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Applied sciences, technology

→ Applied sciences, technology
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Acronym Sense Language Topics
SM Systems Management In English Management
Engineering, technology
SM Shuttle Management In English Astronautics
SM Strategic Missile In English Military engineering
SM Standard Missile In English Military engineering
SM&S Systems Management and Sequencing In English Engineering, technology
SM/PM Systems Management/Performance Monitor In English Engineering, technology
SMAB Solid Motor Assembly Building In English Vehicle engineering
SMARTS Simulation, Monitoring, Analysis, Reduction, and Test In English Engineering, technology
SMaS Smart Material Structures In English Serial publications, periodicals
Materials science
SMATH Satellite Materials And Target Hardening In English Astronautics
SMAW Shielded Metal Arc Welding In English Metallurgy
SMAW Shoulder-Launched Multipurpose Assault Weapon In English Military engineering
SMB Space Meteorology Branch In English Meteorology, climatology
SMBS School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences In English Education
Biological sciences
SMCC Shuttle Mission Control Center In English Astronautics
sMCJ Maladie de Creutzfeldt-Jakob sporadique In French Neurology
SMD Spacelab Mission Development In English Astronautics
SMD Structures and Mechanics Division In English Mechanical engineering
SMD Stanford Microarray Database In English Data
SMES Shuttle Mission Engineering Simulator In English Astronautics
SMES Shuttle Mission Evaluation Simulation In English Astronautics
SMES Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage In English Energy economics
SMF Societatea de Servicii de Management Feroviar In Romanian Transport and postal services
SMG Space Flight Meteorology Group In English Meteorology, climatology
SMI Student Medical Insurance In English Insurance
Higher education, universities
SMILS Sonobuoy Missile Impact Location System In English Military engineering
SMIROP Service de Médecine du Travail Interentreprises de la Région Ouest de Paris In French Medicine
Labour, labour economics
SMIRR Shuttle Multispectral Infrared Radiometer In English Astronautics
SML Spacecraft Markup Language In English Programming languages
SMM Subsystem Management Manual In English Management
Engineering, technology
SmMaS Smart Materials and Structures In English Serial publications, periodicals
Materials science
SMN Société Morbihannaise de Navigation In French Transport and postal services
SMO Social Media Optimization In English Advertising
SMP Syndrome Myéloprolifératif In French Blood and circulatory system
SMPM Structural Materials Property Manual In English Materials science
SMPP Syndrome de Münchausen Par Procuration In French Pathology
SMPS Service Module Propulsion Stage In English Vehicle engineering
SMPTE Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (www.smpte.org) In English Organizations and associations
Cinema, movies
SMPTRB Shuttle Main Propulsion Test Requirement Board In English Organizations and associations
SMR Service Médical Rendu In French Pharmacology, toxicology
SMRD Spin Motor Rotation Detector In English Vehicle engineering
SMRD Spin Motor Run(ning) Detector In English Vehicle engineering
SMRD Spin Motor Run Direction In English Vehicle engineering
SMRD Spin Motor Running Director In English Vehicle engineering
SMS Shuttle Mission Simulator In English Astronautics
SMS Short Message Service In English Telecommunications
SMS Sciences Médico-Sociales In French Medicine
SMS Separation Mechanism Subsystem In English Mechanical engineering
SMS System Mechanical Schematic In English Mechanical engineering
SMS Solar Maximum Satellite In English Astronautics
SMS Space Motion Sickness In English Medicine
SMS Stationary Manipulator System In English Mechanical engineering
SMS Synchronous Meteorological Satellite In English Meteorology, climatology
SMSA Strategic Missile Support Area In English Military engineering
SMSB Strategic Missile Support Base In English Military engineering
SMSC Short Message Service Center In English Telecommunications
