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Computer science

→ Computer science
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Acronym Sense Language Topics
GML Graph Modelling Language In English Programming languages
Graphical processing
GML Generalized Markup Language In English Programming languages
GML Game Maker Language In English Programming languages
GML Generative Modelling Language In English Programming languages
Graphical processing
GMPLS Generalized Multi-Protocol Label Switching In English Networks, communication
GMuD Gesellschaft für Mathematik und Datenverarbeitung In German Organizations and associations
Data processing
GMULL Groupe Mareuillais d'Utilisateurs de Logiciels Libres In French Software
GNC Guidance and Navigation Computer In English Computer hardware
Vehicle engineering
GNN Global Network Navigator In English
GNOME GNU Network Object Model Environment In English Software
GNU GNU's Not Unix In English Software
GOAPI Grupo de Óptica Aplicada y Procesado de Imágenes In Spanish Graphical processing
Image processing
GODAC Global Oceanographic Data Center In English Research institutes
Marine research, oceanography
GOLD General Ontology for Linguistic Description In English Programming languages
GOLD Gestion Online des Listes de Diffusion In French Networks, communication
GOSCON Government Open Source Conference In English Congresses
GOSIP Government Open Systems Interconnection Profile In English
GPAO Gestion de Production Assistée par Ordinateur In French Computer-based techniques
Engineering, technology
GPC General Purpose Computer In English Computer hardware
GPC General-Purpose Computer In English Computer hardware
GPCIPL General-Purpose Computer Initial Program Load In English
GPE GPE Palmtop Environment (http://gpe.handhelds.org) In English Human-computer interaction
GPEC Gestion Prévisionnelle des Emplois et des Compétences In French 00495
Labour, labour economics
GPG GNU Privacy Guard In English Software
GPGPU General-Purpose Computing on Graphics Processing Units In English
GPIO General-Purpose Input and Output In English Data
GPL GOAL Processing Language In English Programming languages
GPL Groupe des Pingouins Libres In French Organizations and associations
Operating systems
GPO Group Policy Object In English Software
Networks, communication
GPRN GOAL Test Procedure Release Notice In English Programming languages
GPS General Processing Subsystem In English Computer hardware
GPSCP GPS (Global Positioning System) Computer Program In English Computer programs
Geodesy, cartography
GPSO Gestion du Personnel Sur Ordinateur In French Software
Personnel management
GPT Groupe Policy Template In English Software
Networks, communication
GPUR GOAL Test Procedure Update Request In English Programming languages
GRAL Groupement Réunionnais des Amis de Linux In French Organizations and associations
Operating systems
GRANITE Gestion du Renseignement et ANalyse des Informations Transmises par les Équipes In French Software
Military affairs
GRAPE Graphics Programming Environment In English Computer-based techniques
GRCE Groupe national de Recherche en Communication Écrite In French Document processing
GRDDL Gleaning Resource Descriptions from Dialects of Languages In English Data
Networks, communication
GRETIA Génie des Réseaux de Transport et Informatique Avancée In French Transport and postal services
GRETSI Groupement de Recherche en Traitement du Signal et de l'Image In French Research institutes
Computer-based techniques
GREXI GRoupe d'EXploitation Informatique In French
GRIM Groupe de Recherche en Informatique et Mathématiques In French Organizations and associations
GrUB Groupe d'utilisateurs borains In French Organizations and associations
Operating systems
GSAS Government Selected Application Systems In English Software
GSDL Ground Software Development Laboratory In English Research institutes
GSE Générateur Standard d'Écritures In French Accounting
GSIU Ground Standard Interface Unit In English Human-computer interaction
GSN Global Sensor Networks (http://gsn.sourceforge.net) In English Software
Networks, communication
GSPF Ground Software Production Facility In English Software
GSPR Guidance Signal Processor-Repeater In English Computer hardware
GSS Ground Support Software In English Software
GSSC Ground Support Simulation Computer In English Computer hardware
GSTDN Ground Spacecraft Tracking and Data Network In English Data
GTPB Groupe de Traitement de la Parole et de Biométrie In French Computer-based techniques
GTR Génie des Télécommunications et des Réseaux In French Networks, communication
GtR Gateway to Research (http://https://gtr.ukri.org/) In English Databases
Research policy
United Kingdom
GU4L Groupe des Utilisateurs de Logiciels Libres Léo Lagrange In French Organizations and associations
GUI Graphical User Interface
= IGU | Interfaz Gráfica de Usuario | In Spanish
In English Human-computer interaction
GUL Groupes d'Utilisateurs de Linux
= LUG | Linux Users' Groups | In English
In French Organizations and associations
Operating systems
GUL (php)Gtk User Language In English
GULAT Groupe d'utilisateur de Linux de l'Abitibi-Témiscamingue In French Organizations and associations
