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Acronym Sense Language Topics
SSP Standard Switch Panel In English Software
SSP Subsolar Point In English Astronomy
SSP System Security Plan In English
SSP Supplementary Special-purpose Plane In English Data
SSPAR Solid State Physics Advances in Research and Applications In English Serial publications, periodicals
SSPAS Solid State Physics Advances in Research and Applications Supplement In English Serial publications, periodicals
SSPC (Missionary) Sisters of Saint Peter Claver In English Roman catholic church
SSPC Spacelab Stored Program Command In English Astronautics
SSPD Shuttle System Payload Data In English Astronautics
SSPD Shuttle System Payload Definition In English Astronautics
SSPD Shuttle System Payload Description In English Astronautics
SSPDA Space Shuttle Payload Data Activity In English Astronautics
SSPDB Subsystem Power Distribution Box In English Electrical engineering
SSPDS Space Shuttle Payload Data Study In English Astronautics
SSPE Space Station Program Element In English Astronautics
SSPF Sortie Software Production Facility In English Astronautics
SSPF Space Shuttle Programming Facility In English Software
SSPF Space Station Processing Facility In English Astronautics
SSPFA Space Shuttle Program Flight Assignment In English Astronautics
SSPGSE Space Shuttle Program Ground Support Equipment In English Astronautics
SSPHS Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies In English Organizations and associations
SSPII Space Shuttle Program Implementing Instruction In English Astronautics
SSPM Software Standards and Procedures Manual In English Software
SSPM Solid-State Photomultiplier In English
SSPM Space Shuttle Program Manager In English Management
SSPM Standards and Procedures Manual In English Quality management
SSPM System Safety Program Manager In English Management
Accidents, risks, safety
SSPO Space Shuttle Program Office In English Astronautics
SSPO Space Station Projects Office In English Astronautics
SSPP Space Station Program Participant In English Astronautics
SSPP System Safety Program Plan In English Accidents, risks, safety
SSPPM SPADOC System Performance Prediction Model In English
SSPPSG Space Shuttle PAyload Planning Steering Group In English Management
SSPRO Space Shuttle Program Resident Office In English Astronautics
SSPRv Space and Solar Power Review In English Serial publications, periodicals
Energy economics
SSPS (Missionary) Sisters Servants of the Holy Spirit In English Roman catholic church
SSPS Solar Satellite Power Station In English Energy economics
SSPS Space Shuttle Program Schedule In English Astronautics
SSPTF Santa Susana Propulsion Test Facility In English Mechanical engineering
SSR Shop Support Request In English
SSR Software Specification Review In English Software
SSR Staff Support Room In English
SSR Station Set Requirement In English
SSR System Safety Review In English Accidents, risks, safety
SSR System Status Review In English
SSR Society for the Study of Reproduction In English Organizations and associations
Reproductive biology
SSRA Stakeholders Strategic Research Agenda In English
SSRD Station Set Requirements Document In English
SSRI Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor In English
SSRIMp Space Station Resource Impact Model In English Astronautics
SSRMS Space Station Remote Manipulator System In English Astronautics
SSRN System Software Reference Number In English Software
SSRN Social Science Research Network (www.ssrn.com) In English Organizations and associations
Social sciences
SSROP Space Station Resource Optimization Program In English Astronautics
SSRP System Safety Review Panel In English Accidents, risks, safety
SSRp Stochastics and Stochastics Reports In English Serial publications, periodicals
SSRR Station Set Requirements Review In English
SSRT STS SEcurity Review TEam In English
SSRV Solar-Sail Race Vehicle In English Energy economics
Vehicle engineering
SSRv Space Science Reviews In English Serial publications, periodicals
SSS Southern Sociological Society In English Organizations and associations
SSS Scanning Star Simulator In English
SSS System Security Standard In English
SSS System Segment Specification In English
SSS Sensor Support System In English
SSS Simulation Study Series In English
SSS Sortie Support System In English
