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Computer science

→ Computer science
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Acronym Sense Language Topics
SEM SEmantic Memory In English Software
SEMA Search Engine Marketing Association In French Associations
SEMPO Search Engine Marketing Professional Organization In English Organizations and associations
SEO Search Engine Optimization In English Internet
SEPLN Sociedad Española para el Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural (www.sepln.org) In Spanish Organizations and associations
Computer-based techniques
SEQUEL Structured English Query Language In English Data
SERF SE Requirements File In English Files
SERIM Software Engineering Risk Management In English Management
SERL Software Engineering Research Laboratory (http://serl.cs.colorado.edu) In English Research institutes
SERPs Search Engine Ranking Pages In English Internet
Computer-based techniques
SES Software Evaluation Subpanel In English Software
SES Secure Entreprise Search In English Software
SES Amazon Simple Email Service In English Software
SESAME Système d'Exploration de Séquences Audiovisuelles et Multimédias Enrichi par l'Expérience In French Computer-based techniques
Cinema, movies
SET Secure Electronic Transaction In English Networks, communication
SEVN Syndicat de l'Édition Vidéo Numérique In French Organizations and associations
Computer-based techniques
Cinema, movies
SEXI String EXpression Interpreter In English Programming languages
SFACI Software Flight Article Configuration Inspection In English Software
Aeronautics, aircraft
SFDR Spurious Free Dynamic Range In English Electronics
SFLC Software Freedom Law Center In English Software
Law, jurisprudence
SFS Self-certifying File System In English Operating systems
SGAICO Swiss Group for Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science In English Artificial intelligence
SGBD Système de Gestion de Base de Données
= DBMS | Data Base Management System | In English
= SŘBD | Systém řízení báze dat | In Czech
= SGBD | Sistema de Gestió de Bases de Dades | In Catalan
= SMBD | Sistem Manajemen Basis Data | In Indonesian
= SUBP | Sustav za upravljanje bazom podataka | In Croatian
= DBKS | Datu-baseak kudeatzeko sistema | In Basque
= SGBD | Sistema de gestión de base de datos | In Spanish
= DBMS | Datenbankmanagementsystem | In German
In French Data
SGBD Sistema de Gestió de Bases de Dades
= DBMS, SŘBD, SMBD, SUBP, DBKS (look above)
In Catalan Data
SGBD Sistema de gestión de base de datos
= DBMS, SŘBD, SMBD, SUBP, DBKS (look above)
In Spanish Data
SGBDRO Système de Gestion de Base de Données Relationnelle et Objet In French Data
SGC Server Gated Cryptography In English Internet
SGC Système de Gestion de Contenu(s)
= CMS | Content Management System | In English
In French Document processing
Knowledge management
SGDT Système de Gestion de Données Techniques In French Data
Knowledge management
SGE Système de Gestion des Échanges In French Software
SGE Sun Grid Engine In English Software
Networks, communication
SGML Standard Generalized Markup Language In English Programming languages
Document processing
SHA Secure Hash Algorithm In English Algorithms
SHAM Sliced Hold-and-Modify In English Computer hardware
Graphical processing
SHIVA Simulated Highways for Intelligent Vehicle Algorithms In English Computer simulation
Transport and postal services
SHLB Simulation Hardware Load Box In English Computer hardware
Computer simulation
SHOE Simple Hypertext Ontology Extensions In English Networks, communication
SHOE Simple HTML Ontology Extensions In English Data
SHS Simulation Hardware System In English Computer hardware
Computer simulation
SHS Shape From Shading In English Computer-based techniques
SI Sistema d'Informació
= ИС | Информационная система | In Russian
= IS | Informační systém | In Czech
= IS | Information System | In English
= SI | Système d'Information | In French
= SI | Sistem Informasi | In Indonesian
= IS | Informačný systém | In Slovak
= IS | Informacijski sistem | In Slovenian
In Catalan Software
SI Système d'Information
= ИС, IS (look above)
In French Software
SI Sistem Informasi
= ИС, IS (look above)
In Indonesian Software
SI Service Informatique In French
SI/FS System Integration and Flight Software In English Software
Aeronautics, aircraft
