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Acronym Sense Language Topics
OPC Organisation pour la Prévention de la Cécité (www.opc.asso.fr) In French Organizations and associations
OPDQ Ordre Professionnel des Diététistes du Québec In French Organizations and associations
Personal health and hygiene
OPK Ovulation Predictor Kit In English Gynaecology
Reproductive biology
OPPBTP Organisme Professionnel de Prévention du Bâtiment et des Travaux Publics (www.oppbtp.fr) In French Organizations and associations
Labour, labour economics
Civil engineering
OPS Organización Panamericana de la Salud (www.paho.org)
= PAHO | Pan American Health Organization | In English
= OPAS | Organização Pan-Americana da Saúde | In Portuguese
In Spanish Organizations and associations
International relations
ORAC Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity In English Biochemistry, biophysics
ORD Office of Rare Diseases (http://rarediseases.info.nih.gov) In English 345
ÖRG Österreichische Röntgengesellschaft (www.oerg.at) In German Organizations and associations
ÖRPE Österreichische Referenzzentrum zur Erfassung und Dokumentation von menschlichen Prionenerkrankungen In German Documentation
ORPHEM Organisation Régionale des Pharmaciens Hospitaliers de l'Est Méditerranéen In French Organizations and associations
Pharmacology, toxicology
ORS Outer Root Sheath In English Anatomy
OsCar Osteoarthritis and Cartilage In English Serial publications, periodicals
ÖSG Österreichische Schmerzgesellschaft (www.oesg.at) In German Organizations and associations
ÖSG Österreichischer Strukturplan Gesundheit In German Austria
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration (www.osha.gov) In English Central administration
Accidents, risks, safety
Labour, labour economics
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Act In English Accidents, risks, safety
Labour, labour economics
OSR Oberster Sanitätsrat In German Organizations and associations
Public health and hygiene
OT Occupational Therapy In English Labour, labour economics
OTC Over the Counter In English Pharmacology, toxicology
OVCAD OVarian CAncer Diagnosis In English Diagnostics
P-HUS Pneumococcal-associated Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome In English Blood and circulatory system
PA Protective Antigen In English Infectious diseases
PAAR Professional Association of Andrologists of Russia In English Associations
Sexual problems
PACS Picture Archiving and Communication System In English Image processing
PACT Program Assertif Community Treatment
= TAC | Traitement Communautaire Assertif | In French
In English Psychiatry
PAF Penicillium Antifungal protein In English Proteins
Pharmacology, toxicology
PAF Pinellas Animal Foundation (www.vetsforpets.org) In English Foundations
Veterinary medicine
PAH Pulmonalarterielle Hypertonie
= PH | Pulmonale Hypertonie | In German
= PHT | Pulmonale Hypertonie | In German
= HAP | Hipertensió Arterial Pulmonar | In Catalan
= HTAP | Hipertensió Arterial Pulmonar | In Catalan
= PH | Pulmonary Hypertension | In English
= HTP | Hipertensión Pulmonar | In Spanish
= HTAP | Hypertension Artérielle Pulmonaire | In French
= PH | Pulmonale Hypertensie | In Dutch
= ЛГ | Лёгочная гиперте́нзия | In Russian
= PAH | Pulmonal Arteriel Hypertension | In Danish
= HTP | Hipertensión Pulmonar | In Galician
= ԹՀ | Թոքային հիպերտենզիա | In Armenian
= PAH | Pulmonal Arteriell Hypertensjon | In Norwegian
= PH | Plućna Hipertenzija | In Serbian
= PAH | Pulmonell Arteriell Hypertension | In Swedish
= PH | Pulmoner Hipertansiyon | In Turkish
In German Blood and circulatory system
Chest diseases
PAH Pulmonal Arteriel Hypertension
= PH, PHT, HAP, HTAP, HTP, ЛГ, ԹՀ (look above)
In Danish Blood and circulatory system
Chest diseases
PAH Pulmonal Arteriell Hypertensjon
= PH, PHT, HAP, HTAP, HTP, ЛГ, ԹՀ (look above)
In Norwegian Blood and circulatory system
Chest diseases
PAH Pulmonell Arteriell Hypertension
= PH, PHT, HAP, HTAP, HTP, ЛГ, ԹՀ (look above)
In Swedish Blood and circulatory system
Chest diseases
PAHO Pan American Health Organization (www.paho.org)
= OPS, OPAS (look above)
In English Organizations and associations