SSS Space Shuttle Segment In English Astronautics
SSS Spacecraft Software System In English Software
SSS Spinning Sun Sensor In English Astronomy
SSS Stage Separation Subsystem In English
SSS Station Set Specification In English
SSS Social Studies of Science In English Serial publications, periodicals
Social sciences
Mathematics and natural sciences
SSS Sea Surface Salinity In English Marine research, oceanography
SSS Selective Service System In English
SSSA Soil Science Society of America (www.soils.org) In English Organizations and associations
Agricultural sciences
United States
SSSAJ Soil Science Society of America Journal In English Serial publications, periodicals
Earth sciences
Agricultural sciences
United States
SSSC Space Station Support Center In English Astronautics
SSSI Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction In English Organizations and associations
SSSM Scandinavian Society for Sexual Medicine In English Organizations and associations
Sexual problems
Applied sciences, technology
SSSR Society for the Scientific Study of Religion In English
SSSS Space Shuttle System Specification In English Astronautics
SSSS Staphylococcal Scalded Skin Syndrome In English Dermatology
Infectious diseases
SSSSR Space Shuttle System Safety Review In English Accidents, risks, safety
SSSSS Springer Verlag Springer Series on Solid State Sciences In English Serial publications, periodicals
SSST Space Station System Trainer In English Astronautics
SSSyn Springer Verlag Springer Series on Synergetics In English Serial publications, periodicals
SST Sea Surface Temperature In English Meteorology, climatology
Marine research, oceanography
SST Sisters of Saint Thomas In English Roman catholic church
SST Supersonic Transport In English Aeronautics, aircraft
SST Shuttle System Test In English Astronautics
SST Simulated Structural Test In English
SST Simulation and Systems Test In English
SST Single System Trainer In English
SST Space Surveillance and Tracking In English Astronomy
SST Spacecraft Systems Test In English Astronautics
SST Structural Static Test In English
SSTC Space Shuttle Test Conductor In English Astronautics
SSTCLS Space Shuttle Test, Checkout, and Launch Support In English Astronautics
SSTec Solid State Technology In English Serial publications, periodicals
SSTF Space Station Training Facility In English Education
SSTO Single Stage To Orbit In English Astronautics
SSTOM SAIL System and Test Operations Manager In English
SSTP Shielded and Shielded Twisted Pair In English Electrical engineering
SSTS Satellite Surveillance and Tracking System In English Astronautics
SSTS Space Surveillance and Tracking System In English Astronautics
SSTS Space-Based Surveillance and Tracking System In English Astronautics
SSUS Spinning Solid Upper Stage In English Astronautics
SSUSA SSUS for Atlas-centaur-class spacecraft In English Astronautics
SSUSD SSUS for Delta-class spacecraft In English Astronautics
SSUSP Spinning Solid Upper Stage Project In English Astronautics
SSV Space Shuttle Vehicle In English Astronautics
SSV Space Sortie Vehicle In English Astronautics
SSVS Subsystem Verification Specification In English
SSWG Shuttle Security Working Group In English Astronautics
SSWP Space Station Work Package In English Astronautics
SSWP Springer Verlag Springer Series on Wave Phenomena In English Serial publications, periodicals
ST Star Tracker In English Astronomy
ST Serial Traceability In English
ST Shock Tunnel In English
ST Simplification Task In English
ST Space Telescope In English Astronomy
ST Spacelab Technology In English Astronautics
ST Special Tooling In English
ST Sponsored Training In English Education
Labour, labour economics
ST&E Security Test and Evaluation In English Data
STA Science and Technology Agency In English Mathematics and natural sciences
Applied sciences, technology
STA Shuttle Training Aircraft In English Education
Aeronautics, aircraft
STA Static Test Article In English
STA Structural Test Article In English
STA Statistics In English Statistics
STACC Standard Telemetry And Communications Component In English Astronomy
STADAC Station Data Acquisition And Control In English Data
STADAN Satellite Tracking And Data Acquisition Network In English Data
STADAN Space Tracking And Data Acquisition Network In English Data
STADU System Termination And Display Unit In English Human-computer interaction