SIA Software Impact Assessment In English Software
SIB Simulation Interface Buffer In English Human-computer interaction
Computer simulation
SIC Système d'Information Commerciale In French Software
SICA Système d'Information et de Commandement des Armées In French Software
Military affairs
SICF Système d'Information pour le Commandement des Forces In French Software
Military affairs
SICFD Système d'Information Client Fournisseur du Distributeur In French Software
Energy economics
SID Simulator Interface Device In English Human-computer interaction
SID Standard Interface Document In English Human-computer interaction
SID System Interface Document In English Human-computer interaction
SIDIRE Synthetic Image Dataset for Illumination Robustness Evaluation In English Image processing
SIE Système d'Information Environnementale In French Software
Knowledge management
Environmental protection
Threats to the environment
SIE Shuttle Interface Equipment In English Human-computer interaction
SIECLE Serveur Intranet des Enquêtes CLientèle EDF-GDF In French Software
Energy economics
SIF Service Informatique Fédéral In French Central administration
SIFR Scalable Inman Flash Replacement In English Software
SIG Système d'Information Géographique
= GIS | Geographic(al) Information System | In English
= SIG | Sistema Informativo Geografico | In Italian
= SIG | Sistema de Información Geográfica | In Spanish
= SIG | Sistema d'informació geogràfica | In Catalan
= GIS | Geografický Informační Systém | In Czech
= ГИС | Географска информационна система | In Bulgarian
= ΓΣΠ | Γεωγραφικά Συστήματα Πληροφοριών | In Greek
= GIS | Geographisches Informationssystem | In German
= GIS | Geoinformationssystem | In German
= GIS | Geoinfosüsteem | In Estonian
= GIS | Geografski informacijski sustav | In Croatian
= ממ"ג | מערכת מידע גאוגרפית | In Hebrew
= GIS | Geografinė informacinė sistema | In Lithuanian
= SIG | Sistem Informasi Geografis | In Indonesian
= GIS | Geografisch Informatiesysteem | In Dutch
= GIS | Geografiske informasjonssystem | In Nynorsk
= GIS | Geografiske informasjonssystemer | In Norwegian
= SIG | Sistema de informação geográfica | In Portuguese
= ГИС | Географическая Информационная Система | In Russian
= GIS | Geografski informacijski sistem | In Slovenian
= GIS | Geografiskt InformationsSystem | In Swedish
= ГІС | Геоінформаційна система | In Ukrainian
In French Software
Knowledge management
SIG Sistema Informativo Geografico
= GIS, ГИС, ΓΣΠ, ממ"ג, ГІС (look above)
In Italian Software
Knowledge management
SIG Sistema de Información Geográfica
= GIS, ГИС, ΓΣΠ, ממ"ג, ГІС (look above)
In Spanish Software
Knowledge management
SIG Sistema d'informació geogràfica
= GIS, ГИС, ΓΣΠ, ממ"ג, ГІС (look above)
In Catalan Software
Knowledge management
SIG Sistem Informasi Geografis
= GIS, ГИС, ΓΣΠ, ממ"ג, ГІС (look above)
In Indonesian Software
Knowledge management
SIG Sistema de informação geográfica
= GIS, ГИС, ΓΣΠ, ממ"ג, ГІС (look above)
In Portuguese Software
Knowledge management
SIGB Système Intégré de Gestion de Bibliothèque
= ILS | Integrated Library System | In English
= АБИС | Автоматизированные библиотечные информационные системы | In Russian
In French Knowledge management
SIGCHI Special Interest Group on Computer–Human Interaction In English Organizations and associations
Human-computer interaction
SIL Saved Image Library In English Software
SILL Socle Interministériel de Logiciels Libres In French Central administration
SIMAC Semantic Interaction with Music Audio Contents In English Computer-based techniques
SIMBL SIMple Bundle Loader In English Software
SIN Support Information Network In English Networks, communication
Knowledge management
SIO System Internetowy Olimpiady In Polish Internet
SIO Serial Input/Output In English
SIOC Système d'Information Opérationnel et de Commandement In French Software
Military affairs
SIOgim System Internetowy Olimpiady Gimnazjalistów In Polish Internet
SIP Session Initiation Protocol In English Networks, communication
SIP Software Input Panel In English Software
SIP Standard Interface Panel In English Human-computer interaction
SIP Standard Interface Plan In English Human-computer interaction
SIP Supplementary Ideographic Plane In English Data
Writing systems
SIPB Student Information Processing Board In English Software
Specialized or polytechnical colleges
