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Acronym Sense Language Topics
SICF Système d'Information pour le Commandement des Forces In French Military affairs
SICFD Système d'Information Client Fournisseur du Distributeur In French Energy economics
SIE Système d'Information Environnementale In French Knowledge management
Environmental protection
Threats to the environment
SIECLE Serveur Intranet des Enquêtes CLientèle EDF-GDF In French Trade
Energy economics
SIFR Scalable Inman Flash Replacement In English Internet
SIG Système d'Information Géographique
= GIS | Geographic(al) Information System | In English
= SIG | Sistema Informativo Geografico | In Italian
= SIG | Sistema de Información Geográfica | In Spanish
= SIG | Sistema d'informació geogràfica | In Catalan
= GIS | Geografický Informační Systém | In Czech
= ГИС | Географска информационна система | In Bulgarian
= ΓΣΠ | Γεωγραφικά Συστήματα Πληροφοριών | In Greek
= GIS | Geographisches Informationssystem | In German
= GIS | Geoinformationssystem | In German
= GIS | Geoinfosüsteem | In Estonian
= GIS | Geografski informacijski sustav | In Croatian
= ממ"ג | מערכת מידע גאוגרפית | In Hebrew
= GIS | Geografinė informacinė sistema | In Lithuanian
= SIG | Sistem Informasi Geografis | In Indonesian
= GIS | Geografisch Informatiesysteem | In Dutch
= GIS | Geografiske informasjonssystem | In Nynorsk
= GIS | Geografiske informasjonssystemer | In Norwegian
= SIG | Sistema de informação geográfica | In Portuguese
= ГИС | Географическая Информационная Система | In Russian
= GIS | Geografski informacijski sistem | In Slovenian
= GIS | Geografiskt InformationsSystem | In Swedish
= ГІС | Геоінформаційна система | In Ukrainian
In French Databases
Knowledge management
SIG Sistema Informativo Geografico
= GIS, ГИС, ΓΣΠ, ממ"ג, ГІС (look above)
In Italian Databases
Knowledge management
SIG Sistema de Información Geográfica
= GIS, ГИС, ΓΣΠ, ממ"ג, ГІС (look above)
In Spanish Databases
Knowledge management
SIG Sistema d'informació geogràfica
= GIS, ГИС, ΓΣΠ, ממ"ג, ГІС (look above)
In Catalan Databases
Knowledge management
SIG Sistem Informasi Geografis
= GIS, ГИС, ΓΣΠ, ממ"ג, ГІС (look above)
In Indonesian Databases
Knowledge management
SIG Sistema de informação geográfica
= GIS, ГИС, ΓΣΠ, ממ"ג, ГІС (look above)
In Portuguese Databases
Knowledge management
SIGB Système Intégré de Gestion de Bibliothèque
= ILS | Integrated Library System | In English
= АБИС | Автоматизированные библиотечные информационные системы | In Russian
In French Knowledge management
SIL Saved Image Library In English
SILL Socle Interministériel de Logiciels Libres In French Central administration
SIMBL SIMple Bundle Loader In English
SIOC Système d'Information Opérationnel et de Commandement In French Military affairs
SIP Software Input Panel In English
SIPB Student Information Processing Board In English Specialized or polytechnical colleges
SIR Système d'Information Régimentaire In French Military affairs
SIRR Software Integration Readiness Review In English
SIRS Système d'Information à Référence Spatiale In French Geography
SIS Software Implementation Specification In English
SIS Software Integrated Schedule In English
SIT Sistema Informativo Territoriale
= SIT | Système d'Information sur le Territoire | In French
= SIT | System Informacji o Terenie | In Polish
In Italian Regional planning
SIT Système d'Information sur le Territoire
= (look above)
In French Regional planning
SIT System Informacji o Terenie
= (look above)
In Polish Regional planning
SIT Software Integrated Test In English
SITEL Systèmes d'Information Terminaux Élémentaires In French
SLA Service Level Agreement In English Law, jurisprudence
SLEE Service Logic Execution Environment In English
SLPEM Sparta Linear Programming Effectiveness Model In English
SLS Softlanding Linux System In English Operating systems
SMBL Systems Biology Markup Language In English Programming languages
Biological sciences
SMIL Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language In English Programming languages
Computer-based techniques
Cinema, movies
SMIT System Management Interface Tool In English Human-computer interaction
SML Spacecraft Markup Language In English Programming languages
SMP Software Management Plan In English Management
SMS Site-Managed Software In English
SMS Software Modification Sheet In English
SMSC Software Moding, Sequencing, and Control In English
SMU Software Management Utility In English
SNARE System iNtrusion Analysis and Reporting Environment In English
