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Acronym Sense Language Topics
HIVA Higher Institute of Labour Studies In English Sociology
Labour, labour economics
HiWorD HIerarchical Workflow Designer In English Computer-based techniques
HJAS Harvard Journal of Asiatic studies In English Serial publications, periodicals
Language, linguistics, literature
Geography, biography, history
HK Housekeeping In English 64
HKIAC Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre In English Law, jurisprudence
HKID Hong Kong Identity Card In English
HKV Hit-To-Kill Vehicle In English Vehicle engineering
HLA Human Leucocyte Antigen In English Biochemistry, biophysics
HLAL High-Level Assembler Language In English Programming languages
HLC Hybrid Load Controller In English
HLCM High-Level Control Module In English
HLLV Heavy-Lift Launch Vehicle In English Aeronautics, aircraft
HLLW High Level Liquid Waste In English Environmental technology, water supply, waste management
HLR Home Location Register In English Telecommunications
HLTF High Level Task Force In English
HLTL High-Level Test Language In English Programming languages
HLV Hybrid Launch Vehicule In English Vehicle engineering
HM Hinge Mount In English
HM Handmaids of Mary In English Roman catholic church
HMA Hypergolic Maintenance Area In English Maintenance and logistics
HMB Hard Mobile Basing In English
HMC Hybrid Microcircuit In English Electronics
HMCF Hypergolic Maintenance and Checkout Facility In English Maintenance and logistics
HMD Head-Mounted Device In English
HMD Helmet-Mounted Display In English
HMF Health Maintenance Facility In English Medicine
HMF Horizontal Mating Facility In English
HMF Hypergolic Maintenance Facility In English Maintenance and logistics
HML Hard Mobile Launcher In English
HML Hardened Mobile Launcher In English
HMM Hidden Markov Models In English Statistics
HMMMMM Holistic, Manipulative, Multi-modal and Mimetic, Musical and Mimetic In English Music
HMN Humanities In English Education
Language, linguistics, literature
HMO Health Maintenance Organization In English Organizations and associations
HMONGIHRW Hmong International Human Rights Watch In English Organizations and associations
Human rights
Fundamental rights
HMP Hydrazine Monopropellant In English Astronautics
HMPAC Helmet-Mounted Multipurpose Applications Control In English
HMPPA Herbal Medicinal Products Platform Austria (www.hmppa.at) In English Pharmacology, toxicology
HMR Helgoland Marine Research In English Serial publications, periodicals
HMS Hazard Monitor System In English
HMS Health Monitoring System In English Medicine
HMS History Memory System In English
HMT Heat and Mass Transfer In English Serial publications, periodicals
HMTT HUrricane Mesa Test Track In English
HMU Hardware Mockup In English Computer hardware
HMV Hydrogen Manual Valve In English
HNCO High-Precision Numerical-Controlled Oscillator In English
HND Higher National Diploma In English Education
HND Haneda Airport In English Transport by air
HND Hmong National Development In English Organizations and associations
HNMS Hellenic National Meteorological Service In English Meteorology, climatology
HOA Hydroxylamine-oxydoreductase In English Enzymes
HOAC Historians of American Communism In English Organizations and associations
Communist parties
United States
HOBt Hydroxybenzotriazole In English Chemistry
HoD Head(s) of Delegation In English Management
Organizations and associations
HOE Homing Optical Experiment In English
HOE Homing Overlay Experiment In English
HOE Holographic Optical Element In English Optics
HOFCO Horizontal Functional Checkout In English Engineering, technology
HOL High-Order Language In English Programming languages
HOL High Order Language In English Programming languages
HOLAB Holographic Laboratory Brassboard In English Optics
HOLAP Hybrid On Line Analytical Processing In English Knowledge management
HOLC High-Order Language Computer In English Computer hardware
Programming languages
HOLIVAR Holocene Climate Variability In English Meteorology, climatology
HOLWG High Order Language Working Group In English Organizations and associations
Programming languages
HoMAI Hologram Manufacturers Association of India In English Associations