SIPPEREC Syndicat Intercommunal de la Périphérie de Paris pour l'Électricité et les RÉseaux de Communication In French Municipal administration
Electrical engineering
Networks, communication
SIR Système d'Information Régimentaire In French Software
Military affairs
SIRA Système d'Informations pour la Recherche en Accidentologie In French Data
Accidents, risks, safety
Transport and postal services
SIRENE Système Informatique pour le Répertoire des ENtreprises et Établissements In French Computer-based techniques
SIRR Software Integration Readiness Review In English Software
SIRS Système d'Information à Référence Spatiale In French Software
SIS Software Intensive System In English Computer-based techniques
SIS SAIL Interface System In English Human-computer interaction
SIS Simulator Interface System In English Human-computer interaction
SIS Software Implementation Specification In English Software
SIS Software Integrated Schedule In English Software
SIS Standard Interface Specification In English Human-computer interaction
SIS Shuttle Interface Simulator In English Human-computer interaction
SIS Simulation Interface Subsystem In English Human-computer interaction
SIS School of Informational Studies In English Education
SIS Sociaal Informatiesysteem In Dutch Personnel management
SISD Simulation Interface and Standards Document In English Human-computer interaction
SISR Semantic Interpretation for Speech Recognition In English Computer-based techniques
SISTM Simulation of Strategies for Traffic on Motorways In English Computer simulation
Transport and postal services
SIT Sistema Informativo Territoriale
= SIT | Système d'Information sur le Territoire | In French
= SIT | System Informacji o Terenie | In Polish
In Italian Software
Regional planning
SIT Système d'Information sur le Territoire
= (look above)
In French Software
Regional planning
SIT System Informacji o Terenie
= (look above)
In Polish Software
Regional planning
SIT Software Integrated Test In English Software
SITEL Systèmes d'Information Terminaux Élémentaires In French Software
SIU Serial Interface Unit In English Human-computer interaction
SIU Signal Interface Unit In English Human-computer interaction
SIU Standard Interface Unit In English Human-computer interaction
SKOS Simple Knowledge Organisation System In English Data
SL&I System Load and Initialization In English
SLA Service Level Agreement In English Law, jurisprudence
SLAHTS Stowage List And Hardware Tracking System In English Computer hardware
SLEE Service Logic Execution Environment In English Software
SLIP Serial Line Internet Protocol In English Internet
SLPEM Sparta Linear Programming Effectiveness Model In English Software
SLS Softlanding Linux System In English Operating systems
SMART Statistical Multilingual Analysis for Retrieval and Translation In English Computer-based techniques
SMBD Sistem Manajemen Basis Data
= SGBD, DBMS, SŘBD, SUBP, DBKS (look above)
In Indonesian Data
SMBL Systems Biology Markup Language In English Programming languages
Biological sciences
SMCM Small Module Core Memory In English Memories
SMD Stanford Microarray Database In English Data
SMEK Summary Message Enable Keyboard In English Computer hardware
SMF Standard MIDI File In English Files
SMIG Southern Minnesota Internet Group (www.smig.net) In English Organizations and associations
United States
SMIL Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language In English Programming languages
Computer-based techniques
Cinema, movies
SMILES Simplified Molecular Input Line Entry Specification In English Data
SMIT System Management Interface Tool In English Human-computer interaction
SML Spacecraft Markup Language In English Programming languages
SMOC Simulation Mission Operation Computer In English Computer hardware
SMP Software Management Plan In English Software
SMP Supplementary Multilingual Plane In English Data
SMQ Système de Management de la Qualité In French Quality management
SMS Site-Managed Software In English Software
SMS Software Modification Sheet In English Software
SMSC Software Moding, Sequencing, and Control In English Software
SMSCC Shuttle Mission Simulator Computer Complex In English Computer hardware
SMT Statistical Machine Translation In English Computer-based techniques
SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol In English Networks, communication
