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Acronym Sense Language Topics
LIN Line Item Number In English
LINC Logic and Information Network Compiler In English Computer science
LINC Library Information Network Consortium In English Organizations and associations
LINE Long Interspersed Nuclear Element In English Genetics
LINEE Languages in a Network of European Excellence In English Language, linguistics, literature
LINJET Liquid Injection Electric Thruster In English
LINS Laser Inertial Navigation System In English Vehicle engineering
LIOS Linz Institute for Organic Solarcells
= LIOS | Linzer Institut für Organische Solarzellen | In German
In English Research institutes
Energy economics
LIP Land Impact Program In English
LIS Lightning Imaging Sensor In English Meteorology, climatology
LIS Logistics Information System In English Maintenance and logistics
Knowledge management
LISA Life Science Austria (www.lifescienceaustria.at) In English Biological sciences
LISA Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (http://lisa.nasa.gov) In English Astronautics
LISA Localization Industry Standards Association (www.lisa.org) In English Associations
LISA Local Integrated Software Architecture In English Computer hardware
LiSA Lions Sports Action In English Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
LISA Library and Information Science Abstracts In English Libraries
LISP List Processing Language In English
LISP LISt Processing In English Programming languages
LIU Line Interface Unit In English Human-computer interaction
LJB Libya Jamahiriya Broadcasting (http://en.ljbc.net) In English Telecommunications
LKM Loadable Kernel Modules In English Computer science
LKV Left Knee Vertical In English Music
LKV Lake County Airport In English Transport by air
United States
LKV License Key Verification In English Software
LLC Logical Link Control In English
LLC Library of Congress Classification In English Libraries
Parliaments, representation
LLC Limited Liability Company In English Economics
LLC Low Level Circulation In English Meteorology, climatology
LLCF Launch and Landing Computational Facility In English Computer hardware
LLCSC Low-Level Computer Software Component In English Software
LLI Limited-Life Item In English
LLI Laser Induced Incandescence In English Electromagnetism
LLL Limited-Life List In English
LLL Lifelong Learning
= LLL | Levenslang Leren | In Dutch
In English Education
LLNL Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories In English Research institutes
LLNL Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory In English Research institutes
LLO Low Lunar Orbit In English Astronomy
LLP Launch and Landing Project In English Astronautics
LLPO Launch and Landing Project Office In English Astronautics
LLR Load-Limiting Resistor In English
LLR Lunar Laser Ranging In English Geodesy, cartography
LLS Launch and Landing Site In English Astronautics
LLT Language Learning and Technology Journal (http://llt.msu.edu) In English Environmental science
Language, linguistics, literature
LLTE Low-Level Treadmill Exercise In English Medicine
LM Laboratory Module In English Research policy
LM Launch Mode In English
LM Logistics Manager In English Maintenance and logistics
LM Logistics Manual In English Maintenance and logistics
LM Lunar Module In English Astronautics
LM&SS Lunar Mapping and Scientific Survey In English Astronomy
LMA Laban Mouvement Analysis In English Dance
LMAM Levenberg Marquardt with Adaptive Momentum In English Mathematics
LMAO Laughing My Ass Off In English
LMaPh Letters in Mathematical Physics In English Serial publications, periodicals
LMBO Leveraged Management Buy Out In English Finance
LMC Liechtenstein Musical Company In English Music
LMC Lean Manufacturing Consulting In English Engineering, technology
LMC Lipid Matrix Carrier In English Biochemistry, biophysics
LMC3O Laboratoire de Matériaux Catalytiques et Catalyse en Chimie Organique In English Research institutes
LMD Large Mirror Development In English Optics
LMDE Lunar Module Descent Engine In English Astronautics
LMDS Logistics Management Data System In English Data
Maintenance and logistics
LME Launch Monitor Equipment In English Aeronautics, aircraft
LME London Metal Exchange (https://www.lme.com) In English Organizations and associations
United Kingdom
LMEI London Middle East Institute (https://www.soas.ac.uk/lmei/) In English Research institutes