Operating systems
GULG Groupe des Utilisateurs du Libre en Guyane In French Organizations and associations
GULiDef Groupe des Utilisateurs de Linux dans la Défense In French Organizations and associations
Operating systems
Military engineering
GULLH Groupe des Utilisateurs de Logiciels Libres au Havre In French Organizations and associations
GULLIVER Groupe des Utilisateurs de Linux et des Logiciels libres d'Ille et Vilaine et Environs de Rennes In French Software
Operating systems
GuLSE Groupe des Utilisateurs Linux de Saint-Eustache et des environs In French Organizations and associations
Operating systems
GULUQ Groupe d'Utilisateurs Linux de l'Université du Québec In French Organizations and associations
Operating systems
Higher education, universities
GULUS Groupe d'utilisateurs de Linux de l'Université de Sherbrooke In French Organizations and associations
Operating systems
GUM Generalized Upper Model In English Programming languages
GUML Groupement des Utilisateurs Mauriciens de Linux In French Organizations and associations
Operating systems
GVN Grand Versailles Numérique (www.gvn.chateauversailles.fr) In French Museums
Computer simulation
GVSC Generic VHSIC Spacecraft Computer In English Computer hardware
GWDG Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung Göttingen (www.gwdg.de) In German Organizations and associations
Data processing
GWT Google Widget Toolkit In English Software
Networks, communication
HAL High-order Assembly Language In English Programming languages
HAL Houston Aerospace Language In English Programming languages
Aeronautics, aircraft
United States
HAL Hardware Abstraction Layer In English Software
Computer hardware
HAL Heuristically programmed ALgorithmic computer In English Computer hardware
Artificial intelligence
Cinema, movies
HALS High-order Programming Language for Spacelab usage In English Programming languages
HAM Hold-and-Modify In English Computer hardware
Graphical processing
HAP Hardware Allocation Panel In English Computer hardware
HAP High-Speed Arithmetic Processor In English Computer hardware
HART Highway Addressable Remote Transducer In English Networks, communication
HC Hybrid Computer In English Computer hardware
HCCB Hardware Configuration Control Board In English Computer hardware
HCF HIM Configuration File In English Files
HCL Hardware Control Language In English Programming languages
Computer hardware
HCR Handprint Character Recognition In English Writing systems
Computer-based techniques
HCRB Hardware Configuration Review Board In English Computer hardware
HCSL Hybrid Computation and Simulation Laboratory In English Research institutes
Computer simulation
HDA Hardware Disposition Area In English Computer hardware
HDD Hard Disk Drive In English Computer hardware
HDDR High-Density Digital Recorder In English Data
HDL Haifa Development Lab In English
HDL Hardware Description Language In English Programming languages
Computer hardware
HDM Hard Disk Manager In English Memories
HDR High Data Rate In English Data
HDRA High-Data-Rate Assembly In English Data
HDRI High Dynamic Range Imaging In English Image processing
HDRM High-Data-Rate Multiplexer In English Data
HDRR High-Data-Rate Recorder In English Data
HDRS High-Data-Rate System In English Data
HDRSS High-Data-Rate Storage System In English Data
HDS Hardware Description Sheet In English Computer hardware
HE Hardware Evaluation In English Computer hardware
HE Hardware Evaluator In English Computer hardware
HECI Hautes Études Commerciales et Informatiques (www.groupeheci.com) In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
HEDSIM High Endoatmospheric Defense System Simulator In English Computer simulation
Military engineering
HEDSIM High Endoatmospheric Event-Based Simulation In English Computer simulation
HELM Hypertextual Electronic Library of Mathematics In English Libraries
HEM Institut des Hautes Études de Management (www.hem.ac.ma) In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
HERISSON Habile Extraction du Renseignement d'Intérêt Stratégique à partir de Sources Ouvertes Numérisées In French Software
Military affairs
HESS High-Energy Squib Simulator In English Computer simulation
HFE Human Factors Engineering In English Human-computer interaction
HFES Human Factors and Ergonomics Society In English Organizations and associations
Human-computer interaction
HFMP Human Factors Management Plan In English Management
Human-computer interaction
HIC Hardware Integration Contractor In English Computer hardware
HID Hardware Interface Device In English Computer hardware
Human-computer interaction
HID HIM Interface Distributor In English Human-computer interaction
HIDS Host-based Intrusion Detection System In English Software
Networks, communication
HiGEM High Resolution Global Environmental Modelling (www.higem.nerc.ac.uk) In English Computer simulation
Threats to the environment
Earth sciences
HIL Hardware In Loop In English Computer hardware
HILS Hardware-In-The-Loop Simulation In English Computer hardware
HIM Hardware Interface Module In English Human-computer interaction
Computer hardware
HIP Hardware Interface Panel In English Human-computer interaction
