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Applied sciences, technology

→ Applied sciences, technology
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Acronym Sense Language Topics
GPA Gestion Partagée des Approvisionnements In English 00593
Transport and postal services
GPAO Gestion de Production Assistée par Ordinateur In French Computer-based techniques
Engineering, technology
GPAS General-Purpose Airborne Simulator In English Aeronautics, aircraft
GPB General Physiology and Biophysics In English Serial publications, periodicals
Biochemistry, biophysics
GPD Gimbal Position Display In English Astronautics
GPE GPE Palmtop Environment (http://gpe.handhelds.org) In English Human-computer interaction
GPE Groupe Pizzorno Environnement In French Environmental technology, water supply, waste management
GPE Global Production Engineering In English Engineering, technology
GPI Gimbal Position Indicator In English Astronautics
GPI Grands Périmètres Irrigués In French Agricultural sciences
Environmental technology, water supply, waste management
GPL Gaz de Pétrole Liquéfié In French Vehicle engineering
GPL GOAL Processing Language In English Programming languages
GPL Gaz Pétrole Liquéfié In French Chemical technology
Vehicle engineering
GPNDS Global Positioning and Nuclear Detection System In English Geodesy, cartography
Nuclear technology
GPO Government Printing Office In English Public administration, government
Graphic industries, printing, publishing
GPON Gigabit Passive Optical Network In English Telecommunications
GPR Ground Penetrating Radar In English Telecommunications
GPR Groupe Permanent chargé des Réacteurs nucléaires In French Organizations and associations
Nuclear technology
GPRN GOAL Test Procedure Release Notice In English Programming languages
GPRS General Packet Radio Service In English Telecommunications
GPS Global Positioning System In English Geodesy, cartography
GPS Ground Power Supply In English Electrical engineering
GPSCP GPS (Global Positioning System) Computer Program In English Computer programs
Geodesy, cartography
GPSPC Government Postage Stamp Printer's Conference In English Organizations and associations
Graphic industries, printing, publishing
Transport and postal services
GPU Ground Power Unit In English Electrical engineering
GPUR GOAL Test Procedure Update Request In English Programming languages
GPVEC Great Plains Veterinary Educational Center In English 07
Higher education, universities
Veterinary medicine
GPVI Glycoprotéine Plaquettaire VI In French Proteins
Blood and circulatory system
GQA Groupe des Questions Atomiques In French Organizations and associations
Nuclear, atomic, and molecular physics
Nuclear technology
GRA Grande Raccordo Anulare In Italian Civil engineering and land transport
Transport and postal services
GRACE Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (www.csr.utexas.edu/grace/) In English Astronautics
Meteorology, climatology
GrAeH Grumman Aerospace Horizons In English Serial publications, periodicals
Aeronautics, aircraft
GRAMPTC Groupe de Recherches Alternatives et de Monitoring du Projet Pétrole Tchad-Cameroun In French Organizations and associations
GRANITE Gestion pour la Réalisation d'ANalyses d'Informations TEchniques In French
GRC Glenn Research Center (www.grc.nasa.gov) In English Research institutes
Aeronautics, aircraft
United States
GRD Gestionnaire du Réseau de Distribution In French Energy economics
GRE Gamma Ray Explorer In English Astronomy
GREAH Groupe de Recherche en Électrotechnique et Automatique du Havre In French Research institutes
Electrical engineering
GRECC Geriatric Research, Education and Clinical Center In English Gerontology
GREP Groupe de Recherche et d'Exploration Profonde In French Firefighting
GRESICO Groupe d'Étude en Santé, Travail, Information et Comportements In French Sociology
Labour, labour economics
GRETh Groupement pour la Recherche sur les Échangeurs Thermiques In French
GRETIA Génie des Réseaux de Transport et Informatique Avancée In French Computer science
Transport and postal services
GRIB Groupement des Radios Indépendantes en Belgique In French Organizations and associations
GRIMP Groupe de Recherche et d'Intervention en Milieu Périlleux In French Firefighting
GRMC Groupement de Radiodiffusion Monégasque In French Telecommunications
GRMH Glasgow Royal Maternity Hospital In English Obstetrics
United Kingdom
GRO Gamma Ray Observatory In English Astronautics
GRP Glass-Reinforced Plastic In English Plastic industry
GRPS General Packet Radio Service In English Telecommunications
GRPS Groupement Régional de Promotion de la Santé In French Organizations and associations
GRRT Groupement Régional Nord Pas-de-Calais pour la Recherche dans les Transports In French Organizations and associations
Transport and postal services
