HADES - Main pageAckr → In English

In English

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Acronym Sense Language Topics
SWAIC Program on Southwest Asia and Islamic Civilization In English Islam
Area studies
SWAN Solar Wind Anisotropy (Experiment) In English Astronomy
SWAS Submillimeter Wave Astronomy Satellite In English Astronautics
SWAT Stress Wave Analysis Technique In English
SWATEC Short-Wavelength Thermoelectrically Cooled In English
SWB Solder Waiver Board In English
SWC Standard Work Center In English
SWC Space Warfare Center In English Research institutes
Military engineering
SWCAS Southwest Conference of the Association for Asian Studies In English Associations
Language, linguistics, literature
Geography, biography, history
SWCC Southwestern Computing Center In English Computer science
SWCC Standard Work Center Code In English
SWCDR Software Critical Design Review In English Software
SWCI Software Configuration Inspection In English Software
SWCNT Single Wall Carbon Nanotube In English
SWD Social Welfare Department In English Public administration, government
Social welfare
SWD Semantic Web Deployment In English Internet
SWD South Wisconsin District In English Geography
United States
SWD Seismic While Drilling In English Earth sciences
SWD Scott Werley Design (www.scottwerleydesign.com) In English
SWD Supersonic Wave Drive In English Photography
SWD Solliès Web Design In English Internet
SWD Solid Waste Division In English Environmental technology, water supply, waste management
SWD&I Software Development and Integration In English Software
SWDC South Wairarapa District Council (www.swdc.govt.nz) In English Municipal administration
SWDC South West Development Commission (www.swdc.wa.gov.au) In English Organizations and associations
SWDC Southwest Dressage Championship In English
SWDC South West Development Centre (www.swdc.org.uk) In English Organizations and associations
Social welfare
SWDC Sanctuary Women's Development Center In English Social welfare
SWDC South Wales Distribution Centre (www.swdc.co.uk) In English Economics
SWDC Stung Treng Women's Development Center In English Organizations and associations
SWDC Software Development Center In English Computer science
SWDC Southwest Washington Dance Center In English Dance
SWDC-CS Southwest Diagnostic Centers of Colorado Springs In English Diagnostics
United States
SWDU Seawater Desalination Unit In English Environmental technology, water supply, waste management
SWEA Severn Wye Energy Agency In English Energy economics
SWEAT Severe WEAther Threat In English Meteorology, climatology
Natural disasters
SWEB South Western Electricity Board In English Electrical engineering
SWEE Software Engineering Environment In English Software
SWEPCO Southwestern Electric Power Company In English Organizations and associations
Energy economics
Electrical engineering
SWF ShockWave Flash In English Computer science
SWF Small Web Format In English Data
Graphical processing
SWG Special Working Group In English
SWG Schedule Working Group In English
SWG Science Working Group In English
SWG Security Working Group In English
SWG Software Working Group In English Software
SWG-CA Special Working Group on Conformity Assessment In English
SWG-RA Special Working Group on Registration Authorities In English
SWHG Social Welfare History Group In English Organizations and associations
Social welfare
SWIFET Short-Wave Infrared Field Effect Transistor In English Electronics
SWIFET Switched Field Effect Transistor In English Electronics
SWIFT Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication International Fund Transfer In English Finance
SWIM System Wide Information Management In English Knowledge management
SWIR Sierra Wireless Inc. In English
SWIR Short-Wavelength Infrared In English
SWL Signals Warfare Lab In English Research institutes
Military engineering
SWL Short Wave Listener In English Telecommunications
SWL Spamhaus White List In English Software
Networks, communication
SWLABR She Was Like A Bearded Rainbow In English Music
SWOB Salaries, Wages, Overhead, and Benefits In English Labour, labour economics
SWOT Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats In English
SWP Safe Working Pressure In English
SWP Single Wire Protocol In English Networks, communication
SWPA Shuttle Wing Panel Analysis In English Astronautics
SWPDR Software Preliminary Design Review In English Software
SWR Standing Wave Ratio In English
SWRL Semantic Web Rule Language In English Programming languages
SWRR Software Readiness Review In English Software
SWS Semantic Web School In English Computer-based techniques
SWS Software System In English Software
SWSF Semantic Web Science Foundation In English Foundations
Networks, communication
Language, linguistics, literature
SWSW Semantic Web Services Week In English Internet