Computer hardware
HIP Hardware Interface Processor In English Computer hardware
Human-computer interaction
HIP Hardware Interface Program In English Human-computer interaction
Computer hardware
HIPO Hierarchical Input-Process Output In English
HISTU Hypermediale Informationssystem für die Technische Universität Wien In German Higher education, universities
HITS Hyperlink-Induced Topic Search In English Internet
Computer-based techniques
HiWorD HIerarchical Workflow Designer In English Computer-based techniques
HLAL High-Level Assembler Language In English Programming languages
HLTL High-Level Test Language In English Programming languages
HMU Hardware Mockup In English Computer hardware
HOL High-Order Language In English Programming languages
HOL High Order Language In English Programming languages
HOLAP Hybrid On Line Analytical Processing In English Knowledge management
HOLC High-Order Language Computer In English Computer hardware
Programming languages
HOLWG High Order Language Working Group In English Organizations and associations
Programming languages
HON Health On the Net In English Networks, communication
HOS High-Order Software In English Software
HOS Hybrid Operating System In English Operating systems
HP Hewlett-Packard In English
HP Hewlett Packard In English Computer hardware
HP-EIC Hewlett-Packard European Innovation Centre In English
HPC High Performance Computing In English
HPCC High Performance Computing Cluster In English Computer hardware
HPF High Performance Fortran In English Programming languages
HPGL Hewlett-Packard Graphics Language In English
HPSG Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar In English Computer-based techniques
HQL Hibernate Query Language In English 00043
HR-XML Human Resources eXtensible Markup Language In English Programming languages
Personnel management
Labour, labour economics
HRDA High-Rate Data Assembly In English
HRDR High-Rate Digital Recorder In English
HRE Hardware Reuse Evaluation In English Computer hardware
HRI Human Rights Internet (www.hri.ca) In English Internet
Human rights
Fundamental rights
HRL Haifa Research Lab In English
HSC Hardware and Software Coordination In English Computer hardware
HSC Hervé Schauer Consultants In French Consulting
HSD High-Speed Data In English Data
HSD High-Speed Device In English Computer hardware
HSDL High-Speed Data Line In English Data
HSL Hardware Simulation Laboratory In English Research institutes
Computer hardware
Computer simulation
HSL Haifa Software Lab In English Software
HSP High-Speed Printer In English Peripheral devices
HSR Hardware Status Register In English Computer hardware
HSR High Speed Reader In English Computer hardware
HSUPA High Speed Uplink Packet Access In English
HTA HTML Applications In English Software
HTC Hybrid Technology Computer In English Computer hardware
HTLL High-Test-Level Language In English Programming languages
HTML HyperText Markup Language In English Programming languages
Document processing
HTTP HyperText Transfer Protocol In English Internet
HUD Head-Up Display In English Human-computer interaction
HUL Hardware Utilization List In English Computer hardware
HULL Hardware Utilization and Location List In English Computer hardware
HUTSIM Helsinki University of Technology Simulator In English Computer simulation
HVD Holographic Versatile Disc In English Memories
HW Hardware In English Computer hardware
HW/SW Hardware/Software In English Computer hardware
HWCI Hardware Configuration Item In English Computer hardware
HWIL Hardware In Loop In English Computer hardware
HYDAC Hybrid Digital-Analog Computer In English Computer hardware
HyP3 Hybrid Pluggable Processing Pipeline In English Software
HYSDEL Hybrid System DEscription Language In English Programming languages
I3C Internet Créatif, Coopératif et Citoyen In French Internet
I3S (Laboratoire d')Informatique, Signaux et Systèmes de Sophia Antipolis In French Research institutes
IA Interface Agreement In English Human-computer interaction
IA Intelligència artificial
= AI | Artificial Intelligence | In English
= AI | Artificiële Intelligentie | In Dutch
= KI | Kunstmatige Intelligentie | In Dutch
= VI | Vještačka inteligencija | In Bosnian
= KI | Künstliche Intelligenz | In German
= AI | Artefarita Inteligenteco | In Esperanto
= IA | Intelligence Artificielle | In French
In Catalan Artificial intelligence
IA Intelligence Artificielle
= AI, KI, VI (look above)
In French Artificial intelligence
IA-RWA Impairment Aware Routing and Wavelength Assignment In English Networks, communication
IAD Interface Agreement Document In English Human-computer interaction
IAD Interface Analysis Document In English Human-computer interaction
IAE Intégration d'Applications d'Entreprise In French Software
IAF Internet Access Facilities In English Internet
IAH Interface Attachment Hardware In English Computer hardware
Human-computer interaction
IAI Institut Africain d'Informatique In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
IAIK Institut für Angewandte Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikationstechnologie (www.iaik.tugraz.at) In German Research institutes
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