HOME Hawaii Ocean-Mixing Experiment In English Marine research, oceanography
HOMO Highest Occupied Molecular Orbital In English Chemistry
HON Health On the Net In English Networks, communication
HOPE Help Ohio Public Education In English Education
United States
HOPE HIV Outreach Programm and Education In English Education
Infectious diseases
HOPE Help Our People Excel (www.helpourpeopleexcel.net) In English Social welfare
HOPS Harvard Ocean Prediction System (http://mseas.mit.edu/archive/HOPS/) In English Marine research, oceanography
HOS High-Order Software In English Software
HOS Hybrid Operating System In English Operating systems
HOSC HUntsville Operations SUpport Center In English Applied sciences, technology
HOST Hardened Optical Sensor Test Bed In English Applied sciences, technology
HOTOL Horizontal Takeoff and Landing In English Astronautics
HP Handling Procedure In English Engineering, technology
HP Hewlett-Packard In English Computer science
HP Horsepower In English Electrical engineering
HP Hydrogen Purge In English
HP Perigee Altitude In English Aeronautics, aircraft
HP Pressure Altitude In English
HP Hewlett Packard In English Computer hardware
HP Horse Power In English Mechanical engineering
HP-EIC Hewlett-Packard European Innovation Centre In English Computer science
HPA Handling and Positioning Aid In English
HPA High-Power Amplifier In English Electrical engineering
HPA High-Power Antenna In English Telecommunications
HPAIR Harvard Project for Asian and International Relations In English International relations
HPAU High-Power Amplifier Unit In English
HPBRM High Payload Baseline Reference Mission In English Astronautics
HPBW Half-Power Beam Width In English
HPC High Performance Computing In English Computer science
HPC Corrected Pressure Altitude In English
HPCA Hot Plasma Composition Analyzer In English Plasma physics
HPCC High Performance Computing Cluster In English Computer hardware
HPCRE Handbook on the Physics and Chemistry of Rare Earths In English Serial publications, periodicals
HPF Highest Probable Frequency In English Mathematics
HPF Horizontal Processing Facility In English
HPF Holographic Photopolymer Film In English Chemical technology
Plastic industry
HPF High Performance Fortran In English Programming languages
HPFT High-Pressure Fuel Turbopump In English Vehicle engineering
HPFTP High Pressure Fuel Turbopump In English
HPG High-Pressure Gas In English
HPGL Hewlett-Packard Graphics Language In English Computer science
HPGM Hispanic Professionals of Greater Milwaukee Organization (www.hpgm.org) In English Organizations and associations
HPGS High-Pressure Gas System In English
HPI High-Performance Insulation In English
HPICS Heat Pipe Instrumentation and Control System In English Thermodynamics
HPLC High Performance Liquid Chromatography In English Chromatography, mass spectrography
HPlPh Handbook of Plasma Physics In English Serial publications, periodicals
Plasma physics
HPLS History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences In English Philosophy, psychology
Biological sciences
HPM Harvard Project Manager In English Management
HPM High-Performance Motor In English Mechanical engineering
Vehicle engineering
HPM High-Power Microwave In English
HPOL High-Power Optics Laboratory In English Research institutes
HPOP High-Pressure Oxidizer Pump In English
HPOT High-Pressure Oxidizer Turbopump In English
HPOTP High Pressure Oxidizer Turbopump In English
HPP High Performance Polymers In English Serial publications, periodicals
Materials science
Plastic industry
HPPF Horizontal Payloads Processing Facility In English Astronautics
HPPS Human Plasma Product Services In English Blood and circulatory system
Pharmacology, toxicology
HPR High Pressure Research In English Serial publications, periodicals
HPR Hydrogen Pressure Regulator In English Electrical engineering
HPRV Hydrogen Pressure Relief Valve In English Electrical engineering
HPS Hydraulic Power System In English
HPS Hemophagocytic syndrome In English Blood and circulatory system
HPSG Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar In English Computer-based techniques
HPSL High Performance Smart Lid In English Biological sciences
HPT High-Pressure Test In English
