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Acronym Sense Language Topics
IJHy International Journal of Hyperthermia In English Serial publications, periodicals
IJI International Journal of Imaging In English Serial publications, periodicals
IJICS International Journal of Intelligent Control and Systems In English Artificial intelligence
Serial publications, periodicals
Engineering, technology
IJIE International Journal of Impact Engineering In English Serial publications, periodicals
IJIG International Journal of Image and Graphics In English Serial publications, periodicals
Graphical processing
Image processing
IJIMW International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves In English Serial publications, periodicals
Electricity, magnetism, electromagnetism
IJIR International Journal of Impotence Research In English Serial publications, periodicals
Sexual problems
IJIST International Journal of Imaging Systems Technology In English Serial publications, periodicals
IJJS International Journal of Jaina Studies In English Serial publications, periodicals
Indian religions
IJLT IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Journal of Lightwave Technology In English Serial publications, periodicals
Applied sciences, technology
IJM International Journal of Mathematics In English Serial publications, periodicals
IJMC International Journal of Mathematics and Computation In English Serial publications, periodicals
Computer science
IJMES International Journal of Middle East Studies In English Serial publications, periodicals
Language, linguistics, literature
Geography, biography, history
IJMES International Journal of Middle Eastern Studies In English Serial publications, periodicals
Language, linguistics, literature
Geography, biography, history
IJMES International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology In English Serial publications, periodicals
IJMF International Journal of Multiphase Flow In English Serial publications, periodicals
Fluid mechanics
IJMHG Indian Journal of Meteorology, Hydrology, and Geophysics In English Serial publications, periodicals
Meteorology, climatology
IJMM International Journal of Mini Microcomputers In English Serial publications, periodicals
Computer hardware
IJMoS International Journal of Modelling and Simulation In English Computer simulation
Serial publications, periodicals
IJMP International Journal of Modern Physics In English Serial publications, periodicals
IJMS International Journal of Mass Spectrometry In English Serial publications, periodicals
Chromatography, mass spectrography
IJMS International Journal of Mechanical Sciences In English Serial publications, periodicals
Mechanical engineering
IJMS International Journal of Mathematics and Statistics In English Serial publications, periodicals
IJMSI International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Processes In English Serial publications, periodicals
Chromatography, mass spectrography
IJN International Journal of Nanoscience In English Serial publications, periodicals
IJNA IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis In English Serial publications, periodicals
Numerical analysis
IJNAM International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics In English Serial publications, periodicals
Numerical analysis
IJNLM International Journal of Non Linear Mechanics In English Serial publications, periodicals
IJNME International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering In English Serial publications, periodicals
Numerical analysis
Engineering, technology
IJNMF International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids In English Serial publications, periodicals
Numerical analysis
Fluid mechanics
IJNMH International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow In English Serial publications, periodicals
IJNOP International Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics In English Serial publications, periodicals
IJNS International Journal of Neural Systems In English Serial publications, periodicals
Biological sciences
IJOE IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Journal of Oceanic Engineering In English Serial publications, periodicals
IJOMS International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery In English Serial publications, periodicals
Surgery, orthopaedics, ophthalmology
IJP International Journal of Plasticity In English Serial publications, periodicals
IJPAP Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics In English Serial publications, periodicals
IJPES International Journal of Physical and Engineering Sciences In English Serial publications, periodicals
Engineering, technology
IJPG International Journal of Population Geography In English Serial publications, periodicals
IJPM International Journal of Polymeric Materials In English Serial publications, periodicals
Chemical technology