GRT Gestionnaire du Réseau de Transport In French Energy economics
GRTE Gestionnaire du Réseau de Transport Électricité In French Energy economics
GSA Galileo Supervisory Authority (https://www.gsa.europa.eu)
= GSA | European Global Navigation Satellite Systems Supervisory Authority | In English
In English European Union
Geodesy, cartography
GSA Gerontological Society of America (https://www.geron.org) In English Organizations and associations
United States
GSA European Global Navigation Satellite Systems Supervisory Authority (https://www.gsa.europa.eu)
= (look above)
In English European Union
Geodesy, cartography
GSAT Geosynchronous Satellite In English Astronautics
GSE Government Support Equipment In English Public administration, government
Engineering, technology
GSE Ground Servicing Equipment In English Engineering, technology
GSE Ground Support Equipment In English Engineering, technology
GSE Goveđa Spongiformna Encefalopatija
= BSE | Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy | In English
= ESB | Encéphalopathie Spongioforme Bovine | In French
= BSE | Bova Spongoforma Encefalopatio | In Esperanto
= EEB | Encefalopatia Espongiforme Bovina | In Portuguese
= BSE | Bovine Spongiforme Enzephalopathie | In German
= BSE | Bovin Süngerimsi Ensefalopati | In Turkish
= ESB | Encephalopathia Spongiforme Bovin | In Interlingua
= BSE | Boviene Spongiforme Encefalopathie | In Dutch
= ESB | Encefalopatia Spongiforme Bovina | In Italian
= BSE | Bovinní Spongiformní Encefalopatie | In Czech
= BSE | Bova Spongeca Encefalopatio | In Esperanto
= EEB | Encefalopatía Espongiforme Bovina | In Spanish
= ГЭКРС | Губчатая энцефалопатия крупного рогатого скота | In Russian
= EEB | Encefalopatia Espongiforme Bovina | In Catalan
= ESB | Enseffalopathi Sbyngffurf Buchol | In Welsh
= BEE | Behien Entzefalopatia Espongiforme | In Basque
= ESB | Einceifileapaite Spúinseach Bhólachta | In Irish
= EEB | Encefalopatía Esponxiforme Bovina | In Galician
= ESB | Encefalopatia Spongiformă Bovină | In Romanian
= ГЕВРХ | Губчастоподібна енцефалопатія великої рогатої худоби | In Ukrainian
In Serbo-Croatian Veterinary medicine
GSE Générateur Standard d'Écritures In French Computer science
GSE&I General Systems Engineering and Integration In English Engineering, technology
GSFC (NASA) Godddard Space Flight Center In English Astronautics
United States
GSFC Goddard Space Flight Center In English Astronautics
GSI Génie des Systèmes Industriels In French Mechanical engineering
Electrical engineering
GSK GlaxoSmithKline (www.gsk.com) In English Pharmacology, toxicology
GSMaP Global Satellite Mapping of Precipitation In English Astronautics
Meteorology, climatology
GSN Global Sensor Networks (http://gsn.sourceforge.net) In English Software
Networks, communication
GSN Groupe Sida Neuchâtel In English Organizations and associations
GSN Gene Security Network (www.genesecurity.net) In English Biotechnology
GSO Glandular sensory organ(s) In English Biological sciences
GSO Gaz du Sud-Ouest In French Energy economics
GSP Ground Safety Plan In English Accidents, risks, safety
GSS Geosynchronous Space Station In English Astronautics
GSS (Syndrome de) Gertsman-Straüssler-Scheinker In French Pathology
GSSMT German Society for Sexual Medicine and Sexual Therapy In German Organizations and associations
GST Gesellschaft Schweizerischer Tierärztinnen und Tierärzte (www.gstsvs.ch)
= SVS | Société des Vétérinaires Suisses | In French
In German Organizations and associations
Veterinary medicine
GSTAR Saudi Arabian Communications Satellite In English Astronautics
Saudi Arabia
GSTDN Ground Space Flight Tracking and Data Network In English Astronomy
GSTDN Ground Spacecraft Tracking and Data Network In English Data
GSV Gesellschaft für Straßen- und Verkehrswesen In German Organizations and associations
Civil engineering
Transport and postal services
GSVOO Ground Station Visibility of Orbiting Objects In English Astronautics
GTARC Golden Triangle Amateur Radio Club In English Organizations and associations
GTB Gestion Technique de Bâtiment In French Construction
GTC Genzyme Transgenics Corporation In English Organizations and associations
GTCL Goodyear Technical Center Luxembourg In English Plastic industry
GTD Genomic Threading Database In English Genetics
Biochemistry, biophysics
GTE General Telephone and Electronics In English Electronics
GTE Génie Thermique et Énergie In French Thermodynamics
Energy economics
GTE Groupe Technique Électricité In French Electrical engineering
GTEPE Grupo de Trabalho de Estudos e Projetos Espaciais In Portuguese Astronomy
GTF Groupement des Transporteurs Français In French Organizations and associations
Transport and postal services
GTFF Group of Terrestrial Freight Forwarders In English Organizations and associations
Transport and postal services
