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Acronym Sense Language Topics
HTAP Hipertensió Arterial Pulmonar
= PAH | Pulmonalarterielle Hypertonie | In German
= PH | Pulmonale Hypertonie | In German
= PHT | Pulmonale Hypertonie | In German
= HAP | Hipertensió Arterial Pulmonar | In Catalan
= PH | Pulmonary Hypertension | In English
= HTP | Hipertensión Pulmonar | In Spanish
= HTAP | Hypertension Artérielle Pulmonaire | In French
= PH | Pulmonale Hypertensie | In Dutch
= ЛГ | Лёгочная гиперте́нзия | In Russian
= PAH | Pulmonal Arteriel Hypertension | In Danish
= HTP | Hipertensión Pulmonar | In Galician
= ԹՀ | Թոքային հիպերտենզիա | In Armenian
= PAH | Pulmonal Arteriell Hypertensjon | In Norwegian
= PH | Plućna Hipertenzija | In Serbian
= PAH | Pulmonell Arteriell Hypertension | In Swedish
= PH | Pulmoner Hipertansiyon | In Turkish
In Catalan Blood and circulatory system
Chest diseases
HTAP Hypertension Artérielle Pulmonaire
= PAH, PH, PHT, HAP, HTP, ЛГ, ԹՀ (look above)
In French Blood and circulatory system
Chest diseases
HTN High Blood Pressure In English Physiology
HTP Hipertensión Pulmonar
= HTAP, PAH, PH, PHT, HAP, ЛГ, ԹՀ (look above)
In Spanish Blood and circulatory system
Chest diseases
HTP Hipertensión Pulmonar
= HTAP, PAH, PH, PHT, HAP, ЛГ, ԹՀ (look above)
In Galician Blood and circulatory system
Chest diseases
HTS Humantechnology Styria (https://www.humantechnology.at/) In English Biotechnology
HUMOS HUman MOdel of Safety In English Accidents, risks, safety
HUS Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome
= SUH | Síndrome Urémico Hemolítico | In Spanish
= SHU | Syndrome Hémolytique et Urémique | In French
= HUS | Hämolytisch-urämisches Syndrom | In German
= HUS | Hemolytisk uremisk syndrom | In Nynorsk
= HUS | Hemolytisk-uremisk syndrom | In Norwegian
= ХУС | Хемолитички уремијски синдром | In Serbian
= HÜS | Hemolitik üremik sendrom | In Turkish
In English Blood and circulatory system
HUS Hämolytisch-urämisches Syndrom
= SUH, SHU, ХУС, HÜS (look above)
In German Blood and circulatory system
HUS Hemolytisk uremisk syndrom
= SUH, SHU, ХУС, HÜS (look above)
In Nynorsk Blood and circulatory system
HUS Hemolytisk-uremisk syndrom
= SUH, SHU, ХУС, HÜS (look above)
In Norwegian Blood and circulatory system
HÜS Hemolitik üremik sendrom
= HUS, SUH, SHU, ХУС (look above)
In Turkish Blood and circulatory system
HUVEC Human Umbilical Vascular Endothelial Cell In English Biological sciences
I-STEM Institut des Cellules Souches pour le Traitement et l'Étude des Maladies Monogéniques In French Biotechnology
IACP International Academy of Compounding Pharmacists (www.iacprx.org) In English Academies
Pharmacology, toxicology
IADE Infirmièr(e)-Anesthésiste Diplômé(e) d'État In French Anesthesiology
IAEP International Association of Equine Practitioners In English Associations
Veterinary medicine
IAH Institute for Animal Health In English Veterinary medicine
IAPO International Alliance of Patients' Organizations (www.patientsorganizations.org) In English Organizations and associations
IARC International Agency for Research on Cancer In English Organizations and associations
IASTAM International Association for the Study of Traditional Asian Medicine In English Associations
IAT Institute of Animal Technology (www.iat.org.uk) In English Organizations and associations
Pharmacology, toxicology
Veterinary medicine
United Kingdom
IAV Institut Agronomique et Vétérinaire Hassan II (www.iav.ac.ma) In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Agricultural sciences
Veterinary medicine
IAVI International AIDS Vaccine Initiative In English Immunology and allergy
Infectious diseases
IBA Institute for Biomedical Aging Research In English Research institutes
Biological sciences
IBC International Bioethics Committee In English Ethics
IBD Inflammatory Bowel Disease In English Immunology and allergy
