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Computer science

→ Computer science
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Acronym Sense Language Topics
RSI Responsable Système d'Information In French
RSL Requirements Specification Language In English Programming languages
RSN Robust Security Network In English Networks, communication
RSS RDF Site Summary In English Networks, communication
RSS Really Simple Syndication In English Networks, communication
RSSI Responsable de la Sécurité des Systèmes d'Information
= CISO | Chief Information Security Officer | In English
In French
RSSI Responsable de la Sécurite du Système Informatique In French Management
RST Recessed Selectomatic Terminal In English Human-computer interaction
RST ReStructuredText In English Document processing
RSTP Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol In English Networks, communication
RSTS Resource Sharing Time Sharing System In English Operating systems
RSTS/E Resource Sharing Timesharing System Extended In English Software
RSU Remote Service Unit In English Networks, communication
RT Real Time In English
RTC Real-Time Clock In English Horology
RTC Real-Time Computer In English Computer hardware
RTCC Real-Time Computer Center In English Computer hardware
RTCC Real-Time Computer Command In English Computer hardware
RTCC Real-Time Computer Complex In English Computer hardware
RTCP Real-Time Communications Processor In English Computer hardware
RTCPS Real-Time Computer Program System In English Computer programs
RTCS Real-Time Computer System In English Computer hardware
RTD Real-Time Data In English Data
RTD Real-Time Display In English Human-computer interaction
RTD Réseau de Transmission des Données In French Networks, communication
RTF Rich Text Format In English Data
RTFSS Real-Time Flight Safety Software In English Software
Accidents, risks, safety
Aeronautics, aircraft
RTIF Real-Time Interface In English Human-computer interaction
RTL Register Transfer Level In English Computer hardware
RTM Réseaux, Télécoms et Multimedia In French Networks, communication
Document processing
RTOLAP Real-Time On Line Analytical Processing In English Knowledge management
RTOS Real-Time Operating System In English Operating systems
RTRL Real-Time Recurrent Learning In English Artificial intelligence
RTS Real-Time Strategy
= STR | Stratégie en Temps Réél | In French
In English Entertainment
RTS Run Time System In English Software
RTSF Real-Time Simulation Facility In English Computer simulation
RTSS Real-Time Simulation System In English Computer simulation
RTSS Resource Time Sharing System In English Software
RTT Round Trip Time In English Networks, communication
RTU Remote Terminal Unit In English Human-computer interaction
RU Rack Unit In English
RuleML Rule Markup Language In English Programming languages
RUSHES Retrieval of mUltimedia Semantic units for enHanced rEuSability In English Computer-based techniques
RVA Réseaux à Valeur Ajoutée In French Networks, communication
RVN Réseau des Villes Numériques In French
RWM Read and Write Memory In English Memories
S2S^2 Sound to Sense, Sense to Sound In English Computer-based techniques
S3 Simple Storage Service In English Data
S3 Amazon Simple Storage Service In English Computer hardware
S3IT Schéma Stratégique des Systèmes d'Information et des Télécommunications In French Telecommunications
SAA Semantic Audio Analysis In English Computer-based techniques
SaaS Software as a Service In English Software
Networks, communication
SABINE Services d'Accès à la Base d'INformations Élaborées In French Data
Personnel management
SABRE Semi-Automatic Business Research Environment In English Software
Transport and postal services
SAC Système d'Aide au Commandement In French Software
Military affairs
SACMAT Symposium on Access Control Models And Technologies In English Congresses
SACRE Système d'Aide au Choix de REnouvellement (des canalisations en fontes grises) In French Software
Energy economics
SACS Software Avionics Command Support In English Software
Aeronautics, aircraft
SAEIV Système d’Aide à l’Exploitation et à l’Information Voyageurs In French Software
Rail transport engineering
Rail transport
SAETR Serveur d’Aide à l’Exploitation Temps Réel In French Software
Rail transport
SAFARI Shape Analysis For Automatic Retrieval of Images In English Image processing
SAG SQL Access Group In English Data
SAGACE Système Automatisé de Gestion Administrative Comptable Élaboré In French Software
SAGACE Système d'Aide à la Gestion Automatisée des Concours Externes In French Software
SAIMAFOR Système d'Aide Informatisée pour la Maîtrise des Actions de Formation In French Software
SAINT Security Administrator’s Integrated Network Tool In English Software
