Acronym | Sense | Language | Topics |
CFBR | Comité Français des Barrages et Réservoirs | In French | → Organizations and associations → Civil engineering → 626 → France |
CFC | Chrlorofluorocarbone | In French | → Chemistry → Chemical technology |
CFC | Conseiller en Formation Continue | In French | → Education |
CFC | Congé de Fin de Carrière | In French | → Labour, labour economics |
CFC | Chemins de Fer de la Corse ( | In French | → Rail transport engineering → Transport and postal services |
CFC | Cubique à Faces Centrées | In French | → Crystallography |
CFCC | Comité Français de Coordination du Carburéacteur | In French | → Organizations and associations → Aeronautics, aircraft → France |
CFCE | Centre Français du Commerce Extérieur | In French | → Trade → France |
CFCG | Confédération Française du Commerce de Gros | In French | → Organizations and associations → Trade → France |
CFCIC | Compagnie Financière de Crédit Industriel et Commercial | In French | → 33677 |
CFCM | Conseil Français du Culte Musulman | In French | → Organizations and associations → Islam → France |
CFCU | Cours des Futurs Commandants d'Unités | In French | → Education → Military affairs |
CFCV | Collectif féministe contre le viol | In French | → Organizations and associations → Feminism |
CFDPA | Compagnie Française de Distribution des Pétroles en Afrique | In French | → Trade → 665 → France |
CFDT | Confédération Française des Travailleurs | In French | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics → France |
CFDT | Compagnie Française pour le développement des Fibres Textiles | In French | → Textile industry → France |
CFDT | Confédération Française Démocratique du Travail ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics → France |
CFE | Caisse des Français de l'Étranger | In French | → Insurance |
CFE | Centre de Formalités des Entreprises | In French | → Economic policy |
CFE | Commission Fédérale des Étrangers | In French | → Organizations and associations → Migrations |
CFE | Conseil de la Famille et de l'Enfance | In French | → Organizations and associations → Social welfare |
CFE-CGC | Confédération Française de l'Encadrement - Confédération Générale des Cadres ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → Management → Labour, labour economics → France |
CFECTI | Centre de Formation des Coopérants Culturels et Techniques Internationaux | In French | → International relations → Education |
CFEM | Compagnie Française d'Entreprises Métalliques | In French | → Metallurgy → France |
CFEP | Chambre des Fonctionnaires et Employés Publics | In French | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics → Public administration, government |
CFES | Comité Français d'Éducation pour la Santé | In French | → Education → Personal health and hygiene → France |
CFES | Certificat de Fin d'Études secondaires | In French | → Education |
CFF | Crédit Foncier de France | In French | → 33677 → France |
CFG | Certificat de Formation Générale | In French | → Education |
CFGB | Comité Français des Grands Barrages | In French | → Organizations and associations → Civil engineering → 626 |
CFI | Crédit Formation Individualisée | In French | → Labour, labour economics → Education |
CFI | Canal France international | In French | → Telecommunications → France |
CFIS | Calculateur du Fractionnement des Isotopes Stables = SIFC | Stable Isotope Fractionation Calculator | In English |
In French | → Atomic physics |
CFJF | Calendrier des Fêtes et des Jours Fériés | In French | → Labour, labour economics |
CFLN | Comité Français de Libération Nationale | In French | → History → France |
CFM | Compagnie Française du Méthane | In French | → Chemical technology → Mechanical engineering → France |
CFME | Centre de Formation aux Métiers de l'Environnement | In French | → Education → Threats to the environment → Environmental technology, water supply, waste management |
CFMN | Corps Franc de la Montagne Noire | In French | → History |
CFMN | Centre de Fabrication Mécanique pour la Neurophysiologie | In French | → Research institutes → Mechanical engineering → Physiology → Neurology |
CFMP | Caisse Française des Matières Premières | In French | → France |
CFNR | Compagnie Française de Navigation Rhénane | In French | → Transport and postal services → France |
CFP | Commission de Formation Permanente | In French | → Education → Labour, labour economics |
CFP | Compagnie Française des Pétroles | In French | → 665 → France |
CFP | Communauté Française du Pacifique | In French | |
CFPAJ | Centre de Formation Professionnelle Agricole pour Jeunes | In French | → Labour, labour economics → Education → Agricultural sciences |
CFPB | Consortium Français de Participations Bancaires | In French | → Organizations and associations → Banks → France |
CFPC | Commission pour la Formation Postgraduée et Continue = KWFB | Kommission für Weiter- und Fortbildung | In German |
In French | → Education |
CFPC | Centre de Formation des Personnels Communaux | In French | → Labour, labour economics → Public administration, government |
CFPET | Centre de Formation des Professeurs de l'Enseignement Technique | In French | → Education → Engineering, technology |
CFPI | Commission de la Fonction Publique Internationale = CAPI | Comisión de Administración Pública Internacional | In Spanish = ICSC | International Civil Service Commission | In English = CAPI | Comissão de Administração Pública Internacional | In Portuguese |
In French | → Public administration, government → United Nations |
CFPJ | Centre de Formation et de Perfectionnement des Journalistes | In French | → Labour, labour economics → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Newspapers, journalism |
CFPNC | Centre de Formation du Personnel Navigant Commercial | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Transport by air |
CFPPA | Centre de Formation Professionnelle et de Promotion Agricole | In French | → Labour, labour economics → Education → Agricultural sciences |
CFQ | Confédération Française de la Quincaillerie | In French | → Organizations and associations → Trade → France |
CFR | Compagnie Française de Raffinage | In French | → 665 → France |
CFRT | Centre de Facturation et de Recouvrement | In French | → Economics |
CFSA | Centre de Formation Supérieure des Apprentis | In French | → Labour, labour economics → Education |
CFTC | Confédération Française des Travailleurs Chrétiens ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics → Christianity → France |
CFTE | Centre de Formation aux Techniques de l'Eau | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Environmental technology, water supply, waste management |
CFTIFL | Centre Technique Interprofessionnel des Fruits et Légumes | In French | → Agricultural sciences |
CFTV | Chemin de Fer Touristique du Vermandois | In French | → Transport and postal services → Tourism |
CFU | Comité Français UNIMARC | In French | → Organizations and associations → Documentation → Libraries → France |
CG | Conseil Général | In French | → Municipal administration |
CG | Convention de Genève = GC | Geneva Convention | In English |
In French | → International law |
CGA | Confédération Générale de l'Agriculture | In French | → Organizations and associations → Agricultural sciences → History → France |
CGA | Coordination des Groupes Anarchistes ( | In French | → Anarchist organizations → France |
CGA | Compagnie Générale d'Affacturage ( | In French | → Finance |
CGA | Cercle Généalogique d'Alsace | In French | → Organizations and associations → Genealogy |
CGA | Centre de Gestion Agréé | In French | → Economics → Accounting |
CGA | Contrôle Général des Armées | In French | → Military affairs |
CGA | Conditions Générales d'Achat | In French | → 34745 |
CGA | Caractérisation et Gestion de l'Atmosphère | In French | → Meteorology, climatology |
CGB | Confédération Générale des planteurs de Betteraves ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → Agricultural sciences → France |
CGC | Confédération Générale des Cadres | In French | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics |
CGC | Compagnie Générale de Chauffe | In French | → Environmental technology, water supply, waste management |
CGCI | Cellule de Gestion du Code des Investissements | In French | → 33972 |
CGCT | Code Général des Collectivités Territoriales | In French | → Law, jurisprudence → Municipal administration → Regional administration |
CGCT | Compagnie Générale de Constructions Téléphoniques | In French | → Telecommunications |
CGE | Conférence des Grandes Écoles | In French | → Organizations and associations → Specialized or polytechnical colleges |
CGE | Compagnie Générale d'Électricité | In French | → Electrical engineering |
CGE | Compagnie Générale des Eaux | In French | → Environmental technology, water supply, waste management |
CGE | Compagnie de Guerre Électronique | In French | → Military affairs → Computer science |
CGEA | Compagnie Générale d'Entreprise Automobile | In French | → Automobile manufacturing |
CGEA | Conduite et Gestion de l'Exploitation Agricole | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Agricultural sciences |
CGES | Centre de Géotechnique et d'Exploitation du Sous-sol | In French | → Earth sciences → Mining |
CGFL | Centre Georges-François Leclerc | In French | → Organizations and associations → Oncology |
CGFTE | Compagnie Générale Française de Transports et d'Entreprise | In French | → Transport and postal services → France |
CGI | Code Général des Impôts | In French | → Law, jurisprudence → Taxes, duties |
CGI | Centre de Gestion de l'Intervention | In French | |
CGIH | Comité de Gestion de l'Informatique Hospitalière | In French | → Computer science → Medicine |
CGLS | Caisse de Garantie du Logement Social | In French | → Accommodation |
CGM | Compagnie Générale Maritime | In French | → Transport and postal services |
CGM | Code Général des Manoeuvres | In French | → Law, jurisprudence |
CGMF | Compagnie Générale Maritime et Financière | In French | |
CGMP | Cercle Généalogique de Maine et Perche | In French | → Organizations and associations → Genealogy |
CGMP | Centre Généalogique du Midi-Provence ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → Genealogy |
CGNR | Compagnie Générale pour la Navigation du Rhin | In French | → Transport and postal services |
CGOS | Comité de Gestion des Oeuvres Sociales | In French | → Social welfare |
CGP | Commissariat Général du Plan | In French | → Central administration |
CGPM | Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures | In French | → Standardization |
CGPM | Commission Générale des Pêches pour la Méditerranée | In French | → Public administration, government → Fishing, hunting |
CGPME | Confédération Générale des Petites et Moyennes Entreprises | In French | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics |
CGPS | Convention Générale de Protection Sociale | In French | → Labour, labour economics → Social welfare |
CGPT | Confédération Générale des Travailleurs Paysans | In French | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics → Agricultural sciences |
CGR | Concentré de Globules Rouges | In French | → Blood and circulatory system |
CGRA | Commission de Gestion de la Recherche et de ses Applications | In French | → Research policy |
CGRA | Commissariat Général aux Réfugiés et aux Apatrides ( = CGVS | Commissariaat-generaal voor de Vluchtelingen en de Staatlozen | In Dutch |
In French | → Migrations |
CGRP | Concentré de Globules Rouges Phénotypé | In French | → Blood and circulatory system |
CGS | Cap Gemini Sogeti | In French | → Computer science |
CGS | Contrôle de Gestion Stratégique | In French | → Accounting |
CGSESE | Centre de Gestion de la Sécheresse pour l'Europe du Sud-Est = DMCSEE | Drought Management Centre for South-Eastern Europe | In English |
In French | → Organizations and associations → Natural disasters → Europe |
CGSLB | Centrale Générale des Syndicats Libéraux de Belgique = ACLVB | Algemene Centrale der Liberale Vakbonden | In Dutch |
In French | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics → Belgium |
CGSS | Caisse Générale de Sécurité Sociale | In French | → Insurance |
CGT | Confédération Générale du Travail | In French | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics |
CGT | Contrôle Général des Travaux | In French | |
CGT | Confédération Générale des Travailleurs | In French | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics |
CGT-FO | Confédération Générale du Travail-Force Ouvrière | In French | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics |
CGT-FO | Confédération Générale des Travailleurs - Force Ouvrière | In French | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics |
CGT-SR | Confédération Générale du Travail Syndicaliste Révolutionnaire | In French | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics |
CGTI | Conseil Général des Technologies de l'Information | In French | → Computer science → Telecommunications |
CGTL | Confédération Générale du Travail Luxembourgeoise | In French | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics → Luxembourg |
CGTL | Confédération Générale des Travailleurs du Liban | In French | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics |
CGTU | Confédération Générale du Travail Unitaire | In French | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics → History |
CGU | Commission Gymnase-Université | In French | → Education → Higher education, universities |
CH | Centésimale Hahnemanniènne | In French | → Pharmacology, toxicology |
CH | Colonne Humide | In French | → Firefighting |
CHA | Centre Hydrométéorologique Alpes | In French | → Meteorology, climatology → Hydrology |
CHA | Centre Hydrométéorologique des Alpes | In French | → Meteorology, climatology → Hydrology |
CHAM | Classe à Horaires Aménagés Musique | In French | → Education → Music |
CHAR | Club d'Histoire de l'Anesthésie-Réanimation | In French | → Anesthesiology → History |
CHAR | Centre d'Histoire de l'Art de la Renaissance | In French | → Research institutes → Arts → History |
CHARTH | Compagnie Holding d'Applications et de Réalisations Thermiques et Hydrauliques | In French | → Organizations and associations → Energy economics → Mechanical engineering |
CHB | Centre Hépato-Biliaire | In French | → 6163 |
CHC | Carcinome hépatocellulaire | In French | → Oncology |
CHEAM | Centre des Hautes Études sur l'Afrique et l'Asie modernes | In French | → Research institutes → Area studies |
CHEAr | Centre des Hautes Études de l'Armement | In French | → Research institutes → Military engineering |
CHG | Centre Hospitalier Général | In French | → Medicine |
CHI | Centre Hospitalier Intercommunal | In French | → Medicine |
CHI | Comité Juridique Interaméricain = CJI | Comité Jurídico Interamericano | In Spanish = IAJC | Inter-American Juridical Committee | In English = CJI | Comitê Jurídico Interamericano | In Portuguese |
In French | → International relations → Law, jurisprudence |
CHIR | Chirurgie, Informatique et Robotique | In French | → Computer science → Surgery, orthopaedics, ophthalmology → Mechanical engineering → Electronics |
CHMAC | Coopération Homme-Machine pour l'Assistance à la conduite | In French | → Human-computer interaction → Vehicle engineering → Transport and postal services |
CHNO | Centre Hospitalier National d'Ophtalmologie ( | In French | → Ophthalmology → France |
CHP | Cadre à Haut Potentiel | In French | → Personnel management → Labour, labour economics |
CHPL | Centre de l'Hospitalisation Privée de la Loire ( | In French | → Medicine |
CHPP | Comité d'Histoire Parlementaire et Politique | In French | → Politics → Parliaments, representation → History |
CHR | Centre Hospitalier Régional | In French | → Medicine |
CHRS | Centre d'Hébergement et de Réinsertion Sociale | In French | → Accommodation → Social welfare |
CHRU | Centre Hospitalier Régional et Universitaire | In French | → Medicine |
CHS | Centre d'Histoire Sociale | In French | → Sociology → History |
CHS | Centre Hospitalier Spécialisé | In French | → Medicine |
CHS | Comité Hygiène et Sécurité | In French | → Labour, labour economics → Personal health and hygiene |
CHSCT | Comité d'Hygiène, de Sécurité et des Conditions de Travail | In French | → Labour, labour economics → Personal health and hygiene |
CHU | Centre Hospitalier Universitaire | In French | → Medicine → Higher education, universities |
CHUV | Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois | In French | → Higher education, universities → Medicine |
CHUV | Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vétérinaire | In French | → Higher education, universities → Veterinary medicine |
CIA | Centre d'Internement Administratif | In French | → Public administration, government |
CIA | Centre International des Alliances | In French | → Organizations and associations → Christianity |
CIACH | Centre International des Arts Culinaires et de l'Hotellerie | In French | → Tourism |
CIACT | Comité Interministériel d'Aménagement et de Compétitivité du Territoire | In French | → Central administration → Regional planning |
CIAL | Crédit Industriel d'Alsace-Lorraine | In French | → Banks |
CIALA | Commission Interministérielle d'Aide à la Localisation des Activités | In French | → Central administration → Regional planning |
CIAM | Congrès International d'Architecture Moderne | In French | → Organizations and associations → Architecture |
CIASI | Comité Interministériel d'Aménagement des Structures Industrielles | In French | → Central administration → Industry, industrial policy |
CIAT | Comité Interministériel d'Aménagement du Territoire | In French | → Central administration → Regional planning |
CIBC | Centres interinstitutionnels de bilans de compétences | In French | → Labour, labour economics |
CIBT | Conseil International des Bois Tropicaux | In French | → Organizations and associations → Timber and woodworking industry |
CIC | Centre d'Investigation Clinique | In French | → Organizations and associations → Pharmacology, toxicology |
CIC | Crédit Industriel et Commercial ( | In French | → Banks → France |
CIC | Chauffage Individuel Centralisé | In French | → Energy economics |
CIC | Centre International de Calcul ( = CICE | Centro Internacional de Cálculos Electrónicos | In Spanish = ICC | International Computing Centre | In English = CIC | Centro Internacional de Computação | In Portuguese |
In French | → Computer science → United Nations |
CIC | Contrôle Interne Comptable | In French | → Accounting |
CIC | Conseil International des Céréales | In French | → Organizations and associations → Agricultural sciences |
CIC | Citoyenneté et Immigration Canada ( | In French | → Central administration → Migrations |
CICA | Centre International du Cinéma d'Animation | In French | → Organizations and associations → Cinema, movies |
CICAE | Confédération Internationale des Cinémas d'Art et d'Essai ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → Cinema, movies |
CICF | Chambre de l'Ingénierie et du Conseil de France | In French | → Engineering, technology → France |
CICF | Confédération des Industries Céramiques de France | In French | → Organizations and associations → 666 → France |
CICF | Chambre des Ingénieurs-Conseil de France | In French | → Organizations and associations → Engineering, technology → France |
CICI | Commission Internationale de Coopération Intellectuelle | In French | → Organizations and associations → International relations |
CICID | Comité Interministériel de la Coopération Internationale et du Développement | In French | → Central administration → International relations → Development |
CICLIM | Coordination Internationale des Chercheurs sur les Littératures du Maghreb | In French | → Organizations and associations → Literature |
CICOM | Carrefour International de la Communication | In French | → Telecommunications → Transport and postal services |
CICR | Comité International de la Croix Rouge | In French | → Development → Social welfare |
CICR | Comité International de la Croix-Rouge ( = CICR | Comité Internacional de la Cruz Roja | In Spanish = ICRC | International Committee of the Red Cross | In English = CICV | Comitê Internacional da Cruz Vermelha | In Portuguese = МККК | Международный комитет Красного Креста | In Russian = SSKK | Starptautiskā Sarkanā Krusta Komiteja | In Latvian = CICR | Comitato Internazionale della Croce Rossa | In Italian = ICRC | 적십자 국제 위원회 | In Korean = CICR | Comitè Internacional de la Creu Roja | In Catalan = CICR | Comitât entèrnacionâl de la Crouèx-Roge | In Franco-Provençal |
In French | → Organizations and associations → Medicine |
CICS | Commission Interministérielle de Coordination des Salaires | In French | → Labour, labour economics → Central administration |
CICTA | Commission Internationale pour la Conservation des Thonidés de l'Atlantique | In French | → International relations → 5023 → Fishing, hunting |
CICTA | Commission Internationale pour la Conservation des Thonidés de l'Atlantique et des mers adjacentes | In French | → Organizations and associations → Environmental protection → Fishing, hunting |
CID | Centre d'Information et de Documentation | In French | → Documentation |
CID | Collège Interarmées de Défense | In French | → Military affairs |
CIDA | Collecte, Interprétation, Décision, Action | In French | → Management |
CIDA | Centre International de Documentation Antiguerrière | In French | → Political parties and movements → Documentation |
CIDA | Comité International de Défense Anarchiste | In French | → Organizations and associations → Anarchist organizations |
CIDB | Centre d'Information et de Documentation sur le Bruit | In French | → Documentation |
CIDEM | Compagnie Internationale de Développement Minier | In French | → Mining |
CIDEM | Conception Intégrant la Disponibilité, le retour d'Expérience et la Maintenance | In French | → Maintenance and logistics |
CIDEN | Centre d'Ingénierie Déconstruction et ENvironnement | In French | → Environmental technology, water supply, waste management |
CIDI | Conseil interaméricain pour le Développement Intégré = CIDI | Consejo Interamericano para el Desarrollo Integral | In Spanish = CIDI | Conselho Interamericano para o Desenvolvimento Integral | In Portuguese |
In French | → Organizations and associations → International relations → Development |
CIDJ | Centre d'Information et de Documentation pour la Jeunesse | In French | → Documentation |
CIDOL | Comité Interministériel pour le Développement de l'Offre de Logements | In French | → Central administration → Accommodation → France |
CIDPDD | Centre International des Droits de la Personne et du Développement Démocratique ( = ICHRDD | International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development | In English |
In French | → Organizations and associations → Fundamental rights → Democracy → Canada |