Acronym | Sense | Language | Topics |
ICRP | Institut de Communication et Relations Publiques | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Public relations |
ICS | Institut Clinique de la Souris ( | In French | → Research institutes → Medicine → Pharmacology, toxicology → France |
ICS | Ingénierie des Contenus et Savoirs ( | In French | → Research institutes → Computer science → Knowledge management → France |
ICS | Initiative Clause Sociale ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → Economics → Labour, labour economics |
ICS | Institut Charles Sadron ( | In French | → Research institutes → Physics → Chemistry → France |
ICS | Institut de Cinématographie Scientifique ( | In French | → Research institutes → Cinema, movies → France |
ICS | Industries Chimiques du Sénégal ( | In French | → Chemical technology |
ICSI | Injection Intracytoplasmique du Spermatozoïde | In French | → Gynaecology |
ICT | Institut Catholique de Toulouse ( | In French | → Higher education, universities → Roman catholic church → France |
ICTA | Instituts et Centres Techniques Agricoles | In French | → Research institutes → Agricultural sciences |
ICTT | Interaction Collaborative, Télé-formation, Télé-activités | In French | → Human-computer interaction → Networks, communication → Education |
ICV | Institut Cardiovasculaire | In French | → Cardiology |
ID | Initiative Développement | In French | → Organizations and associations → Development |
ID | Informatique Distribuée | In French | → Software → Networks, communication |
ID | Inscriptions de Délos | In French | → Serial publications, periodicals → Archeology |
ID | Impôt Différé | In French | → Taxes, duties |
IDA | Impôt Différé Actif | In French | → Taxes, duties |
IDATE | Institut de l'Audiovisuel et des Télécommunications en Europe | In French | → Cinema, movies → Telecommunications |
IDCP | Invalité Décès Complément Prestations | In French | → Social welfare |
IDE | Investissement Direct à l'Étranger | In French | → Economics |
IDE | Investissements Directs à l'Étranger | In French | → Finance |
IDEA | Inventer la Distribution Électrique de l'Avenir | In French | → Electrical engineering |
IDEB | Institut de Développement Économique de la Bourgogne | In French | → Economics |
IDÉE | Institut Des Épilepsies de l‘Enfant et de l‘Adolescent | In French | → Neurology → Pediatry |
IDEFIE | Initiative pour le Développement de l'Expertise Française à l'International et en Europe ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → France |
IDEMM | Ingénierie Documentaire, Édition et Médiation Multimédia | In French | → Document processing → Libraries → Graphic industries, printing, publishing |
IDEMU | Institut de l'Écologie en Milieu Urbain | In French | → Threats to the environment → Ecology |
IDEN | Inspecteur Départemental de l'Éducation Nationale | In French | → Education → Central administration |
IDÉO | Institut Dominicain d'Études Orientales du Caire ( | In French | → Research institutes → Roman catholic church → Area studies → Islam → Egypt |
IDH | Indice de Développement Humain = HDI | Human Development Index | In English = IHD | Indico de Homa Disvolviĝo | In Esperanto = IDH | Índex de Desenvolupament Humà | In Catalan |
In French | → Demography, statistics, sociology |
IDIST | Formation et Recherche en Sciences de l'Information et du Document | In French | → Document processing → Knowledge management → Libraries |
IDN | Institut Industriel du Nord | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Engineering, technology |
IDP | Impôt Différé Passif | In French | → Taxes, duties |
IDS | Initiative de Défense Stratégique | In French | → Military affairs |
IDSR | Inspecteur Départemental de la Sécurité Routière | In French | → Regional administration → Transport and postal services |
IDVE | Indice de Déviation du Volume Érythrocytaire | In French | → Blood and circulatory system |
IE | Intelligence Économique | In French | |
IE | Internet Explorer | In French | → Software → Internet |
IEA | Ingénieur de l'Électronique Aéronautique | In French | → Electronics → Aeronautics, aircraft |
IEC | Institut Émilie du Châtelet | In French | → Research institutes |
IED | Innovation Énergie Développement | In French | → Energy economics |
IEDN | Institut Européen de Distribution et de Négociation | In French | → Higher education, universities → Economics |
IEE | Institut d'Études Européennes | In French | → Social sciences |
IEG | Industrie Électrique et Gazière | In French | → Electrical engineering → Energy economics |
