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Acronym Sense Language Topics
SHARP Society for the History of Authorship, Reading, and Publishing In English Organizations and associations
Artistic property
Graphic industries, printing, publishing
SHCS Society for Hindu-Christian Studies In English Organizations and associations
Indian religions
SHD Society for the History of Discoveries In English Organizations and associations
SHE Society for History Education In English Organizations and associations
SHEAR Society for Historians of the Early American Republic (www.shear.org) In English Organizations and associations
United States
SHEP Surveys in High Energy Physics In English Serial publications, periodicals
Nuclear, atomic, and molecular physics
SHERB Sandia Human Error Rate Bank In English
SHFG Society for History in the Federal Government In English Organizations and associations
Central administration
SHGAPE Society for Historians of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era In English Organizations and associations
SHH Sonic Hedhehog In English Proteins
Shh Sonic Hedgehog In English Biological sciences
SHIMS System Hazard Information Management System In English
SHIP Systems Health Information Portal In English Medicine
SHIVA Simulated Highways for Intelligent Vehicle Algorithms In English Computer simulation
Transport and postal services
SHLB Simulation Hardware Load Box In English Computer hardware
Computer simulation
SHM Social History of Medicine In English Social sciences
SHM Society of Helpers of Mary In English Roman catholic church
SHM Stage Handling Manual In English
SHMPS Sources in the History of Mathematics and Physical Sciences In English Serial publications, periodicals
SHOE Simple Hypertext Ontology Extensions In English Networks, communication
SHOE Simple HTML Ontology Extensions In English Data
SHOOT Super Helium On-Orbit Transfer In English
SHORAN Short-Range Navigation In English
SHOT Society for the History of Technology In English Organizations and associations
Engineering, technology
SHP Shaft Horsepower In English Mechanical engineering
SHP Sustainer Hydraulic Pressure In English
SHRD Supplemental Heat Rejection Device In English
shRNA Short hairpin Ribonucleic Acid In English Genetics
Biochemistry, biophysics
SHS Simulation Hardware System In English Computer hardware
Computer simulation
SHS Shape From Shading In English Computer-based techniques
SHSP Sisters of the Holy Spirit In English Roman catholic church
ShWav Shock Waves In English Serial publications, periodicals
SI Sports Illustrated In English Newspapers, journalism
Sport, physical exercises
SI Secondary Infertility In English Reproductive biology
SI Scientific Instrument In English
SI Shuttle Integration In English Astronautics
SI System Integration In English
SI/FS System Integration and Flight Software In English Software
Aeronautics, aircraft
SI:X Extrinsic Silicon In English Electronics
SI:XX Arsenic-Doped Silicon Detector In English Electronics
SI:YY Gallium-Doped Silicon Detector In English Electronics
SIA Software Impact Assessment In English Software
SIA Solar Inertial Attitude In English Astronomy
SIA Structural Interface Adapter In English
SIA System Integration Area In English
SIA Semiconductor Industry Association (www.sia-online.org) In English Associations
SIAE Slovenian Institute for Adult Education In English Education
SIAL Sana'a Institute for the Arabic Language In English Linguistics
SIAM Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics In English Serial publications, periodicals
Engineering, technology
SIAP System Integrity Assurance Program In English
SIAP System for Improved Acoustic Performance In English Acoustical engineering
SIAPP System Integrity Assurance Program Plan In English
SIB Seychelles Investment Bureau In English 33972
SIB Simulation Interface Buffer In English Human-computer interaction
Computer simulation
SIB Systems Integration Board In English
SIBA Seychelles International Business Authority In English 33972
SIC Sociology in China In English Organizations and associations
SIC Standard Industrial Classification In English Standardization
SICA Structural Interface Compatibility Assessment In English
SICA Secondary Inventory Control Activities In English Maintenance and logistics
SICA Specific International Cooperation Action In English Research policy
International economic cooperation
SICB Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology (www.sicb.org) In English Organizations and associations
Biological sciences
SICBM Small Intercontinental Ballistic Missile In English Military engineering
