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In English

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Acronym Sense Language Topics
GSSC Ground Support Simulation Computer In English Computer hardware
GSSF General Service Stock Fund In English
GSSI Ground Support System Integration In English
GSSI&C Ground Support Systems Installation and Checkout In English
GSSI&C Group Support Systems Integration and Checkout In English
GSSPs Global Boundary Stratotype Sections and Points In English Stratigraphy
GSSS General Secretariat of Social Security In English Insurance
GST Ground System Test In English
GSTAR Saudi Arabian Communications Satellite In English Astronautics
Saudi Arabia
GSTDN Ground Space Flight Tracking and Data Network In English Astronomy
GSTDN Ground Spacecraft Tracking and Data Network In English Data
GSTP Ground System Test Procedure In English
GSTS Ground-Based Surveillance and Tracking System In English
GSU Gas Servicer Unit In English
GSV Glove Stop Valve In English
GSVC Global Social Venture Competition In English Economics
GSVOO Ground Station Visibility of Orbiting Objects In English Astronautics
GSVP Ground Support Verification Plan In English
GT Ground Team In English
GT Ground Test In English
GT Gyro Torque In English
GT&A Ground Test and Acceptance In English Quality management
GTA Gas Tungsten Arc In English
GTA Ground Test Access In English
GTA Ground Test Article In English
GTA Ground Test Assembly In English
GTA Ground Torquing Assembly In English
GTARC Golden Triangle Amateur Radio Club In English Organizations and associations
GTAW Gas Tungsten Arc Welding In English
GTC Glycol Trim Console In English
GTC Ground Test Conductor In English
GTC Genzyme Transgenics Corporation In English Organizations and associations
GTCL Goodyear Technical Center Luxembourg In English Plastic industry
GTCU Ground Thermal Conditioning Unit In English
GTD Getting Things Done In English
GTD Genomic Threading Database In English Genetics
Biochemistry, biophysics
GTD Global Terrorism Database In English Politics
GTE General Telephone and Electronics In English Electronics
GTF Ground Test Facility In English
GTFF Group of Terrestrial Freight Forwarders In English Organizations and associations
Transport and postal services
GTI Ground Test Instrumentation In English
GTLV Government-Furnished Target Launch Vehicle In English Public administration, government
Vehicle engineering
GTM Ground Team Manager In English
GTM Ground Test Missile In English Military engineering
GTM Ground Test Motor In English Mechanical engineering
GTO Generic Technical Order In English Engineering, technology
GTO Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit In English Astronautics
GTP General Test Plan In English
GtR Gateway to Research (http://https://gtr.ukri.org/) In English Databases
Research policy
United Kingdom
GTRI Georgia Tech Research Institute (www.gtri.gatech.edu) In English Research institutes
Applied sciences, technology
United States
GTS GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) Technical Specification In English Telecommunications
GTS General Test Support In English
GTS Guidance Test Station In English Vehicle engineering
GTT Group Technology Time In English
GTU Glycol Trim Unit In English
GTV Ground Test Vehicle In English Vehicle engineering
GTV Ground Transport Vehicle In English Vehicle engineering
GTVI Gimbal angle and Translational Velocity Indicator In English Astronautics
GUAVA Group of Universities for the Advancement of Vietnamese Abroad In English Organizations and associations
Higher education, universities
Language, linguistics, literature
GUCP Ground Umbilical Carrier Plate In English
GUI Graphical User Interface
= IGU | Interfaz Gráfica de Usuario | In Spanish
In English Human-computer interaction
GUIDE Groningen University Institute for Drug Exploration In English Research institutes
Pharmacology, toxicology
GUIDO Guidance Officer In English
GUL (php)Gtk User Language In English Computer science
GUM Generalized Upper Model In English Programming languages
GUPH Group for the Use of Psychology in History In English Organizations and associations