International relations
PAI Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor In English Enzymes
Blood and circulatory system
PAL Phosphatase Alcaline Leucocytaire In French Enzymes
Blood and circulatory system
PALH Physician Assistant for Latino Health In English Organizations and associations
International relations
PAM Programme Alimentaire Mondial
= PMA | Programa Mundial d'Alimentos | In Asturian
= WFP | World Food Programme | In English
= WFP | 세계 식량 계획 | In Korean
= WFP | მსოფლიო სასურსათო საბჭო | In Georgian
= WFP | 国際連合世界食糧計画 | In Japanese
= PAM | Programma Alimentare Mondiale | In Italian
= PMA | Programa Mundial de Alimentos | In Spanish
In French United Nations
Agricultural sciences
PAM Programma Alimentare Mondiale
= PMA, WFP (look above)
In Italian United Nations
Agricultural sciences
PANSS Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale In English Diagnostics
PAP Papanicolaou In German Gynaecology
PAR Population Adjusted Relative (Risk Calculation) In English Demography
Accidents, risks, safety
PARACHUTE Participation in RAndomized trials Compromised by widely Held beliefs aboUt lack of Treatment Equipoise In English Traumatology
Aeronautics, aircraft
PARE Physiological and Anatomical Rodent Experiment In English Biological sciences
PARM Permanencier Auxiliaire de Régulation Médicale In French Traumatology
PAS Personen uit het Autisme Spectrum In Dutch Neurology
PASS Permanence d'Accès aux Soins de Santé In French
PATH Program for Appropriate Technology in Health In English
PATRACDR Personnel, Armement, Tenue, Radio, Alimentation, Commandement, Déroulement, Rendez-vous In French Firefighting
PAVC Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Vaccine Consortium In English Organizations and associations
Immunology and allergy
PBL Peripheral Blood Lymphocyte In English Blood and circulatory system
Immunology and allergy
PBMC Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cell In English Blood and circulatory system
PBR Ponction-Biopsie Rénale In French Diagnostics
PBS Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme In English Pharmacology, toxicology
PCA Patient Controlled Analgesy In English
PCC Prothrombin Complex Concentrate In English Blood and circulatory system
Pharmacology, toxicology
PCCA Professional Compounding Centers of America (www.pccarx.com) In English Pharmacology, toxicology
United States
PCEM Premier Cycle des Études Médicales In French Higher education, universities
PCEP Premier Cycle des Études Pharmaceutiques In French Higher education, universities
Pharmacology, toxicology
PCG Phonocardiogram In English
PCH Prestation de Compensation du Handicap In French
PCH Pharmacie Centrale des Hôpitaux In French Pharmacology, toxicology
PCI Perte de Connaissance Initiale In French Traumatology
PCIME Prise en Charge Intégrée des Maladies de l'Enfance In French Pediatry
PCOS Polycystic Ovary Syndrome In English Gynaecology
Reproductive biology
PCPS Plan Communal de Prévention et de Secours In French Municipal administration
PCS Professional Clinical Software In English Software
PCS Probability of Crew Safety In English Accidents, risks, safety
Aeronautics, aircraft
PD Parkinson's Disease In English Neurology
PDR Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy In English Pathology
PDSA People's Dispensary for Sick Animals In English Organizations and associations
Veterinary medicine
PE Préjudice Esthétique In French Civil law
Plastic surgery
PEAG Pustulose Exanthématique Aiguë Généralisée
= AGEP | Acute Generalised Exanthematous Pustulosis | In English
In French Dermatology
Immunology and allergy
Pharmacology, toxicology
PEP Postexpositionelle Prophylaxe In German Personal health and hygiene
PER Plan d'Exposition aux Risques In French Management
Accidents, risks, safety
PEV Programme Élargi de Vaccination In French
PFA Paralysie flasque aiguë In French Pathology
PFC Plasma Frais Congelé In French Blood and circulatory system
Pharmacology, toxicology
PFS Progression-Free Survival In English Pathology
PGD Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis In English Genetics
Reproductive biology