SNJV Syndicat National du Jeu Vidéo In French Organizations and associations
SNOBOL StriNg Oriented symBOlic Language (www.snobol4.org) In English Programming languages
SOCRATE Système Offrant à la Clientèle la Réservation d'Affaires et de Tourisme en Europe In French Transport and postal services
SOGo Scalable OpenGroupware.org (http://sogo.opengroupware.org) In English
SOMM Software Operations and Maintenance Manual In English
SOP Subsystem Operating Program In English
SOPE Skyrix Object Publishing Environment (http://sope.opengroupware.org) In English Internet
SORBS Spam and Open Relay Blocking System In English Networks, communication
SP Stored Procedure In English Data
SPA Software Product Assurance In English
SPC Software Productivity Consortium In English
SPC Starting-Point Code In English
SPC Stored Program Command In English
SPC Stored Program Control In English
SPCR Software Problem Change Request In English
SPD SharePoint Designer In English
SPDR Software Preliminary Design Review In English
SPE Software Process Engineering In English
SPF Software Production Facility In English
SPIP Système de Publication pour l'Internet In French Internet
SPITBOL SPeedy ImplemenTation of SNOBOL In English Programming languages
SPL System Programming Language In English Programming languages
SPM Software Programmer's Manual In English
SPM Software Performance Monitor In English
SPR Software Problem Report In English Quality management
SPS Software Product Specification In English
SPS Software Productivity Solution In English
SPT System Planning Tool In English
SQA Software Quality Assurance In English Quality management
SQE Software Quality Evaluation In English Quality management
SQS Amazon Simple Queue Service In English Internet
SRCB Software Requirements Change Board In English
SRCBD Software Requirements Change Board Directive In English
SREM Software Requirements Methodology In English
SRN Software Release Notice In English
SRR Software Requirements Review In English Quality management
SRS Software Requirements Specification In English Quality management
SS System Software In English
SSA Software Support Agency In English
SSA Software Safety Analysis In English
SSAD Software System Analysis Document In English
SSCR Support Software Change Request In English
SSD Spacecraft Software Division In English Astronautics
SSDD Software System Design Document In English
SSDT System Service Dispatch Table In English Operating systems
SSE Software Support Environment In English
SSE Software Support Equipment In English
SSEDF Software Support Environment Development Facility In English
SSES Software System Environment System In English
SSIDONI Serveur d'Informations et de DONnées sur l'Informatique industrielle In French
SSIP System Software Interface Processing In English Human-computer interaction
SSL System Software Loader In English
SSML Speech Synthesis Markup Language In English Programming languages
SSO Single Sign-On In English
SSO Systems Software Office In English
SSP Standard Switch Panel In English
SSPF Space Shuttle Programming Facility In English Astronautics
SSPM Software Standards and Procedures Manual In English
SSR Software Specification Review In English
SSRN System Software Reference Number In English
SSS Spacecraft Software System In English Astronautics
STAR Software Tools And Requirements In English
STARS Software Technology for Adaptable and Reliable Systems In English
STD Software Test Description In English
STIL Software Test and Integration Laboratory In English Research institutes
STL Sciences et Techniques du Logiciel In French
STLDD Software Top-Level Design Document In English
STN Software Trouble Note In English
STOICAL STack Oriented Interactive Compiler Adapted to Linux In English Operating systems
STP Software Technology Program In English
STP Software Test Plan In English
STP Software Test Procedure In English
STR Software Test Report In English
SUL Software Utilization List In English
SUM Software User's Manual In English
SUN Stanford University Network In French Computer science
Computer hardware
Networks, communication
United States
SURF Système Utilitaire de Restitution de Fichier In French Files
SUSIE Système Universel de Synchronisation Informatique Évolutif In French
SVG Scalable Vector Graphics In English Programming languages
Graphical processing
SVICP Shock Vibration Information Center - Shock Vibration Computer Programs In English Computer programs
SVN Subversion In English
SVP Software Verification Procedure In English
SVRR Software Verification Readiness Review In English
