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Acronym Sense Language Topics
MMI Medicus Mundi Italia In Italian Organizations and associations
MMM Myélofibrose avec Métaplasie Myéloïde In French Blood and circulatory system
MMS Medical Mission Sisters In English Roman catholic church
MMS Mini Mental Slate In English Neurology
MMSE Mini-Mental State Examination In English
MMSE Mini Mental State Examination In English Neurology
MMT Médecins Maîtres-Toile In French Networks, communication
Organizations and associations
MMTV Mouse Mammary Tumor Virus In English Virology
MMW Münchener Medizinische Wochenschrift In German Serial publications, periodicals
MNA Mini Nutritional Assessment In English Nutrition
MO-MED Mobile Information Engineering & E-Med Systems In English Telecommunications
MoBiMed Molekulare Bildgebung in der Medizin In German Biological sciences
MODY Maturity-Onset Diabetes of the Young In English Physiology
MOE Munduko Osasun Erakundea
= MOS | Monda Organiz(aĵ)o pri Sano | In Esperanto
= WHO | World Health Organization | In English
= OMS | Organisation Mondiale de la Santé | In Esperanto
= OMS | Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità | In Italian
= WGO | Wêreldgesondheidsorganisasie | In Afrikaans
= OMS | Organización Mundial de la Salú | In Asturian
= СЗО | Световната здравна огранизация | In Bulgarian
= SZO | Světová zdravotnická organizace | In Czech
= OMS | Organització Mundial de la Salut | In Catalan
= OMS | Organización Mundial de la Salud | In Spanish
= MTO | Maailma Terviseorganisatsioon | In Estonian
= OMS | Organisacion mondiâla de la sandât | In Franco-Provençal
= OMS | Organización Mundial da Saúde | In Galician
= SZO | Svjetska zdravstvena organizacija | In Croatian
= RTD | Rêxistina Tendurustiyê ya Dinyayê | In Kurdish
= UMS | Urganizazziun mundiala da la Santaa | In Lombard
= PSO | Pasaulio sveikatos organizacija | In Lithuanian
= PVO | Pasaules veselības organizācija | In Latvian
= ÜST | Ümumdünya Səhiyyə Təşkilatı | In Turkish
In Basque United Nations
MoMLV Moloney Murine Leukemia Virus In English Virology
Infectious diseases
MORD Medical Operations Requirements Document In English
MORT Management Oversight and Risk Tree In English Management
Accidents, risks, safety
MOS Monda Organiz(aĵ)o pri Sano
= MOE, WHO, OMS, WGO, СЗО, SZO, MTO, RTD, UMS, PSO, PVO, ÜST (look above)
In Esperanto United Nations
MOSES Mobile Safety System In English Engineering, technology
Accidents, risks, safety
MPGN Membranoproliferative Glomerulonephritis In English Pathology
MPH Master of Public Health In French Higher education, universities
Public health and hygiene
MPOC Maladie Pulmonaire Obstructive Chronique In French Pathology
MPOC Maladie Pulmonaire Obstructive Chronique
= BPCO | Broncho-Pneumopathie Chronique Obstructive | In French
= COPD | Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease | In English
= COLD | Chronic Obstructive Airway Disease | In English
= COAD | Chronisch obstruktive Atemwegserkrankung | In German
= EPOC | Enfermedad Pulmonar Obstructiva Crónica | In Spanish
= BPCO | Broncopneumopatia Cronica Ostruttiva | In Italian
= DPOC | Doença Pulmonar Obstrutiva Crónica | In Portuguese
= KOAH | Kronik Obstrüktif Akciğer Hastalığı | In Turkish
In French Chest diseases
MPPS Mammary Gland Physiology and Pathology Society In English Organizations and associations
MPR Moto-Pompe Remorquable In French Automobile manufacturing
MPS Mission Permanente de Sécurité In French Accidents, risks, safety
MR Magnetska ili magnetna rezonancija In Croatian Nuclear, atomic, and molecular physics
MRC Medical Research Council In English Organizations and associations
MRD Minimal Residual Disease In English Pathology
MRI Magnetic Resonance Imagery
= IRM | Imagerie par Résonance Magnétique | In French
In English Nuclear, atomic, and molecular physics
MRT Magnetresonanz-Tomografie
= MRT | Magnetresonanstomografi | In Swedish
In German Nuclear, atomic, and molecular physics
MRT Magnetresonanstomografi
= (look above)
In Swedish Nuclear, atomic, and molecular physics
MRZ Medizinisches Rechenzentrum In German Computer science
MS Multiple Sclerosis In English Neurology
MS Ministerul Sănătăţii In Romanian Central administration
Public health and hygiene