Networks, communication
SALERO Semantic Audiovisual Entertainment Reusable Objects (www.salero.info) In English Computer-based techniques
SALUG Savoie-Aravis Linux Users Group In English Organizations and associations
Operating systems
SALVAC Système d'Analyse et de Liens de la Violence Associée au Crime In French Data
SAM Système d'Acquisition de Mesures In French Software
SAML Security Assertion Markup Language In English Programming languages
SAMOA Serveurs Applicatifs, Méthodes et Outils d'Administration In French Software
SAMPA Speech Assessment Methods Phonetic Alphabet In English Alphabetic writing systems
Phonetics, phonology
Computer-based techniques
SAMS Systems Analysis Modelling Simulation In English Serial publications, periodicals
Computer simulation
SAMT Semantics And digital Media Technologies In English Computer-based techniques
SAN Storage Area Network In English Data
Knowledge management
SANDAC Sandia Airborne Computer Guidance System In English Computer hardware
Aeronautics, aircraft
SAPHIR Système d'Analyse Par HIstorisation du Retour d'expérience In French Software
SAPIR Search on Audio-visual content using Peer-to-peer Information Retrieval In English Computer-based techniques
Knowledge management
SAR Storage Address Register In English Memories
SARA Saisie de l'Activité Relative aux Agents In French Software
SARAH Services distribués Asynchrones pour Réseaux Ad Hoc In French Software
Networks, communication
SARAI South Asia Resource Access on the Internet In English Libraries
Area studies
SAS Software Approval Sheet In English Software
SAS Software Automation Subpanel In English Software
SASCB Shuttle Avionics Software Control Board In English Software
Aeronautics, aircraft
SASL Simple Authentication and Security Layer In English Networks, communication
SASTP Stand-Alone Self-Test Program In English Software
SATRAP Système Automatisé de TRaitement de l'Accession à la Propriété In French
SATT Storage Allocation Truth Table In English
SAVANT Synchronised and scalable Audio Video content Across NeTworks In English Networks, communication
Computer-based techniques
SB Synchronization Bit In English
SBE Sub-Bit Encoder In English
SBL Spamhaus Block List In English Software
Networks, communication
SBML Systems Biology Markup Language In English Programming languages
Biological sciences
SBO Systems Biology Ontology In English Programming languages
Knowledge management
Biological sciences
SBR Spectral Band Replication In English Data
Acoustical engineering
SC Software Change In English Software
SCA Symposium on Computer Animation In English Congresses
Cinema, movies
SCA Software Command Analysis In English Software
SCAM Société Civile des Auteurs Multimédia (www.scam.fr) In French Organizations and associations
Cinema, movies
SCARE The Source Code Analysis and Risk Evaluation In English Software
Programming languages
SCATS Sydney Co-ordinated Adaptive Traffic System In English Software
Transport and postal services
SCATS Simulation Control And Training System In English Computer simulation
SCB Software Control Board In English Software
SCC Scientific Computing Center In English
SCC Simulation Configuration Control In English Computer simulation
SCCB Software Change Control Board In English Software
SCCB Software Configuration Control Board In English Software
SCCH Software Competence Center Hagenberg (www.scch.at) In English Software
SCDR Software Critical Design Review In English Software
SCDU Signal Conditioning and Display Unit In English Human-computer interaction
SCEPTRE Système de Collecte et consultation des Eléments de Personnel en TRansaction sur Écran-clavier In French Software
Maintenance and logistics
SCI Software Customer Inspection In English Software
SCM Software Configuration Management/Manager In English Software
SCM System Configuration Management In English Computer hardware
SCM System Configuration Monitoring In English Computer hardware
SCM System Control Module In English Computer hardware
SCM Sofware Configuration Management In English Software
SCMO Software Configuration Management Office In English Software
SCMP Software Configuration Management Plan In English Software
SCMU Satellite Control and Monitor Unit In English Human-computer interaction
SCOM Serveur de COMmunication In French Software
Networks, communication
SCOOP Simulation du Comportement d'un Opérateur Observant srupuleusement une Procédure In French Computer simulation
Labour, labour economics
SCOS Subsystem Computer Operating System In English Operating systems
SCR Software Change Request In English Software
SCRB Software Configuration Review Board In English Software
SCS Solutions Communicantes Sécurisées In French Software
Networks, communication
