Acronym | Sense | Language | Topics |
Na | Sodium = Na | Natrium | In Afrikaans = Na | صوديوم | In Arabic = Na | Sodiu | In Asturian = Na | Натрый | In Belarusian = Na | Натрий | In Bulgarian = Na | সোডিয়াম | In Bengali = Na | Natrijum | In Bosnian = Na | Sodi | In Catalan = Na | Sodiu | In Corsican = Na | Sodík | In Czech = Na | Sodiwm | In Welsh = Na | Natrium | In Danish = Na | Natrium | In German = Na | ސޯޑިއަމް | In Dhivehi = Na | Νάτριο | In Greek = Na | Sodium | In English = Na | Natrio | In Esperanto = Na | Sodio | In Spanish = Na | Naatrium | In Estonian = Na | Sodio | In Basque = Na | سدیم | In Persian = Na | Natrium | In Finnish = Na | Sodi | In Friulian = Na | Sóidiam | In Irish = Na | Sodio | In Galician = Na | Sodjum | In Manx = Na | נתרן | In Hebrew = Na | सोडियम | In Hindi = Na | Natrij | In Croatian = Na | Sodyòm | In Haitian Creole = Na | Nátrium | In Hungarian = Na | Նատրիում | In Armenian = Na | Natrium | In Indonesian = Na | Natro | In Ido = Na | Natrín | In Icelandic = Na | Sodio | In Italian = Na | ナトリウム | In Japanese = Na | sodna | In Lojban = Na | Natrium | JV = Na | ნატრიუმი | In Georgian = Na | ಸೋಡಿಯಮ್ | In Kannada = Na | 나트륨 | In Korean = Na | Natrîyûm | In Kurdish = Na | Natrium | In Latin = Na | Natrium | In Letzeburgesh = Na | Sodu | In Lingala = Na | Natris | In Lithuanian = Na | Nātrijs | In Latvian = Na | Konutai | In Māori = Na | Натриум | In Macedonian = Na | സോഡിയം | In Malayalam = Na | सोडियम | In Marathi = Na | Natrium | In Low German = Na | Natrium | In Dutch = Na | Natrium | In Nynorsk = Na | Natrium | In Norwegian = Na | Natrium | NOV = Na | Sôdgium | In Norman = Na | Sòdi | In Occitan = Na | Sód | In Polish = Na | Sódio | In Portuguese = Na | Natriyu | In Quechua = Na | Sodiu | In Romanian = Na | Натрий | In Russian = Na | Sodiu | In Sicilian = Na | Natrij | In Serbo-Croatian = Na | Sodík | In Slovak = Na | Natrij | In Slovenian = Na | Natriumi | In Albanian = Na | Натријум | In Serbian = Na | Natrium | In Swedish = Na | Natiri | In Swahili = Na | சோடியம் | In Tamil = Na | సోడియమ్ | In Telugu = Na | Натрий | In Tajik = Na | โซเดียม | In Thai = Na | Sodyum | In Turkish = Na | Натрій | In Ukrainian = Na | Natriy | In Uzbek = Na | Natri | In Vietnamese = Na | Sodiom | In Walloon = Na | 钠 | In Chinese |
In French | → Chemistry |
NABS | Nomenclature pour l'Analyse et la comparaison des Budgets et des programmes Scientifiques | In French | → Research policy |
NAC | Nouveaux Animaux de Compagnie | In French | |
NACE | Nomenclature statistique des Activités économiques de la Communauté Européenne | In French | → Economics |
NACRE | Nouvelle Architecture de Calculs de REcharge | In French | → Nuclear technology |
NAF | Nomenclature d'Activités Française | In French | → Economics → France |
NAL | Nouvelle Ambition Locale | In French | |
NAN | Nombre Absolu de Neutrophiles | In French | → Blood and circulatory system |
NANA | Acide N-acétylneuraminique = NeuAc | Acide N-acétylneuraminique | In French |
In French | → Biochemistry, biophysics |
NAP | Noyautage des Administrations Publiques | In French | → Public administration, government → History |
NAR | Nouvelle Action royaliste | In French | → Political parties and movements |
NAUTILE | Noyau d'Aide à l'Usage, la Transmission et l'Installation des Logiciels libres sur l'Estuaire | In French | → Organizations and associations → Software |
NBI | Nouvelle Bonification Indiciaire | In French | → Public finance |
NBIC | Nanotechnologies, Biologie, Information, Cognition | In French | → Engineering, technology → Biotechnology → Computer science → Neurology |
NCAG | Nouveau Guide d'Analyse et de Gestion | In French | |
NCG | Neptune Club Gosselien | In French | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
NCM | Négociations Commerciales Multilatérales | In French | → International economic cooperation |
NEB | Numérisation de l'Espace de Bataille | In French | → Computer-based techniques → Military affairs |
NEM | Nouvel Ensemble Moderne ( | In French | → Music |
NEM | Normes Européennes de Modélisme (ferroviaire) | In French | → Standardization → Entertainment → Rail transport engineering → Europe |