Computer-based techniques
SWSWA South West Song Writers Association In English Associations
SWT Supersonic Wind Tunnel In English Aeronautics, aircraft
SWWG Software Working Group In English Software
SY Shoulder Yaw In English
SY School Year In English Education
SydOP Sydney Observatory Papers In English Serial publications, periodicals
SYNAMEC Synthesis Tool for Aeronautical Mechanisms Design In English Aeronautics, aircraft
SYNCOMECS SYNthesis of Aeronautical COmpliant MEChanical Systems In English Mechanical engineering
Aeronautics, aircraft
SynMe Synthetic Metals In English Serial publications, periodicals
SYNOP Synoptic Ocean Prediction Experiment In English Marine research, oceanography
SYSREM System Requirements Engineering Methodology In English Engineering, technology
SYSTRAN Systems Analysis Translator In English
SyTec Systems Technology In English Serial publications, periodicals
Engineering, technology
SZPC Shandong Zhonghua Power Company In English Electrical engineering
T Thymine
= T | ثايمين | In Arabic
= T | Timina | In Catalan
= T | Thymin | In Czech
= T | Thymin | In Danish
= T | Thymin | In German
= T | Θυμίνη | In Greek
= T | Timina | In Spanish
= T | Timino | In Esperanto
= T | Timina | In Galician
= T | Timina | In Italian
= T | Thymine | In French
= T | Timin | In Indonesian
= T | תימין | In Hebrew
= T | Timinas | In Lithuanian
= T | Timin | In Hungarian
= T | Thymine | In Dutch
= T | チミン | In Japanese
= T | Tymin | In Norwegian
= T | Tymina | In Polish
= T | Timina | In Portuguese
= T | Тимин | In Russian
= T | Timin | In Slovenian
= T | Тимин | In Serbian
= T | 胸腺嘧啶 | In Chinese
= T | Тимін | In Ukrainian
= T | Timin | In Turkish
= T | Timin | In Serbo-Croatian
= T | ไทมีน | In Thai
= T | Tymiini | In Finnish
= T | Tymin | In Swedish
In English Genetics
Biochemistry, biophysics
T Threonine
= T | Treonina | In Catalan
= T | Threonin | In Czech
= T | Threonin | In German
= T | Treonina | In Spanish
= T | Treonino | In Esperanto
= T | Thréonine | In French
= T | 트레오닌 | In Korean
= T | Treonin | In Indonesian
= T | Treonina | In Italian
= T | תראונין | In Hebrew
= T | Treonīns | In Latvian
= T | Threonin | In Letzeburgesh
= T | Treoninas | In Lithuanian
= T | Threonine | In Dutch
= T | トレオニン | In Japanese
= T | Treonina | In Polish
= T | Treonina | In Portuguese
= T | Треонин | In Russian
= T | Treoniini | In Finnish
= T | Treonin | In Swedish
= T | Treonin | In Turkish
= T | Треонін | In Ukrainian
= T | 蘇氨酸 | In Chinese
In English Biochemistry, biophysics
T&C Telemetry and Control In English
T&C Terms and Conditions In English
T&C Test and Checkout In English Engineering, technology
T&C Tracking and Communication In English
T&CD Timing and Countdown In English
T&CP Test and Checkout Procedure In English
T&D Transportation and Docking In English Maintenance and logistics
Transport and postal services
T&E Test and Evaluation In English Quality management
T&F Time and Frequency In English
T&M Time and Material In English Quality management
T&O Test and Operations In English
T&P Tracking and Processing In English
T&QA Test and Quality Assurance In English Quality management
T-FA Two-Factor Authentication In English Software
T3SS Type III Secretion System In English Biological sciences
TA Task Analysis In English
TA Task Assessment In English
TA Task Assignment In English
TA Task Authorization In English
TAA Technical Assistance Agreement In English Applied sciences, technology
TAA Total Army Analysis In English Military affairs
TAAD Texas Association of Appraisal Districts (www.taad.org) In English Associations
United States
TAADS The Army Authorization Documents Systems In English Military affairs
TAAO Texas Association of Assessing Officers (www.taao.org) In English Associations
United States
TAAR Trace Amine-Associated Receptor In English Biochemistry, biophysics
TAB Tape Automated Bonding In English Electronics
TAB Technical Advisory Board In English Applied sciences, technology
TAB Time After Burst In English Astronautics
TABI Tailorable Advanced Blanket Insulation In English
TAC Tactical Air Command In English 358
TAC Test And Configuration In English
TAC Timing and Address Counter In English
TAC Total Average Cost In English Prices
TAC Traceability And Configuration In English
TAC Traditional Anglican Communion In English Organizations and associations
Protestant churches
TAC Terminal Access Controller In English
TAC Type Approval Code In English Telecommunications
TACAN Tactical Air Control and Navigation In English Aeronautics, aircraft
Transport and postal services
TACAN Tactical Air Navigation In English Aeronautics, aircraft
Transport and postal services
TACANS Tactical Air Control And Navigation System In English Aeronautics, aircraft
Transport and postal services
TACC Tactical Air Control Center In English Aeronautics, aircraft