MSBCIA Macedonian Society for Basic, Clinical Immunology and Allergology In English Organizations and associations
Immunology and allergy
MSBM Maîtrise de Sciences Biologiques et Médicales In French Higher education, universities
Biological sciences
MSE Medical Support Equipment In English
MSF Médecins Sans Frontières (www.msf.fr) In French Associations
MSHA Mine Safety and Health Administration In English Public administration, government
Accidents, risks, safety
MSJ Medical Sisters of Saint Joseph In English Roman catholic church
MSMR Massachusetts Society for Medical Research (www.msmr.org) In English Organizations and associations
United States
MSPP Ministère de la Santé Publique et de la Population In French Central administration
Public health and hygiene
MSTP Medical Scientist Training Program In English Education
MT Medical Technology In English
MTEV Maladie Thromboembolique Veineuse In French Blood and circulatory system
MTF Medical Treatment Facility In English
MTO Maailma Terviseorganisatsioon
= MOE, MOS, WHO, OMS, WGO, СЗО, SZO, RTD, UMS, PSO, PVO, ÜST (look above)
In Estonian United Nations
MUG Medizinische Universität Graz In German Higher education, universities
MUMPS Massachusetts General Hospital Utility Multi-Programming System In English Programming languages
United States
MUSE Medicated Urethral System for Erection In English 3926
MUST Modelling the Use and Safety of Transport
= MUST | Modélisation de l'Usage et de la Sécurité des Transports | In French
In English Accidents, risks, safety
Vehicle engineering
Transport and postal services
MUW Medizinische Universität Wien In German Higher education, universities
MVL Multilamellar Vesicle In English Biotechnology
Pharmacology, toxicology
MVMA Maryland Veterinary Medical Association (www.mdvma.org) In English Associations
Veterinary medicine
MVO Maladie Veino-Occlusive In French Blood and circulatory system
MW Medische Wetenschappen In Dutch
NABR National Association for Biomedical Research (www.nabr.org) In English Associations
Biological sciences
NACCP National Association of Child Care Professionals In English Associations
NAHIS National Animal Health Information System In English Veterinary medicine
NAN Nombre Absolu de Neutrophiles In French Blood and circulatory system
NANB Nurses Association of New Brunswick In English Associations
NAPCC National Animal Poison Control Center In English Organizations and associations
Pharmacology, toxicology
Veterinary medicine
NASH Nicht-alkoholische Steatohepatitis In German Pathology
NASS North American Spine Society In English Organizations and associations
NAVCA North American Veterinary College Administrators In English Organizations and associations
Veterinary medicine
NAVP National Association of Veterinary Physiotherapists (www.navp.org.uk) In English Associations
Veterinary medicine
NAVP National Association of Vision Professionals In English Associations
NBIC Nanotechnologies, Biologie, Information, Cognition In French Engineering, technology
Computer science
NCA National Care Association (www.nca.gb.com) In English Associations
Social welfare
NCI National Cancer Institute In English Organizations and associations
NCM Neural Control of Movement Society (http://ncm-society.org) In English Organizations and associations
NCNM National College of Natural Medicine In English Higher education, universities
NCRR National Center for Research Resources (www.ncrr.nih.gov) In English Research institutes
Biological sciences
NDA New Drug Application In English Pharmacology, toxicology
NDL National Diet Library In English Libraries
NEJM New England Journal of Medicine In English Serial publications, periodicals
NEM Néoplasie Endocrinienne Multiple In French Oncology
NEOBRAIN Neonatal Estimation Of Brain Damage Risk And Identification of Neuroprotectants In English Neurology
NERF Neuropôle de Recherche Francilien In French Research institutes
NERI Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitor
= NRI | Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitor | In English
= NRI | Noradrenaline Reuptake Inhibitor | In English
= ARI | Adrenergic Reuptake Inhibitor | In English
In English Pharmacology, toxicology
NET Nécrolyse Épidermique Toxique
= TEN | Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis | In English