GUVZS Glasgow University of Veterinary Zoological Society In English Organizations and associations
Veterinary medicine
United Kingdom
GVfM Good Value for Money In English Insurance
GVL Ground Vibrations Laboratory In English Research institutes
GVSC Generic VHSIC Spacecraft Computer In English Computer hardware
GVT Ground Vibration Test In English Acoustics
GVTA Ground Vibration Test Article In English Acoustics
GW Gross Weight In English
GWA General Work Area In English
GWAV Great Waters Association of Vexillology In English Associations
Flags, banners
GWP Global Warming Potential In English
GWP Global Water Partnership (www.gwpforum.org) In English Organizations and associations
Environmental technology, water supply, waste management
GWT Ground Winds Tower In English
GWT Google Widget Toolkit In English Software
Networks, communication
GX Galaxy Express In English Astronautics
H Histidine
= H | Histidin | In Bosnian
= H | Histidina | In Catalan
= H | Histidin | In Czech
= H | Histidin | In German
= H | Histidina | In Spanish
= H | Histidino | In Esperanto
= H | Histidine | In French
= H | 히스티딘 | In Korean
= H | Histidin | In Croatian
= H | Histidin | In Indonesian
= H | Istidina | In Italian
= H | היסטידין | In Hebrew
= H | Histidīns | In Latvian
= H | Histidin | In Letzeburgesh
= H | Histidinas | In Lithuanian
= H | Hisztidin | LU
= H | Histidine | In Dutch
= H | ヒスチジン | In Japanese
= H | Histidin | In Norwegian
= H | Histydyna | In Polish
= H | Histidina | In Portuguese
= H | Гистидин | In Russian
= H | Histidiini | In Finnish
= H | Histidin | In Swedish
= H | Histidin | In Turkish
= H | Гістидин | In Ukrainian
= H | 組氨酸 | In Chinese
In English Biochemistry, biophysics
H Hydrogen
= H | Hydrogène | In French
= H | Waterstof | In Afrikaans
= H | هيدروجين | In Arabic
= H | Hidróxenu | In Asturian
= H | Hidrogen | In Azerbaijani
= H | Wassastoff | In Austro-Bavarian
= H | Вадарод | In Belarusian
= H | Водород | In Bulgarian
= H | হাইড্রোজেন | In Bengali
= H | Hidrogen | In Breton
= H | Vodonik | In Bosnian
= H | Hidrogen | In Catalan
= H | Idroheno | In Cebuano
= H | Idrogenu | In Corsican
= H | Vodík | In Czech
= H | Водород | In Chuvash
= H | Hydrogen | In Welsh
= H | Brint | In Danish
= H | Wasserstoff | In German
= H | Υδρογόνο | In Greek
= H | Hidrogeno | In Esperanto
= H | Hidrógeno | In Spanish
= H | Vesinik | In Estonian
= H | Hidrogeno | In Basque
= H | هیدروژن | In Persian
= H | Vety | In Finnish
= H | Hydrogen | In Faroese
= H | Idrogjen | In Friulian
= H | Hidrigin | In Irish
= H | Haidreagain | In Scottish Gaelic
= H | Hidróxeno | In Galician
= H | હાઈડ્રોજન | In Gujarati
= H | מימן | In Hebrew
= H | हाइड्रोजन | In Hindi
= H | Vodik | In Croatian
= H | Idwojèn | In Haitian Creole
= H | Hidrogén | In Hungarian
= H | Ջրածին | In Armenian
= H | Hydrogeno | In Interlingua
= H | Hidrogen | In Indonesian
= H | Hidrogeno | In Ido
= H | Vetni | In Icelandic
= H | Idrogeno | In Italian
= H | 水素 | In Japanese
= H | წყალბადი | In Georgian
= H | អ៊ីដ្រូសែន | In Khmer (Cambodian)
= H | ಜಲಜನಕ | In Kannada
= H | 수소 | In Korean
= H | Hîdrojen | In Kurdish
= H | Hydrogenium | In Latin
= H | Waasserstoff | In Letzeburgesh
= H | Waterstof | In Limburgish
= H | Idrògen | In Lombard
= H | Idrojɛ́ní | In Lingala
= H | Vandenilis | In Lithuanian
= H | Ūdeņradis | In Latvian
= H | Hauwai | In Māori
= H | Водород | In Macedonian
= H | ഹൈഡ്രജന്‍ | In Malayalam
= H | Устөрөгч | In Mongolian
= H | हायड्रोजन | In Marathi
= H | Hidrogen | In Malay
= H | Āyōcoxqui | En Nahuatl
= H | Waterstoff | In Low German
= H | Waterstof | In Dutch
= H | Hydrogen | In Nynorsk
= H | Hydrogen | In Norwegian
= H | Hidrogene | NOV
= H | Idrogèn | In Occitan
= H | Hiidrojen | In Pitcairn-Norfolk
= H | Wodór | In Polish
= H | Hidrogénio | In Portuguese
= H | Yakuchaq | In Quechua
= H | Hidrogen | In Romanian
= H | Водород | In Russian
= H | हाइड्रोजन | In Sanskrit
= H | Idrògginu | In Sicilian
= H | Vodik | In Serbo-Croatian
= H | Vodík | In Slovak
= H | Vodik | In Slovenian
= H | Hidrogjeni | In Albanian
= H | Водоник | In Serbian
= H | Hidrogén | In Sundanese
= H | Väte | In Swedish
= H | Hidrojeni | In Swahili
= H | ஹைட்ரஜன் | In Tamil
= H | హైడ్రోజన్ | In Telugu