Plastic industry
IJPR International Journal of Production Research In English Serial publications, periodicals
Engineering, technology
IJPRS International Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing In English Serial publications, periodicals
Geodesy, cartography
IJQC International Journal of Quantum Chemistry In English Serial publications, periodicals
Quantum chemistry
IJQE IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Journal of Quantum Electronics In English Serial publications, periodicals
IJRA IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Journal of Robotics Automation In English Serial publications, periodicals
Electrical engineering
IJRAI International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation In English Serial publications, periodicals
IJRB International Journal of Radiation Biology In English Serial publications, periodicals
Biological sciences
IJRPC International Journal for Radiation Physics and Chemistry In English Serial publications, periodicals
IJRQS International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering In English Serial publications, periodicals
Engineering, technology
IJRR International Journal of Robotics Research In English Serial publications, periodicals
Electrical engineering
IJRS International Journal of Remote Sensing In English Serial publications, periodicals
Applied sciences, technology
IJRSP Indian Journal of Radio and Space Physics In English Serial publications, periodicals
IJSAC IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Journal on Selected Areas in Communications In English Serial publications, periodicals
IJSC International Journal of Satellite Communications In English Serial publications, periodicals
IJScA International Journal of Supercomputer Applications In English Serial publications, periodicals
Computer science
IJSCA International Journal of Soft Computing Applications In English Serial publications, periodicals
IJSE International Journal of Solar Energy In English Serial publications, periodicals
Energy economics
IJSEd International Journal of Science Education In English Serial publications, periodicals
Mathematics and natural sciences
IJSM Irian Jaya Source Materials In English Libraries
IJSS International Journal of Solids and Structures In English Serial publications, periodicals
IJSSC IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Journal of Solid-State Circuits In English Serial publications, periodicals
IJSSD International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics In English Serial publications, periodicals
IJSyS International Journal of Systems Science In English Serial publications, periodicals
IJT International Journal of Thermophysics In English Serial publications, periodicals
IJTJE International Journal of Turbo Jet Engines In English Serial publications, periodicals
Vehicle engineering
IJTK Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge In English Serial publications, periodicals
IJTP International Journal of Theoretical Physics In English Serial publications, periodicals
IJTS International Journal of Tantric Studies In English Serial publications, periodicals
Indian religions
IJTS International Journal of Tomography and Statistics In English Serial publications, periodicals
Mathematics and natural sciences
IK Inner Keel In English
IL Internal Letter In English
IL Intermediate Language In English Linguistics
ILA Individual Learning Account In English Education
ILA Instrument Landing Approach In English Aeronautics, aircraft
ILAB International League of Antiquarian Booksellers (www.ilab.org) In English Organizations and associations
Graphic industries, printing, publishing
ILAC International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation In English Research institutes
ILAC International Laboratory Accreditation Conference In English Standardization
Quality management
ILAC Image-based cLassification of Ancient Coins In English Image processing
ILAE International Ligue Against Epilepsy (www.ilae.org) In English Organizations and associations
ILAR Institute for Laboratory Animal Research (http://dels.nas.edu/ilar/) In English Organizations and associations
Pharmacology, toxicology
Veterinary medicine
ILAS Instrument Landing Approach System In English Aeronautics, aircraft
ILBM InterLeaved BitMap In English Data
Graphical processing
Image processing
ILC Initial Launch Capability In English Astronautics
ILC International Latex Company In English Chemical technology
ILC International Law Commission (www.un.org/law/ilc/) In English United Nations
International law
ILCA (Research) Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa In English Research institutes
Civilization, culture, progress
Language, linguistics, literature
Area studies
ILCCS Integrated Launch Checkout and Control System In English