NEM | Néoplasie Endocrinienne Multiple | In French | → Oncology → Endocrinology → Physiology |
NEOM | Nutrition Énergétique des Organes et des Méridiens | In French | → Occult sciences |
NEP | Norme d'Exercice Professionnel | In French | → Standardization |
NEPTUNE | Nouvel Environnement pour Poste de Travail UNifié d'Entreprise | In French | → Computer science |
NERF | Neuropôle de Recherche Francilien | In French | → Research institutes → Neurology → France |
NERSA | (Société centrale) Nucléaire Européenne à neutrons Rapides SA | In French | → Nuclear technology → Electrical engineering |
NET | Nécrolyse Épidermique Toxique = TEN | Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis | In English |
In French | → Dermatology → Immunology and allergy → Pharmacology, toxicology |
NeuAc | Acide N-acétylneuraminique = NANA (look above) |
In French | → Biochemistry, biophysics |
NEV | Nombre d’Équivalent Vases | In French | → Archeology |
NF | Norme Française ( | In French | → Standardization → France |
NGF | Nivellement Général de la France | In French | → Geodesy, cartography → Geography → France |
NH3 | Ammoniac | In French | → Chemistry |
NHC | Nouvel Hôpital Civil | In French | → Medicine |
Ni | Nickel = NI | Nikkel | In Afrikaans = NI | نيكل | In Arabic = NI | Nikel | In Azerbaijani = NI | Нікель | In Belarusian = NI | Никел | In Bulgarian = NI | নিকেল | In Bengali = NI | Nikl | In Bosnian = NI | Níquel | In Catalan = NI | Nichele | In Corsican = NI | Nikl | In Czech = NI | Никĕль | In Chuvash = NI | Nikkel | In Danish = NI | Nickel | In German = NI | Νικέλιο | In Greek = NI | Nickel | In English = NI | Nikelo | In Esperanto = NI | Níquel | In Spanish = NI | Nikkel | In Estonian = NI | Nikel | In Basque = NI | نیکل | In Persian = NI | Nikkeli | In Finnish = NI | Nichel | In Friulian = NI | Níquel | In Galician = NI | Nickyl | In Manx = NI | ניקל | In Hebrew = NI | निकेल | In Hindi = NI | Nikal | In Croatian = NI | Nikèl | In Haitian Creole = NI | Nikkel | In Hungarian = NI | Նիկել | In Armenian = NI | Nikel | In Indonesian = NI | Nikelo | In Ido = NI | Nikkel | In Icelandic = NI | Nichel | In Italian = NI | ニッケル | In Japanese = NI | nikle | In Lojban = NI | Nikel | JV = NI | ნიკელი | In Georgian = NI | 니켈 | In Korean = NI | Nîkel | In Kurdish = NI | Niccolum | In Latin = NI | Néckel | In Letzeburgesh = NI | Nikelis | In Lithuanian = NI | Niķelis | In Latvian = NI | Konukōreko | In Māori = NI | Никел | In Macedonian = NI | നിക്കല് | In Malayalam = NI | निकेल | In Marathi = NI | Iztāctepoztli | En Nahuatl = NI | Nickel | In Low German = NI | Nikkel | In Dutch = NI | Nikkel | In Nynorsk = NI | Nikkel | In Norwegian = NI | Niquèl | In Occitan = NI | Nikiel | In Polish = NI | Níquel | In Portuguese = NI | Nikil | In Quechua = NI | Nichel | In Romanian = NI | Никель | In Russian = NI | Nichel | In Sicilian = NI | Nikl | In Serbo-Croatian = NI | Nikel | In Slovak = NI | Nikelj | In Slovenian = NI | Никл | In Serbian = NI | Nickel | In Swedish = NI | Nikeli | In Swahili = NI | நிக்கல் | In Tamil = NI | Никел | In Tajik = NI | นิกเกิล | In Thai = NI | Nikel | In Turkish = NI | Нікель | In Ukrainian = NI | Nikel | In Uzbek = NI | Niken | In Vietnamese = NI | ניקל | In Yiddisch = NI | 镍 | In Chinese |
In French | → Chemistry |
NIIF | Normes Internationales d'Information Financière | In French | → Accounting |
NINEA | Numéro d'Identification Nationale des Entreprises et Associations | In French | → Central administration → 00628 |
NLU | Nouvelle Librairie Universitaire ( | In French | → Libraries → Education |
NMI | Nombre Minimum d’Individus | In French | → Archeology |
NMMBC | Neuropathie Motrice Multifocale à Bloc de Conduction | In French | → Neurology |
NMPP | Nouvelles Messageries de la Presse Parisienne | In French | → Newspapers, journalism → Graphic industries, printing, publishing → France |
NMR | Nouveau Mouvement Religieux = NRM | New Religious Movement | In English = NRB | Nieuwe Religieuze Beweging | In Dutch = NRJ | Naujieji religiniai judėjimai | In Lithuanian |
In French | → Modern spiritual movements |
NNI | Numéro National Individuel | In French | |
NNO | Numéro de Nomenclature OTAN = NSN | NATO Stock Number | In English |