GTG Groupe Technique Gaz In French Energy economics
GTLV Government-Furnished Target Launch Vehicle In English Public administration, government
Vehicle engineering
GTM Ground Test Missile In English Military engineering
GTM Ground Test Motor In English Mechanical engineering
GTO Generic Technical Order In English Engineering, technology
GTO Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit In English Astronautics
GTPZ Gigiena Truda i Professional'nye Zabolevaniia
= GTPZ | Гигиена труда и профессиональные заболевания | In Russian
In Russian Serial publications, periodicals
Biological sciences
GTPZ Гигиена труда и профессиональные заболевания
= (look above)
In Russian Serial publications, periodicals
Biological sciences
GTR Génie des Télécommunications et des Réseaux In French Networks, communication
GTR Groupe des Transporteurs Routiers In French Organizations and associations
Transport and postal services
GTRI Georgia Tech Research Institute (www.gtri.gatech.edu) In English Research institutes
United States
GTRR Gestion en Temps Réel du Réseau In French Energy economics
GTS GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) Technical Specification In English Telecommunications
GTS Guidance Test Station In English Vehicle engineering
GTV Ground Test Vehicle In English Vehicle engineering
GTV Ground Transport Vehicle In English Vehicle engineering
GTVI Gimbal angle and Translational Velocity Indicator In English Astronautics
GTZ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (www.gtz.de) In German Organizations and associations
GUIDE Groningen University Institute for Drug Exploration In English Research institutes
Pharmacology, toxicology
GUITARES GUIde de la TArification du RÉSidentiel In French Prices
Energy economics
GULiDef Groupe des Utilisateurs de Linux dans la Défense In French Organizations and associations
Operating systems
Military engineering
GUS Groupe d'Ultime Secours In French Accidents, risks, safety
GUVZS Glasgow University of Veterinary Zoological Society In English Organizations and associations
Veterinary medicine
United Kingdom
GVC Gesellschaft Verfahrenstechnik und Chemieingenieurwesen (www.vdi.de/gvc) In German Organizations and associations
Chemical technology
GVMK Gibridnye Vychislitel'nye Mashiny i Kompleksy In Russian Serial publications, periodicals
Mechanical engineering
GVP Gentechnisch veränderte Pflanzen In German Biotechnology
Agricultural sciences
GVS Gießerei-Verband der Schweiz (www.giesserei-verband.ch) In German Organizations and associations
GVS Gazversorgung Süddeutschland In German Energy economics
GVSC Generic VHSIC Spacecraft Computer In English Computer hardware
GWP Global Water Partnership (www.gwpforum.org) In English Organizations and associations
Environmental technology, water supply, waste management
GX Galaxy Express In English Astronautics
H5N1 Hämagglutinin 5 Neuraminidase 1 In German Enzymes
Blood and circulatory system
HAA High-Altitude Abort In English Astronautics
HAADS High-Altitude Attitude Determination System In English Astronautics
HAARS High-Altitude Attitude Reference System In English Astronautics
HAART Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy In English Pharmacology, toxicology
Infectious diseases
HAAS High Altitude Aircrafts and Airships In English Aeronautics, aircraft
HABP Hypersonic Arbitrary Body Program In English Aeronautics, aircraft
HAC Hughes Aircraft Company In English Aeronautics, aircraft
HACEK Haemophilus, Actinobacillus, Cardiobacterium, Eikenella & Kingella In Latin Microbiology
Infectious diseases
HAE Hereditary Angioedema In English Pathology
HAFB Hill Air Force Base (www.hill.af.mil) In English 358
Aeronautics, aircraft
United States
HAFB Holloman Air Force Base (www.holloman.af.mil) In English 358
Aeronautics, aircraft
United States
HAINS High-Accuracy Inertial Navigation System In English Vehicle engineering
HAL Houston Aerospace Language In English Programming languages
Aeronautics, aircraft
United States
HALCA Highly Advanced Laboratory for Communications and Astronomy In English Astronautics
HALS High-order Assembly Language for Shuttle In English Astronautics
HALTE Hologram Authentication Labels Technologies In English Graphic industries, printing, publishing
HANE High-Altitude Nuclear Explosion In English Nuclear technology
Military engineering
HAP Hipertensió Arterial Pulmonar
= PAH | Pulmonalarterielle Hypertonie | In German
= PH | Pulmonale Hypertonie | In German
= PHT | Pulmonale Hypertonie | In German
= HTAP | Hipertensió Arterial Pulmonar | In Catalan
= PH | Pulmonary Hypertension | In English
= HTP | Hipertensión Pulmonar | In Spanish
= HTAP | Hypertension Artérielle Pulmonaire | In French
= PH | Pulmonale Hypertensie | In Dutch
= ЛГ | Лёгочная гиперте́нзия | In Russian
= PAH | Pulmonal Arteriel Hypertension | In Danish