ILCSM IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) LCS Magazine In English Serial publications, periodicals
ILEC Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier In English Telecommunications
ILFC International Lease Finance Corporation In English Finance
Transport by air
ILIPT Intelligent Logistics for Innovative Product Technologies In English Maintenance and logistics
IllOB Bulletin of the Astronomical Observatory of the University of Illinois In English Serial publications, periodicals
United States
ILLW Intermediate and Low Level Waste In English Nuclear technology
Environmental technology, water supply, waste management
ILM Information Lifecycle Management In English Document processing
Knowledge management
ILM Industrial Light & Magic In English
ILMF Intermediate-Level Maintenance Facility In English Maintenance and logistics
ILMG Israel-Lebanon Monitoring Group In English International relations
ILO International Labour Organization
= ILO | Internacia Labor-Organizo | In Esperanto
= OIT | Organisation Internationale du Travail | In French
In English United Nations
Labour, labour economics
ILO Industry Liaison Office In English Industry, industrial policy
ILO Integrated Logistics Operations In English Maintenance and logistics
ILP Inductive Logic Programming In English Computer science
Numerical analysis
ILP Integrated Logistics Panel In English Maintenance and logistics
ILP Instruction Level Parallelism In English Computer hardware
ILPS Information and Language Processing Systems In English Computer-based techniques
ILR International Labour Review In English Serial publications, periodicals
Labour, labour economics
ILR Intelligent Long Range In English
ILRF International Labor Rights Fund In English Organizations and associations
Labour, labour economics
ILRS International Laser Ranging Service (http://https://ilrs.cddis.eosdis.nasa.gov/) In English Astronautics
Geodesy, cartography
ILRV Integral Launch and Reentry Vehicle In English Astronautics
ILS Instrument Landing System In English Aeronautics, aircraft
ILS Integrated Logistics Support In English Maintenance and logistics
ILS Integrated Logistics System In English Maintenance and logistics
ILS International Libertarian Solidarity
= SIL | Solidarité Internationale Libertaire | In French
In English Organizations and associations
Political parties and movements
ILS Integrated Library System
= SIGB | Système Intégré de Gestion de Bibliothèque | In French
= АБИС | Автоматизированные библиотечные информационные системы | In Russian
In English Knowledge management
ILSA Integrated Logistics Support Analysis In English Maintenance and logistics
ILSC Integrated Logistics Support Concept In English Maintenance and logistics
ILSCP Integrated Logistics Support Concept Plan In English Maintenance and logistics
ILSIM Integration of Lethality Studies Into Model In English Maintenance and logistics
ILSMT Integrated Logistics Support Management Team In English Maintenance and logistics
ILSP Islamic Legal Studies Program In English Islam
Law, jurisprudence
ILSP Integrated Logistics Support Plan In English Maintenance and logistics
ILSP Institute for Language and Speech Processing In English Research institutes
Computer-based techniques
ILSSE Integrated Life Science Shuttle Experiment In English Biological sciences
ILSSM Israeli Society for Sexual Medicine In English Organizations and associations
Sexual problems
Applied sciences, technology
ILSWG Integrated Logistics Support Working Group In English Organizations and associations
Maintenance and logistics
ILT/RT Imprecisely Located Target/Relocatable Target In English Military engineering
ILTPE Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering
= ФТИНТ | Физико-технический институт низких температур | In Russian
= ФТІНТ | Фізико-технічний інститут низьких температур | In Ukrainian
In English Physics
Engineering, technology
ILTS IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) LTS In English Serial publications, periodicals
ILTS Institute of Low Temperature Science In English Research institutes
IM Information Memory In English Memories
IM Infrastructure Module In English
IM Integration Management In English
IM Interface Module In English Human-computer interaction
IM Intermediate Moisture In English
IM Intermodulation In English
IMA Institut du Monde Arabe (www.imarabe.org) In English Museums
Area studies
IMA Integrated Microsystems Austria (www.ima-mst.at) In English Mechanical engineering
IMA Interdisciplinary Medical Association In English Associations
IMA International Medical Association In English Associations
IMA Information Mission Area In English
IMA Individual Mobilization Augmentee In English Military affairs
IMA International MIDI Association In English Associations
Computer science
IMA Innovation Makers Alliance In English Organizations and associations
Engineering, technology
IMADR International Movement Against All Forms of Discrimination and Racism In English Organizations and associations