In French | → Military affairs |
NOREX | Normes et Règlements à l'Export | In French | → Trade |
NORMCERQ | Secrétariat régional de la Normalisation, de la Certification et de la promotion de la Qualité | In French | → United Nations → Standardization → Quality management |
NOx | Oxydes d'Azote | In French | → Chemistry |
NPAI | N'habite Plus à l'Adresse Indiquée | In French | → Transport and postal services |
NPF | Nation la Plus Favorisée | In French | → Economics |
NR | Niveau de Responsabilité | In French | → Management |
NR | Niveau de Rémunération | In French | → Personnel management |
NR | Nombre de Restes | In French | → Archeology |
NRA | Nœud de Raccordement Abonné | In French | → Telecommunications |
NRA | Notes de Référence à Appliquer | In French | |
NRA&A | Nouvelle Revue d'Aéronautique et d'Astronautique | In French | → Serial publications, periodicals → Aeronautics, aircraft → Astronautics |
NRE | Nouvelles Régulations Économiques | In French | → Law, jurisprudence → Economics |
NROA | Nouvelle Revue d'Optique Appliquée | In French | → Serial publications, periodicals → Optics |
NROpt | Nouvelle Revue d'Optique | In French | → Serial publications, periodicals → Optics |
NSIL | Nouveau Système d'Information Logement | In French | → Accommodation |
NSR | Nouveau Système de Rémunération | In French | → Personnel management |
NTBF | Nouvelles Technologies Burkina Faso ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → Computer science |
NTE | Nouvelles Technologies de l'Énergie | In French | → Energy economics |
NTF | Nouvelle Triangulation Française | In French | → Geodesy, cartography |
NTI | Nombre Typologique d’Individus | In French | → Archeology |
NUMDAM | NUMérisation de Documents Anciens Mathématiques | In French | → Document processing → Libraries → Mathematics |
nvMCJ | Nouveau variant de la Maladie de Creutzfeldt-Jakob | In French | → Neurology |
O | Oxygène = O | Suurstof | In Afrikaans = O | Sauerstoff | In Tosk = O | أكسجين | In Arabic = O | Oxíxenu | In Asturian = O | Oksigen | In Azerbaijani = O | Sauastoff | In Austro-Bavarian = O | Кісларод | In Belarusian = O | Кислород | In Bulgarian = O | অক্সিজেন | In Bengali = O | Oksigen | In Breton = O | Kiseonik | In Bosnian = O | Oxigen | In Catalan = O | Ossigenu | In Corsican = O | Kyslík | In Czech = O | Йӳçлĕк | In Chuvash = O | Ocsigen | In Welsh = O | Ilt | In Danish = O | Sauerstoff | In German = O | Οξυγόνο | In Greek = O | Oxygen | In English = O | Oksigeno | In Esperanto = O | Oxígeno | In Spanish = O | Hapnik | In Estonian = O | Oxigeno | In Basque = O | اکسیژن | In Persian = O | Happi | In Finnish = O | Ossigjen | In Friulian = O | Soerstof | In Frisian = O | Ocsaigin | In Irish = O | Àile-beatha | In Scottish Gaelic = O | Osíxeno | In Galician = O | ઑક્સીજન | In Gujarati = O | Ocsygien | In Manx = O | חמצן | In Hebrew = O | आक्सीजन | In Hindi = O | Kisik | In Croatian = O | Kislik | In Upper Sorbian = O | Oksijèn | In Haitian Creole = O | Oxigén | In Hungarian = O | Թթվածին | In Armenian = O | Oxygeno | In Interlingua = O | Oksigen | In Indonesian = O | Oxo | In Ido = O | Súrefni | In Icelandic = O | Ossigeno | In Italian = O | 酸素 | In Japanese = O | kijno | In Lojban = O | Oksigen | JV = O | ჟანგბადი | In Georgian = O | ಆಮ್ಲಜನಕ | In Kannada = O | 산소 | In Korean = O | Sauerstoff | In Kölsch = O | Oksîjen | In Kurdish = O | Oxygenium | In Latin = O | Sauerstoff | In Letzeburgesh = O | Zuurstof | In Limburgish = O | Oksijɛ́ní | In Lingala = O | Deguonis | In Lithuanian = O | Skābeklis | In Latvian = O | Hāora | In Māori = O | Кислород | In Macedonian = O | ഓക്സിജന് | In Malayalam = O | Хүчилтөрөгч | In Mongolian = O | ऑक्सिजन | In Marathi = O | Oksigen | In Malay = O | Ehēcayoh | En Nahuatl = O | Suerstoff | In Low German = O | अक्सिजन | In Newari (Nepal Bhasa) = O | Zuurstof | In Dutch = O | Oksygen | In Nynorsk = O | Oksygen | In Norwegian = O | Oxygen | In Oromo = O | Oxygen | In Kapampangan = O | Tlen | In Polish = O | Oxigénio | In Portuguese = O | Muksichaq | In Quechua = O | Oxigen | In Romanian = O | Кислород | In Russian = O | Ossìgginu | In Sicilian = O | Kiseonik | In Serbo-Croatian = O | ඔක්සිජන් | In Sinhalese = O | Kyslík | In Slovak = O | Kisik | In Slovenian = O | Oksigjeni | In Albanian = O | Кисеоник | In Serbian = O | Oksigén | In Sundanese = O | Syre | In Swedish = O | Oksijeni | In Swahili = O | ஆக்ஸிஜன் | In Tamil = O | ఆక్సిజన్ | In Telugu = O | Оксиген | In Tajik = O | ออกซิเจน | In Thai = O | Oksiheno | In Tagalog = O | Oksijen | In Turkish = O | Кисень | In Ukrainian = O | Kislorod | In Uzbek = O | Ôxy | In Vietnamese = O | זויערשטאף | In Yiddisch = O | 氧 | In Chinese |