IBE International Bureau for Epilepsy (www.ibe-epilepsy.org) In English Organizations and associations
IBEB Instituto de Biofísica e Engenharia Biomédica In Portuguese Biochemistry, biophysics
IBS Irritable Bowel Syndrome In English Pathology
IBT Internationaler Bund der Tierversuchsgegner (www.tierversuchsgegner.at) In German Organizations and associations
Environmental protection
Pharmacology, toxicology
IC Intensive Care In English Traumatology
ICA Internal Carotid Artery In English Anatomy
ICAAC Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy In English
ICAD International Conference on Alzheimer's Disease (and Related Disorders) In English Congresses
ICADTS International Council on Alcohol and Traffic Safety In French Organizations and associations
Accidents, risks, safety
Transport and postal services
ICALIN Indicateur Composite des Activités de Lutte contre les Infections Nosocomiales
= ICALIN | Indice Composite des Activités de Lutte contre les Infections Nosocomiales | In French
In French Statistics
Infectious diseases
ICALIN Indice Composite des Activités de Lutte contre les Infections Nosocomiales
= (look above)
In French Statistics
Infectious diseases
ICCF Institutul Naţional de Cercetare-Dezvoltare Chimico-Farmaceutică In Romanian Chemistry
Pharmacology, toxicology
Chemical technology
ICD-O International Classification of Diseases for Oncology In English Bibliography
ICE In Case of Emergency In English Telecommunications
ICF Intracellular fluid In English Cytology
ICH International Conference on Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use In English Pharmacology, toxicology
Veterinary medicine
ICMJE International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (www.icmje.org) In English Serial publications, periodicals
ICMR Indian Council for Medical Research (www.icmr.nic.in) In English Organizations and associations
Research policy
ICN International Conference on Nutrition
= CIN | Conferencia Internacional sobre Nutrición | In Spanish
= CIN | Conférence Internationale sur la Nutrition | In French
= CIN | Conferência Internacional sobre Nutrição | In Portuguese
In English Congresses
ICORD International Collaboration on Repair Discoveries In English Organizations and associations
ICP Intracranial pressure In English Physiology
ICPO Institute of Cytology and Preventive Oncology In English Research institutes
ICRC International Committee of the Red Cross (www.icrc.org)
= CICR | Comité Internacional de la Cruz Roja | In Spanish
= CICR | Comité International de la Croix-Rouge | In French
= CICV | Comitê Internacional da Cruz Vermelha | In Portuguese
= МККК | Международный комитет Красного Креста | In Russian
= SSKK | Starptautiskā Sarkanā Krusta Komiteja | In Latvian
= CICR | Comitato Internazionale della Croce Rossa | In Italian
= ICRC | 적십자 국제 위원회 | In Korean
= CICR | Comitè Internacional de la Creu Roja | In Catalan
= CICR | Comitât entèrnacionâl de la Crouèx-Roge | In Franco-Provençal
In English Organizations and associations
ICRC 적십자 국제 위원회 (www.icrc.org)
= CICR, CICV, МККК, SSKK (look above)
In Korean Organizations and associations
ICS Institut Clinique de la Souris (www-mci.u-strasbg.fr) In French Research institutes
Pharmacology, toxicology
ICS International Continence Society (www.icsoffice.org) In English Organizations and associations
ICSI Injection Intracytoplasmique du Spermatozoïde In French Gynaecology
ICU Intensive Care Unit In English
ICV Institut Cardiovasculaire In French Cardiology
IDDM Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus
= DID | Diabète insulino-dépendant | In French
= DMID | Diabetes mellitus insulino-dependente | In Portuguese
= DMID | Diabetes mellitus insulino-dependiente | In Spanish
In English Physiology
IDÉE Institut Des Épilepsies de l‘Enfant et de l‘Adolescent In French Neurology
IDEM Informations- und Dokumentationsstelle Ethik in der Medizin In German Libraries
