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Football and rugby

→ Football and rugby
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Acronym Sense Language Topics
RCGC Rugby Club Grand-Couronnais In French Organizations and associations
RCGM Rugby Club Grande Motte In French Organizations and associations
RCM Rugby Club de Montréal In French Organizations and associations
RCMD Rugby Club Municipal Déolois In French Organizations and associations
RCNM Racing Club Narbonne Méditerranée In French Organizations and associations
RCO Rugby Club Orléans (www.rcorleans.com) In French Organizations and associations
RCO Rugby Club Orangeois In French Organizations and associations
RCP Rugby Club de Plabennec In French Organizations and associations
RCVMT Rugby Club Vif Monestier Trièves In French Organizations and associations
RFA The Rugby Fives Association In English Associations
RFC Rotterdamse Football Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
RFU Rugby Football Union In English Organizations and associations
RKAFC Rooms Katholieke Alkmaarse Football Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
Roman catholic church
RKAV Rooms Katholieke Aalsmeerse Voetbalclub In Dutch Organizations and associations
Roman catholic church
RKAV Rooms Katholieke Amsterdamse Voetbalclub In Dutch Organizations and associations
Roman catholic church
RKAVC Rooms Katholieke Asenrayer Voetbal Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
Roman catholic church
RKAVV Rooms Katholieke Aloysius Voetbal Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
Roman catholic church
RKBFC Rooms Katholieke Bosscherveldse Football Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
Roman catholic church
RKBVC Rooms Katholieke Boekender Voetbal Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
Roman catholic church
RKBVV Rooms Katholieke Blaricumse Voetbal Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
Roman catholic church
RKDFC Rooms Katholieke Douvergenhouter Football Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
Roman catholic church
RKDVC Rooms Katholieke Drunense Voetbal Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
Roman catholic church
RKDVV Rooms Katholieke Doesburgse Voetbal Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
Roman catholic church
RKFC Rooms Katholieke Football Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
Roman catholic church
RKFCH Rooms Katholieke Football Club Hoensbroek In Dutch Organizations and associations
Roman catholic church
RKGFC Rooms Katholieke Grubbenvorster Football Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
Roman catholic church
RKGVV Rooms Katholieke Giesbeekse Voetbal Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
Roman catholic church
RKHVC Rooms Katholieke Hunselse Voetbal Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
Roman catholic church
RKHVV Rooms Katholieke Huissense Voetbal Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
Roman catholic church
RKIVV Rooms Katholieke Ingberse Voetbal Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
Roman catholic church
RKLVV Rooms Katholieke Lottumse Voetbal Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
Roman catholic church
RKMVC Rooms Katholieke Mechelse Voetbal Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
Roman catholic church
RKRVV Rooms Katholieke Roermondsche Voetbal Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
Roman catholic church
RKSVFCV Rooms Katholieke Sport Vereniging Football Club 't Ven In Dutch Organizations and associations
Roman catholic church
RKSVV Rooms Katholieke Swartbroekse Voetbal Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
Roman catholic church
RKTVC Rooms Katholieke Tielse Voetbal Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
Roman catholic church
RKTVV Rooms Katholieke Tilburgse Voetbal vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
Roman catholic church
RKUVC Rooms Katholieke Ulestratense Voetbal Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
Roman catholic church
RKVB Rooms Katholieke Voetbalclub Baexem In Dutch Organizations and associations
Roman catholic church
RKVCL Rooms Katholieke Voetbal Club Limmel In Dutch Organizations and associations
Roman catholic church
RKVVA Rooms Katholieke Voetbal Vereniging Augustinus In Dutch Organizations and associations
Roman catholic church
RKVVD Rooms Katholieke Voetbal Vereniging Doenrade In Dutch Organizations and associations
Roman catholic church
RKVVH Rooms Katholieke Voetbal Vereniging Hulsberg In Dutch Organizations and associations
Roman catholic church
RKVVL Rooms Katholieke Voetbal Vereniging Lambertus In Dutch Organizations and associations
Roman catholic church
RKVVM Rooms Katholieke Voetbal Vereniging Margraten In Dutch Organizations and associations
Roman catholic church
RKVVO Rooms Katholieke Voetbal Vereniging Oerle In Dutch Organizations and associations
Roman catholic church
RKVVS Rooms Katholieke Voetbal Vereniging Silvolde In Dutch Organizations and associations
Roman catholic church
RKVVS Rooms Katholieke Voetbal Vereniging Spanbroek In Dutch Organizations and associations
Roman catholic church
RKVVT Rooms Katholieke Voetbal Vereniging Treebeek In Dutch Organizations and associations
Roman catholic church
RKVVU Rooms Katholieke Voetbal Vereniging Unitas In Dutch Organizations and associations
Roman catholic church
RKZVC Rooms Katholieke Zieuwentse Voetbal Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
Roman catholic church
