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Computer science

→ Computer science
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Acronym Sense Language Topics
AURP AppleTalk Update-Based Routing Protocol In English Networks, communication
AUTODIN Automatic Digital Network In English
AUTOVON Automatic Voice Network In English
AV Audiovisual In English Graphical processing
Image processing
Cinema, movies
AV Access Violation In English Networks, communication
AVALON Acquisition and Validation of Ontologies In English Data
AVC Advanced Video Coding In English Computer-based techniques
AVI Audio Video Interleaved In English Computer-based techniques
AVI Association for Veterinary Informatics (http://avinformatics.org) In English Associations
Veterinary medicine
AVM ATM Voice Multiplexer In English Computer-based techniques
AVS Advanced Visual Systems In English Software
AVVID Architecture for Voice, Video and Integrated Data In English Software
AWF A Web Factory In English Internet
AWT Abstract Windowing Toolkit In English Software
AXS Authentication by eXtraction and Synchronization In English Software
AXUL Association aiXoise des utilisateurs de Linux et des logiciels libres In French Associations
Operating systems
B2I Brevet Informatique et Internet In French Education
BA Behaviour Aggregate In English Networks, communication
BA Basic Access In English Telecommunications
Networks, communication
BACS Bayesian Approach to Cognitive Systems In English Artificial intelligence
BAFTA British Academy of Film and Television Arts (www.bafta.org) In English Academies
Cinema, movies
United Kingdom
BAIT Bulgarian Association of Information Technologies In English Associations
BAL Boîte Aux Lettres In French Software
BAN Body Area Network In English Internet
BANG Bits, Atomes, Neurones, Gènes In French Neurology
BASE Bielefeld Academic Search Engine In English Software
Networks, communication
BASE BioArray Software Environment In English Software
BASIAS Base de données des Anciens Sites Industriels et Activités de Service In French Databases
Industry, industrial policy
Environmental technology, water supply, waste management
BASIAS Base des Anciens Sites Industriels et Activités de Service In French Databases
Industry, industrial policy
Environmental technology, water supply, waste management
BASIC Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code In English Programming languages
BASIC Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code In English Programming languages
BASIS Business Action to Support the Information Society In English Economics
BASS Backup Avionics System Software In English Software
Aeronautics, aircraft
BBS Bulletin Board System In English Software
Networks, communication
BBSG Bioinformatique, Biochimie Structurale et Génomique In French Biotechnology
Biochemistry, biophysics
BC Bus Coupler In English
BC Binary Counter In English
BCB Backbone Core Bridge In English Networks, communication
BCD Binary-Coded Data In English
BCE Bus Control Element In English
BCEL Byte Code Engineering Library In English Programming languages
BCH Binary-Coded Hexadecimal In English
BCI Brain-Computer Interface In English Human-computer interaction
BCL Botnet Controller List In English Software
Networks, communication
Computer infections
BCM Business Contact Manager In English Software
BCPL Basic Combined Programming Language In English Programming languages
BCS Basic Content Services In English Document processing
Knowledge management
BCS Business Connectivity Services In English Software
BCT Bus Configuration Table In English Networks, communication
BCU Bus Control Unit In English Networks, communication
BCU BIOS Configuration Utility In English Software
BCV Business Copy Volume In English
BCVA Belgian Veterinary Computer Association In English Associations
Veterinary medicine
BD Binary Decoder In English Computer hardware
BD Binary Digit In English
BD Binary Discrete In English
BD Banque de Données
= DB | Data Base | In English
In French Data
BDC Business Data Catalog In English Software
BDE Borland Database Engine In English Software
BDOS Basic Disk Operating System In English Operating systems
BDQA Base nationale de Données sur la Qualité de l'Air In French Databases
BDT Block Data Transfer In English
BECTA British Educational Communications and Technology Agency In English Central administration
Central administration
United Kingdom
BeIA Be's Internet Appliance In English Software
BER Bit Error Rate In English
BERT Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers In English Computer-based techniques
Artificial intelligence
BFC Backup Flight Computer In English Computer hardware
Aeronautics, aircraft
BFO Basic Formal Ontology In English Programming languages
BFS Backup Flight Software In English Software