SMU Software Management Utility In English Software
SNA System Network Architecture In English Networks, communication
SNARE System iNtrusion Analysis and Reporting Environment In English Software
SNJV Syndicat National du Jeu Vidéo In French Organizations and associations
SNL SYBYL Line Notation In English Data
SNML Salzburg NewMediaLab (www.newmedialab.at) In English Telecommunications
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol In English Internet
SNOBOL StriNg Oriented symBOlic Language (www.snobol4.org) In English Programming languages
SNPI Service National de Production Informatique In French
SOA Service-Oriented Architecture In English
SOAP Simple Object Access Protocol In English Networks, communication
SOC Service-Oriented Computing In English Computer-based techniques
SOC Simulation Operation Computer In English Computer hardware
Computer simulation
SOCC Shuttle Operations Computing Center In English Astronautics
SOCH Spacelab Orbiter Common Hardware In English Computer hardware
SOCRATE Système Offrant à la Clientèle la Réservation d'Affaires et de Tourisme en Europe In French Software
Transport and postal services
SODA Simple Ocean Data Assimilation In English Data
Marine research, oceanography
SODB Start Of Data Block In English Data
SODS Shuttle Operational Data Submittal In English Data
SODS Shuttle Operational Data System In English Data
SOFM Self-Organizing Feature Map In English Artificial intelligence
SOGETI Société pour la Gestion de l'Entreprise et le Traitement de l'Information In French
SOGITS Senior Officials Group on Information Technology Standardization In English Standardization
Food technology
SOGo Scalable OpenGroupware.org (http://sogo.opengroupware.org) In English Software
SOI School of Informatics In English Education
SOIS Spacelab/Orbiter Interface Simulator In English Human-computer interaction
SOISIC Saisie Optique Informatique de Structures Industrielles Complexes In French Computer-based techniques
Engineering, technology
SOLAME Société Lyonnaise d'Applications Mécanographiques In French Electronics
SOLAP Spatial On Line Analytical Processing In English Knowledge management
SOLIM Spatial Ontology Language for multimedia Information Modeling In English Computer-based techniques
SOMM Software Operations and Maintenance Manual In English Software
SONE Synchronous Optical Network In Dutch Networks, communication
SOP Subsystem Operating Program In English Software
SOPC System On a Programmable Chip In English Computer hardware
SOPE Skyrix Object Publishing Environment (http://sope.opengroupware.org) In English Software
SORBS Spam and Open Relay Blocking System In English Software
Networks, communication
SP Stored Procedure In English Software
SPA Simple Power Analysis In English Computer hardware
SPA Signal Processor Assembly In English Computer hardware
SPA Software Product Assurance In English Software
SPA Secure Payment Application In English Computer-based techniques
SPAF Simulation Processor and Formatter In English Computer simulation
SPAN Services and Protocols for Advanced Networks In English Networks, communication
SPARC Semantic Phonetic Automatic Reconstruction of Dictations In English Computer-based techniques
Phonetics, phonology
SPARQL SPARQL Protocol And RDF Query Language In English Data
Networks, communication
SPASE Space Physics Archive Search and Extract In English Computer-based techniques
SPC Software Productivity Consortium In English Software
SPC Starting-Point Code In English Software
SPC Stored Program Command In English Software
SPC Stored Program Control In English Software
SPCR Software Problem Change Request In English Software
SPCU Simulation Process Control Unit In English Computer simulation
SPD SharePoint Designer In English Software
SPDIF Sony-Philips Data Interchange Format In English Networks, communication
SPDR Software Preliminary Design Review In English Software
SPE Software Process Engineering In English Software
SPECIF Société des Personnels Enseignants et Chercheurs en Informatique de France (www.specif.org) In French Organizations and associations
Research policy
SPF Software Production Facility In English Software
SPICE Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis In English Computer simulation
SPIDF Support-Planning Identification File In English Files
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