RRC Roosevelt Rugby Club In English Organizations and associations
RTG Rotterdam Turk Güçü In Turkish Organizations and associations
RUPA Rugby Union Players' Association In English Associations
RVC Rijswijkse Voetbal Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
RVC Reeuwijkse Voetbalclub Concordia In Dutch Organizations and associations
RVV Rotterdamse Voetbal Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
RVV Roermondsche Voetbal Vereeniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
RVV Reuverse Voetbal Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
RVVH Ridderkerkse Voetbal Vereniging Hercules In Dutch Organizations and associations
RVW Renkumse Voetbalclub Wilhelmina In Dutch Organizations and associations
RWDM Racing White Daring Molenbeek In English Organizations and associations
SDV Sterker Door Voetbal In Dutch Organizations and associations
SFC Schiedamse Football Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
SJVV Sint Jozefparochie Voetbal Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
SPV Sint Paulus Voetbalvereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
SVC Scheveningse Voetbal Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
SVC Standdaarbuitense Voetbal Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
SVDPW Schiedamse Voetbalclub Door Plicht Winnen In Dutch Organizations and associations
SVV Schiedamse Voetbal Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
SVV Sibculose Voetbal Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
SVV Surinaamse Voetbal Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
SVV Schoonebeekse Voetbal Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
SVVH Sport en Voetbal Vereniging Heibloem In Dutch Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
SVVN Sport en Voetbal Vereniging Nijverdal In Dutch Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
SVVU Sport en Voetbal Vereniging Utrecht In Dutch Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
TAVV Ter Aarse Voetbal Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
TEVV Tweede Exloërmondse Voetbal Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
TFC Toulouse Football Club In French Organizations and associations
TVC Tubbergense Voetbal Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
TVC Tarsisius Voetbal Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
TVV Turkse Voetbal Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
TVV Tilburgsche Voetbal Vereeniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
TVV Turmac Voetbal Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
UEFA Union Européenne de Football Association (www.uefa.com)
= UEFA | Union of European Football Associations | In English
In French Organizations and associations
UEFA Union of European Football Associations (www.uefa.com)
= (look above)
In English Organizations and associations
UFAR Union Française des Anciens du Rugby In French Organizations and associations
UFC Utrechtsche Football Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
UPFC University of Plymouth Football Club In English Organizations and associations
Higher education, universities
USRFF United States Rugby Football Foundation In English Foundations
United States
UVV Utrechtse Voetbal Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
UVV Ulvenhoutse Voetbal Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
UVV Ulrumse Voetbal Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
VABO Voetbal Als Beste Ontspanning In Dutch Organizations and associations
VABO Voetbalvereniging Almelose Boeren Organisatie In Dutch Organizations and associations
VCA Voetbal Club Agatha In Dutch Organizations and associations
VCB Voetbal Club Biezenmortel In Dutch Organizations and associations
VCG Voetbal Club Geesbrug In Dutch Organizations and associations
VCH Voetbal Club Horsterweg In Dutch Organizations and associations
VCK Voetbal Club Koudekerke In Dutch Organizations and associations
VCO Voetbal Club Oventje In Dutch Organizations and associations
VCR Voetbal Club Rinsumageest In Dutch Organizations and associations
VCS Voetbal Club Sparta In Dutch Organizations and associations
VCT Voetbal Club Tuindorp In Dutch Organizations and associations
VCV Voetbal Club Veenwouden In Dutch Organizations and associations
VCW Voetbal Club Wagenberg In Dutch Organizations and associations
VFC Vlaardingsche Football Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
VFC Vughtse Football Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
VIA Voetbal Is Alles In Dutch Organizations and associations
VIBOA Voetbal Is Bij Ons Aangenaam In Dutch Organizations and associations
VIC Voetbalvereniging Ignatius College In Dutch Organizations and associations
VIJDO Volhardende IJver Doet Overwinnen In Dutch Organizations and associations
VIJW Voorwaarts IJlen Wij In Dutch Organizations and associations
VIOLA Voetbal Is Onze Lust Alphen In Dutch Organizations and associations
VIVOO Voetbal Is Voor Ons Ontspanning In Dutch Organizations and associations
VLVB Vlaanderens Liefhebbersvoetbal Bond (www.vlvb.be) In Dutch Organizations and associations
VNA Voetbal Na Arbeid In Dutch Organizations and associations
VNB Voetbal Na Bevrijding In Dutch Organizations and associations
VNL Voetbalvereniging Nieuw Leiden In Dutch Organizations and associations
VOB Voetbal Op Bouw In Dutch Organizations and associations
VOG Voetbalclub Ons Genoegen In Dutch Organizations and associations
VOV Voetbal Ons Vermaak In Dutch Organizations and associations