In French | → Chemistry |
O3 | Ozone | In French | → Chemistry |
OA | Ordre d'Annulation | In French | |
OAEO | Organisation de l'Armement de l'Europe occidentale | In French | |
OAF | Opérations Avec les Filiales | In French | |
OAMI | Outil d'Apprentissage Multimédia Interactif | In French | → Education |
OAP | Œdème Aigu Pulmonaire | In French | → Chest diseases |
OAPI | Organisation Africaine de la Propriété Intellectuelle ( = AIPO | African Intellectual Property Organization | In English |
In French | → Organizations and associations → Industrial property → Artistic property → Africa |
OAR | Ordre d'Annulation de Recettes | In French | → Public finance → Accounting |
OASIS | Objets Actifs, Sémantique, Internet et Sécurité | In French | → Software → Internet → Semiotics |
OASIS | Outil d'Accès Simplifié à l'Information du Système | In French | → Software |
OBAC | Office Beninois Authentification et Anti-contrefaçon ( | In French | → Central administration → Consumerism |
OBNT | Ordre de Base National des Transmissions | In French | → Telecommunications → Firefighting |
OC | Organisme Comptable | In French | → Accounting |
OCA | Ouest Convoyeur et Automatisme | In French | → Mechanical engineering |
OCA | Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur ( | In French | → Observatories → France |
OCA | Organisation Combat Anarchiste | In French | → Organizations and associations → Anarchist organizations |
OCBC | Office Central de lutte contre le trafic des Biens Culturels | In French | → Police |
OCC | Organisme Comptable de Centralisation | In French | → Accounting |
OCC | Ordre Complémentaire pour le Chiffre | In French | → Military affairs |
OCC | Obus à Charge Creuse | In French | → Military affairs |
OCDE | Organisation de Coopération et de Développement Économique ( = OECD | Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development | In English = OCDE | Organizaţia de Cooperare şi Dezvoltare Economică | In Romanian = ΟΟΣΑ | Οργανισμός Οικονομικής Συνεργασίας και Ανάπτυξης | In Greek = OESO | Organisasie vir Ekonomiese Samewerking en Ontwikkeling | In Afrikaans = OCDE | Organització per a la Cooperació i el Desenvolupament Econòmic | In Catalan = ОИСР | Организация за икономическо сътрудничество и развитие | In Bulgarian = OECD | منظمة التعاون والتنمية الاقتصادية | In Arabic = OESO | Organisatie voor Economische Samenwerking en Ontwikkeling | In Dutch = OEKE | Organizaĵo pri Ekonomiaj Kunlaboro kaj Evoluigo | In Esperanto = OCDE | Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económico | In Spanish = KHEE | Kooperazio eta Hazkunde Ekonomikorako Erakundea | In Basque = OCDE | Organisation de cooperation e de developament economic | In Interlingue = OECD | 경제 협력 개발 기구 | In Korean = OECD | 経済協力開発機構 | In Japanese = OCSE | Organizzazione per la Cooperazione e lo Sviluppo Economico | In Italian = OECD | 经济合作与发展组织 | In Chinese = OECD | Tổ chức Hợp tác và Phát triển Kinh tế | In Vietnamese = OECD | องค์การเพื่อความร่วมมือทางเศรษฐกิจและการพัฒนา | In Thai = ОЭСР | Организация экономического сотрудничества и развития | In Russian = OCDE | Organização para a Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Económico | In Portuguese |
In French | → International relations → International economic cooperation |
OCDPC | Office pour le Contrôle des Drogues et la Prévention du Crime = ODCCP | Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention | In English |
In French | → United Nations → Criminal law |
OCEAN | Organisation Centralisée pour l'Exploitation de l'Administration des services Lotus Notes | In French | → Software |
OCG | Organe de Coupure Général | In French | → Energy economics → Electrical engineering |