STAG Secure Text And Graphics In English
STAG Shuttle Turnaround Analysis Group In English Astronautics
StAM Studies in Applied Mathematics In English Serial publications, periodicals
STAMP System Testability And Maintainability Program In English Maintenance and logistics
STAR Scientific And Technical Report In English Mathematics and natural sciences
Engineering, technology
STAR Shuttle Turnaround Analysis Report In English Astronautics
STAR Significant Technological Achievement In Research In English Engineering, technology
STAR Significant Technology Achievement Through Research In English Engineering, technology
STAR Software Tools And Requirements In English Software
STAR Source Transmission And Response In English
STAR Space Transportation Automated Reconfiguration In English Astronautics
STAR Standard Terminal Arrival Route In English Transport by air
Aeronautics, aircraft
STARE Staring Technology Advanced Research and Evaluation In English Research policy
STARR Schedule, Technical, And Resources Report In English
STARS Software Technology for Adaptable and Reliable Systems In English Software
STARS Space Transportation Automated Reconfiguration System In English Astronautics
STARS Status Analysis And Reporting System In English
START Selection To Activate Random Testing In English
STAS Space Transportation Architecture Study In English Astronautics
STAT Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription In English Genetics
Biochemistry, biophysics
STAT System Testability and Analysis Tool In English
STATS Star Tracker Alignment Test Set In English Astronomy
STB Surface Transportation Board (www.stb.dot.gov) In English Transport and postal services
STBE Space Transportation Booster Engine In English Astronautics
STC Stennis Test Center In English
STC SHAPE (Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe) Technical Center In English Military engineering
STC Satellite Test Center In English Astronautics
STC Satellite TRacking Center In English Astronautics
STC Sensitivity Time Control In English
STC Short-Time Constant In English
STC Shuttle Test Conductor In English Astronautics
STC Space Technology Center In English Astronautics
STC Spacecraft Test Conductor In English Astronautics
STC Standard Test Configuration In English
STC Systems Test Complex In English
STCC STS Transportation Coordination Center In English
StCom Statistics and Computing In English Serial publications, periodicals
Computer science
STCP Short-Term Cost Plan In English Prices
STCS Special Telemetry Conversion System In English Geodesy, cartography
STD Sexually Transmitted Disease In English Infectious diseases
STD Shuttle Test Detector In English Astronautics
STD Software Test Description In English Software
STD Spacecraft Technology Division In English Astronautics
STD Special Test Device In English
STD Standard Test Device In English
STD Secondary Transmitted Data In English Data
STD Short Term Disability In English Pathology
STDCE Surface Tension Driven Convection Experiment In English
STDL Standard Distribution List In English
STDN Spacecraft Tracking and Data Network In English Data
Networks, communication
STE Special Test Equipment In English
STE System Test Engineer In English
STEC Shiga-like Toxin-producing Escherichia Coli In English Infectious diseases
STED Stimulated Emission Depletion In English
STEDT Sino-Tibetan Etymological Dictionary and Thesaurus In English Dictionaries
STEP Science and Technology Entrepreneurs Park In English Mathematics and natural sciences
Applied sciences, technology
STEP Solving the E-waste Problem In English Electronics
Environmental technology, water supply, waste management
STEP Space Test Experiments Platform In English Astronautics
STEP Surveillance and Tracking Experiment Program In English
STEP Science and Technology Enrichment Program In English Mathematics and natural sciences
Applied sciences, technology
SteRe Steward Observatory Reprints In English Serial publications, periodicals
STEREO Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory In English Observatories
Solar system
Earth sciences
STERJ Solar, Terrestrial and Environmental Research Japan In English Serial publications, periodicals
Earth sciences
STF Satellite Test Facility In English Astronautics
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