Transport and postal services
TACCS Time, Age, and Cycle Control System In English
TACO Test and Checkout In English Quality management
TACO Test and Checkout Operations In English Quality management
TACP Training And Certification Plan In English Education
TACS Turkish American Cultural Society of New England (www.tacsne.org) In English Organizations and associations
Civilization, culture, progress
United States
TACSATCOM Tactical Satellite Communications In English Telecommunications
Military engineering
TADS Trade and Analysis Data System In English
TAE Theoretical and Applied Economics In English Economics
TAEM Terminal Area Energy Management In English Energy economics
TAEMm Tokyo Metropolitan College Aeronautical Engineering Memoirs In English Serial publications, periodicals
Aeronautics, aircraft
TAF Truss Assembly Fixture In English
TAFI Thrombin Activatable Fibrinolytic Inhibitor In English Biochemistry, biophysics
TAFT Technical Assistance Field Team In English
TAG Technical Air to Ground In English
TAG The Adjutant General In English Military affairs
TAGA Technical Association of the Graphic Arts In English Associations
Graphic industries, printing, publishing
Graphic arts
TAGO The Adjutant General's Office In English Military affairs
TAGS Technology for (the) Automated Generation of Systems In English
TAGS Text And Graphics System In English
TAGS Thermal Analysis Graphics System In English
TAGU Transactions of the American Geophysical Union In English Serial publications, periodicals
United States
TAHD Torrington Area Health District In English Municipal administration
TAHD Telephone Accessible Holographic Data In English Telecommunications
TAIL-PCR Thermal Asymmetric Interlaced Polymerase Chain Reaction In English Biotechnology
TAIR Test And Inspection Record In English Records management
TAIR Test Assembly Inspection Record In English Records management
TAL Transoceanic Abort Landing In English Astronautics
TAL Transatlantic Abort Landing In English Astronautics
TAL Transatlantic Landing In English Aeronautics, aircraft
TALAR Tactical Approach and Landing Radar In English Aeronautics, aircraft
TALO Time After Lift-Off In English Astronautics
TALON Threat and Local Observation Notice In English
TAM Thermal Analytical Model In English
TAMA Terminology in Advanced Management Applications In English Linguistics
TAMC Tangent linear and Adjoint Model Compiler (www.autodiff.com/tamc/) In English Computer simulation
TamCo Astronomical Contributions from the University of South Florida Tampa In English Serial publications, periodicals
United States
TAML Tetra-Amido Microcyclic Ligand In English Biochemistry, biophysics
Chemical technology
TAMNS The Army Maintenance Management System In English Maintenance and logistics
Military affairs
TAMS Trade and Analysis Management System In English
TAMS Transient Amplitude Monitor System In English
TAMS Transactions of the American Mathematical Society In English Serial publications, periodicals
United States
TAN Transaction Authentication Number In English Trade
TANAP Towards a New Age of Partnership In English
TAO Therapeuten Ausbildungsorganisation In English Education
TAO Tropical Atmosphere Ocean Project (www.pmel.noaa.gov/tao/) In English Meteorology, climatology
Marine research, oceanography
TAP Tandem Affinity Purification In English Biochemistry, biophysics
TAP Technical Achievement Plan In English
TAP Technical Assistance Plan In English
TAP Telemetry Acceptance Pattern In English Quality management
Geodesy, cartography
TAP Test Administration Plan In English
TAP Total Air Pressure In English
TAP Transition Assistance Program In English
TAP Test Access Port In English Electronics
TAPhA Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association In English Serial publications, periodicals
United States
TApPh Topics in Applied Physics In English Serial publications, periodicals
TAPPI Technical Association of Pulp and Paper Industry In English Associations
Paper and board industry
TAPS Transactions of the American Philosophical Society In English Serial publications, periodicals
Philosophy, psychology
United States
TAR Thin Air Rescue In English Medicine
TAR Technical Analysis Request In English
TAR Test Action Requirement In English
TAR Test Agency Report In English
TARA Torrance Amateur Radio Association In English Associations
TARC Through-Axis Rotational Control In English
TARE Telemetry Automatic Reduction In English
TARS Three-Axis Reference System In English
TAS Telemetry Antenna System In English
TAS Test Article Specification In English
TAS True Airspeed In English
TAS Total-Alkali-Silica In English Mineralogy
TAS Transfer & Articulation Services In English
TASA The Australian Sociological Association (www.tasa.org.au) In English Associations
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