SMSCC Shuttle Mission Simulator Computer Complex In English Computer hardware
SMSG Shuttle Maintenance Steering Group In English Organizations and associations
Maintenance and logistics
SMSI Sommet Mondial sur la Société de l'Information In French Telecommunications
SMSS Survivable Missile Surveillance System In English Military engineering
SMT Supervised Manufacturer's Testing In English Engineering, technology
SMT Surface Mount Technology In English Electronics
SMT Selective Message Transaction In English Telecommunications
SMT Small Missile Telecamera In English Military engineering
SMT Surface-Mounted Technology In English Engineering, technology
SMT Surface Mounting Technology In English Electronics
SMTAS Shuttle Modal Test and Analysis System In English Astronautics
SMTF Shuttle MIssion Trainer Facility In English Astronautics
SMU Speaker/Microphone Unit In English Telecommunications
SMUH Service Médical d'Urgence Héliporté In French Traumatology
SMUR Service Mobile d'Urgence et de Réanimation In French Traumatology
SMV Sächsische Modellbahner-Vereinigung (http://smv-aktuell.de) In German Organizations and associations
Rail transport engineering
SMVP Shuttle Master Verification Plan In English Quality management
SMVRD Shuttle Master Verification Requirements Document In English Quality management
SMVU Sociedad de Medicina Veterinaria del Uruguay (www.smvu.com.uy) In Spanish Organizations and associations
Veterinary medicine
SMW Standard Materials Work Sheet In English Materials science
SMW Strategic Missile Wing In English Military engineering
SMZ Schweizerischer Fachverband metallverarbeitender Zulieferer (www.smz-net.ch) In German Organizations and associations
SN Space Network In English Astronomy
SNA Sous-marin Nucléraire d'Attaque In French Nuclear technology
Military engineering
SNA Sous-marin Nucléaire d'Attaque In French Military engineering
SNAP Space Nuclear Auxiliary Power In English Nuclear technology
SNBPE Syndicat National du Béton Prêt à l'Emploi (www.snbpe.org) In French Organizations and associations
Civil engineering
SNC Société Nationale de Colombiculture In French Organizations and associations
Agricultural sciences
SNC Société Nucléaire Canadienne (www.cns-snc.ca) In French Organizations and associations
Nuclear, atomic, and molecular physics
Nuclear technology
SNCB Société Nationale des Chemins de fer Belges (www.b-rail.be)
= NMBS | Nationale Maatschappij der Belgische Spoorwegen | In Dutch
In French Rail transport engineering
Transport and postal services
SNCC Syndicat National des Courtiers en Céréales In French Organizations and associations
Agricultural sciences
SNCD Syndicat National de la Communication Directe In French Organizations and associations
SNCF Société Nationale des Chemins de fer Français (www.sncf.com) In French Transport and postal services
SNCFR Societatea Naţională a Căilor Ferate Române In Romanian Transport and postal services
SNCFT Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer Tunisiens (www.sncft.com.tn) In French Transport and postal services
SNCO Syndicat National des Courtiers en Graines Oléagineuses, Huiles et Corps Gras In French Organizations and associations
Agricultural sciences
Food technology
SNCPL Syndicat National des Courtiers en Produits Laitiers In French Organizations and associations
Food technology
SNCTP Syndicat National des Courtiers en Tourteaux et Protéines In French Organizations and associations
Agricultural sciences
SND Signal Network Distributor In English Telecommunications
SNECMA Société Nationale d'Études et de Construction de Moteurs d'Avions In French Aeronautics, aircraft
SNEM Service National des Endémies Majeures In French Central administration
Infectious diseases
SNET Société Nationale d'Électricité et de Thermique In French Energy economics
Electrical engineering
SNFS Syndicat National des Fabricants de Sucre In French Organizations and associations
Food technology
SNHF Société Nationale d'Horticulture de France (www.snhf.asso.fr) In French Organizations and associations
SNIAS Société Nationale Industrielle Aéronautique et Spatiale In French Aeronautics, aircraft
SNIP Syndicat National de l'Industrie Pharmaceutique In French Pharmacology, toxicology
SNLE Sous-marin Nucléaire Lanceur d'Engins In French Nuclear technology
Military engineering
SNMI Syndicat National des Mortiers Industriels (www.snmi.org) In French Organizations and associations
Civil engineering
SNML Salzburg NewMediaLab (www.newmedialab.at) In English Computer science
SNOB Supporter(s) of Native Oregon Beer In English Organizations and associations
Beverage industry
SNPAA Syndicat National des Producteurs d'Alcool Agricole In French Organizations and associations
Agricultural sciences
Chemical technology
SNPAR Syndicat de la Presse Agricole et Rurale In French Organizations and associations
Newspapers, journalism
Agricultural sciences
SNPB Syndicat National du Pompage du Béton In French Organizations and associations
Civil engineering
SNPBAH Syndicat National des Pharmaciens et Biologistes Assistants des Hôpitaux In French Organizations and associations
Pharmacology, toxicology
SNPGH Syndicat National des Pharmaciens Gérants Hospitaliers In French Organizations and associations
Pharmacology, toxicology
SNPHPU Syndicat National des Pharmaciens, Praticiens Hospitaliers et Praticiens Hospitaliers Universitaires In French Organizations and associations
Pharmacology, toxicology
SNPM Syndicat National de la Presse Médicale et des professions de santé In French Organizations and associations
Newspapers, journalism
SNPO Space Nuclear Propulsion Office In English Nuclear technology
SNPTV Syndicat National de la Publicité Télévisée In French Organizations and associations
SNR Societatea Naţională de Radiocomunicaţii In Romanian Telecommunications
SNRE Stratégie Nationale de Recherche dans le domaine de l'Énergie In French Research policy
Energy economics
SNRPH Syndicat National des Radiopharmaciens In French Organizations and associations
Pharmacology, toxicology
SNRT Société Nationale de Radiodiffusion et de Télévision In French Telecommunications
SNS Shuttle Network System In English Astronautics
SNSO Space Nuclear Systems Office In English Nuclear technology
SNT Societatea Naţională de Telecomunicaţii In Romanian Telecommunications
SNTPCT Syndicat National des Techniciens et Travailleurs de la Production Cinématographique et de la Télévision (www.sntpct.fr) In French Organizations and associations
Labour, labour economics
Cinema, movies
SNUG Select Noble Users Group In English Telecommunications
SO Shuttle Operations In English Astronautics
SO/SI Space Operations and Scientific Investigation In English Astronomy
SOA State Of the Art In English Engineering, technology
SOAR Shuttle Orbital Applications and Requirements In English Astronautics
SOARA South Orange Amateur Radio Association In English Organizations and associations
SOARS Shuttle Operation Automated Reporting System In English Knowledge management
SOC Shuttle Operations Center In English Astronautics
SOC Space Operations Center In English Astronautics
SOCAR Shuttle Operational Capability Assessment Report In English Quality management
SOCC Satellite Operations Control Center In English Astronautics
SOCC Shuttle Operations Computing Center In English Computer science
SoCe Solar Cells In English Serial publications, periodicals
Energy economics
SOCH Spacelab Orbiter Common Hardware In English Computer hardware
SOCODEI Société pour le Conditionnement des Déchets et Effluents Industriels In French Environmental technology, water supply, waste management
SOCRATE Système Offrant à la Clientèle la Réservation d'Affaires et de Tourisme en Europe In French Software
Transport and postal services
SODB Shuttle Operational Data Book In English Astronautics
SODETEG Société d'Études Techniques et d'Entreprises Générales In French
SODETREL Société pour le Développement des Transports Électriques In French Electrical engineering
Vehicle engineering
Transport and postal services
SODEVAL Société d’Exploitation de la Valentonine In French Organizations and associations
Pharmacology, toxicology
SODIT SOciété Développement Innovation dans les Transports In French Transport and postal services
SODS Shuttle Operational Data Submittal In English Data
SODS Shuttle Operational Data System In English Data
SODS Skylab Orbit-Deorbit System In English Astronautics
SODSIM Strategic Offense-Defense Simulation In English Military affairs
Military engineering
SoEn Solar Energy In English Serial publications, periodicals
Energy economics
SoEnM Solar Energy Materials In English Serial publications, periodicals
Energy economics
SOF Safety Of Flight In English Accidents, risks, safety
Aeronautics, aircraft
SOFC Solid Oxyd Fuel Cell In English Astronautics
SOFC Solid Oxide Fuel Cell In French Energy economics
SOFC Solid Oxide Fuel Cell In English Energy economics
Chemical technology
SOFCOT SOciété Française de Chirurgie Orthopédique et Traumatologique (www.sofcot.com.fr) In French Organizations and associations
Surgery, orthopaedics, ophthalmology
SOFCOT Société Française de Chirurgie Orthopédique et Traumatologie In French Organizations and associations
Surgery, orthopaedics, ophthalmology
SOFENA Sofia Energy Agency In English Energy economics
SoFMMAA SOciété Française de Médecine Morphologique et Anti-Age (www.sofmmaa.org) In French Organizations and associations
SOFRES Société Française d'Exportation de Systèmes d'Armements In French Trade
Military engineering
SOFT Space Operations and Flight Technique In English Aeronautics, aircraft
SOFT Suborbit Flight Test In English Aeronautics, aircraft
SOGEP Société Genevoise des Pétroles In French 665
SOGITS Senior Officials Group on Information Technology Standardization In English Computer science
Food technology
SOGT Senior Officials Group on Telecommunications In English Telecommunications
SOI Space Object Identification In English Astronautics
SOIA Synthetic Organic Ion Exchangers and Adsorbents In English 68
SOIS Spacelab/Orbiter Interface Simulator In English Human-computer interaction
SOISIC Saisie Optique Informatique de Structures Industrielles Complexes In French Computer-based techniques
Engineering, technology
SOLAME Société Lyonnaise d'Applications Mécanographiques In French Computer science
SOM Ship Operations Manager In English 6295
SOM Suborbital Mission In English Astronautics
SOMS Shuttle Orbiter Medical System In English Medicine
SONAR Sound Navigation Ranging In French Engineering, technology
SONE Synchronous Optical Network In Dutch Networks, communication
SONEB Société Nationale des Eaux du Bénin In French Environmental technology, water supply, waste management
SONEL Société Nationale d'ÉLectricité In French Electrical engineering
SONET Synchronous Optical Networking In English Telecommunications
SOP Spacecraft Operations Plan In English Astronautics
SOP Spacelab Opportunity Payload In English Astronautics
SOPC System On a Programmable Chip In English Computer hardware
SOPC Shuttle Operations and Planning Center In English Astronautics
SOPEMEA Société pour le Perfectionnement des Matériels et Équipements Aérospatiaux In French Aeronautics, aircraft
SOPEXA Société Pour l'Expansion des ventes des produits Agricoles et Alimentaires In French Trade
Agricultural sciences
SOPOREN Société Poitevine de Rénovation In French Organizations and associations
SoPPS School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences In English Education
Pharmacology, toxicology
SOR Stable Orbit Rendezvous In English Astronautics
SORTEL Société d'Optique de Précision et d'Électro-Optique In French Horticulture
Electrical engineering
SOS Silicon On Sapphire In English Electronics
SOS Synchronous-Orbit Satellite In English Astronautics
SOS System Operational Safety In English Accidents, risks, safety
SOS Syndrome d'Obstruction des Sinusoïdes In French Pathology
SOSI Space Operations Scientific Investigation In English Astronautics
SOSMAN Space Operations System Manifesting Program In English Astronautics
SOSRM Strap-On Solid Rocket Motor In English Astronautics
SOT Solar Optical Telescope In English Astronomy
SOT Society of Toxicology (www.toxicology.org) In English Organizations and associations
Pharmacology, toxicology
SOTS Suborbital Tank Separation In English Astronautics
SOVERGS Sociedade de Veterinária do Rio Grande do Sul (www.sovergs.com.br) In Portuguese Organizations and associations
Veterinary medicine
SP Safety Plan In English Accidents, risks, safety
SP Surveillance Payload In English Astronautics
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