= H | Ҳидроген | In Tajik
= H | ไฮโดรเจน | In Thai
= H | Idroheno | In Tagalog
= H | Hidrojen | In Turkish
= H | Водень | In Ukrainian
= H | آبگر | In Urdu
= H | Vodorod | In Uzbek
= H | Hiđrô | In Vietnamese
= H | Woaterstof | In Vlaams
= H | Idrodjinne | In Walloon
= H | 氢 | In Wu Chinese
= H | היידראזשן | In Yiddisch
= H | 氢 | In Chinese
In English Chemistry
H-ASIA H-Net List for Asian History and Culture In English Civilization, culture, progress
Language, linguistics, literature
H-MEM H-Net MidEast-Medieval In English
H-NEASIA H-Net Network on Northeast Asian History and Culture In English Civilization, culture, progress
HA Hazard Analysis In English
HA Higher Authority In English
HAA High-Altitude Abort In English Astronautics
HAADF High Angle Annular Dark Field In English Physics
HAADS High-Altitude Attitude Determination System In English Astronautics
HAAG Handbook of Astronomy, Astrophysics and Geophysics In English Serial publications, periodicals
HAARS High-Altitude Attitude Reference System In English Astronautics
HAART Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy In English Pharmacology, toxicology
Infectious diseases
HAAS High Altitude Aircrafts and Airships In English Aeronautics, aircraft
HAB High-Altitude Burst In English
HABP Hypersonic Arbitrary Body Program In English Aeronautics, aircraft
HAC Heading Alignment Circle In English
HAC Heading Alignment Cylinder In English
HAC Hughes Aircraft Company In English Aeronautics, aircraft
HAD Historical Astronomy Division In English Astronomy
HAD Heat-Actuated Device In English
HAE Hereditary Angioedema In English Pathology
HAFB Hill Air Force Base (www.hill.af.mil) In English 358
Aeronautics, aircraft
United States
HAFB Holloman Air Force Base (www.holloman.af.mil) In English 358
Aeronautics, aircraft
United States
HAG Historical Archives of Goa In English Libraries
HAHR Hispanic American Historical Review In English Serial publications, periodicals
United States
HAIL Hmong American Institute for Learning In English Organizations and associations
United States
HAINS High Accuracy Inertial Navigation System In English
HAINS High-Accuracy Inertial Navigation System In English Vehicle engineering
HAK Horizontal Access Kit In English
HAL High-order Articulated Language In English
HAL High-order Assembly Language In English Programming languages
HAL Houston Aerospace Language In English Programming languages
Aeronautics, aircraft
United States
HAL Hardware Abstraction Layer In English Software
Computer hardware
HAL Heuristically programmed ALgorithmic computer In English Computer hardware
Artificial intelligence
Cinema, movies
HALCA Highly Advanced Laboratory for Communications and Astronomy In English Astronautics
HALO High-Altitude Large Optics In English
HALOE Halogen Occultation Experiment In English
HalRe Hale Observatories Reprints In English Serial publications, periodicals
HALS High-order Assembly Language for Shuttle In English Astronautics
HALS High-order Programming Language for Spacelab usage In English Programming languages
HALTE Hologram Authentication Labels Technologies In English Graphic industries, printing, publishing
HAM Height Adjustment Maneuver In English
HAM Hold-and-Modify In English Computer hardware
Graphical processing
HAMP Handling and Moving Procedure In English
HANE High-Altitude Nuclear Explosion In English Nuclear technology
Military engineering
HAP Hardware Allocation Panel In English Computer hardware
HAP High-Speed Arithmetic Processor In English Computer hardware
HAP Honeywell Array Processor In English
HAP Homeowners Assistance Program In English Accommodation
HAPR Harvard Asia Pacific Review In English Serial publications, periodicals
Area studies
HAR Human Accelerated Region(s) In English
HAR Hazard Analysis Report In English
HAR Hyperacute rejection In English Immunology and allergy
Surgery, orthopaedics, ophthalmology
HAR Hebrew Annual Review In English Serial publications, periodicals
HarAC Harvard College Observatory Announcement Card In English Serial publications, periodicals
HarAR Harvard College Observatory Annual Report In English Serial publications, periodicals