IDF International Diabetes Federation (www.idf.org)
= FID | Fédération Internationale du Diabète | In French
= FID | Federación Internacional de Diabetes | In Spanish
In English Organizations and associations
IDVE Indice de Déviation du Volume Érythrocytaire In French Blood and circulatory system
IEB Instituto de Engenharia Biomédica In Portuguese Biotechnology
IES Information und Einsatz im Sanitätsdienst In German
IEXAS Institute of Experimental Animal Sciences In English Organizations and associations
Veterinary medicine
IFA Imagerie Fonctionnelle Automatisée In French Diagnostics
IFC Istituto di Fisiologia Clinica In Italian Physiology
IFIC International Food Information Council In English Organizations and associations
Food technology
IFKB Interuniversitaire Onderzoekschool voor Klinische en Bewegingswetenschappen (www.ifkb.nl) In Dutch Research institutes
Sport, physical exercises
IFKF International Federation of Kidney Foundations In English Organizations and associations
IFPMA International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers & Associations (www.ifpma.org) In English Organizations and associations
Pharmacology, toxicology
IG Índice glicêmico
= GI | Glycemic Index | In English
= GI | Glykemický index | In Czech
= GI | Glykæmisk indeks | In Danish
= GI | Glykämischer Index | In German
= GI | Glükeemiline indeks | In Estonian
= GI | Glykeeminen indeksi | In Finnish
= ГИ | Гликемијски индекс | In Serbian
= GI | Glisemik indeks | In Turkish
In Portuguese Nutrition
Food technology
IgG Immunoglobuline G In French Biochemistry, biophysics
Immunology and allergy
IgIV Immunoglobuline intraveineuse In French Biochemistry, biophysics
Immunology and allergy
IGOR Institut für Gewebe- und Organrekonstruktion (www.igor.at) In German Research institutes
IGOST Interdisziplinäre Gesellschaft für Orthopädische Schmerztherapie In German Organizations and associations
Surgery, orthopaedics, ophthalmology
IGR Institut Gustave-Roussy In French Research institutes
IHME Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (www.healthdata.org) In English Research institutes
Public health and hygiene
United States
IHSR Iranian Institute for Health Sciences Research In English Biological sciences
IIAM International Institute for the Advancement of Medicine In English
IIBHG Institute of Immunobiology and Human Genetics
= IIBHG | Institut za Imunobiologija i Humana Genetika | In Macedonian
In English Research institutes
Immunology and allergy
IIBHG Institut za Imunobiologija i Humana Genetika
= (look above)
In Macedonian Genetics
IIPA International Iridology Practitioners Association In English Associations
IIPA Israeli International Pharmacy Association In English Associations
Pharmacology, toxicology
IJHy International Journal of Hyperthermia In English Serial publications, periodicals
IJIR International Journal of Impotence Research In English Serial publications, periodicals
Sexual problems
IJNS International Journal of Neural Systems In English Serial publications, periodicals
Biological sciences
IJOMS International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery In English Serial publications, periodicals
Surgery, orthopaedics, ophthalmology
IJT Index Jisim Tubuh
= IMC | Indice de Masse Corporelle | In French
= BMI | Body Mass Index | In English
= BKİ | Bədən kütləsinin göstərici | In Turkish
= KMI | Keapa-Moss-Index | In Austro-Bavarian
= IMC | Índex de Massa Corporal | In Catalan
= ΔΜΣ | Δείκτης μάζας σώματος | EK
= KMI | Korpomasa Indico | In Esperanto
= IMC | Índice de Masa Corporal | In Spanish
= KMI | Kehamassiindeks | In Estonian
= IMC | Índice de Masa Corporal | In Galician
= IMC | Indice di Massa Corporea | In Italian
= KMI | Kūno Masės Indeksas | In Lithuanian
= IMC | Índice de Massa Corporal | In Portuguese
= ИМТ | Индекс массы тела | In Russian
