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Acronym Sense Language Topics
NBSSP National Bureau of Standards Special Publication In English Serial publications, periodicals
NBSTN National Bureau of Standards Technical Note In English Serial publications, periodicals
NBT Neutral Buoyancy Trainer In English
NC Neuroscience Center In English Mathematics and natural sciences
NC National Curriculum In English
NCA National Command Authority In English
NCA National Communication Association (www.natcom.org) In English Associations
NCA National Credentialing Agency (for Laboratory Personnel) (www.nca-info.org) In English Organizations and associations
Research policy
NCA National Care Association (www.nca.gb.com) In English Associations
Social welfare
NCA Northwest College of Art (www.nca.edu) In English Specialized or polytechnical colleges
NCA National Campaign for the Arts In English Arts
NCAM Neural Cell Adhesion Molecule In English Biochemistry, biophysics
nCaR Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor In English Biochemistry, biophysics
NCAR National Center for Atmospheric Research (www.ncar.ucar.edu) In English Research institutes
Meteorology, climatology
NCAT National Center for Academic Transformation (www.center.rpi.edu) In English Organizations and associations
NCB National Certification Body In English Organizations and associations
NCBA National Cattlemen's Beef Association (www.beef.org) In English Associations
Agricultural sciences
Food technology
NCBI National Center for Biotechnology Information In English Biotechnology
NCC North American Coordinating Council on Japanese Library Resources In English Libraries
NCC NASA Class Code In English Astronautics
United States
NCC NASA Communications Control In English Telecommunications
United States
NCC Navstar Control Center In English Vehicle engineering
NCC Network Control Center In English Networks, communication
NCC NTB Control Center In English
NCCCRP National Community College Council for Research and Planning (www.ncccrp.org) In English Organizations and associations
Research policy
NCE Noise Control Engineering Journal In English Serial publications, periodicals
Applied sciences, technology
NCECHO North Carolina Exploring Cultural Heritage Online In English Libraries
Civilization, culture, progress
United States
NCEEER National Council for Eurasian and East European Research In English Organizations and associations
Research policy
NCES National Center for Education Statistics (http://nces.ed.gov) In English Organizations and associations
NCESGR National Committee for Employer Support of Guard and Reserve In English Labour, labour economics
Military affairs
NCFPD National Center for Food Protection and Defense (www.ncfpd.umn.edu) In English Beverage industry
Food technology
NCG Nuclear Criteria Group In English Nuclear technology
NCG Northern California Grantmakers In English Finance
United States
NCG Nordic Consulting Group In English Consulting
NCGIA National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis (www.ncgia.ucsb.edu) In English Research institutes
NCHE National Council for History Education In English Education
NCI National Cancer Institute In English Organizations and associations
NCIBA Northern California Independent Booksellers Association (https://www.nciba.com) In English Associations
Graphic industries, printing, publishing
United States
NCIDQ National Council for Interior Design Certification In English Organizations and associations
Drawing and applied arts
NCIMB National Collections of Industrial, Marine and Food Bacteria (www.ncimb.com) In English Biological sciences
Food technology
NCIP-IG NISO Circulation Interchange Protocol Implementers Group In English Organizations and associations
NCIU Network Common Interface Unit In English Human-computer interaction
Networks, communication
NCJLT National Council of Japanese Language Teachers (www.ncjlt.org) In English Organizations and associations
Language, linguistics, literature
NCLRC National Capital Language Resource Center (www.nclrc.org) In English Serial publications, periodicals
Language, linguistics, literature
NCM National Capital Marathon In English Sport, physical exercises
NCM Neural Control of Movement Society (http://ncm-society.org) In English Organizations and associations
NCM National Corvette Museum (www.corvettemuseum.com) In English Museums
Automobile manufacturing
NCM National Cartoon Museum (www.cartoon.org) In English Museums
Graphic industries, printing, publishing
Cinema, movies
NCM National Cryptologic Museum (www.nsa.gov/museum/) In English Museums
Computer science
NCM New California Media In English Organizations and associations
Newspapers, journalism
United States
NCM Network Connection Manager In English Software
Networks, communication
NCMC NORAD Cheyenne Mountain Complex In English
NCNM National College of Natural Medicine In English Higher education, universities
NCNS Network: Computation in Neural Systems In English Serial publications, periodicals
Artificial intelligence
NCO Numerically Controlled Oscillator In English Electronics
NCO Noncommissioned Officer In English Military affairs
NCOLR National Council on Orientalist Library Resources In English Libraries
Organizations and associations
NCOS National Commission On Space In English Astronomy
NCPC National Cleaner Production Centre In English Environmental technology, water supply, waste management
NCPC National Cleaner Production Center In English