Aeronautics, aircraft
BFSS Backup Flight Software System In English Software
Aeronautics, aircraft
BGP Border Gateway Protocol In English Internet
BHO Browser Helper Object In English Software
BIA Bus Interface Adapter In English Human-computer interaction
BIBA Bayesian Inspired Brain and Artifacts In English Artificial intelligence
BiblioML Bibliographic Markup Language In English Libraries
BIC Bus Interface Controller In English Human-computer interaction
BIC Business Internet Consortium In English Organizations and associations
BII Bioinformatics Institute In English Research institutes
BIND Berkeley Internet Name Daemon In English Software
BIND Berkeley Internet Name Domain In English Software
BIOS Basic Input/Output System In English Operating systems
BIOS Basic Input Output System In English Operating systems
BİSİAD Bilişim Sektörü İş Adamları ve Profesyonelleri Derneği (https://www.bisiad.org.tr) In Turkish Associations
BISON Buffalo Information System Online In English Software
Higher education, universities
BIT Behaviour & Information Technology In English Serial publications, periodicals
BITKOM Bundesverband Informationswirtschaft, Telekommunikation und Neue Medien (www.bitkom.org) In German Organizations and associations
BIU Buffer Interface Unit In English
BIU Bus Interface Unit In English
BLAS Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms In English Software
BLAST Basic Local Alignment Search Tool In English Software
BLER Block Error Rate In English Electronics
BMAT Barcelona Music and Audio Technologies In English Computer-based techniques
BMHD BitMapHeaDer In English Data
Graphical processing
Image processing
BMI Brain Machine Interface In English Human-computer interaction
BMI Biomoleculaire Informatica In Dutch Computer-based techniques
Biochemistry, biophysics
BMIDE Business Modeler Integrated Development Environment In English Software
BMP Basic Multilingual Plane In English Data
BMU Bus Monitor Unit In English
BMVA British Machine Vision Association (http://https://britishmachinevisionassociation.github.io/) In English Associations
Artificial intelligence
Graphical processing
Image processing
United Kingdom
BNML Business Narrative Markup Language In English Programming languages
BOCC Big Oxford Computer Company (www.bocc.co.uk) In English Software
Networks, communication
United Kingdom
BOF Beginning Of File In English Files
BOI Bałtycka Olimpiada Informatyczna In Polish
BOM Byte-Order Mark In English
BOS Base Operating System In English Operating systems
BP Bletchley Park (http://https://bletchleypark.org.uk) In English Museums
United Kingdom
BP Boilerplate In English Newspapers, journalism
BP Bande Passante In French Networks, communication
BPEL4WS Business Process Execution Language for Web Services In English Networks, communication
BPF Berkley Packet Filter In English Software
Networks, communication
BPML Business Process Modelling Language In English Programming languages
BPML Business Process Management Language In English Programming languages
BPML Business Process Markup Language In English Programming languages
BPN Bloc Primaire Numérique In French Telecommunications
Networks, communication
BPQL Business Process Query Language In English Programming languages
BPS Basic Programming Support In English Software
BQN Bloc Quaternaire Numérique In French Telecommunications
Networks, communication
BRI Basic Rate Interface In English Telecommunications
Networks, communication
BRMIC Behavior Research Methods, Instruments and Computers In English Serial publications, periodicals
BRZ Bundesrechenzentrum In German Mathematics
BSA Business Software Alliance In English Organizations and associations
BSC Bluetooth Smart Card In English Networks, communication
BSCM Business Service Configuration Manager In English Computer hardware
BSCS Bachelor of Science in Computer Science In English Higher education, universities
BSD Berkeley System Distribution In English Operating systems
BSD Berkeley Software Distribution In English Operating systems
BSD Berkeley Standard Distribution In English Operating systems
BSF Bean Scripting Framework In English Programming languages
BSI Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik In German Central administration
BSI Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstecknik (www.bsi.de) In German Organizations and associations
BSIG Bluetooth Special Interest Group (www.bluetooth.com) In English Organizations and associations
Networks, communication
BSML Bioinformatic Sequence Markup Language In English Data
Biological sciences
BSN Backward Sequence Number In English Telecommunications
Networks, communication
BSN Bloc Secondaire Numérique In French Telecommunications
Networks, communication
BSOD Blue Screen of Death In English
BSR Broadband Services Router In English Networks, communication