= VKİ | Vücut Kitle İndeksi | In Turkish
In Malay Nutrition
ILAE International Ligue Against Epilepsy (www.ilae.org) In English Organizations and associations
ILAR Institute for Laboratory Animal Research (http://dels.nas.edu/ilar/) In English Organizations and associations
Pharmacology, toxicology
Veterinary medicine
ILM Institut für Laboratoriumsmedizin, Klinische Chemie und Molekulare Diagnostik In German Research institutes
Biochemistry, biophysics
Pharmacology, toxicology
ILM Institut Louis Malardé In French
ILSSM Israeli Society for Sexual Medicine In English Organizations and associations
Sexual problems
Applied sciences, technology
IM3 Institut Mondor de Médecine Moléculaire In French Biological sciences
IMA Interdisciplinary Medical Association In English Associations
IMA International Medical Association In English Associations
IMAI Integrated Management of Adolescent and Adult Illness In English Pathology
IMASSA Institut de Médecine Aérospatiale - Service de Santé des Armées In French Aeronautics, aircraft
IMBLMS Integrated Medical/Behavioral Laboratory Measurement In English
IMC Indice de Masse Corporelle
= IJT, BMI, BKİ, KMI, ΔΜΣ, ИМТ, VKİ (look above)
In French Nutrition
IMC Índex de Massa Corporal
= IJT, BMI, BKİ, KMI, ΔΜΣ, ИМТ, VKİ (look above)
In Catalan Nutrition
IMC Índice de Masa Corporal
= IJT, BMI, BKİ, KMI, ΔΜΣ, ИМТ, VKİ (look above)
In Spanish Nutrition
IMC Índice de Masa Corporal
= IJT, BMI, BKİ, KMI, ΔΜΣ, ИМТ, VKİ (look above)
In Galician Nutrition
IMC Indice di Massa Corporea
= IJT, BMI, BKİ, KMI, ΔΜΣ, ИМТ, VKİ (look above)
In Italian Nutrition
IMC Índice de Massa Corporal
= IJT, BMI, BKİ, KMI, ΔΜΣ, ИМТ, VKİ (look above)
In Portuguese Nutrition
IMCHC Illinois Maternal & Child Health Coalition (www.ilmaternal.org) In English Organizations and associations
IMD Immune Mediated Disease In English Immunology and allergy
IMG Interruption Médicale de Grossesse In French Gynaecology
IMI Innovative Medicines Initiative In English
IMP Institute of Molecular Pathology In English Biochemistry, biophysics
IMR Infant Mortality Rate
= ММВБ | Московская межбанковская валютная биржа | In Russian
= MICEX | Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange | In English
= МБВБ | Мускав банксен валютă биржи | In Chuvash
= AKB | Angka Kematian Bayi | In Indonesian
= TMI | Taxa de Mortalidade Infantil | In Portuguese
= TMI | Taux de Mortalité Infantile | In French
= TMI | Taxa de Mortalitat Infantil | In Catalan
In English Statistics
IMRSA International Medical Regulatory and Shipping Association In English Associations
IMSI Intracytoplasmic Magnified Sperm Injection In English Reproductive biology
IMSS In-Flight Medical Supply System In English Aeronautics, aircraft
IMT Intima Media Thickness
= EIM | Espace Intima Média | In French
In English Blood and circulatory system
IMT Institute of Tropical Medicine in Antwerp (www.itg.be)
= ITG | Instituut voor Tropische Geneeskunde Antwerpen | In Dutch
= ITM | Institut de Médecine Tropicale d'Anvers | In French
In English Research institutes
IN Istituto di Neuroscienze In Italian Anatomy
INAF Institut des Nutraceutiques et des Aliments Fonctionnels In French Nutrition
Agricultural sciences
Beverage industry
Food technology
INAMI Institut National d'Assurance Maladie-Invalidité (www.riziv.fgov.be)
= RIZIV | Rijksinstituut voor Ziekte- en Invaliditeitsverzekering | In Dutch
In French Insurance
INB Institut des Neurosciences de Bordeaux In French Research institutes
INCA Institut National du Cancer In French Organizations and associations
IND Investigational New Drug In English Pharmacology, toxicology
IND Investigational New Drug (application) In English Pharmacology, toxicology
INDANA Individual Data Analysis of Antihypertensive Drug Interventions In English Pharmacology, toxicology
INERIS Institut National de l'Environnement Industriel et des Risques (www.ineris.fr) In French Research institutes