In French Dermatology
Immunology and allergy
Pharmacology, toxicology
NETT National Emphysema Treatment Trial In English Chest diseases
NGF Nerve Growth Factor In English Hormones
NHC Nouvel Hôpital Civil In French
NHC National Heart Centre (www.nhc.com.sg) In English Cardiology
NHF National Hemophilia Foundation In English Foundations
Blood and circulatory system
NHLBI National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (www.nhlbi.nih.gov) In English Research institutes
Blood and circulatory system
NHTSA National Highway Traffic Safety Association In English Associations
Accidents, risks, safety
Transport and postal services
NHTSA National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (www.nhtsa.dot.gov) In English Central administration
Accidents, risks, safety
Transport and postal services
NIAH National Institute of Animal Health In English Organizations and associations
Veterinary medicine
NiC NeuroImaging Center In English Diagnostics
NICE National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence In English
NIDDK National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases In English Research institutes
NIDRR National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research In English Research institutes
NIFTE National Initiative for Telehealth In English
NIH National Institutes of Health (www.nih.gov) In English Research institutes
Biological sciences
NIMH National Institute of Mental Health In English Neurology
NIOSH National Institute for Occupationnal Safety and Health In English Accidents, risks, safety
Labour, labour economics
NIOSH National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health In English Accidents, risks, safety
Labour, labour economics
NIPS National Institute for Physiological Sciences In English Research institutes
NKI-AVL Nederlands Kanker Instituut - Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Ziekenhuis In Dutch Research institutes
NLM National Library of Medicine (www.nlm.nih.gov) In English Libraries
NMC Nursing and Midwifery Council In English Organizations and associations
NMC National Mastitis Council (www.nmconline.org) In English Organizations and associations
Veterinary medicine
Agricultural sciences
NMD Nuclear Medicine In English
NMI Naturwissenchaftlich-Medizinisches Institut In German Research institutes
Biological sciences
NMMBC Neuropathie Motrice Multifocale à Bloc de Conduction In French Neurology
NMR Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
= RMN | Résonance Magnétique Nucléaire | In French
= RMN | Ressonància Magnètica Nuclear | In Catalan
= RMN | Risonanza Magnetica Nucleare | In Italian
= תמ"ג | תהודה מגנטית גרעינית | In Hebrew
= ЯМР | Я́дерного магни́тного резона́нса | In Russian
= НМР | Нуклеарна магнетна резонанција | In Serbian
In English Nuclear, atomic, and molecular physics
Nuclear technology
NMVMA New Mexico Veterinary Medical Association (www.nmvma.org) In English Associations
Veterinary medicine
NN Neural Networks In English Serial publications, periodicals
Computer-based techniques
NÖGKK Niederösterreichische Gebietskrankenkasse (www.noegkk.at) In German Insurance
NÖGUS Niederösterreichischer Gesundheits- und Sozialfonds (www.noegus.at) In German Social welfare
NPH Neutral Protamine Hagedorn In English Cardiology
NRA Norepinephrine Releasing Agent In English Pharmacology, toxicology
NRI Needham Research Institute (www.nri.cam.ac.uk) In English Research institutes
Engineering, technology
United Kingdom
NRI Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitor
= NERI, ARI (look above)
In English Pharmacology, toxicology
NRI Noradrenaline Reuptake Inhibitor
= NERI, ARI (look above)
In English Pharmacology, toxicology
NRK Nederlandse Rode Kruis In Dutch Organizations and associations
NSLC Non-Small cell Lung Carcinoma In English Chest diseases
NTA National Treatment Agency for Substance Misuse In English Personal health and hygiene
NTSC Nuclear Technology Safety Center In English Accidents, risks, safety
Nuclear technology
nvMCJ Nouveau variant de la Maladie de Creutzfeldt-Jakob In French Neurology
NVTG Nederlandse Vereniging voor Tropische Geneeskunde In Dutch Organizations and associations