PGGM Pensioenfonds voor de Gezondheid, Geestelijke en Maatschappelijke belangen In Dutch Insurance
PGZ Preventieve Gezondheidszorg In Dutch
PH Personal Hygiene In English Personal health and hygiene
PH Pulmonale Hypertonie
= PAH, PHT, HAP, HTAP, HTP, ЛГ, ԹՀ (look above)
In German Blood and circulatory system
Chest diseases
PH Pulmonary Hypertension
= PAH, PHT, HAP, HTAP, HTP, ЛГ, ԹՀ (look above)
In English Blood and circulatory system
Chest diseases
PH Pulmonale Hypertensie
= PAH, PHT, HAP, HTAP, HTP, ЛГ, ԹՀ (look above)
In Dutch Blood and circulatory system
Chest diseases
PH Plućna Hipertenzija
= PAH, PHT, HAP, HTAP, HTP, ЛГ, ԹՀ (look above)
In Serbian Blood and circulatory system
Chest diseases
PH Pulmoner Hipertansiyon
= PAH, PHT, HAP, HTAP, HTP, ЛГ, ԹՀ (look above)
In Turkish Blood and circulatory system
Chest diseases
PHA Produit Hydro-Alcoolique In French Pharmacology, toxicology
PHC Pharmaceutics In English Pharmacology, toxicology
PHDP PAHOU Health Development Project In English Public health and hygiene
PHF Personal Hygiene Facility In English Personal health and hygiene
PHK Personal Hygiene Kit In English Personal health and hygiene
PHM Pharmacy In English Pharmacology, toxicology
PHRC Programme Hospitalier de Recherche Clinique In French Research policy
PHT Pulmonale Hypertonie
= PAH, PH, HAP, HTAP, HTP, ЛГ, ԹՀ (look above)
In German Blood and circulatory system
Chest diseases
PhyCP Physiological Chemistry and Physics In English Serial publications, periodicals
Biochemistry, biophysics
PhylS Physiologist Supplement In English Serial publications, periodicals
PhyM Physiological Measurement In English Serial publications, periodicals
PI Primary Infertility In English Reproductive biology
PI Poteau Incendie In French Firefighting
PIA Pristane-Induced Arthritis In English Immunology and allergy
PiCT Prothrombinase-induced Clotting Time In English Diagnostics
Blood and circulatory system
PID Präimplantationsdiagnostik In German Diagnostics
Reproductive biology
PID Pelvic Imflammatory Disease In English Gynaecology
PIHKAL Phenethylamines I Have Known and Loved In English Pharmacology, toxicology
PIN Patient Identity Number In English
PIO Pression Intra-Oculaire In French Ophthalmology
PL Ponction Lombaire In French Diagnostics
PLD Partial Lipodistrophy In English Physiology
PLEU Plan Local d'Évacuation d'Urgence In French Accidents, risks, safety
PLM Physiopathologie des Lipides et Membranes In French Physiology
PLS Position Latérale de Sécurité In French Traumatology
PLSS Portable Life Support System In English
PMA Programa Mundial d'Alimentos
= PAM, WFP (look above)
In Asturian United Nations
Agricultural sciences
PMA Programa Mundial de Alimentos
= PAM, WFP (look above)
In Spanish United Nations
Agricultural sciences
PMA Poste Medical Avancé In French
PMB Physics in Medicine and Biology In English Serial publications, periodicals
Biological sciences
PMC PubMed Central (www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov) In English Libraries
Biological sciences
PMF Plasma Master File In English Pharmacology, toxicology
PML Progressive Multifokale Leukoenzephalopathie In German Pathology
PML Promyelocytic Leukaemia In English Pathology
PMR Personne à Mobilité Réduite In French Pathology
PMRP Progress in Medical Radiation Physics In English Serial publications, periodicals
PMSI Programme de Médicalisation des Systèmes d'Information In French Knowledge management
PMU Paracelsus Medizinische Privatuniversität In German Higher education, universities
PNCS Programme National de Cantines Scolaires In French Nutrition
PND Pränatale Diagnostik In German Diagnostics
Reproductive biology
PNH Primate Non Humain In French Primates
Veterinary medicine
PNH Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria In English Pathology
Blood and circulatory system
PNH Paroxysmal Nocturnal Haemoglobinuria In English Pathology
Blood and circulatory system
PNNS Programme National Nutrition Santé In French Nutrition
Public health and hygiene
PNRC Programme National de Recherche sur les Maladies Cardiovasculaires In French Cardiology
PNRD Programme National de Recherche sur le Diabète In French Physiology
POCHEP Poste Communautaire d'Hygiène et d'Eau Potable In French Public health and hygiene