HPT Home Pregnancy Test In English Obstetrics
Reproductive biology
HPU High-Power Unit In English
HPU Hydraulic Power Unit In English
HPU Hydraulic Propulsion Unit In English Vehicle engineering
HPU Uncorrected Pressure Altitude In English
HPV High-Pressure Valve In English
HQ Headquarter(s) In English
HQ Headquarter In English Military affairs
HQDA Headquarters Department of the Army In English Military affairs
HQL Hibernate Query Language In English 00043
HR Homologous Recombination In English Genetics
HR Heat-Resistant In English Thermodynamics
HR Historical Record In English Records management
HR Hydrogen Relief In English
HR Human Resources In English Personnel management
HR Hyperion Reports In English
HR&T Heat Rejection and Transport In English Thermodynamics
HR-XML Human Resources eXtensible Markup Language In English Programming languages
Personnel management
Labour, labour economics
HRAA High-Rate Acquisition Assembly In English
HRBAP Human Rights-Based Approach to Programming In English Human rights
HRC Hasselblad Reflex Camera In English Arts
HRCBM Human Rights Congress for Bangladesh Minorities In English Congresses
Human rights
Fundamental rights
HRD High-Rate Dosimeter In English
HRDA High-Rate Data Assembly In English Computer science
HRDI High Resolution Doppler Imager In English
HRDM High-Rate Demultiplexer In English Electronics
HRDR High-Rate Digital Recorder In English Computer science
HRE Hardware Reuse Evaluation In English Computer hardware
HREA Human Rights Education Associates (www.hrea.org) In English Organizations and associations
Human rights
Fundamental rights
HREELS High Resolution Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy In English Physics
HRG Hemispherical Resonating Gyro In English
HRH Holdfast Rubber Highway In English Civil engineering and land transport
Plastic industry
HRI Honda Research Institute In English Research institutes
Vehicle engineering
HRI Human Rights Internet (www.hri.ca) In English Internet
Human rights
Fundamental rights
HRIC Human Rights in China In English Human rights
Fundamental rights
HRIR High-Resolution Infrared Radiometer In English
HRL Horizontal Reference Line In English
HRL Haifa Research Lab In English Computer science
HRM Hand-Held Radiation Meter In English
HRM High-Rate Multiplexer In English
HRM Human Resource Management In English Personnel management
HRMA High-Resolution Mirror Assembly In English
HRNI Human Rights Network International In English Organizations and associations
Human rights
Fundamental rights
HRP Health Related Professions In English Medicine
HRPS Hazard Reduction Precedence Sequence In English
HRPT High Resolution Picture Transmission In English
HRSC High Resolution Stereo Camera In English Astronomy
HRSI High-temperature Reusable Surface Insulation In English
HRSO High-Resolution Solar Observatory In English Observatories
Solar system
HRSR High-Resolution Scanning Radiometer In English
HRTEM High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy In English Physics
HRW Human Rights Watch In English Organizations and associations
Human rights
Fundamental rights
HS History of Science In English Mathematics and natural sciences
HS Heat Shield In English Thermodynamics
HS Hydrogen Sulfide In English Chemistry
Chemical technology
HS Hospitalar Sisters of Mercy In English Roman catholic church
HSA Hungarian Studies Association (www.hungarianstudies.info) In English Associations
Area studies
HSA Health Science Authority In English Medicine
Biological sciences
HSA Heat Shield Abort In English Astronautics
HSARPA Homeland Security Advanced Research Project Agency In English Central administration
Research policy
HSB Heat Shield Boost In English Thermodynamics
HSB Hue, Saturation, Brightness
= TSV | Teinte, Saturation, Valeur | In French
= HSV | Hue, Saturation, Value | In English
In English Graphic industries, printing, publishing
HSC Hardware and Software Coordination In English Computer hardware
HSC Hierarchical Storage Controller In English Engineering, technology
HSC House Spacecraft In English Astronautics
HSC Health Services Command In English Medicine
HSCPh Harvard Studies in Classical Philology In English Serial publications, periodicals
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