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Applied sciences, technology

→ Applied sciences, technology
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Acronym Sense Language Topics
RA Rheumatoide Arthritis In German Pathology
RAADIS Réseau pour une Agriculture et une Alimentation Durables Inventives et Solidaires In French Organizations and associations
Agricultural sciences
Food technology
RAAP Red Académica Peruana In Spanish Computer science
Higher education, universities
RAAS Renine, Angiotensine, Aldosteron Systeem In Dutch Blood and circulatory system
RABF Radio Astronomy Bandstop Filter In English Astronomy
RACC Radio Advertising Clearance Centre In English Telecommunications
RACES Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service In English Telecommunications
RACH Random Access Channel In English Telecommunications
RAD Research and Advanced Development In English Research policy
Engineering, technology
RADAR RAdio Detection And Ranging In English Telecommunications
RADIUS Remote Authentication Dial In User Service In English Networks, communication
RADO Radiation Dosimetry In English Radioactivity
RADO-HTR Radiation Dosimetry - High Temperature Ratio In English Radioactivity
RAE Royal Aerospace Establishment In English Aeronautics, aircraft
RaEE Radio and Electronic Engineer In English Serial publications, periodicals
RAéS Réseau Recherche Aéronautique sur le Supersonique In French Aeronautics, aircraft
RAG Rohöl-Aufsuchungs Aktiengesellschaft (https://www.rag-austria.at/) In German Chemical technology
RAG Réseau d'Alimentation Générale In French Energy economics
RAGIE Red Avanzada Guatemalteca para la Investigación y Educación In Spanish Computer science
Mathematics and natural sciences
RAI Radio Audizioni Italiane (www.rai.it) In Italian Telecommunications
RAI Radar Altimeter Indicator In English Aeronautics, aircraft
RAI Roll Attitude Indicator In English Astronautics
RAI Radiotelevisione Italiana (www.rai.it) In Italian Telecommunications
RAI Rijwiel en Automobiel Industrie In Dutch Automobile manufacturing
RAI Résultat Avant Impôt In French Accounting
Taxes, duties
RAICES Red Avanzada de Investigación, Ciencia y Educación Salvadoreña In Spanish Computer science
Mathematics and natural sciences
RAID Regional Association for Irrigation and Drainage
= ARID | Association Régionale pour l'Irrigation et le Drainage | In French
In English Associations
Agricultural sciences
RAISIN Réseau d'Alerte, d'Investigation et de Surveillance des Infections Nosocomiales In French Organizations and associations
Infectious diseases
RAISOM Réseaux de collecte IP Sans Fil Optimisés In French Networks, communication
RALPH Reduction and Acquisition Of Lunar Pulse Heights In English Astronomy
RALT Radar Altimeter In English Aeronautics, aircraft
RAMAC Random Access Method of Accounting And Control In English Accounting
RAMC Régime Canadien d'Accès aux Médicaments
= CAMR | Canada's Access to Medicines Regime | In English
In French Pharmacology, toxicology
RAN Report À Nouveau In French Accounting
RANN Research Applied to National Needs In English Research policy
Engineering, technology
RAP Reserve Auxiliary Payload In English Astronautics
RAP Responsibility Accounting Program In English Accounting
RAP Reprise des Amortissements et Provisions In French Accounting
RAPCON Radar Approach and Control In English Aeronautics, aircraft
RAPHAEL ReActor for Process heat, Hydrogen And ELectricity generation In English Energy economics
RAPID Revolutionary Avalanche Photodiode Infrared Detector In English Electronics
RAQPA Résidence d'Accueil de Quartier pour Personnes Agées In French Accommodation
RARE Réseau de recherche et d'innovation technologique 'Alimentation Référence Europe' In French Nutrition
Food technology
RaRLJ Radio Research Laboratories Journal In English Serial publications, periodicals
RaRLR Radio Research Laboratories Review In English Serial publications, periodicals
RAS Requirements Accounting System In English Accounting
RAS Remontée Aéro-Souterraine In French Energy economics
Electrical engineering
RaSc Radio Science In English Serial publications, periodicals
RaScB Radio Science Bulletin In English Serial publications, periodicals
RaScS Radio Science Supplement In English Serial publications, periodicals
RASM Remote Analog Submultiplexer In English Electrical engineering