BSS Begusch Software Systeme In German Software
BSW BFS Software In English Software
BTAE Bilişim Teknolojileri Araştırma Enstitüsü In Turkish Research institutes
BTC Binary Time Code In English
BTN Bloc Tertiaire Numérique In French Telecommunications
Networks, communication
BTR Bus Transfer In English
BTSS Basic Time Sharing System In English Operating systems
BTU Bus Terminal Unit In English
BUC Backup Computer In English Computer hardware
BVD Biometric Virus Detection In English Software
Computer infections
BXML Backbase eXtensible Markup Language In English Programming languages
C&W Cable & Wireless In English Networks, communication
C2T Cable Connect Technology In English Networks, communication
CA Conditional Access In English
CA Certificate Authority In English
CA Computer Associates In English Software
CAA Component Application Architecture In English Software
CAA Computational Aeroacoustics In English Computer-based techniques
CAALIS Computer-Aided Assembly-Line Inspection System In English Computer-based techniques
CAAML Canadian Avalanche Association Markup Language In English Software
Earth sciences
CAAT Computer-Aided Assembly Tool In English Computer-based techniques
CAB Computer Address Bus In English
CACCIA Contrôle des ACCès à l'Infrastructure Applicative In French Software
CAD Computer-Aided Design In English Computer-based techniques
CAD Computer-Aided Detection In English Diagnostics
Computer-based techniques
CADAM Computer Graphics Augmented Design and Manufacturing In English Computer simulation
CADAM Computer Augmented Design And Manufacturing In English Computer-based techniques
Engineering, technology
CADDS Computer-Aided Design and Drafting System In English Computer simulation
CADH Communications and Data Handling In English Telecommunications
Data processing
CADOPS Computer-Aided Design costing for Operations In English Computer-based techniques
CADS Computer-Aided Design System In English Computer-based techniques
CADU Control And Display Unit In English Human-computer interaction
CAE Computer-Aided Engineering In English Computer-based techniques
Engineering, technology
CAE Computer Aided Engineering In English Computer-based techniques
Engineering, technology
CAETI Centre d'Alta Especialització en Tecnologies de la Informació In Spanish Telecommunications
CAFM Computer Aided Facility Management In English Management
Computer-based techniques
CAI Computer-Aided Instruction In English Computer-based techniques
CAIT Computer-Aided Instruction Terminal In English Computer-based techniques
CAIT Computer-Aided Instruction Trainer In English Computer-based techniques
CAL Computer-Aided Logistics In English Computer-based techniques
CALICO Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium (www.calico.org) In English Organizations and associations
Computer-based techniques
Language, linguistics, literature
CALMIT Center for Advanced Land Management Information Technologies In French Agricultural sciences
CALS Computer-Aided Logistics System In English Maintenance and logistics
Computer-based techniques
CALS Computer-Aided Acquisition and Logistics Support In English Computer-based techniques
Maintenance and logistics
CAM Computer Annunciation Matrix In English
CAM Computer-Aided Manufacturing In English Computer-based techniques
CAM Content-Addressable Memory In English Memories
CAM Carte à Mémoire In French Memories
CAM Content Addressable Memory In English Memories
CAM Computer Aided Manutention In English Computer-based techniques
Maintenance and logistics
CAM Computer Aided Manufacture In English Computer-based techniques
Engineering, technology
CAMEL Customized Applications for Mobile networks Enhanced Logic In English Networks, communication
CAMP Computer-Aided Message Processing In English Software
CAMRa Context-Aware Movie Recommendation In English Computer-based techniques
Artificial intelligence
Cinema, movies
CAMS Cast Application Mining Suite In English Software
CANCER Computer Analysis of Nonlinear Circuits, Excluding Radiation In English Computer programs
Computer simulation
CANIS Community Architectures for Network Information Systems In English Networks, communication
CAO Conception Assistée par Ordinateur In French Computer-based techniques
Engineering, technology
CAP Computer Application Program In English Software
CAP Common Authentification Protocol In English Networks, communication
CAPI Common Application Programing Interface In English Software
CAPP Computer-Aided Process Planning In English Management
Computer-based techniques
CAPS Compilation, Architectures Parallèles et Systèmes In French Research institutes
CAPSS Computer-Aided Planning and Scheduling System In English Computer-based techniques
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