ÖÄGMM Österreichische Ärztegesellschaft für Manuelle Medizin (www.manuellemedizin.org) In German Organizations and associations
ÖÄK Österreichische Ärztekammer (www.aerztekammer.at) In German Organizations and associations
OAP Œdème Aigu Pulmonaire In French Chest diseases
OASM Office of Aerospace Medicine In English Aeronautics, aircraft
OAVT Ontario Association of Veterinary Technicians (www.oavt.org) In English Associations
Veterinary medicine
OBG Onlay Bone Graft In English Dentistry
ÖBIG Österreichisches Bundesinstitut für Gesundheitswesen In German Central administration
Public health and hygiene
OBNT Ordre de Base National des Transmissions In French Telecommunications
OBS Operational Bioinstrumentation System In English
OBS Operational Biomedical System In English
OBVP Österreichischer Bundesverband für Psychotherapie (www.psychotherapie.at) In German Organizations and associations
OCD Obsessive Compulsive Disorder In English Psychology
OCDU Outpatient Clinical Decision Unit In English 61608
ÖDG Österreichische Diabetes-Gesellschaft (www.oedg.org) In German Organizations and associations
OEC Olfactory Ensheathing Cell In English Anatomy
OECI Organization of European Cancer Institutes (http://https://oeci.eu/) In English Organizations and associations
Research institutes
OEGGG Österreichische Gesellschaft für Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe (www.oeggg.at) In German Organizations and associations
OES Occupational and Environmental Safety In English Labour, labour economics
Environmental protection
OFA Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (www.offa.org) In English Foundations
Veterinary medicine
OFPS Office of Fire Protection and Safety In English Accidents, risks, safety
ÖGA Österreichische Gesellschaft für Akupunktur (www.akupunktur.at) In German Organizations and associations
Pharmacology, toxicology
ÖGAI Österreichische Gesellschaft für Allergologie und Immunologie (www.oegai.org) In German Organizations and associations
Immunology and allergy
ÖGAM Österreichische Gesellschaft für Allgemeinmedizin (www.oegam.at) In German Organizations and associations
ÖGAM Österreichische Gesellschaft für Allgemein- und Familienmedizin
= ELNA | Esperanto-Ligo de Nord-Ameriko | In Esperanto
= ELNA | Esperanto League for North America | In English
In German Organizations and associations
ÖGARI Österreichische Gesellschaft für Anaesthesiologie, Reanimation und Intensivmedizin (www.oegari.at) In German Organizations and associations
OGD Oesophago-Gastro-Duodénoscopie In French Diagnostics
ÖGDV Österreichische Gesellschaft für Dermatologie und Venerologie (www.oegdv.at) In German Organizations and associations
ÖGGG Österreichische Gesellschaft für Geriatrie und Gerontologie (www.geriatrie-online.at) In German Organizations and associations
ÖGGH Österreichische Gesellschaft für Gastroenterologie und Hepatologie (www.oeggh.at) In German Organizations and associations
ÖGHMP Österreichische Gesellschaft für Hygiene, Mikrobiologie und Präventivmedizin (www.oeghmp.at) In German Organizations and associations
Personal health and hygiene
Public health and hygiene
ÖGHO Österreichische Gesellschaft für Hämatologie und Onkologie (www.oegho.at) In German Organizations and associations
Blood and circulatory system
ÖGIM Österreichische Gesellschaft für Innere Medizin (www.oegim.at) In German Organizations and associations
ÖGK Österreichisches Grünes Kreuz (www.gruenes-kreuz.org) In German Organizations and associations
OGKA Österreichische Gesellschaft für kontrollierte Akupunktur (www.ogka.at) In German Organizations and associations
Pharmacology, toxicology
ÖGKC Österreichische Gesellschaft für klinische Chemie In German Organizations and associations
Biochemistry, biophysics
Pharmacology, toxicology
ÖGKJ Österreichische Gesellschaft für Kinder- und Jugendheilkunde (https://www.paediatrie.at/) In German Organizations and associations
ÖGLUT Österreichische Gesellschaft für Lungenerkrankungen und Tuberkulose (www.oeglut.at) In German Organizations and associations
Chest diseases
Infectious diseases
ÖGN Österreichische Gesellschaft für Neurologie (www.oegn.at) In German Organizations and associations
ÖGN Österreichische Gesellschaft für Nuklearmedizin (www.ogn.at) In German Organizations and associations