RASMUS Remote Accessible Software configurable Multi-channel Ultrasound Sampling system In English Software
RASTI Rapid Speech Transmission Index In English Acoustical engineering
RATCC Radar Air Traffic Control Center In English Aeronautics, aircraft
RATO Rocket-Assisted Takeoff In English Astronautics
RATP Régie Autonome des Transports Parisiens (www.ratp.fr) In French Transport and postal services
RATP Réseau pour l'Abolition des Transports Payants In French Organizations and associations
Transport and postal services
RAU Red Académica Uruguaya In Spanish Computer science
Higher education, universities
RAV Reste À Ventiler In French Accounting
RAVeL Réseau Autonome des Voies Lentes In French Transport and postal services
RAWS Role-Adaptable Weapons System In English Military engineering
RBB Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg In German Telecommunications
RBC Red Blood Cells In English Blood and circulatory system
RBE Relative Biological Effectiveness In English Pharmacology, toxicology
Nuclear technology
RBF Regional Blood Flow In English Blood and circulatory system
RBS Radar Bomb Scoring In English Military engineering
RC Reinforced Concrete In English Construction
RC Resistance-Capacitance In English Electrical engineering
RCA Radio Corporation of America In English Telecommunications
United States
RCA Responsabilité Civile Accident In French Insurance
Accidents, risks, safety
RCAI Résultat Courant avant Impôt In French Accounting
Taxes, duties
RCB Remote Circuit Breaker In English Electrical engineering
RCC Rough Combustion Cutoff In English Vehicle engineering
RCC-C Règles de Conception et de Construction des Assemblages de Combustible des Centrales Nucléaires In French Nuclear technology
RCC-E Règles de Conception et de Construction des Matériels Électriques des Centrales Nucléaires In French Nuclear technology
RCC-G Règles de Conception et de Construction du Génie Civil des Îlots Nucléaires REP In French Nuclear technology
RCC-M Règles de Conception et de Construction des Matériels Mécaniques des Îlots Nucléaires REP In French Nuclear technology
RCC-MR Règles de Conception et de Construction des Matériels Mécaniques des Îlots Nucléaires RNR In French Nuclear technology
RCCA Rough Combustion Cutoff Assembly In English Vehicle engineering
RCCB Remote Central Circuit Breaker In English Electrical engineering
RCCP Recorder and Communications Control Panel In English Telecommunications
RCD Réacteur Complétement Déchargé In French Nuclear technology
RCDD Registered Communications Distribution Designer In English Telecommunications
RCF Radios Chrétiennes en France In French Organizations and associations
RCM Reciprocating Chemical Muscle In English Mechanical engineering
Chemical technology
RCN Rockwell Communication Network In English Telecommunications
RCO Radio Comptoir de l'Ouest In French Trade
RCP Réanimation cardiopulmonaire In French Traumatology
RCP Résumé des Caractéristiques du Produit
= SPC | Summary of Product Characteristics | In English
In French Pharmacology, toxicology
RCP RCP : Réanimation Cardio-Pulmonaire In French Cardiology
RCP Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase
= PCR | Polymerase Chain Reaction | In English
= ACP | Amplification en Chaîne par Polymérase | In French
= TAN | Test d'amplification des Acides Nucléiques | In French
= ПЦР | Полимера́зная Цепна́я Реа́кция | In Russian
= PĈR | Polimeraza Ĉen-Reakcio | In Esperanto
= PZR | Polimeraz Zəncir Reaksiyası | In Azerbaijani
= ՊՇՌ | Պոլիմերազային շղթայական ռեակցիան | In Armenian
= PGR | Polimerazinė Grandininė Reakcija | In Lithuanian
= ПГУ | Полимеразын Гинжин Урвал | In Mongolian
= ПЛР | Полімеразна Ланцюгова Реакція | In Ukrainian
In Portuguese Biotechnology
RCS Reentry Control System In English Astronautics
RCS Roux-Combaluzier-Schindler In French Mechanical engineering
RCSO-TIC Réseau de Compétences de Suisse Occidentale en Technologie de l'Information et de la Communication In French Computer science
RCVS Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (www.rcvs.org.uk) In English Organizations and associations
Veterinary medicine
United Kingdom
RD Rétinopathie Diabétique In French Pathology
RD Route Départementale In French Civil engineering and land transport
Transport and postal services
RDA Recommended Dietary Allowances
In English Personal health and hygiene
RDA Recommended Daily Allowance