OCI | Officier Communication et Information | In French | → Military affairs |
OCI | Officier Communication Information | In French | → Military affairs |
OCIM | Office de Coopération et d'Information Muséographiques | In French | → Museums |
OCL | Organisation Communiste Libertaire | In French | → Communist parties → Anarchist organizations |
OCM | Organisation Civile et Militaire | In French | → Organizations and associations → History |
OCM | Organisations Communes des Marchés | In French | → Organizations and associations → Economics |
OCP | Office Chérifien des Phosphates = م ش ف | مجموعة المكتب الشريف للفوسفاط | In Arabic |
In French | → Mining → Chemical technology |
OCP | Opération Conduite Préventive | In French | |
OCQ | Ordre des Chimistes du Québec | In French | → Organizations and associations → Chemistry → Chemical technology → Canada |
OCQ | Ordre des Chiropraticiens du Québec | In French | → Organizations and associations → Occult sciences → Canada |
OCRB | Office Central pour la Répression du Banditisme | In French | → Police |
OCRD | Opérateur Commun du Réseau de Distribution | In French | → Energy economics → Electrical engineering |
OCRETH | Office Central pour la Répression de la Traite des Êtres Humains | In French | → Police → Slavery |
OCRFM | Office Central pour la Répression du Faux Monnayage | In French | → Police |
OCRGDF | Office Central pour la Répression de la Grande Délinquance Financière | In French | → Police → Finance |
OCRP | Officier Chargé des Relations Publiques | In French | → Military affairs |
OCRTAEMS | Office Central pour la Répression du Trafic des Armes, des munitions, des produits Explosifs et des Matières Sensibles | In French | → Police → Military engineering |
OCRTIS | Office Central pour la Répression du Trafic Illicite des Stupéfiants | In French | → Police |
OCRVP | Office Central pour la Répression des Violences aux Personnes | In French | → Police → Criminal law → France |
OCS | Olympic Club de Safi ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → Football and rugby → Morocco |
OCT | Ordre Complémentaire de Transmission | In French | → Telecommunications |
OCT | Ordre Complémentaire pour les Transmissions | In French | → Military affairs → Telecommunications |
OCVV | Office Communautaire des Variétés Végétales ( = CPVO | Community Plant Variety Office | In English = OCVV | Oficina Comunitària de Varietats Vegetals | In Catalan |
In French | → European Union → Industrial property → Agricultural sciences → Europe |
ODBC | Open Database Connectivity | In French | → Software → Data |
ODE | Observatoire du Devenir des Étudiants | In French | → Higher education, universities |
ODE | Observatoire Départemental de l'Eau | In French | → Regional administration → Hydrology → Environmental technology, water supply, waste management |
ODE | Occasion d'Entendre | In French | → Advertising |
ODICE | Outil de Diagnostic Interne Comptable de l'Éducation Nationale | In French | → Accounting → Central administration → Education |
ODIT | Observation, Développement et Ingénierie Touristique | In French | → Tourism |
ODSEF | Observatoire Démographique et Statistique de l'Espace Francophone | In French | → Organizations and associations → Demography → Statistics |
ODV | Occasion De Voir | In French | → Advertising |
OEA | Ouvrier d'Entretien et d'Accueil | In French | → Labour, labour economics |
OEB | Office Européen des Brevets ( = EPO | European Patent Office | In English = OEP | Oficina Europea de Patentes | In Spanish = EOB | Europees Octrooibureau | In Dutch = IEP | Instituto Europeu de Patentes | In Portuguese = EAP | Europäisches Patentamt | In German |
In French | → International economic cooperation → Industrial property |
OEB | Ordre d'Exécution de Branchement | In French | → Energy economics → Electrical engineering |
OECE | Organisation Européenne de Coopération Économique = OEES | Organisasie vir Europese Ekonomiese Samewerking | In Afrikaans = ΟΕΟΣ | Οργανισμός Ευρωπαϊκής Οικονομικής Συνεργασίας | In Greek = OCEE | Organització per a la Cooperació Econòmica Europea | In Catalan = OEEC | Organisation for European Economic Co-operation | In English = OECE | Organizzazione Europea per la Cooperazione Economica | In Italian = OCEE | Organizaţia pentru Cooperare Economică Europeană | In Romanian = OECE | Organização para a Cooperação Económica Europeia | In Portuguese |