SICC Service Item Control Center In English
SICI Serial Item and Contribution Identifier In English
SICI Standing International Conference of Inspectorates In English
SICI Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute (www.sici.org) In English Organizations and associations
International relations
SICRI Small Island Cultures Research Initiative In English Civilization, culture, progress
SID Shuttle Integration Device In English Astronautics
SID Simulator Interface Device In English Human-computer interaction
SID Standard Interface Document In English Human-computer interaction
SID Standard Items Data Base In English
SID System Interface Document In English Human-computer interaction
SID Slew-Induced Distortion In English
SID Standard Instrument Departure In English Transport by air
Aeronautics, aircraft
SIDC Space Innovation and Development Center In English Research institutes
SIDIRE Synthetic Image Dataset for Illumination Robustness Evaluation In English Image processing
SIDL System Identification List In English
SIDS Sudden Infant Death Syndrome In English Pediatry
SIE SAT Integrated Experiment In English
SIE SATKA Integrated Experiment In English
SIE Shuttle Interface Equipment In English Human-computer interaction
SIE Society of Industrial Engineers In English Organizations and associations
Engineering, technology
SIE System Integration Engineer In English Engineering, technology
SIEB Security Impact Evaluation Board In English
SIEC State Independent Electoral Commission In English Elections
SIEPA Serbia Investment and Export Promotion Agency In English 33972
SIES Supervision, Inspection, Engineering, and Services In English Management
Engineering, technology
SIF Sustainable Indigenous Futures In English
SIF Systems Integration Facility In English
SIFC Saskatchewan Indian Federated College In English Education
SIFC Stable Isotope Fractionation Calculator
= CFIS | Calculateur du Fractionnement des Isotopes Stables | In French
In English Atomic physics
SIFC Somali International Financial Centre In English Finance
SIFC Swindon Ice Figure Club In English Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
SIFC Scottish Inter Faith Council (www.scottishinterfaithcouncil.org) In English Organizations and associations
Religion, theology
United Kingdom
SIFC Southern Interior Flight Centre In English Transport and postal services
SIFC Susanville Interagency Fire Center In English
SIFC Saskatoon International Folkdance Club In English Organizations and associations
SIFR Scalable Inman Flash Replacement In English Software
SIG Special Interest Group In English Organizations and associations
SIGB Standard Interface Glovebox In English
SIGCHI Special Interest Group on Computer–Human Interaction In English Organizations and associations
Human-computer interaction
SIGLE System for Information on Grey Literature in Europe In English Libraries
Knowledge management
SIGP Scientific Instrument Gas Purge In English
SigPr Signal Processing In English Serial publications, periodicals
SIHS Society for Italian Historical Studies In English Organizations and associations
SII Standards Institution of Israel In English Standardization
SIIA Singapore Institute of International Affairs In English International relations
SIIS Shanghai Institute for International Studies In English International relations
SIL Sound Interference Level In English
SIL Speech Interference Level In English
SIL System Integration Laboratory In English Research institutes
SIL Saved Image Library In English Software
SILTS Shuttle Infrared Lee-Side Temperature Sensing In English Astronautics
SIM Singapore Institute of Management In English Management
Higher education, universities
SIM Subscriber Identity Module In English Telecommunications
SIM Scientific Instrumentation Module In English
SIMAC Semantic Interaction with Music Audio Contents In English Computer-based techniques
SiMaJ Siberian Mathematical Journal In English Serial publications, periodicals
SIMAP Similarity Matrix of Proteins In English Proteins
SIMAS Shuttle Information Management Accountability System In English Astronautics
SIMBL SIMple Bundle Loader In English Software
SIMCAT Simulate Observations Using Space Catalog In English Astronomy
SIMCHE Simulation and Checkout Equipment In English
SIMEX Singapore International Monetary Exchange In English Financial markets
SIMFAC Simulation Facility In English
SIMO Single Instruction, Multiple Data Paths In English
SiMol Single Molecules In English Serial publications, periodicals
Biochemistry, biophysics
SIMR Systems Integration Management Review In English