Environmental technology, water supply, waste management
POE Postinitieel masteronderwijs Epidemiologie In Dutch Higher education, universities
PPG Plan de Prévention Global In French Accidents, risks, safety
PPI Plan de Prévention Individuel In French Accidents, risks, safety
PPMS Plan Particulier de Mise en Sûreté In French Accidents, risks, safety
PPMU Plan Provincial Médical d'Urgence In French Traumatology
PPR Plan de Prévention des Risques In French Management
Accidents, risks, safety
PPR Panphotocoagulation rétinienne In French Ophthalmology
PPWCP Packard Pediatric Weight Control Program In English Nutrition
PRC Pharmacotherapy Research Center In English Research institutes
Pharmacology, toxicology
PRESENCCIA Presence & Research Encompassing Sensory Enhancement, NeuroScience, Cerebral-Computer Interfaces and Applications In English Human-computer interaction
PRIM Prévention des RIsques Majeurs In French Accidents, risks, safety
PRIM&R Public Responsibility In Medicine and Research In English Research policy
PRL Preferred Retinal Locus In English Ophthalmology
PRM Point de Regroupement des Moyens In French Firefighting
PrPc Protéine Prion cellulaire In French Proteins
Infectious diseases
PRV Point de Regroupement des Victimes In French Firefighting
PSA Presleep Activity In English
PSC1 Prévention et Secours Civiques de niveau 1 In French Traumatology
PSDE Philippine Society of Digestive Endoscopy (www.psde.org.ph) In English Organizations and associations
PSDE Programme de Soins Dentaires pour Enfants In French Dentistry
PSEBM Proceedings of The Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine In English Serial publications, periodicals
Biological sciences
PSL Produit Sanguin Labile In French Pharmacology, toxicology
Blood and circulatory system
PSMI Patch Slice Microincubator In English Biological sciences
PSO Pasaulio sveikatos organizacija
= MOS | Monda Organiz(aĵ)o pri Sano | In Esperanto
= WHO | World Health Organization | In English
= OMS | Organisation Mondiale de la Santé | In Esperanto
= OMS | Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità | In Italian
= WGO | Wêreldgesondheidsorganisasie | In Afrikaans
= OMS | Organización Mundial de la Salú | In Asturian
= СЗО | Световната здравна огранизация | In Bulgarian
= SZO | Světová zdravotnická organizace | In Czech
= OMS | Organització Mundial de la Salut | In Catalan
= OMS | Organización Mundial de la Salud | In Spanish
= MTO | Maailma Terviseorganisatsioon | In Estonian
= MOE | Munduko Osasun Erakundea | In Basque
= OMS | Organisacion mondiâla de la sandât | In Franco-Provençal
= OMS | Organización Mundial da Saúde | In Galician
= SZO | Svjetska zdravstvena organizacija | In Croatian
= RTD | Rêxistina Tendurustiyê ya Dinyayê | In Kurdish
= UMS | Urganizazziun mundiala da la Santaa | In Lombard
= PVO | Pasaules veselības organizācija | In Latvian
= ÜST | Ümumdünya Səhiyyə Təşkilatı | In Turkish
In Lithuanian United Nations
PSO Pad Safety Officer In English Accidents, risks, safety
PSPH Participant au Service Public Hospitalier In French
PSR Payload Safety Review In English Accidents, risks, safety
PSR Production Safety Review In English Management
Accidents, risks, safety
PSR Project Safety Review In English Management
Accidents, risks, safety
PSS Pad Safety Supervisor In English Accidents, risks, safety
PSSM Polish Society for Sexual Medicine In English Organizations and associations
Sexual problems
Applied sciences, technology
PT Physical Therapy In English
PTC Plasma Thromboplastin Component In English Blood and circulatory system
Pharmacology, toxicology
PTCA Percutaneous Coronary Transluminal Angioplasty In English Cardiology
PTENS Physical Therapy, Exercise and Nutrition Science In English Sport, physical exercises
PTI Purpura Thrombopénique Idiopathique In French Pathology
PTP Previously Treated Patient In English Pharmacology, toxicology
PTT Purpura Thrombotique Thrombocytopénique In French Blood and circulatory system
PUI Plan d'Urgence Interne In French Accidents, risks, safety
PUP Previously Untreated Patient In English Pharmacology, toxicology