= HTP | Hipertensión Pulmonar | In Galician
= ԹՀ | Թոքային հիպերտենզիա | In Armenian
= PAH | Pulmonal Arteriell Hypertensjon | In Norwegian
= PH | Plućna Hipertenzija | In Serbian
= PAH | Pulmonell Arteriell Hypertension | In Swedish
= PH | Pulmoner Hipertansiyon | In Turkish
In Catalan Blood and circulatory system
Chest diseases
HAR Hyperacute rejection In English Immunology and allergy
Surgery, orthopaedics, ophthalmology
HARCANA High Aspect Ratio Carbon-based Nanocomposites (www.harcana.eu) In English Materials science
HARM High-speed Anti-Radar Missile In English Military engineering
HART Highway Addressable Remote Transducer In English Networks, communication
HAS Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica In Portuguese Physiology
HAS Haute Autorité de Santé In French Medicine
HAVL (Déchets de) Haute Activité à Vie Longue In French Nuclear technology
HBM Homing Ballistic Missile In English Military engineering
HBT Heflex Bioengineering Test In English Biotechnology
HCFC Hydrochlorofluorocarbone In French Chemistry
Chemical technology
hCG Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin In English Physiology
HCHy Hovering Craft and Hydrofoil In English Serial publications, periodicals
Vehicle engineering
HCM Highway Capacity Manual In English Transport and postal services
HCM Hémoglobine Corpusculaire Moyenne
= MCH | Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin | In English
In French Diagnostics
Blood and circulatory system
HCP Hydraulic Circulation Pump In English Mechanical engineering
HCS High-Carbon Steel In English Metallurgy
HCSHT High-Carbon Steel Heat-Treated In English Metallurgy
HCSP Haut Comité de la Santé Publique In French Public health and hygiene
HCSP Health Care Savings Plan In English Public health and hygiene
HCSPF Hors Consommation Supplémentaire Période Froide In French Energy economics
HCST Haut Conseil de la Science et de la Technologie In French Mathematics and natural sciences
Engineering, technology
HCT Hot Cell Technology In English Nuclear, atomic, and molecular physics
Nuclear technology
HCU Hydraulic Charging Unit In English Mechanical engineering
HCV Helium Check Valve In English Mechanical engineering
HD Hungtington's Disease In English Neurology
HDSCS Hospital Disaster Support Communications System In English Telecommunications
HDTV High-Definition Television In English Telecommunications
HDTV High Definition Television In English Telecommunications
HEACE Health Effect of Aircraft Cabin Environment In English Medicine
Aeronautics, aircraft
Transport and postal services
HEAO High Energy Astronomical Observatory In English Astronautics
HEAO High Energy Astronomy Observatory In English Astronautics
HeaPh Health Physics In English Serial publications, periodicals
HECF (École des) Hautes Études Comptables et Financières In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
HEDI High Endoatmospheric Defense Interceptor In English Military engineering
HEDSIM High Endoatmospheric Defense System Simulator In English Computer simulation
Military engineering
HEGEL Histoire, Enjeux Globaux, Écomobilité Locale In French Transport and postal services
HEI Hautes Études Industrielles In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Engineering, technology
HELLP Hemolysis, Elevated Liver enzymes and Low Platelet count In English Diagnostics
Blood and circulatory system
HEMT High Electron Mobility Transistor In English Electronics
HEO High Earth Orbit In English Astronomy
HEO High-Energy Orbit In English Astronomy
HEOO Honeywell Electro-Optical Operations In English Electrical engineering
HEOR Historical Event Operation Record In English Records management
Engineering, technology
HERO Health Economics in Radiation Oncology In English Public health and hygiene
HERSCP Hazardous Exposure Reduction and Safety Criteria Plan In English Accidents, risks, safety
HERV Human Endogenous RetroVirus In English Virology
Infectious diseases
HESC Hemispheric Energy Steering Committee
= CDEH | Comité Directivo para la Energía del Hemisferio | In Spanish
= CDEH | Comité Directeur pour l'Énergie dans l'Hémisphère | In French
= CDEH | Comitê Diretor para a Energia do Hemisfério | In Portuguese
In English International economic cooperation
Energy economics
HESCA Health Sciences Communications Association (www.hesca.org) In English Associations
HETE High Energy Transient Explorer In English Astronautics
HEU High Enriched Uranium In English Nuclear technology
HEW Hamburgische Elektrizitätswerkstatt In German Electrical engineering
HF Hair Follicle In English Anatomy
HF Horizontal Flight In English Aeronautics, aircraft
HF Hydrogen Fluoride In English Chemistry
HF/DF Hydrogen Fluoride/Deuterium Fluoride In English Chemistry
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