NCPH National Council on Public History In English History
NCPP National Center for Children in Poverty In English Social welfare
NCRP National Council for Research and Planning In English Organizations and associations
Research policy
NCRR National Center for Research Resources (www.ncrr.nih.gov) In English Research institutes
Biological sciences
NCS Network Control Station In English Networks, communication
NCS Nutation Control System In English
NCSA National Center for Supercomputing Applications In English Computer science
NCSA North Carolina Sociological Association (www.ncsociology.org) In English Associations
United States
NCSA North Central Sociological Association In English Associations
NCSAS National Centre for South Asia Studies In English Area studies
NCSC National Computer Security Center In English Computer science
NCSSA National Council of State Sociological Associations In English Associations
NCSTJ National Council of Secondary Teachers of Japanese In English Organizations and associations
Language, linguistics, literature
NCT New Control Tower In English Applied sciences, technology
NCU Nozzle Control Unit In English
NCURA National Council of University Research Administrators (www.ncura.edu) In English Organizations and associations
Research policy
ND NASA Document In English Astronomy
United States
NDA National Decommissioning Authority In English Public administration, government
Nuclear technology
NDA Non-Disclosure Agreement In English Law, jurisprudence
NDA New Drug Application In English Pharmacology, toxicology
NDCC Niger Delta Development Commission In English Organizations and associations
NDE Nondestructive Evaluation In English Engineering, technology
NDEF NFC Data Exchange Format In English Software
NDFU North Dakota Farmers Union In English Organizations and associations
Agricultural sciences
United States
NDFU National Document Fraud Unit In English Police
NDGPS Nationwide Differential Global Positioning System In English Geodesy, cartography
NDI Nondestructive Inspection In English Engineering, technology
NDIEC New Documents Illustrating Early Christianity In English Christianity
NDL National Diet Library In English Libraries
NDLP New Deal for Lone Parents In English Social welfare
NDRO Nondestructive Readout In English Engineering, technology
NDS Network Distribution Service In English Networks, communication
NDS Nuclear Detection System In English Nuclear technology
NDS Nuclear Data Sheets In English Serial publications, periodicals
Nuclear technology
NDST Nondimensional Special Tool In English
NDT Nondestructive Test In English Engineering, technology
NDT Nondestructive Testing In English Engineering, technology
NDTE Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation In English Serial publications, periodicals
Materials science
NDTF Nondestructive Test Facility In English Engineering, technology
NDTL Nondestructive Test Laboratory In English Research institutes
Engineering, technology
NDU Navigation Data Unit In English Vehicle engineering
NDU National Defense University (www.ndu.edu) In English Education
Military affairs
NDUS NUDET Detection User Segment In English
NDV NASP Derived Vehicle In English Vehicle engineering
NEA Northeast Asia Program In English Higher education, universities
Area studies
NEA New Enterprise Associates In English
NEA Noise Equivalent Angle In English
NEA Nuclear Energy Agency
In English Organizations and associations
Nuclear technology
NEAAS New England Conference of the Association for Asian Studies In English Associations
Language, linguistics, literature
Geography, biography, history
NEACP National Emergency Airborne Command Post In English Military engineering
Aeronautics, aircraft
NEAEHL New Encyclopedia of Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land In English Encyclopaedias, reference works
NEAF North East Astronomy Forum In English Astronomy
NEAF National Ethics Application Form In English Ethics
NEAF Near Eastern Archaeology Foundation In English Foundations
NEAF National Environmental Advisory Forum In English Organizations and associations
Environmental protection
NEAIR Northeast Association for Institutional Research (www.neair.org) In English Associations
Research policy
NEALRC National East Asian Languages Resource Center In English Linguistics
NEAS Near East Archaeological Society In English Organizations and associations
NEBROC NEtherlands BRemen OCeanography In English Marine research, oceanography
NEC National Electrical Code In English Electrical engineering
NEC North Equatorial Current In English Meteorology, climatology
NEC Nippon Electric Company (www.nec.com) In English Electrical engineering
Computer hardware
NECD Native Electron Capture Dissociation In English
NECEF Near East Cultural and Educational Foundation of Canada In English Foundations
Civilization, culture, progress
NeCom Neural Computation In English Serial publications, periodicals
Computer-based techniques
NECTFL Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages In English 068
Language, linguistics, literature
NED National Endowment for Democracy In English Democracy
NEDINE NEws DIstribution NEtwork In English Graphic industries, printing, publishing
NEDO New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization In English Organizations and associations
Industry, industrial policy
Energy economics
NEEDS NASA End-To-End Data System In English Data
United States
NEFCO Nordic Environment Finance Corporation In English