Area studies
United Kingdom
LMF Lower Mid Fuselage In English Aeronautics, aircraft
LMFAO Laughing My Fucking Ass Off In English
LMFT Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist In English Psychology
LMI Laboratory of Molecular Imaging In English Research institutes
Biochemistry, biophysics
LMIF Lower Mechanical Integration Frame In English Mechanical engineering
LMM Laboratory of Metabolic Medicine In English Research institutes
LMO Liga Manager Online In English Software
Sport, physical exercises
LMO Louisville Mandolin Orchestra (www.lmo.org) In English Music
LMO Liverpool Mozart Orchestra In English Music
LMO Labour Market Opinion In English Migrations
Labour, labour economics
LMP List Measurement Point In English
LMP Last Menstrual Period In English Gynaecology
LMRT Logistics Management Responsibility Transfer In English Maintenance and logistics
LMS Load Measurement System In English
LMS Logistics Master Schedule In English Maintenance and logistics
LMS Learning Management System In English Knowledge management
LMS Least Mean-Square In English Mathematics
LMS Lingway Medical Suite In English Software
LMSC Lockheed Missiles And Space Corporation In English Military engineering
LMSS Lunar Mapping and Survey System In English Astronomy
LMSS Liverpool Medical Students Society In English Organizations and associations
Higher education, universities
United Kingdom
LMSS Learning Management System In English Education
LMSS Land Mobile Satellite System In English Astronautics
LMT Logistics Management Transfer In English Maintenance and logistics
LN2 Liquid Nitrogen In English
LNA Low-Noise Amplifier In English
LNCC Lecture Notes in Computer Science In English Libraries
Computer science
LNCS Lecture Notes in Computer Science In English Serial publications, periodicals
Computer science
LNCSM Libyan National Centre for Standardization and Metrology In English Standardization
LNEn Lecture Notes in Engineering, Berlin Springer Verlag In English Serial publications, periodicals
Engineering, technology
LNES Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences, Berlin Springer Verlag In English Serial publications, periodicals
Earth sciences
LNG Liquified Natural Gas In English
LNI Loch Ness Investigation In English United Kingdom
LNM Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Berlin Springer Verlag In English Serial publications, periodicals
LNNL Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory In English Research institutes
LNP Lecture Notes in Physics, Berlin Springer Verlag In English Serial publications, periodicals
LNPAM Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics In English Serial publications, periodicals
LNSP Lecture Notes and Supplements in Physics In English Serial publications, periodicals
LO Local Orbitals In English Atomic physics
LO Launch Operations In English Vehicle engineering
LO Local Oscillator In English
LO Lubricating Oil In English Mechanical engineering
LoA Letter of Approval In English
LOA Landing Operations Area In English Aeronautics, aircraft
LOA Launch Operations Area In English Astronautics
LOA Leber Optic Atrophy In English Ophthalmology
LOAD Low-Altitude Defense In English Military engineering
Aeronautics, aircraft
LOADD Lifestyle Over and Above Drugs in Diabetes In English Physiology
LOAP List Of Applicable Publications In English Serial publications, periodicals
LOB Launch Operations Building In English Astronautics
LOBPCG Locally Optimal Block Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient In English Mathematics
LOC Launch Operations Center In English Astronautics
LOC Launch Operations Complex In English Astronautics
LOC Launch Operations Contractor In English Astronautics
LOC Level Of Conflict In English
LOC Lines Of Code In English Software
LOCA Loss of Coolant Accident In English Nuclear technology
LOCARN Low OPEX CAPEX Architecture for Resilient Networks In English Networks, communication
LOCB Launch Operations Control BUilding In English Astronautics
LOCI Laboratory for Optical and Computational Instrumentation In English Research institutes
Computer science
LOCS Local Optical Correction System In English
LOD Launch Operations Directorate In English Astronautics
LOD Launch Operations Division In English Astronautics
LOD Launch Order Document In English Astronautics