SIMS Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy In English Chromatography, mass spectrography
SIMS Shuttle Imaging Microwave System In English Astronautics
SIMS Shuttle Inventory Management System In English Maintenance and logistics
SIMS Single Inventory Management System In English Maintenance and logistics
SIN Support Information Network In English Networks, communication
Knowledge management
SIN Signal Induced Noise In English
SINDA System(s) Improved Numerical Differences Analyzer In English
SINDA Systems Improved Numerical Differences Analyzer In English
SINE Short Interspersed Nuclear Element In English Genetics
SINHAS Studies in Nepali History and Society In English Sociology
SIO Serial Input/Output In English Computer science
SIO Staged In Orbit In English Astronautics
SIO Systems Integration Office In English
SIO Scripps Institution of Oceanography (www-sio.ucsd.edu) In English Research institutes
Marine research, oceanography
SIOP Single Integrated Operational Plan In English Management
SIOP Single Integrated Operations Plan In English Management
SIOP Strategic Integrated Operations Plan In English Management
SIP Session Initiation Protocol In English Networks, communication
SIP Software Input Panel In English Software
SIP Scientific Instrument Package In English
SIP Separation Instrumentation Package In English
SIP Standard Interface Panel In English Human-computer interaction
SIP Standard Interface Plan In English Human-computer interaction
SIP Strain Isolation Pad In English Astronautics
SIP Strategic Information Plan In English Knowledge management
SIP System Interface Processing In English
SIP Supplementary Ideographic Plane In English Data
Writing systems
SIPB Student Information Processing Board In English Software
Specialized or polytechnical colleges
SIPO State Intellectual Property Office In English
SIPO Strategic Indicative Plan of the Organ In English International relations
SIPRI Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (www.sipri.org) In English Research institutes
International relations
SIPS Small Instrument Pointing System In English
SIR Shuttle Imaging Radar In English Astronautics
SIR Systems Integration Review In English
SIRR Software Integration Readiness Review In English Software
SIRS School Improvement Research Series In English Serial publications, periodicals
SIRTF Space Infrared Telescope Facility In English Astronomy
SIRTF Shuttle Infrared Telescope Facility In English Astronomy
SIS Software Intensive System In English Computer-based techniques
SIS SAIL Interface System In English Human-computer interaction
SIS Simulator Interface System In English Human-computer interaction
SIS Software Implementation Specification In English Software
SIS Software Integrated Schedule In English Software
SIS Spade Integrated Simulator In English
SIS Standard Interface Specification In English Human-computer interaction
SIS Steam Inerting System In English
SIS Strom Inerting System In English
SIS Systems Integration Schedule In English Engineering, technology
SIS Scanning Imaging Spectrometer In English Analytical chemistry
SIS Serial Input Special In English
SIS Shock Isolation System In English
SIS Shuttle Information Service In English Knowledge management
SIS Shuttle Information System In English Knowledge management
SIS Shuttle Integration Schedule In English Astronautics
SIS Shuttle Interface Simulator In English Human-computer interaction
SIS Simulation Interface Subsystem In English Human-computer interaction
SIS School of Informational Studies In English Education
Computer science
SISD Simulation Interface and Standards Document In English Human-computer interaction
SISEX Shuttle Imaging Spectrometer Experiment In English Astronomy
Analytical chemistry
SISN Science Information Systems Newsletter In English Serial publications, periodicals
Mathematics and natural sciences
SISR Semantic Interpretation for Speech Recognition In English Computer-based techniques
SIST Slovenian Institute for Standardization In English Standardization
SISTM Simulation of Strategies for Traffic on Motorways In English Computer simulation
Transport and postal services
SIT Shuttle Integrated Test In English Astronautics
SIT Shuttle Interface Test In English Astronautics
SIT Silicon-Intensified Target In English
SIT Software Integrated Test In English Software
SIT Stevens Institute of Technology In English Engineering, technology
SIT Structural Integrity Test In English
SIT Systems Integration Test In English Engineering, technology
SITE Spacecraft Instrumentation Test Equipment In English Astronautics
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