In French | → International relations → International economic cooperation |
OEP | Observatoire Européen du Plurilinguisme | In French | → Organizations and associations → Language, linguistics, literature |
OEST | Observatoire Économique et Statistique des Transports | In French | → Statistics → Economics → Transport and postal services |
OF | Ordre de Fabrication | In French | → Maintenance and logistics |
OFAJ | Office Franco-Allemand pour la Jeunesse | In French | → Organizations and associations → International relations |
OFBSL | Observatoire de la Foresterie du Bas-Saint-Laurent | In French | → Threats to the environment → Agricultural sciences |
OFC | Organisme Fisco-Comptable | In French | → Taxes, duties → Accounting |
OFEFP | Office Fédéral de l'Environnement, des Forêts et du Paysage | In French | → Public administration, government → Environmental protection → Forestry |
OFEMA | Office Français d'Exportation de Matériels Aéronautiques | In French | → Trade → Military engineering → Aeronautics, aircraft |
OFP | Omnium Français des Pétroles | In French | → 665 → France |
OFQJ | Office Franco-Québécois pour la Jeunesse | In French | → France |
OFSPO | Office Fédéral du Sport = BASPO | Bundesamt für Sport | In German |
In French | → Central administration → Sport, physical exercises |
Ofta | Observatoire Français des Techniques Avancées | In French | → Research institutes → Engineering, technology |
OGAF | Opérations Groupées d'Aménagement du Foncier | In French | → Regional planning → Accommodation |
OGD | Oesophago-Gastro-Duodénoscopie | In French | → Diagnostics |
OGE | Ordre des Géomètres Experts | In French | → Organizations and associations → Geodesy, cartography |
OGG | Ordre de la Grande Gidouille | In French | → Literature |
OGHB | Office Généalogique et Héraldique de Belgique | In French | → Organizations and associations → Genealogy → Heraldry → Belgium |
OGM | Organisme Génétiquement Modifié | In French | → Biological sciences → Biotechnology |
OGOPA | Outil de Gestion Opérationnelle des Produits et Activités | In French | → Software → Management |
OGP | Organisation et Gestion de la Production | In French | → Management |
OGS | Opération Grand Site | In French | |
OHMI | Office de l'Harmonisation dans le Marché Intérieur ( = OHIM | Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market | In English = OHMI | Oficina per a l'Harmonització del Mercat Interior | In Catalan = HABM | Harmonisierungsamt für den Binnenmarkt | In German = OAMI | Oficina de Armonización del Mercado Interior | In Spanish = UAMI | Ufficio per l'Armonizzazione nel Mercato Interno | In Italian = IHMI | Instituto de Harmonização do Mercado Interno | In Portuguese |
In French | → European Union → Industrial property → Artistic property → Europe |
OHP | Observatoire de Haute-Provence ( | In French | → Observatories → France |
OI | Ordinateur Individuel | In French | → Serial publications, periodicals → Computer science |
OIAC | Organisation pour l'Interdiction des Armes Chimiques ( = OPWC | Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons | In English |
In French | → Organizations and associations → International relations → Military engineering |
OIBT | Organisation Internationale des Bois Tropicaux ( = ITTO | International Tropical Timber Organization | In English = OIMT | Organización Internacional de las Maderas Tropicales | In Spanish |
In French | → Organizations and associations → Environmental protection → Timber and woodworking industry |
OICA | Organisation Internationale des Constructeurs d'Automobiles ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → Mechanical engineering → Automobile manufacturing |
OICTS | Ordre International Chevaleresque de Tradition Solaire | In French | → Modern spiritual movements |
OIE | Office International des Épizooties ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → Veterinary medicine |