SCSI Small Computer System Interface In English Peripheral devices
SCSL Scientific Computing Software Library In English Software
SCSS Satellite Control Simulation System In English Computer simulation
SCTP Stream Control Transmission Protocol In English Internet
SCTS Secondary Clear To Send In English Data
SCW Search-Complete Word In English Document processing
SCWS Smart Card Web Server In English Internet
SDA Source Data Automation In English Data
SDBC Software Development Baseline Control In English Software
SDC Software Development Computer In English Computer hardware
SDCD Secondary Carrier Detect In English Data
SDD Software Description Document In English Software
SDD Software Design Document In English Software
SDD System for Distributed Data base In English Data
SDDD Software Detailed Design Document In English Software
SDDL Software Design and Document Language In English Software
SDDS Special Data Dissemination Standards In English Standardization
SDE Software Development Environment In English Software
SDF Simulation Data File In English Files
Computer simulation
SDF Software Development Facility In English Software
SDF Software Development File In English Files
SDH Software Development Handbook In English Software
SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
= SDH | Synchrone Digitale Hiërarchie | In Dutch
= SDH | Synchrone Digitale Hierarchie | In German
= СЦИ | Синхронная Цифровая Иерархия | In Russian
= SDH | Szinkron Digitális Hierarchia | In Hungarian
= SDH | Synkron Digital Hierarki | In Swedish
In English Networks, communication
SDH Synchrone Digitale Hiërarchie
= СЦИ (look above)
In Dutch Networks, communication
SDH Synchrone Digitale Hierarchie
= СЦИ (look above)
In German Networks, communication
SDH Szinkron Digitális Hierarchia
= СЦИ (look above)
In Hungarian Networks, communication
SDH Synkron Digital Hierarki
= СЦИ (look above)
In Swedish Networks, communication
SDHS Satellite Data Handling System In English Data processing
SDIF Software Development and Integration Facility In English Software
SDIL Spacecraft DCD Interface Logic In English Human-computer interaction
SDK Software Development Kit In English Software
SDL System Description Language In English Programming languages
SDL Simple Directmedia Layer In English Software
SDL Software Development Laboratory In English Research institutes
SDL Software Development Library In English Software
SDM Shuttle Data Management In English Data
SDN Software Development Note In English Software
SDNS Secure Data Network System In English Data
Networks, communication
SDP Sensor Data Processing In English Data processing
SDP Shuttle Data Processor In English Data
SDP Site Data Processor In English Data
SDP Software Development Plan In English Software
SDP Standard Data Processor In English Computer hardware
SDPC Shuttle Data Processing Complex In English Data processing
SDR Sensor Data Record In English Records management
SDR Serial Data Receiver In English Data
SDR Software Design Requirement In English Software
SDR Software Design Review In English Software
SDR Storage Data Register In English Data
SDRAM Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory In English Memories
SDRB Software Design Review Board In English Software
SDRS Shuttle Display Reconfiguration System In English Human-computer interaction
SDS Satellite Data System In English Data
SDS Scientific Data System In English Data
SDS Simulation Data Subsystem In English Computer simulation
SDS Software Design Specification In English Software
SDSC San Diego Supercomputing Center In English
SDT Shuttle Data Tape In English Data
SDVF Software Development and Verification Facility In English Software
SE Software Engineering In English Software
SE Système d'Exploitation In French Operating systems
SEAL Semantics-directed Environment Adaptation Language In English Programming languages
SEAL Software-Optimized Encryption Algorithm In English Software
SEAL Software Engineering and Ada Lab(oratory) In English Research institutes
SeCIU Servicio Central de Informática Universitario In Spanish Higher education, universities
SEE Software Engineering Exercise In English Software
SEE Software Equality Evaluation In English Software
SEG Simulation Engineering Group In English Computer simulation
Engineering, technology
SEI Software Engineering Institute In English Software
SEKT Semantic Knowledge Technologies In English Computer-based techniques
SELF Société d'Ergonomie en Langue Française (www.ergonomie-self.org) In French Organizations and associations
Human-computer interaction
SELL Syndicat des Éditeurs de Logiciel de Loisirs (https://www.sell.fr/) In French Organizations and associations
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