VOW Voetbalvereniging Oranje Wit In Dutch Organizations and associations
VSW Voetbal Sport Windesheim In Dutch Organizations and associations
VVA Voetbal Vereniging Amsterdam In Dutch Organizations and associations
VVA Voetbal Vereniging Achterberg In Dutch Organizations and associations
VVAC Voetbal Vereniging Alblasserwaard Centrum In Dutch Organizations and associations
VVAK Voetbal Vereniging Alteveer Kerkenveld In Dutch Organizations and associations
VVB Voetbal Vereniging Breesaap In Dutch Organizations and associations
VVC Venlosche Voetbal Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
VVC Vennepse Voetbal Combinatie In Dutch Organizations and associations
VVC Voetbal Vereniging Central In Dutch Organizations and associations
VVD Voetbal Vereniging Duinlaan In Dutch Organizations and associations
VVD Voetbal Vereniging Droste In Dutch Organizations and associations
VVDL Voetbal Vereniging De Lutte In Dutch Organizations and associations
VVE Voetbal Vereniging Excelsior In Dutch Organizations and associations
VVG Voetbal Vereniging Groningen In Dutch Organizations and associations
VVG Voetbal Vereniging Gaanderen In Dutch Organizations and associations
VVGA Voetbal Vereniging Gemeente Ambtenaren In Dutch Organizations and associations
VVGZ Voetbal Vereniging Gelukvogels Zwijndrecht In Dutch Organizations and associations
VVH Voetbal Vereniging Hercules In Dutch Organizations and associations
VVH Voetbal Vereniging Heerlen In Dutch Organizations and associations
VVI Voetbal Vereniging Idskenhuizen In Dutch Organizations and associations
VVIJ Voetbal Vereniging IJsselstein In Dutch Organizations and associations
VVJ Voetbal Vereniging Jaffa In Dutch Organizations and associations
VVK Voetbal Vereniging Korreweg In Dutch Organizations and associations
VVK Voetbal Vereniging Kethel In Dutch Organizations and associations
VVL Voetbal Vereniging Lengel In Dutch Organizations and associations
VVLK Voetbal Vereniging Leuth Kekerdom In Dutch Organizations and associations
VVLV Voetbal Vereniging Laurentius Voorschoten In Dutch Organizations and associations
VVM Voetbal Vereniging Maasstraat In Dutch Organizations and associations
VVN Voetbal Vereniging Noordschans In Dutch Organizations and associations
VVO Voetbal Vereniging Olympia In Dutch Organizations and associations
VVOG Voetbal Voor Ons Genoegen In Dutch Organizations and associations
VVOH Voetbal Vereniging Ons Huis In Dutch Organizations and associations
VVOM Voetbal Vereniging Overvecht Minerva In Dutch Organizations and associations
VVOO Voetbal Vereniging Onder Ons In Dutch Organizations and associations
VVOP Voetballen Voor Ons Plezier In Dutch Organizations and associations
VVOR Voetbal Vereniging Oost Rotterdam In Dutch Organizations and associations
VVP Voetbal Vereniging Pancratius In Dutch Organizations and associations
VVR Voetbal Vereniging Rijsbergen In Dutch Organizations and associations
VVRA Voetbal Vereniging Rijks Ambtenaren In Dutch Organizations and associations
VVS Voetbal Vereniging Stratum In Dutch Organizations and associations
VVS Voetbal Vereniging Sparta In Dutch Organizations and associations
VVS Voetbal Vereniging Spanbroek In Dutch Organizations and associations
VVS Voetbal Vereniging Smit In Dutch Organizations and associations
VVSB Voetbal Vereniging Sint Bavo In Dutch Organizations and associations
VVT Voetbal Vereniging Twijzelerheide In Dutch Organizations and associations
VVV Venlose Voetbal Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
VVZ Voetbal Vereniging Zaandam In Dutch Organizations and associations
VVZ Voetbal Vereeniging Zwolle In Dutch Organizations and associations
VVZ Voetbal Vereniging Zonnegloren In Dutch Organizations and associations
VVZA Voetbal Vereniging Zeehelden Amersfoort In Dutch Organizations and associations
VWS Van Wijk Sportvereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
VZVV Vereenigde Zaandamsche Voetbal Vereenigingen In Dutch Organizations and associations
WAVV Wageningse Arbeiders Voetbal Verenigng In Dutch Organizations and associations
WFC Wormerveerse Football Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
WRPA Welsh Rugby Players Association In English Associations
WVC Winterswijkse Voetbal Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
WVV Winschoter Voetbal Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
WVV Wegdamse Voetbal Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
WVV Woensdrechtse Voetbal Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
WVVZ Woenselse Voetbal Vereniging Zuid In Dutch Organizations and associations
ZBVH Zuid Beijerlandse Voetbalvereniging Hercules In Dutch Organizations and associations
ZBVV Zalt Bommeler Voetbal Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
ZCFC Zaandamse Christelijke Football Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
ZFC Zaanlandsche Football Club In Dutch Organizations and associations
ZGC ZWZ Geldrop Combinatie In Dutch Organizations and associations
ZVV Zaansche Voetbal Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
ZVV Zandvoortsche Voetbal Vereeniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
ZVV Zwolsche Voetbal Vereeniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
ZVV Zevenhuizense Voetbal Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
ZVZ Zaterdag Voetbalclub Zuidlaren In Dutch Organizations and associations
ZZVV Zuidwolder Zaterdag Voetbal Vereniging In Dutch Organizations and associations
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