LODE Large-Optics Demonstration Equipment/Experiment In English
LoE Letter of Endorsement In English
LOFAR Low-Frequency Acquisition and Ranging In English
LOFO Low-Frequency Oscillation In English
LOGCENT Logistics Control Center In English Maintenance and logistics
LOGO Limit Of Government Obligation In English
LOI Lunar Orbit Insertion In English Astronomy
LOI Light Overseas Investments Limited In English Electrical engineering
Environmental technology, water supply, waste management
LOICZ Land-Ocean Interactions in the Coastal Zone (www.loicz.org) In English Meteorology, climatology
Marine research, oceanography
LOIS Logistics Information Simulator In English Maintenance and logistics
LOL Limit Of Liability In English
LOLI Limited-Operational-Life Items In English
LOMADS Low Altitude Missile Air Defence System In English Military affairs
Military engineering
LON Launch On Need In English Astronautics
LoN League of Nations
= SDN | Société Des Nations | In French
= SDN | Sociedá de Naciones | In Asturian
= ОН | Общество на народите | In Bulgarian
= SDN | Sociedad de Naciones | In Spanish
= LBB | Liga Bangsa-Bangsa | In Indonesian
= DN | Društvo narodov | In Slovenian
= NF | Nationernas förbund | In Swedish
In English International organizations
International relations
LONGRAM Long-Range Artillery Missile In English Military engineering
LONS Local On-Line Network System In English Networks, communication
LOO Launch Operations Orders In English Astronautics
LOOMS Laser Optics Operations and Maintenance Support In English
LOP Launch Operations Panel In English Astronautics
LOR Lunar Orbit Rendezvous In English Astronomy
LORA Level-Of-Repair Analysis In English
LORAN LOng-range Aid to Navigation In English Telecommunications
Transport by air
Transport by water
LOS Lift-Off Simulator In English
LOSHEA Line-Of-Sight Hard Earth Angle In English
LOSP Landing Operations Support Panel In English Aeronautics, aircraft
LOSR Line-Of-Sight Range In English
LOSS Lunar Orbital Space Station In English Astronautics
LOT Lift-Off Time In English
LOV Limit Of Visibility In English
LOWG Landing Operations Working Group In English Aeronautics, aircraft
LowOB Lowell Observatory Bulletin In English Serial publications, periodicals
LOX Liquid Oxygen In English
LP Luteal Phase In English Gynaecology
LPA Lysophosphatidic Acid In English 5771
LPA Log Periodic Antenna In English Telecommunications
LPA Low-Power Amplifier In English Electrical engineering
LPB Laser and Particle Beams In English Serial publications, periodicals
LPD Landing Point Designator In English Aeronautics, aircraft
LPD Launch Preparation Document In English Astronautics
LPD Launch Procedure Document In English Astronautics
LPD List of Physical Dimensions In English Physics
Engineering, technology
LPD Luteal Phase Defect In English Gynaecology
Reproductive biology
LPE Liquid Phase Epitaxy In English
LPF Low-Pass Filter In English
LPFT Low-Pressure Fuel Turbopump In English Vehicle engineering
LPG Liquid-Propellant Gun In English Astronautics
LPG Liquid Petroleum Gas In English Chemical technology
Vehicle engineering
LPI Low Probability of Intercept In English Military engineering
LPICo unar and Planetary Institute Contributions In English Serial publications, periodicals
Planets and satellites
LPIF Launch Package Integration Facility In English Astronautics
LPLWS Launch Pad Lightning Warning System In English Meteorology, climatology
LPM Local Position Measurement In English
LPM Loi de Programmation Militaire In English Law, jurisprudence
Military affairs
LPO Last Patient Out In English Pharmacology, toxicology
LPOP Low-Pressure Oxidizer Pump In English
LPOT Low-Pressure Oxidizer Turbopump In English
LPOX Low-Pressure Oxygen In English
LPP Liberty Partnership Program In English Education
LPS Lipopolysaccharide In English Biochemistry, biophysics
LPS Large Pointing System In English
LPS Launch Processing System In English Astronautics
LPS Luyten-Pedlosky-Stommel In English
LPS Lingway Patent Suite In English Software
Industrial property
LPT Link PrinTer In English Operating systems
LPTTL Low-Pressure Transistor-Transistor Logic In English Electronics
LQR Linear Quadratic Regulator In English
LRA Laser Retroreflector Array In English
LRB Liquid Rocket Booster In English Astronautics
LRBM Long-Range Ballistic Missile In English Military engineering
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