PV Polyglobulie de Vaquez In French Blood and circulatory system
PVA Plasma Viro-Atténué In French Blood and circulatory system
PVL Periventrikuläre Leukomalazie
= PVL | Periventricular Leukomalacia | In English
= PVL | Periventriculaire Leukomalacie | In Dutch
= LMPV | Leucomalacie périventriculaire | In French
In German Obstetrics
PVL Periventricular Leukomalacia
= LMPV (look above)
In English Obstetrics
PVL Periventriculaire Leukomalacie
= LMPV (look above)
In Dutch Obstetrics
PVMA Pre-Veterinary Medical Association In English Associations
Veterinary medicine
PVO Pasaules veselības organizācija
= PSO, MOS, WHO, OMS, WGO, СЗО, SZO, MTO, MOE, RTD, UMS, ÜST (look above)
In Latvian United Nations
QALY Quality-Adjusted Life Years In English
QD Quantum Doloris In Latin
QFB Químico Farmacobiología In Spanish Biochemistry, biophysics
Pharmacology, toxicology
QİÇS Qazanılmış İmmun Çatışmazlığı Sindromu
= AIDS | Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome | In English
= SIDA | Syndrome d'Immuno-Déficience Acquise | In French
= VIGS | Verworwe Immuniteitsgebreksindroom | In Afrikaans
= SIDA | Síndrome de Inmuno-Deficiencia Adquirida | In Occitan
= SIDA | Sindromo di Imuno-Defekteso Aquirita | In Ido
= AIDS | Akirita Imuno-Deficita Simptomaro | In Esperanto
= SIDA | Sindrome d'inmunodefizienzia aquirita | In Aragonese
= СПИН | Синдром на придобитата имунна недостатъчност | In Bulgarian
= SIDA | Síndrome d'Immunodeficiència Adquirida | In Catalan
= HIES | Hartutako Immuno Eskasiaren Sindromea | In Basque
= SIDA | Síndrome de Inmunodeficiencia Adquirida | In Spanish
= SEIF | Siondróm Easpa Imdhíonachta Faighte | In Irish
= AIDS | Annlochd Inneamh Dìon-Slàinte | In Scottish Gaelic
= ՁԻԱՀ | Ձեռքբերովի Իմունային Անբավարվածության Համախտանիշ | In Armenian
= SCDI | Syndromis Comparatis Defectu Immunitatis | In Latin
= 에이즈 | 후천성 면역 결핍 증후군 | In Korean
= შიდსი | შეძენილი იმუნური დეფიციტის სინდრომი | In Georgian
= СИДА | Синдромот на стекнат имунолошки дефицит | In Macedonian
= СИДА | синдром стеченог имунолошког дефицита | In Serbian
= AIDS | Akvirírani imúnski deficítni sindróm | In Slovenian
= СПИД | Синдром приобретённого иммунного дефицита | In Russian
= SIDA | Sindromul Imunodeficienţei Autodobândite | In Romanian
= UHCW | Unquy hark'aypa chaskisqa waqlliynin | In Quechua
= SIDA | Síndrome da imunodeficiência adquirida | In Portuguese
= AIDS | Hội chứng Suy giảm Miễn dịch Mắc phải | In Vietnamese
= СНІД | Cиндром набутого імунодефіциту | In Ukrainian
= AIDS | Alınğan İmmun Defisit Síndromı | In Tatar
= UKIMWI | Upungufu wa Kinga Mwilini | In Swahili
In Azerbaijani Immunology and allergy
Infectious diseases
R&S Reliability and Safety In English Accidents, risks, safety
RA Rheumatoide Arthritis In German Pathology
RAAS Renine, Angiotensine, Aldosteron Systeem In Dutch Blood and circulatory system
RAISIN Réseau d'Alerte, d'Investigation et de Surveillance des Infections Nosocomiales In French Organizations and associations
Infectious diseases
RAMC Régime Canadien d'Accès aux Médicaments
= CAMR | Canada's Access to Medicines Regime | In English
In French Pharmacology, toxicology
RAQPA Résidence d'Accueil de Quartier pour Personnes Agées In French Accommodation
RARE Réseau de recherche et d'innovation technologique 'Alimentation Référence Europe' In French Nutrition
Food technology
RASMUS Remote Accessible Software configurable Multi-channel Ultrasound Sampling system In English Software
RBC Red Blood Cells In English Blood and circulatory system
RBE Relative Biological Effectiveness In English Pharmacology, toxicology
Nuclear technology
RBF Regional Blood Flow In English Blood and circulatory system
RCA Responsabilité Civile Accident In French Insurance
Accidents, risks, safety
RCP Réanimation cardiopulmonaire In French Traumatology
RCP Résumé des Caractéristiques du Produit
= SPC | Summary of Product Characteristics | In English
In French Pharmacology, toxicology
RCP RCP : Réanimation Cardio-Pulmonaire In French Cardiology
RCVS Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (www.rcvs.org.uk) In English Organizations and associations
Veterinary medicine
United Kingdom
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