HARC Houston Advanced Research Center (www.harc.edu) In English Research institutes
United States
HARCANA High Aspect Ratio Carbon-based Nanocomposites (www.harcana.eu) In English Materials science
HarCi Harvard College Observatory Circular In English Serial publications, periodicals
HARIMAU Hydrometeorological Array for ISV-Monsoon Automonitoring (www.jamstec.go.jp/iorgc/harimau/) In English Meteorology, climatology
HARM High-speed Anti-Radar Missile In English Military engineering
HarPa Harvard College Observatory Papers In English Serial publications, periodicals
HarRe Harvard College Observatory Reprints In English Serial publications, periodicals
HART Highway Addressable Remote Transducer In English Networks, communication
HAS High-Altitude Sensor In English
HAS Hold-Down Alignment Support In English
HAS Hydraulic Actuation System In English
HASC High-Altitude Surveillance Concept In English
HAST High-Altitude Supersonic Target In English
HAVSOM Heraldry and Vexilology Society of Malta In English Associations
Flags, banners
HawRe University of Hawaii Reprints In English Serial publications, periodicals
HBB Horizons in Biochemistry and Biophysics In English Serial publications, periodicals
Biochemistry, biophysics
HBBW Half-Beam Bandwidth In English
HBGP Honey Bee Genome Project (www.hgsc.bcm.tmc.edu/projects/honeybee/)
= HBGP | Honigbienen-Genomprojekt | In German
In English Genetics
HBM Homing Ballistic Missile In English Military engineering
HBP Handbook of Biological Physics In English Serial publications, periodicals
Biochemistry, biophysics
HBR High Bit Rate In English
HBT Heflex Bioengineering Test In English Biotechnology
HBT Horizons in Biblical Theology In English Serial publications, periodicals
Religion, theology
HBW Hot Bridge Wire In English
HC Hand Control In English
HC Head Count In English
HC Hybrid Computer In English Computer hardware
HC Headcount In English
HC Humanitarian Coordinator In English
HCAC Hindu-Christian Studies Academic Discussion List In English Indian religions
HCCB Hardware Configuration Control Board In English Computer hardware
HCCE Historic Conference Centres of Europe In English
HCDB Historical Cost Data Base In English Prices
hCEA Human Carcinoembryonic Antigen In English Biological sciences
HCF High-Cycle Fatigue In English
HCF HIM Configuration File In English Files
hCG Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin In English Physiology
HCHy Hovering Craft and Hydrofoil In English Serial publications, periodicals
Vehicle engineering
HCI Highes Communications, Inc In English
HCI Hardness-Critical Item In English
HCITE Horizontal Cargo Integration Test Equipment In English
HCL Hardware Control Language In English Programming languages
Computer hardware
HCM Human Capital Management In English Personnel management
HCM Hard-Copy Module In English
HCM Highway Capacity Manual In English Transport and postal services
HCMC Ho Chi Minh City In English Geography
HCMM Heat Capacity Mapping Mission In English
HCNM High Commissioner on National Minorities (www.osce.org/hcnm/) In English International relations
Fundamental rights
HCOPIL Hague Conference on Private International Law In English Organizations and associations
International law
HCP Hydraulic Circulation Pump In English Mechanical engineering
HCR Handprint Character Recognition In English Writing systems
Computer-based techniques
HCR Human Rights Committee (www.ohchr.org) In English United Nations
Human rights
Fundamental rights
HCRB Hardware Configuration Review Board In English Computer hardware
HCS High-Carbon Steel In English Metallurgy
HCSHT High-Carbon Steel Heat-Treated In English Metallurgy
HCSL Hybrid Computation and Simulation Laboratory In English Research institutes
Computer simulation
HCSP Health Care Savings Plan In English Public health and hygiene
HCT Hot Cell Technology In English Nuclear, atomic, and molecular physics
Nuclear technology
HCU Hydraulic Charging Unit In English Mechanical engineering
HCV Helium Check Valve In English Mechanical engineering
HD Hungtington's Disease In English Neurology
HD Harmonization Document In English 0069
HD Hemidesmosome In English
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