Accidents, risks, safety
Engineering, technology
InGe-St Initiative Gehirnforschung Steiermark In German Organizations and associations
INJENO INitiatives de parents de Jeunes Épileptiques du Nord In French Organizations and associations
INN International Nonproprietary Name
= DCI | Dénomination Commune Internationale | In French
= DCI | Denominación Común Internacional | In Spanish
= DCI | Denominazione Comune Internazionale | In Italian
= МНН | Международное непатентованное название | In Russian
In English Pharmacology, toxicology
INPES Institut National de Prévention et d'Éducation pour la Santé (www.inpes.sante.fr) In French Education
Public health and hygiene
INPMA Institut National des Plantes Médicinales et Aromatiques In English Research institutes
Biological sciences
Pharmacology, toxicology
Agricultural sciences
INSERM Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale In French
INSPQ Institut National de Santé Publique du Québec In French Public health and hygiene
INVS Institut National de Veille Sanitaire In French
IOT Instituto de Ortopedia e Traumatologia In Portuguese Surgery, orthopaedics, ophthalmology
IOT Intubation Orotrachéale In French
IPA Independent Practice Association In English Associations
IPATIMUP Instituto de Patologia e Imunologia Molecular da Universidade do Porto In Portuguese Biological sciences
IPBS Isotopes in the Physical and Biomedical Sciences In English Serial publications, periodicals
Biological sciences
IPC Institut de Pathologie du Cheval In French Research institutes
Veterinary medicine
IPCAA International Pharmaceutical Congress Advisory Association In English Associations
Pharmacology, toxicology
IPFA International Plasma Fractionation Association In English Associations
Pharmacology, toxicology
IPH Institute of Public Health In English Public health and hygiene
IPL Institut Pasteur de Lille (www.pasteur-lille.fr) In French Research institutes
Biological sciences
IPM Internet et Pédagogie Médicale In French Internet
IPP Incapacité Permanente Partielle In French Pathology
Labour, labour economics
IPP identifiant Permanent Patient In French Computer science
IPPS International Pelvic Pain Society In English Organizations and associations
IPPS Internationaler-Prostate-Symptom-Score In German Pathology
IPS Ingénieur Prévention Sécurité In French Accidents, risks, safety
IPT Incapacité Permanente Totale In French Pathology
Labour, labour economics
IPTM Institut des Professions Techniques et Médicales (www.iptm.ma) In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
IQ Intellectual Quotient In English Neurology
IRA Insuffisance Rénale Aiguë In French Pathology
IRA Infection Respiratoire Aiguë In French Chest diseases
IRAB Infection Respiratoires Aiguë Basse In French Infectious diseases
IRB Institutional Review Board In English Ethics
IRC Insufisance Rénale Chronique In French Pathology
IRCAD Institut de Recherche contre les Cancers de l'Appareil Digestif (https://www.ircad.fr/) In French Research institutes
IRESP Institut de Recherche en Santé Publique In French Pharmacology, toxicology
IRM Imagerie par Résonance Magnétique
= MRI | Magnetic Resonance Imagery | In English
In French Nuclear, atomic, and molecular physics
IRSC Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada (www.cihr.ca)
= CIHR | Canadian Institutes of Health Research | In English
In French Research institutes
Biological sciences
IRSST Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et sécurité du travail (https://www.irsst.qc.ca) In French Research institutes
Accidents, risks, safety
IRT Insuffisance Rénale Terminale In French Physiology
IS Intervention de Sécurité In French Accidents, risks, safety
ISC Institut des Sciences Cognitives In French Biological sciences
ISDP International Society of Dermatopathology (www.intsocdermpath.org) In English Organizations and associations