OIE | Opérations Inter-Établissements | In French | → Accounting |
OIE | Opération Inter-Établissement | In French | |
OIEau | Office International de l'Eau | In French | → Organizations and associations → Hydrology → Environmental technology, water supply, waste management |
OIM | Organisation Internationale pour les Migrations ( = IOM | International Organization for Migration | In English = IOM | Internationale Organisation für Migration | In German = ΔΟΜ | Διεθνής Οργανισμός Μετανάστευσης | In Greek = OIM | Organización Internacional para las Migraciones | In Spanish = OIM | Organizzazione Internazionale per le Migrazioni | In Italian = LNBM | Lisangá lya nkóta na bokei o mitili | In Lingala = TMO | Tarptautinė Migracijos Organizacija | In Lithuanian = IOM | Internationale Organisatie voor Migratie | In Dutch = МОМ | Международная организация по миграции | In Russian = МОМ | Міжнародна організація з міграції | In Ukrainian |
In French | → International organizations → Migrations |
OIML | Organisation Internationale de Métrologie Légale | In French | → Organizations and associations → Standardization |
OIN | Opération d'Intérêt National | In French | → Politics → Regional planning |
OIO | Opérations Inter-Organismes | In French | → Accounting |
OIO | Opération Inter-Organisme | In French | |
OIP | Omnium International des Pétroles | In French | → 665 |
OIPC | Organisation Internationale de Police Criminelle | In French | → Organizations and associations → International relations → Criminology → Police |
OIQ | Ordre des Ingénieurs du Québec ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → Engineering, technology |
OIR | Organisation Internationale pour les Réfugiés = IRO | International Refugee Organization | In English |
In French | → United Nations → Migrations |
OIT | Organisation Internationale du Travail = ILO | International Labour Organization | In English = ILO | Internacia Labor-Organizo | In Esperanto |
In French | → United Nations → Labour, labour economics |
OIV | Organisation Internationale de la Vigne et du Vin | In French | → Organizations and associations → Agricultural sciences → Beverage industry |
OJC | Organisation Juive de Combat | In French | → Organizations and associations → Judaism → History |
OJD | Office de Justification de la Diffusion des Supports de Publicité | In French | → Advertising |
OL | Olympique Lyonnais ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises → France |
OLAF | Office européen de Lutte Antifraude | In French | → Trade → Criminal law → Industrial property |
OLIMP | Outil Local d'Information pour la Maîtrise des Produits dangereux | In French | → Software |
OLP | Organisation de Libération de la Palestine = PLO | Palestine Liberation Organization | In English = FAT | Fələstin Azadlıq Təşkilatı | In Azerbaijani = ООП | Организация за освобождение на Палестина | In Bulgarian = OAP | Organització per a l'Alliberament de Palestina | In Catalan = OOP | Organizace pro osvobození Palestiny | In Czech = OLP | Organización para la Liberación de Palestina | In Spanish = PAE | Palestinaren Askapenerako Erakundea | In Basque = OLP | Organizaĵo por Liberigo de Palestino | In Esperanto = OLP | Organización para a Liberación da Palestina | In Galician = PLO | 팔레스타인 해방기구 | In Korean = OLP | Organização para a Libertação da Palestina | In Portuguese = OWP | Organizacja Wyzwolenia Palestyny | In Polish = PLO | パレスチナ解放機構 | In Japanese = ПЛО | Палестинската ослободителна организација | In Macedonian = PIO | Palestinos išsivadavimo organizacija | In Lithuanian = პგო | პალესტინის განთავისუფლების ორგანიზაცია | In Georgian = OLP | Organizzazione per la Liberazione della Palestina | In Italian = ООП | Организация освобождения Палестины | In Russian = ПЛО | Палестинска ослободилачка организација | In Serbian = PLO | 巴勒斯坦解放組織 | In Chinese = OВП | Організація визволення Палестини | In Ukrainian = FKÖ | Filistin Kurtuluş Örgütü | In Turkish |
In French | → Political parties and movements |
OM | Olympique de Marseille | In French | → Sport, physical exercises → France |
OMC | Organisation Mondiale du Commerce = MOK | Monda Organiz(aĵ)o pri Komerco | In Esperanto = MKO | Monda Komerca Organizaĵo | In Esperanto = WTO | World Trade Organization | In English |