SW Software In English
SWCDR Software Critical Design Review In English
SWCI Software Configuration Inspection In English
SWD&I Software Development and Integration In English
SWEE Software Engineering Environment In English
SWG Software Working Group In English
SWL Spamhaus White List In English Networks, communication
SWPDR Software Preliminary Design Review In English
SWRL Semantic Web Rule Language In English Programming languages
SWRR Software Readiness Review In English
SWS Software System In English
SWSF Semantic Web Science Foundation In English Foundations
Networks, communication
Language, linguistics, literature
SWWG Software Working Group In English
SYCOET SYstème de COnfiguration des Équipements de Téléconduite (pour les réseaux de transport d'énergie) In French Energy economics
SYGAL SYstème de Gestion Automatisée des Loyers In French Accommodation
SYGAL SYstème de Gestion pour l'Alimentation In French Food technology
SYGARD SYstème de Gestion d'Accès au Réseau de Distribution In French Energy economics
SYGMA SYstème de Gestion de la MAintenance In French Maintenance and logistics
SYLVIE SYstème de Listage et de Ventilation d'Informations Élaborées In French Personnel management
SYSFAC SYstème de Surveillance de la FAtigue de la Chaudière In French Nuclear technology
T-FA Two-Factor Authentication In English Telecommunications
TCE Translation Control Entry In English Memories
TCL Transaction Control language
= LCT | Langage de Contrôle des Transactions | In French
In English Programming languages
TDA Toullec Dancoing Associés In French
TDA Transition Data Analysis In English Mathematics
TextMD Technical Metadata for Text In English Documentation
THAP Thermal/Hydraulic Analyzer Digital Computer Program In English Computer programs
TIM Time-based Inductive Machine In English
TLCSC Top-Level Computer Software Component In English
TLP Thread Level Parallelism In English
TMA Tierce Maintenance Applicative In French
TMAPI Common Topic Map Application Programming Interface In English Semiotics
TOAD Tool for Application Developers In English
TOMS Transactions on Mathematical Software In English Serial publications, periodicals
TOS Tape Operating System In English Operating systems
TPMs Technological Protection Measures In English Artistic property
TrAX Transformation API for XML In English Data
TRML Temporized Reader Markup Language In English Computer-based techniques
TROLL Troupe Redonnaise Orientée Logiciel Libre In French Operating systems
TRS Target Region Selection In English Biotechnology
TSGP Test Sequence Generator Program In English Computer programs
TSIS Traffic Software Integrated System In English Transport and postal services
TSO Time Sharing Option In English
TSP Test Software Program In English Computer programs
TSP Trajectory Shaping Program In English Computer programs
TSP Trajectory Synthesis Program In English Computer programs
TSS Test Software Support In English
TSS Time Sharing System In English Operating systems
TSW Test Software In English
TTCN Tree and Tabular Combined Notation In English Programming languages
Networks, communication
TTX TinyOS Technology Exchange In English Congresses
Operating systems
UAM User Authentification Module In English
UDA User-Developed Application In English
UDIS Unidad Docente de Ingeniería del Software In Spanish
UFD User File Directory In English Files
UIMA Unstructured Information Management Architecture In English
UIML User Interface Markup Language In English Programming languages
Human-computer interaction
UOD Unique Oligo Design In English Biotechnology
UPF Universal Patch Format In English
USI Update Software Identity In English
UT Unreal Tournament In English Entertainment
UUCP Unix-to-Unix Copy In English Operating systems
VACM VA Cluster Manager In English
VAPOR Visualization and Analysis Platform for Ocean, atmosphere, and solar Researchers (www.vapor.ucar.edu) In English Marine research, oceanography
Meteorology, climatology
Mathematics and natural sciences
VB Visual Basic In English Programming languages
VBA Visual Basic for Applications In English Programming languages
VCL Visual Component Library In English
VDI Virtual Desktop Infrastructure In English
VLK Volume License Key In English
VLM Virtual Library Manager In English
VLP Virtual Library Processor In English
VM Virtual Memory In English Memories
VM Virtual Machine In English
VML Vector Markup Language In English Programming languages
Image processing
VMS Virtual Memory System In English Memories
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