IEIFC | Incubateur d'Entreprises Innovantes de Franche-Comté ( | In French | → Research policy |
IEMN | Institut d'Électronique et de Microélectronique du Nord | In French | → Electronics |
IEMN | ÉInstitut d'Électronique, de Microélectronique et de Nanotechnologie | In French | → Electronics |
IEN | Inspecteur de l'Éducation Nationale | In French | → Education → Central administration |
IEP | Institut d'Études Politiques | In French | → Politics → Education |
IER | Institut d'Économie Rurale | In French | → Economics |
IERP | Institut d'Études Religieuses et Pastorales | In French | → Religion, theology |
IERSE | Institut d'Études et de Recherche pour la Sécurité des Entreprises | In French | → Research institutes → Economics |
IES | Initiative Européenne et Sociale | In French | → Political parties and movements |
IET | Institut Européen de Technologie | In French | → Engineering, technology |
IEVP | Instrument Européen de Voisinage et de Partenariat | In French | → European Union |
IFA | Impôt Forfaitaire Annuel | In French | → Taxes, duties |
IFA | Imagerie Fonctionnelle Automatisée | In French | → Diagnostics |
IFA | Internationale de Fédérations Anarchistes | In French | → Organizations and associations → Anarchist organizations |
IFAT | Institut Français d'Analyse Transactionnelle | In French | → Psychology → France |
IFCIC | Institut pour le Financement du Cinéma et des Industries Culturelles | In French | → Cinema, movies |
IFE | Indice de Fréquence Élargi | In French | |
IFEAC | Institut Français d'Études sur l'Asie Centrale | In French | → Research institutes → Area studies |
IFEAD | Institut Français d'Études Arabes de Damas | In French | → Research institutes → Language, linguistics, literature → Geography, biography, history |
IFEN | Institut Français de l'Environnement ( | In French | → Research institutes → Environmental protection → Threats to the environment → France |
IFF | Interchange File Format | In French | → Files |
IFFI | Institut Français du Froid Industriel et du génie climatique ( | In French | → Energy economics → Environmental technology, water supply, waste management → France |
IFG | Institut Français de Géopolitique ( | In French | → Research institutes → International relations → France |
IFI | Institut de la Francophonie pour l'Informatique ( | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Computer science |
IFM | Institut Français de la Mer | In French | → Organizations and associations → Threats to the environment → Marine research, oceanography → France |
IFMA | Institut Français de Mécanique Avancée ( | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Mechanical engineering → France |
IFOP | Instrument Financier d'Orientation de la Pêche = FIAF | Finanzinstrument für die Ausrichtung der Fischerei | In German = SFOP | Strumento Finanziario di Orientamento della Pesca | In Italian = FIFG | Financial Instrument for Fisheries Guidance | In English = FFU | Fonden för Fiskets Utveckling | In Swedish |
In French | → Finance → European Union → Fishing, hunting |
IFP | Institut Français du Pétrole ( | In French | → Research institutes → Earth sciences → Mining → 665 → France |
IFP | Institut Français de Presse | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Newspapers, journalism → France |
IFPCC | Institut Français des Praticiens des Procédures Collectives | In French | → Organizations and associations → Law, jurisprudence → France |
IFPO | Institut Français du Proche-Orient ( | In French | → Area studies |
IFR | Institut Fédératif de Recherche | In French | → Research policy |
IFR PPF | Institut fédératif de recherche Paris-Nord Plaine de France | In French | → Research institutes → Research policy → France |
IFRAC | Institut de Formation et de Recherche des Avocats aux Conseils | In French | → Research institutes → Education → Law, jurisprudence |
IFRAMES | Institut de Formation, de Recherche et d'Animation des Métiers Éducatifs et Sociaux | In French | → Social aid → Education |
IFREMER | Institut Français de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer ( | In French | → Research institutes → Marine research, oceanography → France |
IFRI | Institut Français des Relations Internationales ( | In French | → Research institutes → International relations → France |
IFRTP | Institut Français pour la Recherche et la Technologie Polaire ( | In French | → Research institutes → Earth sciences → France |
IFT | Institut Facultaire de Technologie | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Engineering, technology |