= ADH | Aanbevolen Dagelijkse Hoeveelheid | In Dutch
= ADI | Acceptabel Daglig Indtagelse | In Danish
= RDI | Rekommenderat Dagligt Intag | In Swedish
= ANC | Apports Nutritionnels Conseillés | In French
In English Nutrition
RDC Rez-De-Chaussée In French Accommodation
RDF Radio Direction Finding In English Telecommunications
RDF Radio Direction Finder In English Telecommunications
RDF Refuse-Derived Fuel In English Chemicals
RDI Rekommenderat Dagligt Intag
= RDA, ADH, ADI, ANC (look above)
In Swedish Nutrition
RDI Radar Doppler à Impulsions In French Engineering, technology
RDM Repeats Detection Method In English Algorithms
Computer-based techniques
RDO Radio Dom Ostankino In Russian Telecommunications
RDR Règlement de Développement Rural In French Agricultural sciences
Regional planning
RDS Rocketdyne Digital Simulator In English Astronautics
RDS Radio Data Systeem In English Telecommunications
RDS-TMC Radio Data System - Traffic Message Channel In English Telecommunications
Transport and postal services
RDT Réseau de Développement Technologique In French Engineering, technology
RDTC Réseau de Développement Technologique Corse In French Engineering, technology
RDW Rijks Dienst voor het Wegverkeer (www.rdw.nl) In Dutch Central administration
Vehicle engineering
RDX Cyclotrimethyleentrinitramine In Dutch Chemicals
RE Reproductive Endocrinologist In English Reproductive biology
RE Responsible Engineer In English Engineering, technology
REA Rocket Engine Assembly In English Astronautics
ReAA Recherches Aéronautiques et Aérospatiales In French Serial publications, periodicals
Aeronautics, aircraft
REACCIUN Red Académica de Centros de Investigación y Universidades Nacionales In Spanish Computer science
REACH Registration, Evaluation and Authorization of Chemicals In English Chemicals
REACM Regional Energy Agency of Central Macedonia In English Energy economics
REAM Rocket Engine Assembly Module In English Astronautics
REB Réacteur à Eau Bouillante
= BWR | Boiling Water Reactor | In English
= SWR | Siedewasserreaktor | In German
In French Nuclear technology
REC Regional Electricity Company In English Energy economics
Electrical engineering
RECIFE REcherche sur la Capacité des Infrastructures FErroviaires In French Rail transport engineering
Rail transport
RECITS Recueil des Eléments de Connaissances Interdisciplinaires sur les Transports et leur Sécurité In French Transport and postal services
REDAC Rockwell Electronic Design Analysis Code In English Electronics
REDB Rockwell Engineering Data Base In English Engineering, technology
RedCYT Red Científica y Tecnológica In Spanish Computer science
Mathematics and natural sciences
RéDI Réseau des Doctorants de l'INRETS In French Organizations and associations
Higher education, universities
Transport and postal services
REEEP Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership In English Energy economics
REEP Radio Engineering and Electronic Physics In English Serial publications, periodicals
REFIDI Résidus d'Épuration des Fumées d'Incinérateur de Déchets Industriels In French Environmental technology, water supply, waste management
REFIOM Résidu de Fumée d'Incinération d'Ordures Ménagères In French Environmental technology, water supply, waste management
REFLEX Randomised Evaluation oF Long-term Efficacy rituXimab In English Pharmacology, toxicology
REG Régie des Eaux de Grenoble In French Environmental technology, water supply, waste management
REG Résistances Électriques et Gazières In French Electrical engineering
REGBIE Regional Bioenergy Initiatives around Europe In English Energy economics
REIO Renewable Energy Information Office In English Energy economics
REKAM (Stichting) Regionale Kabeltelevisie Midden-Holland (www.rekam.nl) In Dutch Foundations
REM Rocket Engine Module In English Astronautics
REM Roentgen Equivalent Man In English Radioactivity
REMPARE RE-ingénierie des Merlons de Protection par composants Anthropiques REcyclés In French Construction
RENAEL Rete Nazionale Agenzie Energetiche Locali In Italian Energy economics
RENAISSANCE Renewable ENergy Acting in SuStainable And Novel Community Enterprises In English Energy economics
RENAR Asociația de Acreditare din România (https://www.renar.ro) In Romanian Associations
RENATA Red Nacional Académica de Tecnología Avanzada In Spanish Computer science
RENATER Réseau National de Télécommunication pour la Technologie, l'Enseignement et la Recherche In French Research policy