NEFD Noise Equivalent Flux Density In English
NEHA New England Historical Association In English Associations
NEI Noise Equivalent Irradiance In English
NEI Nonexplosive Initiation In English Military engineering
NEIC National Earthquake Information Center (http://earthquake.usgs.gov) In English Organizations and associations
Seismology, earthquakes
NEJM New England Journal of Medicine In English Serial publications, periodicals
NELA New England Leather Alliance (www.nelaonline.org) In English Organizations and associations
Leather industry
NELC Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations In English Civilization, culture, progress
NELC Near Eastern Languages and Cultures In English Civilization, culture, progress
NELS Nuclear Effects Link Simulator In English Nuclear technology
NELSAP New England Lost Ski Area Project (www.nelsap.org) In English Sport, physical exercises
NEM Networked and Electronic Media (www.nem-initiative.org) In English Computer science
NEM Newmont Mining Corporation In English Mining
NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association In English Associations
Electrical engineering
NEMA National Electric Manufacturers Association (www.nema.org) In English Associations
Electrical engineering
NEMS NASA Equipment Management System In English Maintenance and logistics
United States
NEMURO North Pacific Ecosystem Model for Understanding Regional Oceanography In English Threats to the environment
Marine research, oceanography
NEOBRAIN Neonatal Estimation Of Brain Damage Risk And Identification of Neuroprotectants In English Neurology
NEON National Ecological Observatory Network In English Ecology
NEP Noise Equivalent Power In English
NEP Nominal Entry Point In English
NEP Normal Entry Point In English
NEPA National Environmental Policy Act In English Politics
Environmental science
NEPAD New Partnership for Africa's Development In English Organizations and associations
NEPOMUK Networked Environment for Personalized, Ontology-based Management of Unified Knowledge In English Software
Knowledge management
NER Nordic Energy Research (www.nordicenergy.net) In English Energy economics
NER Named Entity Recognition In English Computer-based techniques
NERC Natural Environment Research Council (www.nerc.ac.uk) In English Organizations and associations
Threats to the environment
United Kingdom
NERI Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitor
= NRI | Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitor | In English
= NRI | Noradrenaline Reuptake Inhibitor | In English
= ARI | Adrenergic Reuptake Inhibitor | In English
In English Pharmacology, toxicology
NERSA National Energy Regulator of South Africa (www.ner.org.za) In English Central administration
Energy economics
NERSC Nansen Envrionmental and Remote Sensing Center In English
NERVA Nuclear Engine for Rocket Vehicle Application In English Nuclear technology
NES Nintendo Entertainment System In English Computer science
NES Near Eastern Studies In English Area studies
NES Network Encryption System In English Networks, communication
NESC National Electrical Safety Code In English Electrical engineering
NESDIS National Environmental Satellite Data and Information Service In English Environmental protection
NESP Naval Extremely high frequency Satellite Program In English Military engineering
NESR Natural Environment Support Room In English
NESS National Environmental Satellite Service In English Threats to the environment
NESSI Networked European Software and Services Initiative In English Organizations and associations
NESSIE New European Schemes for Signatures, Integrity and Encryption In English Computer-based techniques
NEST Nuclear Emergency Search Team In English Nuclear technology
NEST New and Emerging Science and Technology In English Research policy
Engineering, technology
European Union
NEST New and Emerging Strategic Technologies In English Research policy
Engineering, technology
International relations
NET Norme Européenne de Télécommunication(s) In English Standardization
NET Neighbourhood Empowerment Team In English
NET NASA Employee Team In English Astronautics
United States
NET Nimbus Experiment Team In English
NET Noise Equivalent Target In English
NET Noise Equivalent Temperature In English
NET New Equipment Training In English Education
NETA New Electricity Trading Arrangements In English Electrical engineering
NETCOM Network Communications In English Telecommunications
NETPAC Network for the Promotion of Asian Cinema In English Organizations and associations
Cinema, movies
NETS New English Translation of the Septuagint In English Judaism
NETSIM Network Simulation In English Computer simulation
NETT National Emphysema Treatment Trial In English Chest diseases
NEVA New England Vexillological Association In English Associations
Flags, banners
NEVADA Net Energy Verification And Determination Analyzer In English
NEVS NASA Equipment Visibility System In English Astronautics
United States
NewAR New Astronomy Review In English Serial publications, periodicals
NEWP New Executive Programming Language In English Programming languages
NEWS New Engineering Work Schedule In English Engineering, technology
NEWS New Engineering Work System In English Engineering, technology
NEXOF NESSI Open Service Framework In English Software
NEXT Near End CrossTalk In English Telecommunications
NF Natural Flood In English
NF Noise Figure In English
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