ISH International Society of Hypertension (https://www.ish-world.com) In English Research institutes
ISH Isolated Systolic Hypertension In English Cardiology
ISH International Society for Hypnosis (https://www.ishhypnosis.org) In English Organizations and associations
ISHEASTM International Society for the History of East Asian Science Technology and Medicine In English Organizations and associations
Engineering, technology
ISHR Institute for Health System Research In English Public health and hygiene
ISIR International Society for Intelligence Research In English Organizations and associations
ISIR International Society for Interferon-Research In English Organizations and associations
Biochemistry, biophysics
ISIR International Society for Immunology of Reproduction In English Organizations and associations
Immunology and allergy
Reproductive biology
ISIS International Society of Infant Studies In English Organizations and associations
ISMCS International Society for Mechanical Circulatory Support (https://www.ismcs.org)
= ISRBP | International Society for Rotary Blood Pumps | In English
In English Organizations and associations
Mechanical engineering
Blood and circulatory system
ISO Infection du Site Opératoire In French Infectious diseases
Surgery, orthopaedics, ophthalmology
ISOPT International Symposium on Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics In English Congresses
Pharmacology, toxicology
ISP Infirmier Sapeur-Pompier In French Firefighting
ISPG International Society of Psychiatric Genetics In English Organizations and associations
ISPOG International Society of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology In English Organizations and associations
ISRBP International Society for Rotary Blood Pumps (https://www.ismcs.org)
= ISMCS (look above)
In English Organizations and associations
Mechanical engineering
Blood and circulatory system
ISREC Institut Suisse de Recherche Expérimentale sur le Cancer In French Research institutes
ISS Incident Significatif de Sûreté In French Accidents, risks, safety
ISSIR International Society for Sexual and Impotence Research In English Organizations and associations
Sexual problems
Applied sciences, technology
ISSM International Society for Sexual Medicine In English Organizations and associations
ISST Institut für Stimm- und Sprachtherapie In German Pathology
ISST Institut de Santé et de Sécurité au Travail In French Labour, labour economics
ISSTD International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation In English Organizations and associations
IST Istituto Scientifico Tumori In Italian Research institutes
ISTH International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis In English Organizations and associations
ISTM International Society of Travel Medicine In English Tourism
ISTMT Institut Supérieur des Technologies Médicales de Tunis (www.istmt.rnu.tn) In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
ISUOG International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology (www.isuog.org) In English Organizations and associations
Gynaecology, obstetrics
ISV Institut des Sciences de la Vision (www.isvision.fr) In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
ISVMA Illinois State Veterinary Medical Association (www.isvma.org) In English Associations
Veterinary medicine
United States
ITAV Institut des Technologies Avancées des Sciences du Vivant In French Biological sciences
ITBE IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Transactions on Biomedical Engineering In English Serial publications, periodicals
ITG Instituut voor Tropische Geneeskunde Antwerpen (www.itg.be)
= IMT, ITM (look above)
In Dutch Research institutes
ITM Institut de Médecine Tropicale d'Anvers (www.itg.be)
= IMT, ITG (look above)
In French Research institutes
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