ÖGP Österreichische Gesellschaft für Pneumologie (www.ogp.at) In German Organizations and associations
Chest diseases
ÖGPB Österreichische Gesellschaft für Neuropsychopharmakologie und Biologische Psychiatrie (www.oegpb.at) In German Organizations and associations
Pharmacology, toxicology
ÖGPH Österreichische Gesellschaft für Public Health (www.oeph.at) In German Organizations and associations
Public health and hygiene
ÖGPMR Österreichische Gesellschaft für Physikalische Medizin und Rehabilitation (www.oegpmr.at) In German Organizations and associations
ÖGRM Österreichische Gesellschaft für Reproduktionsmedizin und Endokrinologie (www.oegrm.at) In German Organizations and associations
ÖGRO Österreichische Gesellschaft für Radioonkologie (www.oegro.com) In German Organizations and associations
ÖGS Österreichische Gesellschaft für Senologie (www.senologie.at) In German Organizations and associations
ÖGSMSF Österreichische Gesellschaft für Schlafmedizin und Schlafforschung (www.schlafmedizin.at) In German Organizations and associations
ÖGT Österreichische Gesellschaft für Tuina (www.tuina.or.at) In German Organizations and associations
Pharmacology, toxicology
ÖGT Österreichische Gesellschaft der Tierärzte (www.vu-wien.ac.at/oegt/) In German Organizations and associations
Veterinary medicine
ÖGUM Österreichische Gesellschaft für Ultraschall in der Medizin (http://oegum.wiemat.at) In German Organizations and associations
OHF Occupational Health Facility In English Labour, labour economics
OHSU Oregon Health and Science University (www.ohsu.edu) In English Higher education, universities
Mathematics and natural sciences
United States
OIE Office International des Épizooties (www.oie.int) In French Organizations and associations
Veterinary medicine
OIF Osteogenesis Imperfecta Foundation In English Foundations
ÖKG Österreichische Kardiologische Gesellschaft (www.atcardio.at) In German Organizations and associations
OLT Orthotopic Liver Transplantation In English Surgery, orthopaedics, ophthalmology
OMC Office of Medical Computing In English Computer science
ÖMCCV Österreichische Morbus Crohn-Colitis ulcerosa Vereinigung (www.oemccv.at) In German Organizations and associations
OMD Oedème Maculaire Diabétique In French Pathology
OMS Organisation Mondiale de la Santé
= MOE, MOS, WHO, WGO, СЗО, SZO, MTO, RTD, UMS, PSO, PVO, ÜST (look above)
In Esperanto United Nations
OMS Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità
= MOE, MOS, WHO, WGO, СЗО, SZO, MTO, RTD, UMS, PSO, PVO, ÜST (look above)
In Italian United Nations
OMS Organización Mundial de la Salú
= MOE, MOS, WHO, WGO, СЗО, SZO, MTO, RTD, UMS, PSO, PVO, ÜST (look above)
In Asturian United Nations
OMS Organització Mundial de la Salut
= MOE, MOS, WHO, WGO, СЗО, SZO, MTO, RTD, UMS, PSO, PVO, ÜST (look above)
In Catalan United Nations
OMS Organización Mundial de la Salud
= MOE, MOS, WHO, WGO, СЗО, SZO, MTO, RTD, UMS, PSO, PVO, ÜST (look above)
In Spanish United Nations
OMS Organisacion mondiâla de la sandât
= MOE, MOS, WHO, WGO, СЗО, SZO, MTO, RTD, UMS, PSO, PVO, ÜST (look above)
In Franco-Provençal United Nations
OMS Organización Mundial da Saúde
= MOE, MOS, WHO, WGO, СЗО, SZO, MTO, RTD, UMS, PSO, PVO, ÜST (look above)
In Galician United Nations
OMSP Organización Mundial de la Salud Pública In Spanish Organizations and associations
International relations
Public health and hygiene
OMT Ortopedisen Manuaalisen Terapian In Finnish
OMT Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment In English
OMT Ortopedisk manuell terapi In Swedish Surgery, orthopaedics, ophthalmology
ONIAM Office National d'Indemnisation des Accidents Médicaux (www.oniam.fr) In French Central administration
Accidents, risks, safety
ÖNRAP Österreichisches nationales Radonprojekt In German Austria
ONREK Office National de Recherche et d'Évaluation en Kinésithérapie In French
ONS Opérateur National de Sécurité In French Accidents, risks, safety
OÖGKK Oberösterreichische Gebietskrankenkassa (www.ooegkk.at) In German Insurance
OPAS Organização Pan-Americana da Saúde (www.paho.org)
= OPS | Organización Panamericana de la Salud | In Spanish
= PAHO | Pan American Health Organization | In English
In Portuguese Organizations and associations
International relations
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