IFT | Institut de Formation des Techniciens | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges |
IFTH | Institut Français du Textile et de l'Habillement ( | In French | → Research institutes → Textile industry → France |
IFTS | Indemnités Forfaitaires pour Travaux Supplémentaires | In French | → Personnel management |
IFTSTP | Institut de Formation des Techniciens Spécialisés des Travaux Publics | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Civil engineering → Civil engineering and land transport |
IFU | Identifiant Fiscal Unique | In French | → Taxes, duties |
IFV | Institut Français de Vienne | In French | → International relations → Austria |
IGA | Institut Supérieur du Génie Appliqué ( | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Morocco |
IGAENR | Inspection Générale de l'Administration de l'Éducation | In French | → Central administration → Education |
IGB | Inspection Générale des Bibliothèques | In French | → Libraries → Public administration, government |
IGBMC | Institut de Génétique et de Biologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire | In French | → Genetics → Cytology → Biochemistry, biophysics |
IGEN | Inspection Générale de l'Éducation Nationale | In French | → Central administration → Education |
IGF | Inspection Générale des Finances | In French | → Finance → Public administration, government |
IgG | Immunoglobuline G | In French | → Biochemistry, biophysics → Immunology and allergy |
IGH | Immeuble de Grande Hauteur | In French | → Construction → Accommodation |
IgIV | Immunoglobuline intraveineuse | In French | → Biochemistry, biophysics → Immunology and allergy |
IGLOO | Indicateurs, Gestion des Licences, Outillage Opérateurs | In French | |
IGM | Institut Gaspard Monge | In French | |
IGMHB | Institut de Génie Mécanique - Université des Sciences et de la Technologie Haouari Boumediene | In French | → Higher education, universities → Mechanical engineering |
IGN | Institut Géographique National | In French | → Geodesy, cartography → Geography |
IGPN | Inspection Générale de la Police Nationale | In French | → Police → Central administration |
IGR | Institut Gustave-Roussy | In French | → Research institutes → Oncology |
IGS | Ingénieurs-Géomètres Suisses ( = IGS | Ingenieur-Geometer Schweiz | In German |
In French | → Organizations and associations → Applied sciences, technology → Switzerland |
IGS | Inspection Générale des Services | In French | → Public administration, government |
IGSJ | Inspection Générale des Services Judiciaires | In French | → Central administration → Law, jurisprudence |
IGSN | Inspection Générale pour la Sûreté Nucléaire | In French | → Central administration → Nuclear technology |
IHEDN | Institut des Hautes Études de Défense Nationale | In French | → Research institutes → Military affairs |
IHES | Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques | In French | → Mathematics and natural sciences |
IHESI | Institut des Hautes Études en Sécurité Intérieure | In French | |
IHESI | Institut des Hautes Études de la Sécurité Intérieure | In French | → Police |
IHEST | Institut des Hautes Études pour la Science et la Technologie | In French | → Mathematics and natural sciences → Engineering, technology |
IHM | Interface Homme-Machine = MDI | Människa-datorinteraktion | In Swedish = MMI | Man-Machine Interaction | In English = CHI | Computer-Human Interaction | In English |
In French | → Human-computer interaction |
IHMTR | Interface Homme-Machine Temps Réel | In French | → Human-computer interaction |
IHTP | Institut d'Histoire du Temps Présent ( | In French | → Research institutes → History → France |
IIAC | Institut Interdisciplinaire d'Anthropologie du Contemporain | In French | → Research institutes → Anthropology → Sociology |
IIAT | Institut International d'Agriculture Tropicale = IITA | International Institute of Tropical Agriculture | In English |
In French | → Research institutes → Agricultural sciences |
IIB | Institut International de Bibliographie | In French | → Organizations and associations → Bibliography |
IICI | Institut International de Coopération Intellectuelle | In French | → Organizations and associations → International relations |
IICP | Institut International de Communication de Paris ( | In French | → Higher education, universities → 659 → France |
IIP | Institut International de la Presse | In French | → Newspapers, journalism |
IJBA | Institut de Journalisme de Bordeaux Aquitaine | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Newspapers, journalism |
IJL | Internationale des Jeunesses Libertaires | In French | → Organizations and associations → Anarchist organizations |
IJLRA | Institut Jean Le Rond d'Alembert ( | In French | → Research institutes → Mechanical engineering → 524 → Energy economics |
IJM | Institut Jacques Monod ( | In French | → Research institutes → Biological sciences → France |
ILEE | Institut Languedocien de recherche sur l'Eau et l'Environnement ( | In French | → Research institutes → Threats to the environment → Hydrology |
ILF | Institut de Linguistique Française ( | In French | → Research institutes → Linguistics → France |
ILGA | Interférométrie Laser pour la Gravitation et l'Astrophysique | In French | → Astronomy → Physics → Optics |
ILM | Institut Louis Malardé | In French | → Medicine |
IM3 | Institut Mondor de Médecine Moléculaire | In French | → Biological sciences → Medicine |
IMAO | Institut Monétaire de l'Afrique de l'Ouest ( = WAMI | West African Monetary Institute | In English |
In French | → International economic cooperation → Africa |
IMASSA | Institut de Médecine Aérospatiale - Service de Santé des Armées | In French | → Medicine → Aeronautics, aircraft → Astronautics |
IMB | Institut de la Maison de Bourbon | In French | → Organizations and associations → History → 929731 |
IMC | Indice de Masse Corporelle = BMI | Body Mass Index | In English = BKİ | Bədən kütləsinin göstərici | In Turkish = KMI | Keapa-Moss-Index | In Austro-Bavarian = IMC | Índex de Massa Corporal | In Catalan = ΔΜΣ | Δείκτης μάζας σώματος | EK = KMI | Korpomasa Indico | In Esperanto = IMC | Índice de Masa Corporal | In Spanish = KMI | Kehamassiindeks | In Estonian = IMC | Índice de Masa Corporal | In Galician = IMC | Indice di Massa Corporea | In Italian = KMI | Kūno Masės Indeksas | In Lithuanian = IJT | Index Jisim Tubuh | In Malay = IMC | Índice de Massa Corporal | In Portuguese = ИМТ | Индекс массы тела | In Russian = VKİ | Vücut Kitle İndeksi | In Turkish |
In French | → Nutrition |
IMD | Indemnité de Mise à Disposition | In French | → Finance |
IME | Institut Méditerranéen de l'Eau | In French | → Hydrology → Environmental technology, water supply, waste management |
IME | Institut Monétaire Européen = EMI | European Monetary Institute | In English = EWI | Europäisches Währungsinstitut | In German = EMI | Európai Monetáris Intézet | In Hungarian = ERI | Euroopan rahapoliittinen instituutti | In Finnish = EMI | Europees Monetair Instituut | In Dutch |
In French | → Banks → European Union |
IMG | Interruption Médicale de Grossesse | In French | → Gynaecology → Obstetrics |
IMJ | Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu | In French | → Research institutes → Mathematics |
IMM | Institut Marocain de Management ( | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Management → Morocco |
IMM | Institut des Mines de Marrakech ( | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Mining → Morocco |
IMMI | Institut des technologies Multilingues et Multimédias de l'Information | In French | → Research institutes → Computer science |
IMOD | Informatique et Mathématiques de l'Organisation et de la Décision | In French | → Computer science → Management → Mathematics |
IMP/LMM | Ingénierie des Matériaux Polymères/ Laboratoire Matériaux Macromoléculaires | In French | → Research institutes → Materials science → Plastic industry |
IMRI | Institut de Marketing et Relations Internationales | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Trade |
IMSI | Institut du Management des Services Immobiliers ( | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Accommodation |
IMTH | Institut de Marketing, Tourisme et Hôtellerie | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Tourism |
IMVN | Image, Multimédia et Vie Numérique | In French | → Computer science → Cinema, movies |
In | Indium = In | Indium | In English = In | Indium | In Afrikaans = In | إنديوم | In Arabic = In | ইন্ডিয়াম | In Bengali = In | Індый | In Belarusian = In | Indijum | In Bosnian = In | Индий | In Bulgarian = In | Indi | In Catalan = In | Indium | In Czech = In | Indiu | In Corsican = In | Indiwm | In Welsh = In | Indium | In Danish = In | Indium | In German = In | Indium | In Estonian = In | Ίνδιο | In Greek = In | Indio | In Spanish = In | Indio | In Esperanto = In | Indio | In Basque = In | ایندیوم | In Persian = In | Indi | In Friulian = In | Indiam | In Irish = In | Indjum | In Manx = In | Indio | In Galician = In | Yîn | HAK = In | 인듐 | In Korean = In | Ինդիում | In Armenian = In | इण्डियम | In Hindi = In | Indij | In Croatian = In | Indio | In Ido = In | Indium | In Indonesian = In | Indín | In Icelandic = In | Indio | In Italian = In | אינדיום | In Hebrew = In | Indium | JV = In | Indi | In Swahili = In | Endyòm | In Haitian Creole = In | Îndiyûm | In Kurdish = In | Indium | In Latin = In | Indijs | In Latvian = In | Indium | In Letzeburgesh = In | Indis | In Lithuanian = In | Indio | In Ligurian = In | Indium | In Limburgish = In | blajinme | In Lojban = In | Indium | In Hungarian = In | Индиум | In Macedonian = In | ഇന്ഡിയം | In Malayalam = In | इंडियम | In Marathi = In | Indium | In Dutch = In | インジウム | In Japanese = In | Indium | In Norwegian = In | Indium | In Nynorsk = In | Indi | In Occitan = In | Indiy | In Uzbek = In | Ind | In Polish = In | Índio | In Portuguese = In | Indiu | In Romanian = In | Indyu | In Quechua = In | Индий | In Russian = In | Indium | In Saterland Frisian = In | Ìndiu | In Sicilian = In | Indium | In Slovak = In | Indij | In Slovenian = In | Индијум | In Serbian = In | Indijum | In Serbo-Croatian = In | Indium | In Finnish = In | Indium | In Swedish = In | இண்டியம் | In Tamil = In | อินเดียม | In Thai = In | İndiyum | In Turkish = In | Індій | In Ukrainian = In | Indi | In Vietnamese = In | 铟 | In Chinese |
In French | → Chemistry |
IN2P3 | Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules | In French | → 539 → Nuclear, atomic, and molecular physics |
INAA | Institut National Agronomique d'Alger | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Agricultural sciences → Algeria |
INADR | Institut National Agronomique pour le Développement Rural | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Agricultural sciences |
INAF | Institut des Nutraceutiques et des Aliments Fonctionnels | In French | → Nutrition → Agricultural sciences → Beverage industry → Food technology |
INAMI | Institut National d'Assurance Maladie-Invalidité ( = RIZIV | Rijksinstituut voor Ziekte- en Invaliditeitsverzekering | In Dutch |
In French | → Insurance → Medicine → Belgium |
INAO | Institut National des Appellations d'Origine ( | In French | → Central administration → Agricultural sciences → France |
INASO | Institut National de Formation Supérieure en Agriculture Saharienne de Ouargla | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Agricultural sciences |
INATN | Institut National Agronomique de Tunisie | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Agricultural sciences → Tunisia |
INATS | Institut National Agronomique de Thiès | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Agricultural sciences |
INAV | Institut National Agronomique et Vétérinaire Hassen II | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Agricultural sciences |
INB | Installation Nucléaire de Base | In French | → Nuclear technology |
INB | Institut des Neurosciences de Bordeaux | In French | → Research institutes → Neurology |
INCA | Institut National du Cancer | In French | → Organizations and associations → Oncology |
INCA | INventaire des CAnalisations | In French | → Energy economics |
INED | Institut National d'Études Démographiques | In French | → Research institutes → Demography |
INELEC | Institut National d'Électricité et d'Électronique | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Electrical engineering → Electronics |
INERIS | Institut National de l'Environnement Industriel et des Risques ( | In French | → Research institutes → Accidents, risks, safety → Engineering, technology → France |
INES | Institut Notarial de l'Entreprise et des Sociétés | In French | → 334 → Law, jurisprudence |
InESS | Institut d'Électronique du Solide et des Systèmes ( | In French | → Research institutes → Electronics → France |
INESTENE | INstitut d'Évaluation des STratégies ENergétiques Européennes | In French | → Research institutes → Energy economics |
INFSB | Institut National de Formation Supérieure du Bâtiment | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Construction |
INGM | Institut National de Génie Mécanique | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Mechanical engineering |
INGOPCS | Initiative pour la Nouvelle Génération OPC-UA Sécurisée | In French | → Networks, communication → Computer infections |
INHA | Institut National d'Histoire de l'Art | In French | → Arts → History |
INHC | Institut National des Hydrocarbures et Chimie | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Chemical technology → Chemistry |
INHES | Institut National des Hautes Études de Sécurité | In French | → