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Applied sciences, technology

→ Applied sciences, technology
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Acronym Sense Language Topics
PS Payload Support In English Astronautics
PS Power Supply In English Electrical engineering
PS Puissance Souscrite In French Energy economics
PSA Power and Servoassembly In English Mechanical engineering
Electrical engineering
PSA Power Servoamplifier In English Mechanical engineering
Electrical engineering
PSA Power Switching Assembly In English Energy economics
Electrical engineering
PSA Presleep Activity In English Medicine
PSA Payload Service Area In English Astronautics
PSA Payload Support Avionics In English Aeronautics, aircraft
PSA Poultry Science Association (www.poultryscience.org) In English Associations
Agricultural sciences
PSBLS Permanent Space-Based Logistics System In English Maintenance and logistics
PSC Payload Support Contractor In English Astronautics
PSC Planetary Spacecraft In English Astronautics
PSC1 Prévention et Secours Civiques de niveau 1 In French Traumatology
PSCL Propellant Systems Cleaning Laboratory In English Research institutes
PSCN Program Support Communications Network In English Networks, communication
PSCU Power Supply Control Unit In English Energy economics
Electrical engineering
PSD Power Spectral Density In English Physics
Electrical engineering
PSD Power Systems Division In English Energy economics
Electrical engineering
PSDE Payload and Spacecraft Development and Experimentation In English Astronautics
PSDE Philippine Society of Digestive Endoscopy (www.psde.org.ph) In English Organizations and associations
PSDE Programme de Soins Dentaires pour Enfants In French Dentistry
PSDF Propulsion System Development Facility In English Vehicle engineering
PSDP Payload Station Distribution Panel In English Astronautics
PSDP Payload System Distribution Panel In English Astronautics
PSDU Power and Signal Distribution Unit In English Energy economics
Electrical engineering
PSE Payload Service Equipment In English Astronautics
PSE Payload Support Engineer In English Astronautics
PSE Payload Support Equipment In English Astronautics
PSE Primer Specificity Evaluation In English Software
PSEBM Proceedings of The Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine In English Serial publications, periodicals
Biological sciences
PSEPR Pôle Système Électrique Production Régionale In French Electrical engineering
PSF Probability of Stress Failure In English Mechanical engineering
PSF Propellant Servicing Facility In English Astronautics
PSG Power Subsystem Group In English Energy economics
Electrical engineering
PSI Paul Scherrer Institut
= GEKT | Grupoj Eŭropaj je Koopero Teritoria | In Esperanto
= GECT | Groupement Européen de Coopération Transfrontalière | In French
= IPS | Institut Paul Scherrer | In French
In German Mathematics and natural sciences
PSI Power Static Inverter In English Energy economics
PSI Programme de Surveillance de l'Irradiation In French Nuclear technology
PSIG Propulsion Systems Integration Group In English Astronautics
PSIU Power and Signal Interface Unit In English Energy economics
Electrical engineering
PSK Phase-Shift Keying In English Telecommunications
PSL Produit Sanguin Labile In French Pharmacology, toxicology
Blood and circulatory system
PSL Pressure Seal In English Mechanical engineering
PSM Power Storage Module In English Energy economics
PSM Propellant Storage Module In English Astronautics
PSMA Physical Sunscreen Manufacturers Association In English Associations
Chemical technology
PSMI Pryde Schropp McComb, Inc (www.psmi.ca) In English Civil engineering
Transport and postal services
PSMI Patch Slice Microincubator In English Biological sciences
PSO Pasaulio sveikatos organizacija
= MOS | Monda Organiz(aĵ)o pri Sano | In Esperanto
= WHO | World Health Organization | In English
= OMS | Organisation Mondiale de la Santé | In Esperanto
= OMS | Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità | In Italian
= WGO | Wêreldgesondheidsorganisasie | In Afrikaans
= OMS | Organización Mundial de la Salú | In Asturian
= СЗО | Световната здравна огранизация | In Bulgarian
= SZO | Světová zdravotnická organizace | In Czech
= OMS | Organització Mundial de la Salut | In Catalan
= OMS | Organización Mundial de la Salud | In Spanish
= MTO | Maailma Terviseorganisatsioon | In Estonian
= MOE | Munduko Osasun Erakundea | In Basque
= OMS | Organisacion mondiâla de la sandât | In Franco-Provençal
= OMS | Organización Mundial da Saúde | In Galician
= SZO | Svjetska zdravstvena organizacija | In Croatian
= RTD | Rêxistina Tendurustiyê ya Dinyayê | In Kurdish
= UMS | Urganizazziun mundiala da la Santaa | In Lombard
= PVO | Pasaules veselības organizācija | In Latvian
= ÜST | Ümumdünya Səhiyyə Təşkilatı | In Turkish
In Lithuanian United Nations
PSO Pad Safety Officer In English Accidents, risks, safety
PSO ProzessStandard Offsetdruck In German Graphic industries, printing, publishing
PSO Polskie Składy Oponiarskie In Polish Automobile manufacturing
PSP Payload Signal Processor In English Astronautics
PSP Payload Specialist Panel In English Astronautics
PSP Payload Support Plan In English Astronautics
PSP Planetary Scan Platform In English Astronautics
PSP Planetary Scan Probe In English Astronautics
PSP Programmable Signal Processor In English Software
PSPA Pilotage des Systèmes de Production Automatisée In French Mechanical engineering
PSPH Participant au Service Public Hospitalier In French Medicine
PSR Payload Safety Review In English Accidents, risks, safety
PSR Production Safety Review In English Management
Accidents, risks, safety
PSR Project Safety Review In English Management
Accidents, risks, safety
PSS Pad Safety Supervisor In English Accidents, risks, safety
PSS Propulsion Support System In English Vehicle engineering
PSS Payload Specialist Station In English Astronautics
PSS Payload Status System In English Astronautics
PSS Payload Support System In English Astronautics
PSS Propellant Supply Subsystem In English Aeronautics, aircraft
PSS Propulsion Subsystem In English Vehicle engineering
PSS Procédé de Stabilisation et Solidification In French Environmental technology, water supply, waste management
PSSA Programme Spécial pour la Sécurité Alimentaire
= SPFS | Special Programme for Food Security | In English
In French Agricultural sciences
Food technology
PSSM Polish Society for Sexual Medicine In English Organizations and associations
Sexual problems
PSSP Payload Specialist Station Panel In English Astronautics
PSTL Pressure Model Static and Transient Launch Configuration In English Astronautics
PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network
= RTCP | Réseau Téléphonique Commuté Public | In French
= ТСОП | елефонная сеть общего пользования | In Russian
In English Telecommunications
PSU Power Switching Unit In English Energy economics
Electrical engineering
PSU Power Supply Unit In English Computer hardware
Electrical engineering
PSV Planetary Space Vehicle In English Astronautics
PSV Probability of Vehicle Success In English Astronautics
PSW Paris Space Week In English Congresses
PT Post- og Teletilsynet In Norwegian Telecommunications
Transport and postal services
PT Propulsion Test In English Vehicle engineering
PT Power Transfer In English Energy economics
PT Physical Therapy In English Medicine
PTA Propulsion Test Article In English Vehicle engineering
PTAN Preschool Technical Assistance Network In English Education
Engineering, technology
PTB Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt In German Physics
Engineering, technology
PTB Payload Timing Buffer In English Astronautics
PTC Plasma Thromboplastin Component In English Blood and circulatory system
Pharmacology, toxicology
PTC Радио-телевизија Србије (www.rts.co.yu)
= RTS | Radio Televizija Srbije | In Serbian
In Serbian Telecommunications
PTCA Percutaneous Coronary Transluminal Angioplasty In English Cardiology
PTCC Propulsion Test Control Center In English Astronautics
PTCR Pad Terminal Connection Room In English Telecommunications
PTCS Propellant Tanking Computer System In English Computer hardware
PTD Preliminary Technical Directive In English Engineering, technology
PTD Provisioning Technical Documentation In English Engineering, technology
PTE Plate-forme Technologique Européenne In English Engineering, technology
PTE Procédure Technique d'Exploitation In French
PTENS Physical Therapy, Exercise and Nutrition Science In English Medicine
Sport, physical exercises
PTFE Polytétrafluoroéthylène
= PFTE | Polytetrafluoroethylene | In English
= PTFE | Politetrafluoretilè | In Catalan
= PFTE | Polytetrafluorethylen | In Czech
= ПТФЭ | Политетрафторэтиле́н | In Chuvash
= PFTE | Polytetrafluorethylen | In German
= PFTE | Polytetrafluorieteenin | In Finnish
= PFTE | Politetrafluoroetilene | In Italian
= PFTE | ポリテトラフルオロエチレン | In Japanese
= PFTE | Polytetrafluoretheen | In Dutch
= PFTE | Politetrafluoretileno | In Portuguese
= ПТФЭ | Политетрафторэтилен | In Russian
= PFTE | Polytetrafluóretylén | In Slovak
= PFTE | Polytetrafluoreten | In Swedish
= PFTE | Politetrafloroetilen | In Turkish
= ПТФЕ | Політетрафторетилен | In Ukrainian
In French Plastic industry
PTFE Politetrafluoretilè
= PFTE, ПТФЭ, ПТФЕ (look above)
In Catalan Plastic industry
PTI Purpura Thrombopénique Idiopathique In French Pathology
PTI Procédure Technique d'Installation In French
PTM Procédure Technique de Migration In French
PTN Publika telefonnätet In Swedish Telecommunications
PTO Power Test Operation In English Energy economics
PTO Procédure Technique Opérationnelle In French
PTP Previously Treated Patient In English Pharmacology, toxicology
PTR Prestation Technologique Réseau In French Engineering, technology
PTR Projektträger Reaktorsicherheitsforschung In German Nuclear technology
PTR Program Technical Review In English Management
Engineering, technology
PTS Payload Test Set In English Astronautics
PTS Payload Transportation System In English Vehicle engineering
PTS Per-Trunk Signaling In English Telecommunications
PTSF Payload Trunnion Support Fixture In English Astronautics
PTT Poŝto, Telegrafo kaj Telefono In Esperanto Telecommunications
Transport and postal services
PTT Purpura Thrombotique Thrombocytopénique In French Blood and circulatory system
PTT Post Telegraaf Telefoon In Dutch Telecommunications
Transport and postal services
PTV Pathfinder Test Vehicle In English Astronautics
PU Power Unit In English Energy economics
Electrical engineering
PU Propellant Unit In English Astronautics
PU Propellant Utilization In English Astronautics
PUC Poste Urbain Compact In French Electrical engineering
PUCA Plan Urbanisme, Construction, Architecture In French Construction
PUCE Programme pour l'Utilisation des Composants Électroniques In French 621038
PUCS Propellant Utilization Control System In English Astronautics
PUGS Propellant Utilization and Gauging System In English Astronautics
PUI Plan d'Urgence Interne In French Accidents, risks, safety
PUMA Programme pour l'Utilisation des Matériaux Avancés In French 620
PUMA Prix Unitaire Moyen des ouvrages gAz In French Prices
Energy economics
PUP Previously Untreated Patient In English Pharmacology, toxicology
PUV Propellant Utilization Valve In English Astronautics
PV Photovoltaic In English Energy economics
PV Polyglobulie de Vaquez In French Blood and circulatory system
PVA Preburner Valve Actuator In English Astronautics
PVA Propellant Valve Actuator In English Astronautics
PVA Plasma Viro-Atténué In French Blood and circulatory system
PVC Polyvinyl Chloride In English 665
PVC Permanent Virtual Circuit In English Telecommunications
PVD Polyvinylidene Fluoride In English Plastic industry
PVDC Polyvinylidene Chloride In English Plastic industry
PVDF Polyvinylidenefluoride In English Plastic industry
PVDS Propellant Vent and Drain System In English Astronautics
PVED Propulsion And Vehicle Engineering Division In English Vehicle engineering
PVL Periventrikuläre Leukomalazie
= PVL | Periventricular Leukomalacia | In English
= PVL | Periventriculaire Leukomalacie | In Dutch
= LMPV | Leucomalacie périventriculaire | In French
In German Obstetrics
PVL Periventricular Leukomalacia
= LMPV (look above)
In English Obstetrics
PVL Periventriculaire Leukomalacie
= LMPV (look above)
In Dutch Obstetrics
PVMA Pre-Veterinary Medical Association In English Associations
Veterinary medicine
PVO Pioneer Venus Orbiter In English Astronautics
PVO Pasaules veselības organizācija
= PSO, MOS, WHO, OMS, WGO, СЗО, SZO, MTO, MOE, RTD, UMS, ÜST (look above)
In Latvian United Nations
PVR Precision Voltage Reference In English Electrical engineering
PVT Preflight Verification Test In English Aeronautics, aircraft
PVT Pyrotechnic Verification Test In English Astronautics
PVTCS Photovoltaic Thermal Control System In English Energy economics
PWA Pratt and Whitney Aircraft In English Aeronautics, aircraft
PWA Printed Wiring Assembly In English Electronics
PWB Printed Wiring Board In English Electronics
PWDS Protected Wire Distribution System In English Electrical engineering
PWGSC Public Works and Government Services Canada (www.tpsgc-pwgsc.gc.ca)
= TPSGC | Travaux Publics et Services Gouvernementaux Canada | In French
In English Central administration
Civil engineering
PWMD Printed Wiring Master Drawing In English Electronics
PWR Pressurized Water Reactor
= REP | Réacteur à Eau Pressurisée | In French
= DWR | Druckwasserreaktor | In German
In English Nuclear technology
PWR Politechnika Wrocławska In Polish Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Engineering, technology
PWT Propulsion Wind Tunnel In English Vehicle engineering
PZM Pressure Zone Microphone In English Acoustical engineering
PZMKiMK Polski Zwiazek Modelarzy Kolejowych i Milosników Kolei In Polish Entertainment
Rail transport engineering
PZR Polimeraz Zəncir Reaksiyası
= PCR | Polymerase Chain Reaction | In English
= ACP | Amplification en Chaîne par Polymérase | In French
= TAN | Test d'amplification des Acides Nucléiques | In French
= RCP | Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase | In Portuguese
= ПЦР | Полимера́зная Цепна́я Реа́кция | In Russian
= PĈR | Polimeraza Ĉen-Reakcio | In Esperanto
= ՊՇՌ | Պոլիմերազային շղթայական ռեակցիան | In Armenian
= PGR | Polimerazinė Grandininė Reakcija | In Lithuanian
= ПГУ | Полимеразын Гинжин Урвал | In Mongolian
= ПЛР | Полімеразна Ланцюгова Реакція | In Ukrainian
In Azerbaijani Biotechnology
QALY Quality-Adjusted Life Years In English Medicine
QAM Quadrature Amplitude Modulation In English Telecommunications
QANTAS Queensland And Northern Territories Airline System (https://www.qantas.com) In English Transport by air
QAVT Qualification Acceptance Vibration Test In English Quality management
Mechanical engineering
QCM Quartz Crystal Microbalance In English Electronics
QD Quantum Doloris In Latin Medicine
QE Quittancement Élaboré In French Accounting
Qe2 Quantock Energy & Environment In English Energy economics
Environmental technology, water supply, waste management
QFB Químico Farmacobiología In Spanish Biochemistry, biophysics
Pharmacology, toxicology
QFP Quad Flat Pack In English Electronics
QİÇS Qazanılmış İmmun Çatışmazlığı Sindromu
= AIDS | Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome | In English
= SIDA | Syndrome d'Immuno-Déficience Acquise | In French
= VIGS | Verworwe Immuniteitsgebreksindroom | In Afrikaans
= SIDA | Síndrome de Inmuno-Deficiencia Adquirida | In Occitan
= SIDA | Sindromo di Imuno-Defekteso Aquirita | In Ido
= AIDS | Akirita Imuno-Deficita Simptomaro | In Esperanto
= SIDA | Sindrome d'inmunodefizienzia aquirita | In Aragonese
= СПИН | Синдром на придобитата имунна недостатъчност | In Bulgarian
= SIDA | Síndrome d'Immunodeficiència Adquirida | In Catalan
= HIES | Hartutako Immuno Eskasiaren Sindromea | In Basque
= SIDA | Síndrome de Inmunodeficiencia Adquirida | In Spanish
= SEIF | Siondróm Easpa Imdhíonachta Faighte | In Irish
= AIDS | Annlochd Inneamh Dìon-Slàinte | In Scottish Gaelic
= ՁԻԱՀ | Ձեռքբերովի Իմունային Անբավարվածության Համախտանիշ | In Armenian
= SCDI | Syndromis Comparatis Defectu Immunitatis | In Latin
= 에이즈 | 후천성 면역 결핍 증후군 | In Korean
= შიდსი | შეძენილი იმუნური დეფიციტის სინდრომი | In Georgian
= СИДА | Синдромот на стекнат имунолошки дефицит | In Macedonian
= СИДА | синдром стеченог имунолошког дефицита | In Serbian
= AIDS | Akvirírani imúnski deficítni sindróm | In Slovenian
= СПИД | Синдром приобретённого иммунного дефицита | In Russian
= SIDA | Sindromul Imunodeficienţei Autodobândite | In Romanian
= UHCW | Unquy hark'aypa chaskisqa waqlliynin | In Quechua
= SIDA | Síndrome da imunodeficiência adquirida | In Portuguese
= AIDS | Hội chứng Suy giảm Miễn dịch Mắc phải | In Vietnamese
= СНІД | Cиндром набутого імунодефіциту | In Ukrainian
= AIDS | Alınğan İmmun Defisit Síndromı | In Tatar
= UKIMWI | Upungufu wa Kinga Mwilini | In Swahili
In Azerbaijani Immunology and allergy
Infectious diseases
QMS Qualification Model Spacecraft In English Astronautics
QPSK Quadrature Phase-shift keying In English Telecommunications
QRSL Quick-Reaction Space Laboratory In English Research institutes
QSE Qualité, Sécurité, Environnement In French Quality management
Environmental technology, water supply, waste management
QT Qualification Test In English Engineering, technology
QTP Qualification Test Plan In English Engineering, technology
QTP Qualification Test Procedure In English Engineering, technology
QTR Qualification Test Report In English Engineering, technology
QTV Qualification Test Vehicle In English Astronautics
QUAS Quaternisation of Starch Producers Association In English Associations
Chemical technology
QVT Qualified Verification Testing In English Engineering, technology
R&CC Recorder and Communication Control In English Telecommunications
R&D Recherche et développement
= F&E | Forschung und Entwicklung | In German
= R&D | Research and Development | In English
= I+D | Investigación y Desarrollo | In Spanish
= R&S | Ricerca e Sviluppo | In Italian
= P&D | Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento | In Portuguese
= O&O | Onderzoek en Ontwikkeling | In Dutch
= FoU | Forsøk og Utvikling | In Norwegian
In French Research policy
Engineering, technology
R&D Research and Development
= F&E, I+D, R&S, P&D, O&O, FoU (look above)
In English Research policy
Engineering, technology
R&DO Research and Development Operations In English Research policy
Engineering, technology
R&E Research and Engineering In English Research policy
Engineering, technology
R&S Ricerca e Sviluppo
= R&D, F&E, I+D, P&D, O&O, FoU (look above)
In Italian Research policy
Engineering, technology
R&S Reliability and Safety In English Accidents, risks, safety
R&T Research and Technology In English Research policy
Engineering, technology
R&T Réseaux & Télécoms In French Networks, communication
R2I Réseau Industriel d'Innovation In French Research policy
Industry, industrial policy
Engineering, technology
R2ITH Réseau Industriel d'Innovation du Textile et de l'Habillement In French Textile industry
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