System In English Vehicle engineering
GNS Global Navigation System In English Transport and postal services
GNV Gaz Naturel pour les Véhicules In French Vehicle engineering
GNV Gaz Naturel Véhicule In French Energy economics
Vehicle engineering
GOAL Ground Operations Aerospace Language In English Aeronautics, aircraft
GOBTP Groupement pour le financement des Ouvrages du Bâtiment et des Travaux Publics In French Organizations and associations
Civil engineering
GÖCH Gesellschaft Österreichischer Chemiker (www.goech.at) In German Organizations and associations
Chemical technology
GOCNAE Grupo de Organização da Comissão Nacional de Atividades Espaciais In Portuguese Astronomy
GOES Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite In English Threats to the environment
GOES Geostationary Operational Environment Satellite In English Earth sciences
GOES Geosynchronous Operational Environmental Satellite In English Earth sciences
GOLD Genomics of Lipid-associated Disorders In English Genetics
GOLD Global initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease In English Chest diseases
GONLO Groupe d'Optique Non-Linéaire et d'Optoélectronique In French Optics
GPA General-Purpose Amplifier In English Engineering, technology
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