Networks, communication
Engineering, technology
ReNEv Research in Nondestructive Evaluation In English Serial publications, periodicals
Engineering, technology
RENIA Red Nicaragüense de Internet Avanzada In Spanish Computer science
REOM Redevance sur Enlèvement des Ordures Ménagères In French Taxes, duties
Environmental technology, water supply, waste management
REP Réacteur à Eau Pressurisée
= PWR | Pressurized Water Reactor | In English
= DWR | Druckwasserreaktor | In German
In French Nuclear technology
REPOM Réseau national de surveillance des ports maritimes In French Transport and postal services
RER Réseau Express Régional In French Rail transport engineering
Transport and postal services
RERC Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center In English Research institutes
RESC Réacteur à Eau SuperCritique In French Nuclear technology
ReSMA Reparto Sperimentazioni di Meteorologia Aeronautica In Italian Meteorology, climatology
Aeronautics, aircraft
RESPECT Route Empruntée en Sécurité par le Piéton Enfant Confronté au Trafic In French Transport and postal services
RESSAC Recherche Et Sauvetage par Système Autonome Coopérant In English Transport and postal services
RESTART Renewable Energy Strategies and Technology Applications for Regenerating Towns In English Energy economics
RET Régie d'Electricité de Thônes In French Electrical engineering
RET Resolution Enhancement Technology In English Peripheral devices
Graphic industries, printing, publishing
RET Résistance Évaporative Thermique In French Textile industry
RET Rotterdamse Electrische Tram In Dutch Rail transport engineering
Transport and postal services
RETINA Red TeleInformática Académica In Spanish Computer science
RETS Reconfigurable Electrical Test Stand In English Electrical engineering
REU Remote Electronics Unit In English Electronics
REUNA Red Universitaria Nacional In Spanish Computer science
Higher education, universities
REUS Rational Energy Use & Solutions In English Energy economics
REVS Requirements Engineering and Validation System In English Engineering, technology
RF Radio Frequency In English Telecommunications
RF Risk Factor In English Accidents, risks, safety
RFDA Radio Frequency Deployed Assembly In English Telecommunications
RFDA Regional Food Distribution Association In English Associations
Food technology
RFDU Radio Frequency and Digital Unit In English Computer science
RFECP Request For Engineering Change Proposal In English Engineering, technology
RFEI Request For Engineering Information In English Engineering, technology
RFF Réseau Ferré de France (www.rff.fr) In French Transport and postal services
RFHA Reusable Flight Hardware Authorization In English Computer hardware
Aeronautics, aircraft
RFI Radio France International (www.rfi.fr) In French Telecommunications
RFI Rete Ferroviaria Italiana In Italian Rail transport engineering
Transport and postal services
RFI Radio Frequency Interference In English Telecommunications
RFID Radio Frequency Identification In English Computer science
RFLP Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism In English Genetics
RFrM Revue Francaise de Mécanique In French Serial publications, periodicals
Mechanical engineering
RFS Règle Fondamentale de Sûreté In French Nuclear technology
RFT Rat für Forschung und Technologie In German Organizations and associations
Research policy
Engineering, technology
RFT Rat für Forschung und Technologieentwicklung (https://www.rat-fte.at/) In German Organizations and associations
Research policy
Engineering, technology
RFTK Radio Frequency Tracking In English Telecommunications
RFTO Renewable Transport Fuels Obligation In English Transport and postal services
RFTS Radio Frequency Transmission System In English Telecommunications
RFU Radio Frequency Unit In English Telecommunications
RFVL Rotonde Ferroviaire de la Vallée du Loir In French Rail transport engineering
Rail transport
RGA Recensement Général de l'Agriculture In French Agricultural sciences
RGC Rénovation Générale de Cuves In French Mechanical engineering
RGC Roanoke Gas Company In English Chemical technology
RGC Richard Glynn Consultants In English Consulting
RGC&U Réseau Génie Civil et Urbain In French Civil engineering
RGG Réseau à Grand Gabarit In French Transport and postal services
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