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Acronym Sense Language Topics
FNAS Fédération (Française) des Négociants en Appareils Sanitaires In French Organizations and associations
FNAUT Fédération Nationale des Associations d'Usagers des Transports (www.fnaut.asso.fr) In French Associations
Transport and postal services
FNB Fédération Nationale des Boissons In French Organizations and associations
Beverage industry
FNCAUE Fédération Nationale des Conseils d'Architecture, d'Urbanisme et de l'Environnement (www.fncaue.fr) In French Organizations and associations
Regional planning
FNCCR Fédération Nationale des Collectivités Concédantes et des Régies (www.fnccr.asso.fr) In French Organizations and associations
Municipal administration
FNCCR Fédération Nationale des Collectivités Concédantes et Régies (www.fnccr.asso.fr) In French Organizations and associations
Municipal administration
FNCDG Fédération Nationale de Centres de Gestion (www.fncdg.com) In French Organizations and associations
Public administration, government
FNCF Fédération Nationale des Cinémas Français (www.fncf.org) In French Organizations and associations
Cinema, movies
FNCF Fédération Nationale des Courses Françaises (www.fncf.fr) In French Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
FNCF Fédération Nationale de la Culture Française (www.fnc.fr) In French Organizations and associations
FNCIVAM Fédération Nationale des CIVAM In French Organizations and associations
FNCLCC Fédération Nationale des Centres de Lutte Contre le Cancer In French Organizations and associations
FNCPLA Fédération Nationale du Commerce des Produits Laitiers et Avicoles In French Organizations and associations
Food technology
FNCRM Fédération Nationale du Commerce et de la Réparation du Cycle et Motocycle (www.fncrm.fr) In French Organizations and associations
Vehicle engineering
FND Fédération Nationale de la Décoration In French Organizations and associations
FNDAE Fonds National pour le Développement des Adductions d'Eau In French 626
FNDAE Fonds National de Développement et des Adductions d'Eau In French Finance
Environmental technology, water supply, waste management
FNDF Fédération Nationale des Distributeurs de Films In French Organizations and associations
Cinema, movies
FNDS Fonds National pour le Développement du Sport In French Sport, physical exercises
FNE France Nature Environnement (www.fne.asso.fr) In French Associations
Environmental protection
Threats to the environment
FNE Fonds National pour l'Emploi In French Labour, labour economics
FNEGE Fondation Nationale pour l'Enseignement de la Gestion des Entreprises In French Foundations
FNEL Fédération Nationale des Éclaireurs et Éclaireuses du Luxembourg In French Associations
FNFL Forces Navales Françaises Libres In French 359
FNFM Fichier National du Faux Monnayage In French Files
Law, jurisprudence
FNGA Fonds National de la Gestion Administrative In French Economics
Public administration, government
FNGCA Fonds National de Garantie des Calamités Agricoles In French Finance
Agricultural sciences
FNGEDA Fédération Nationale des Groupes d'Études et de Développement Agricoles In French Organizations and associations
Agricultural sciences
FNHDR Fédération Nationale Habitat et Développement Rural In French Organizations and associations
Regional planning
FNIC Fonds National Interconsulaire de Compensation In French Finance
FNICGV Fédération Nationale de l'Industrie et des Commerces en Gros des Viandes (www.fnicgv.com) In French Organizations and associations
Food technology
FNME Fédération Nationale des Mines et de l'Énergie (www.fnme-cgt.fr) In French Organizations and associations
Labour, labour economics
Energy economics
FNMF Fédération Nationale de la Mutualité Française In French Organizations and associations
FNMF Fonds National de la Micro-Finance In French Finance
FNMR Fédération Nationale des Médecins Radiologues (www.fnmr.org) In French Organizations and associations
FNMVTC Fonds National pour la Mise en Valeur des Terres par la Concession In French Central administration
Agricultural sciences
FNPF Fédération Nationale de la Presse Française In French Organizations and associations
Newspapers, journalism
FNPS Fédération Nationale de la Presse d'information Spécialisée In French Organizations and associations
Newspapers, journalism
FNR Fonds National de la Recherche In French Research policy
FNRDA Fonds National pour la Régulation et le Développement Agricole In French Central administration