IMADS Information Management Assimilation and Delivery System In English Maintenance and logistics
IMAG Institute of Modern Asian History In English History
IMAI Integrated Management of Adolescent and Adult Illness In English Pathology
IMAP Internet Message Access Protocol
= IMAP | Interim Mail Access Protocol | In English
= IMAP | Interactive Message Access Protocol | In English
In English Internet
IMAP Interim Mail Access Protocol
= (look above)
In English Internet
IMAP Interactive Message Access Protocol
= (look above)
In English Internet
IMAP4 Internet Message Access Protocol In English Internet
IMAS Institutional Management Accounting System In English Accounting
IMBA Institute of Molecular Biotechnology of the Austrian Academy of Science (www.imba.oeaw.ac.at) In English Research institutes
Biological sciences
IMBA International Mountain Bicycling Association (www.imba.com) In English Associations
Sport, physical exercises
IMBA Illinois Mortgage Bankers Association In English Associations
United States
IMBER Integrated Marine Biogeochemistry and Ecosystem Research (www.imber.info) In English Ecology
Marine research, oceanography
IMBLMS Integrated Medical/Behavioral Laboratory Measurement In English Medicine
IMC Image Motion Compensation In English
IMC Intermodal Marketing Companies In English
IMC Instrument Meteorological Conditions In English Aeronautics, aircraft
Meteorology, climatology
IMCB Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology In English Research institutes
Biological sciences
IMCC Integrated Mission Control Center In English
IMCHC Illinois Maternal & Child Health Coalition (www.ilmaternal.org) In English Organizations and associations
IMCO Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization In English Organizations and associations
International relations
Transport and postal services
IMCP Integrated Monitor and Control Panel In English Human-computer interaction
IMCR Integrated Master Control Record In English Records management
IMD Immune Mediated Disease In English Immunology and allergy
IMDB Integrated Maintenance Data Base In English Data
Maintenance and logistics
IMDb Internet Movie Database (www.imdb.com) In English Libraries
Cinema, movies
IMDS Integrated Monitoring and Diagnostics System In English
IMEI International Mobile Station Equipment Identity In English
IMEI International Mobile Equipment Identity In English Telecommunications
IMEIS Institute for Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies In English Islam
Area studies
IMeRv International Metals Reviews In English Serial publications, periodicals
IMES Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies In English Migrations
IMET International Military Education and Training In English Education
Military affairs
IMF International Monetary Fund (www.imf.org)
= FMI | Fonds Monétaire International | In French
= IMF | Internacia Mon-Fonduso | In Esperanto
= FMI | Fondul Monetar Internaţional | In Romanian
= IMF | Internationaal Monetair Fonds | In Dutch
In English International relations
IMF Inventory Master File In English Files
Maintenance and logistics
IMGWL IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Microwave and Guided Wave Letters In English Serial publications, periodicals
IMI Innovative Medicines Initiative In English Medicine
IMI Irish Management Institute In English Management
IMI International Materials Institutes In English Research institutes
Materials science
IMIC Integrated Management Information Center In English Management
IMIC Integrated Management Information Computer In English Computer hardware
Knowledge management
IMIP Industrial Modernization Incentive Program In English
IMISCOE International Migration, Integration and Social Cohesion in Europe In English Migrations
IMIT Institute for Management of Innovation and Technology In English Management
Engineering, technology
IML International Microgravity Lab In English Physics
IML Inner Mold Line In English
IML Inside Mold Line In English
IMLEO Initial Mass in Low Earth Orbit In English Astronomy
IMM Integrated Materiel Management In English Maintenance and logistics
IMO International Maritime Organization
= IMO | Internacia Mar-Organizo | In Esperanto
= OMI | Organisation Maritime Internationale | In French
In English International relations
Marine research, oceanography
Agricultural sciences
IMO Integration Management Office In English Management
IMO Icelandic Meteorological Office In English Meteorology, climatology
IMP Institute of Molecular Pathology In English Biochemistry, biophysics
IMP Innovative Management Partner In English Management
IMP Inflatable Micrometeoroid Paraglider In English Astronomy
IMP Information Management Plan In English Knowledge management
IMP Initial Memory Protection In English Memories
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