In French | → International relations → Trade |
OMC | Office Municipal de la Culture | In French | → 351 |
OMD | Objectifs du Millénaire pour le Développement = MDG | Millennium Development Goals | In German = OSM | Obiettivi di Sviluppo del Millennio | In Italian = TPM | Tujuan Pembangunan Milenium | In Indonesian = ODM | Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio | In Spanish = MDM | Metas de Desenvolvimento do Milênio | In Portuguese |
In French | → United Nations → Development |
OMD | Oedème Maculaire Diabétique | In French | → Pathology → Ophthalmology |
OMEGA | Outil pour les Mutuelles des Électriciens et GAziers | In French | → Software → Insurance → Energy economics → Electrical engineering |
OMI | Organisation Maritime Internationale = IMO | International Maritime Organization | In English = IMO | Internacia Mar-Organizo | In Esperanto |
In French | → International relations → Marine research, oceanography → 6295 → Agricultural sciences |
OMJ | Oscillation de Madden-Julian = MJO | Madden-Julian Oscillation | In English |
In French | → Meteorology, climatology |
OMLA | Office Municipal Loisirs-Animation | In French | → Municipal administration → Leisure → Entertainment → France |
OMM | Organisation Météorologique Mondiale ( = MMO | Monda Meteologia Organizo | In Esperanto = WMO | World Meteorological Organization | In English |
In French | → Organizations and associations → Meteorology, climatology → United Nations |
OMMI | Oblates Missionnaires de Marie Immaculée = OMMI | Oblate Missionaries of Mary Immaculate | In English = OMMI | Oblatas Misioneras de Maria Inmaculada | In Spanish = OMMI | Oblate Missionarie di Maria Immacolata | In Italian |
In French | → Roman catholic church |
OMNSH | Observatoire des Mondes Numériques en Sciences Humaines ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → Computer science → Social sciences |
OMP | Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées ( | In French | → Observatories → Earth sciences → France |
OMPI | Organisation Mondiale de la Propriété Intellectuelle ( = WIPO | World Intellectual Property Organisation | In English = MOIP | Monda Organizo pri Intelekta Proprieto | In Esperanto = WIPO | World Intellectual Property Organization | In English = OMPI | Organizaţia Mondială a Proprietăţii Intelectuale | In Romanian |
In French | → International relations → Industrial property → Artistic property |
OMT | Organisation Mondiale du Tourisme = WTO | World Tourism Organization | In English = СТО | Светска туристичка организација | In Russian = OMT | Organização Mundial de Turismo | In Portuguese = OMT | Organizzazione Mondiale del Turismo | In Italian = OMT | Organización Mundial del Turismo | In Spanish = OMT | Organizazion Mondiâl dal Turisim | In Friulian |
In French | → United Nations → Tourism |
OMT | Ordre Martiniste Traditionnel | In French | → Religion, theology → Occult sciences |
OMT | Organe de Manœuvre Télécommandé | In French | → Mechanical engineering → Telecommunications |
OMVG | Organisation pour la Mise en Valeur du fleuve Gambie | In French | → Organizations and associations → Development → 5023 → Engineering, technology |
OMVS | Organisation pour la Mise en Valeur du fleuve Sénégal | In French | → Organizations and associations → 337 → Development → Agricultural sciences |
ONBAH | Office National des Barrages et des Aménagements Hydro-agricoles | In French | → Central administration → 627 → Agricultural sciences |
ONC | Office National de la Chasse | In French | → Central administration → Fishing, hunting |
ONC | Organisme National de Certification | In French | → Standardization |
ONCF | Office National des Chemins de Fer | In French | → Transport and postal services |
OND | Observatoire National de la Délinquance | In French | → Sociology → Law, jurisprudence |
ONDRP | Observatoire National de la Délinquance et des Réponses Pénales | In French | → Organizations and associations → Police → Criminal law → 3438 |
ONE | Office National d'Électricité ( | In French | → Central administration → Electrical engineering → Morocco |