Agricultural sciences
FNS Fonds National de la Science In French Mathematics and natural sciences
FNSAI Fédération Nationale des Syndicats d'Architectes d'Intérieur In French Organizations and associations
FNSAI Fédération Nationale des Syndicats d'Architectes d'Intérieur In French Organizations and associations
FNSICAE Fédération Nationale des Sociétés d'Intérêt Collectif Agricole d'Électricité (www.fnsicae.asso.fr) In French Organizations and associations
Electrical engineering
Agricultural sciences
FNSL Fédération Nationale des Scouts du Luxembourg In French Organizations and associations
FNSPF Fédération Nationale des Sapeurs-Pompiers de France In French Organizations and associations
FNTC Fédération Nationale des Tiers de Confiance (www.fntc.org) In French Organizations and associations
Law, jurisprudence
FNTP Fédération Nationale des Travaux Publics (www.fntp.fr) In French Organizations and associations
Civil engineering
FNTR Fédération Nationale des Transports Routiers In French Organizations and associations
Transport and postal services
FNTV Fédération Nationale des Transports de Voyageurs In French Organizations and associations
Transport and postal services
FNUOD Force des Nations Unies chargée d'Observer le Désengagement (http://https://peacekeeping.un.org/fr/mission/fnuod)
= UNDOF | United Nations Disengagement Observer Force | In English
= FNUOS | Fuerza de las Naciones Unidas de Observación de la Separación | In Spanish
= FNUOS | Força das Nações Unidas de Observação da Separação | In Portuguese
= СООННР | Силы Организации Объединенных Наций по Наблюдению за Разъединением | In Russian
In French United Nations
FO Force Ouvrière (www.force-ouvriere.fr) In French Organizations and associations
Labour, labour economics
FOAC Finaliser, Organiser, Agir, Contrôler In French Management
FOAD Formation Ouverte À Distance In French Education
FOD Fiche d'Ordonnancement des Dotations In French Finance
FONGECIF Fonds de Gestion du Congé Individuel de Formation In French Labour, labour economics
FOP Fédération Française des Producteurs d'Oléagineux et de Protéagineux In French Organizations and associations
Agricultural sciences
FOSC Feuille Officielle Suisse du Commerce In French Serial publications, periodicals
FOSREF Fondation pour la Santé Reproductive et l'Éducation Familiale In French Foundations
Reproductive biology
FOU Festival des Ouvertures Utiles In French
FPA Fichier du Personnel sur ATIC In French Personnel management
FPA Formation Professionnelle des Adultes In French Education
Labour, labour economics
FPC Fédération des Promoteurs Constructeurs In French Organizations and associations
FPC Formation Professionnelle Continue In French Education
Labour, labour economics
FPCAE Formation Professionnelle Cadre Associée à un Emploi In French Education
Labour, labour economics
FPCC Formation prégraduée, postgraduée et continue
= AWF | Aus-, Weiter- und Fortbildung | In German
In French Education
FPCIE Formation Professionnelle Cadre à l'Initiative de l'Entreprise In French Education
Labour, labour economics
FPE Fonds de Péréquation de l'Électricité In French Electrical engineering
FPJQ Fédération Professionnelle des Journalistes du Québec In French Organizations and associations
Newspapers, journalism
FPLA Front Populaire de Libération de l'Azawad In French Political parties and movements
FPMAE Formation Professionnelle Maîtrise Associée à un Emploi In French Education
Labour, labour economics
FPP Fichier du Personnel Pensionné In French Personnel management
Labour, labour economics
FPPE Filiale Peugeot Paris Entreprise In French Vehicle engineering
Transport and postal services
FPPR Fédération de la Presse Pérodique Régionale In French Organizations and associations
Newspapers, journalism
FPR Fichier des Personnes Recherchées In French Files
FPT Fourgon Pompe-Tonne In French Automobile manufacturing
FPTGP Fourgon Pompe-Tonne Grande Puissance In French Automobile manufacturing
FPTL Fourgon Pompe-Tonne Léger In French Automobile manufacturing
FPTSR Fourgon Pompe-Tonne Secours Routier In French
FPUK Faculté Polytechnique - Université de Kinshasa In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Engineering, technology
FPUL Faculté Polytechnique - Université de Lumumbashi In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Engineering, technology
FQC Fondation Québécoise du Cancer In French Foundations
FR Fédération de Recherche In French Research policy
FR Fédération Révolutionnaire In French Organizations and associations
Anarchist organizations
FR2E Formation Recherche Études Énergie In French Education
Energy economics
FRAC Fonds Régional d'Aide au Conseil In French 6582
FRAC Fonds Regional d'Art Contemporain In French Arts
FRAII Fonds Régional d'Aide aux Investissements Immatériels In French Consumerism
FRALA Fédération des Radios Associatives Limousin Auvergne In French Organizations and associations
FRAMA Fédération des Radios Associatives Maine - Anjou In French Organizations and associations
FRANC-LR Fédération des Radios Associatives Non Commerciales Languedoc Roussillon In French Organizations and associations
FRANC-MP Fédération des Radios Associatives Non Commerciales Midi Pyrénées In French Organizations and associations
FRANC-RA Fédération des Radios Associatives Non Commerciales Rhône-Alpes In French Organizations and associations
FRANF Fédération des Radios Associatives du Nord de la France In French Organizations and associations
FRAPNA Fédération Rhône-Alpes de Protection de la Nature In French Organizations and associations
Environmental protection
Threats to the environment
FRAPPE Fonds Régional d'Aide aux Porteurs de Projets Européens In French Research policy
Regional administration
FRBR Fédération Royale Belge de Rugby In French Organizations and associations
Football and rugby
FRC Fichier des Recherches Criminelles In French Files
FRC Fédération Révolutionnaire Communiste In French Organizations and associations
Communist parties
FRCS Formation Recommandée par le Conseil Scientifique In French Education
FRE Formation de Recherche en Évolution In French Research policy
FREMP Fédération Régionale des Entreprises de Multimédia de Midi-Pyrénées In French Organizations and associations
Graphic industries, printing, publishing
FREMP Fédération Régionale des Entreprises du Multimédia en Midi-Pyrénées (www.fremp.org) In French Organizations and associations
Computer science
Cinema, movies
FRESCO Fédération Française des Étudiants et jeunes chercheurs en Sciences de la COgnition (www.fresco.fr) In French Organizations and associations
Higher education, universities
Research policy
FRM Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale en France (www.frm.org) In French Foundations
FRMEN Formation Recommandée par le Ministère de l'Éducation Nationale In French Education
FRR Fonds de Réserve pour les Retraites In French Finance
Labour, labour economics
FRS Forum des Républicains Sociaux In French Political parties and movements
FRS Force Républicaine de Sécurité In French Police
FRT Fonds de la Recherche Technologique In French Engineering, technology
FRTC Fédération des Radios et Télévisions Chrétiennes In French Organizations and associations
FRTP Fédération Régionale des Travaux Publics In French Organizations and associations
Civil engineering
FS Fédération Française de Squash (www.ffsquash.com) In French Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
FSA Fédération Suisse des Avocats (www.swisslawyers.com)
= SAV | Schweizerischer Anwaltsverband | In German
In French Organizations and associations
Law, jurisprudence
FSAC Faculté des Sciences Agronomiques de Cotonou In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Agricultural sciences
FSAC Faculté des Sciences Ain Chock Casablanca (www.fsac.ac.ma) In French Higher education, universities
FSAF Famille Sol-Air Futur In French Military engineering
FSAI Fonds Spécial d'Adaptation Industrielle In French Finance
Industry, industrial policy
FSAUB Faculté des Sciences Appliquées - Université du Burundi In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Engineering, technology
FSAUR Faculté des Sciences Appliquées - Université Nationale du Rwanda In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
FSC Fonds de Stabilisation des Changes In French Finance
FSC Fonds Social Collégien In French Social welfare
FSCL Fédération du Sport Cycliste Luxembourgeois In French Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
FSD Fonds Social de Développement In French Development
FSDA Fédération de Savate et Disciplines Assimilées In French Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
FSDUA Fractionnement de Sous-Découpage d'Unité d'Affectation In French
FSE Fonds Structurel Européen In French International relations
FSE Fonds Social Européen
= ESF | European Social Fund | In English
= FSE | Fondo Social Europeo | In Spanish
= FSE | Fondo Sociale Europeo | In Italian
= ESF | Europees Sociaal Fonds | In Dutch
= EFS | Europejski Fundusz Społeczny | In Polish
= ESF | Europeiska socialfonden | In Swedish
In French Public finance
European Union
Social welfare
FSE Foyer Socio-Éducatif In French Social welfare
FSE Fonds de Solidarité Énergie In French Finance
Energy economics
FSEA Faculté des Sciences Exactes et Appliquées In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Mathematics and natural sciences
Applied sciences, technology
FSER Fonds de Soutien à l'Expression Radiophonique In French Public finance
FSF Forum Social Frontalier In French Politics
FSGT Fonds Spécial des Grands Travaux In French Public finance
Civil engineering
FSH Fonds de Soutien aux Hydrocarbures In French Public finance
Chemical technology
FSI Forces de Sécurité Intérieure In French Public administration, government
FSIP Fonds de Soutien aux Industries de Programmes In French Public finance
FSIR Fonds Spécial d'Investissement Routier In French Public finance
Civil engineering and land transport
Transport and postal services
FSL Fonds de Solidarité pour le Logement In French Public finance
FSL Fonctions Support Logistique In French Maintenance and logistics
FSL Fonds Solidarité Logement In French Finance
FSL Fédération Socialiste Libertaire In French Organizations and associations
Socialist parties
Anarchist organizations
FSL Fonds Social Lycéen In French Social welfare
FSLSA Fédération des Sociétés Luxembourgeoises des Sports Athlétiques In French Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
FSMS Formation Supérieure aux Métiers du Son In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
FSN Fédération Suisse des Notaires In French Organizations and associations
Law, jurisprudence
FSO Forfait de Salle d'Opération In French Surgery, orthopaedics, ophthalmology
FSP Fédération Suisse des Psychologues (www.psychologie.ch)
= FSP | Föderation der Schweizer Psychologinnen und Psychologen | In German
In French Organizations and associations
FSP Fonds de Solidarité Prioritaire In French Development
FSPPE Fonds du Service Public de la Production d'Électricité In French Finance
Energy economics
Electrical engineering
FSPRT Fichier pour la Prévention de la Radicalisation à Caractère Terroriste In French Databases
Criminal law
FST Faculté des Sciences de Tunis In French Specialized or polytechnical colleges
Mathematics and natural sciences
FST Futur Système de Télégestion In French Computer science
FST Fourgon de Soutien Technique In French
FSTE Foreign Service Tour Extension In French Military affairs
FSTM Faculté des Sciences et Techniques de Mohammedia (www.fstm.ac.ma) In French Higher education, universities
FSTS Faculté des Sciences et Techniques de Settat In French Higher education, universities
Mathematics and natural sciences
Applied sciences, technology
FSTT Faculté des Sciences et Techniques de Tanger (www.fstt.ac.ma) In French Higher education, universities
Mathematics and natural sciences
Applied sciences, technology
FSTT France Sans Tranchée Technologies In French Organizations and associations
Civil engineering
FSU Fédération Syndicale Unitaire In French Organizations and associations
Labour, labour economics
FSV Fonds de Solidarité Vieillesse In French Insurance
FT Finance & Technologie In French Finance
Engineering, technology
FT Facteur Tissulaire In French Biological sciences
FTEX Fourgon Tri-EXtincteur In French Automobile manufacturing
FTF Finance, Trésorerie, Fiscalité In French Finance
Taxes, duties
FTI Fondation pour les Terrains Industriels In French Industry, industrial policy
FTLV Formation Tout au Long de la Vie In French Education
FTP Francs-Tireurs Partisans In French Political parties and movements
FTPF Francs-Tireurs et Partisans Français In French Political parties and movements
FTQ Fédération des Travailleurs et travailleuses du Québec (http://ftq.qc.ca) In French Organizations and associations
Labour, labour economics
FTS Fourniture, Travaux, Services In French
FUGI Fréquent, Urgent, Grave, Important In French Management
FUJP Front Uni des Jeunesses Patriotiques In French Political parties and movements
FULBI Fédération des Utilisateurs de Logiciels de Bibliothèque In French Organizations and associations
Computer science
FUNDP Facultés Universitaires Notre-Dame de la Paix In French Higher education, universities
FV Force de Vente In French Trade
FV Fibrillation Ventriculaire In French Cardiology
FVJC Fédération Vaudoise des Jeunesses Campagnardes In French Organizations and associations
FVM Fédération des Villes Moyennes In French Organizations and associations
Municipal administration
FVO Farine de Viande et d'Os In French Agricultural sciences
FVR Fièvre de la Vallée du Rift In French Veterinary medicine
G Guanine
= G | Guanin | In German
= G | Guanino | In Esperanto
= G | Guanina | In Spanish
= G | グアニン | In Japanese
= G | גואנין | In Hebrew
= G | جوانين | In Arabic
= G | Гуанин | In Russian
In French Biochemistry, biophysics
G Glycine
= G | Glycine | In English
= G | গ্লাইসিন | In Bengali
= G | Glicina | In Catalan
= G | Glycin | In Czech
= G | Glycin | In Danish
= G | Glycin | In German
= G | Glicina | In Spanish
= G | Glicino | In Esperanto
= G | 글리신 | In Korean
= G | Glicin | In Croatian
= G | Glisin | In Indonesian
= G | Glicina | In Italian
= G | גליצין | In Hebrew
= G | Glicīns | In Latvian
= G | Glycin | In Letzeburgesh
= G | Glicinas | In Lithuanian
= G | Glicin | In Hungarian
= G | Glycine | In Dutch
= G | グリシン | In Japanese
= G | Glycin | In Norwegian
= G | Glicyna | In Polish
= G | Glicina | In Portuguese
= G | Глицин | In Russian
= G | Глицин | In Serbian
= G | Glisin | In Sundanese
= G | Glysiini | In Finnish
= G | Glycin | In Swedish
= G | Glisin | In Turkish
= G | Гліцин | In Ukrainian
= G | 甘氨酸 | In Chinese
In French Biochemistry, biophysics
G1J Génopole 1er jour In French Biotechnology
G2E Géologie, Eau et Environnement In French Education
Threats to the environment
Earth sciences
G3E Groupe Étude et Expertise In French
G3L Groupe pour la promotion de GNU/Linux et des Logiciels Libres In French Organizations and associations
Operating systems
G4G Guerre de 4ème Génération In French Military affairs
GA Gymnastique Artistique In French Sport, physical exercises
Ga Gallium
= Ga | Gallium | In Afrikaans
= Ga | غاليوم | In Arabic
= Ga | Галій | In Belarusian
= Ga | Галий | In Bulgarian
= Ga | গ্যালিয়াম | In Bengali
= Ga | Galijum | In Bosnian
= Ga | Gal·li | In Catalan
= Ga | Galliu | In Corsican
= Ga | Gallium | In Czech
= Ga | Galiwm | In Welsh
= Ga | Gallium | In Danish
= Ga | Gallium | In German
= Ga | Γάλλιο | In Greek
= Ga | Gallium | In English
= Ga | Galiumo | In Esperanto
= Ga | Galio | In Spanish
= Ga | Gallium | In Estonian
= Ga | Galio | In Basque
= Ga | گالیوم | In Persian
= Ga | Gallium | In Finnish
= Ga | Gali | In Friulian
= Ga | Gailliam | In Irish
= Ga | Galio | In Galician
= Ga | Gallium | In Manx
= Ga | גליום | In Hebrew
= Ga | गैलिअम | In Hindi
= Ga | Galij | In Croatian
= Ga | Galyòm | In Haitian Creole
= Ga | Gallium | In Hungarian
= Ga | Գալիում | In Armenian
= Ga | Galium | In Indonesian
= Ga | Galio | In Ido
= Ga | Gallín | In Icelandic
= Ga | Gallio | In Italian
= Ga | ガリウム | In Japanese
= Ga | fasyjinme | In Lojban
= Ga | Galium | JV
= Ga | 갈륨 | In Korean
= Ga | Galyûm | In Kurdish
= Ga | Gallium | In Latin
= Ga | Gallium | In Letzeburgesh
= Ga | Galis | In Lithuanian
= Ga | Gallijs | In Latvian
= Ga | ഗാലിയം | In Malayalam
= Ga | Gallium | In Dutch
= Ga | Gallium | In Nynorsk
= Ga | Gallium | In Norwegian
= Ga | Galli | In Occitan
= Ga | Gal | In Polish
= Ga | Gálio | In Portuguese
= Ga | Galyu | In Quechua
= Ga | Галлий | In Russian
= Ga | Galliu | In Sicilian
= Ga | Galijum | In Serbo-Croatian
= Ga | Gálium | In Slovak
= Ga | Galij | In Slovenian
= Ga | Галијум | In Serbian
= Ga | Gallium | In Swedish
= Ga | Gali | In Swahili
= Ga | காலியம் | In Tamil
= Ga | แกลเลียม | In Thai
= Ga | Galyum | In Turkish
= Ga | Галій | In Ukrainian
= Ga | Galliy | In Uzbek
= Ga | Gali | In Vietnamese
= Ga | 镓 | In Chinese
In French Chemistry
GA Gestion Administrative In French
GAA Groupe d'Appui et d'Assistance In French
GAAR Groupes Anarchistes d'Action Révolutionnaire In French Organizations and associations
Anarchist organizations
GAAR Guet Aérien Armé In French Aeronautics, aircraft
GABRIEL Génération Automatique de la Base des Références Informatisées Elémentaires In French Software
GACO Gestion Administrative et Commerciale In French Management
GAEC Gestion Anticipée des Emplois et Compétences In French Personnel management
Labour, labour economics
GAEC Guide d'Action de l'Équipe de Crise (nucléaire) In French Nuclear technology
GAEO Groupe Armement de l'Europe Occidentale
= WEAO | Western European Armaments Organisation | In English
In French Organizations and associations
Military engineering
GAI Groupe Applicatif d'Issy In French Software
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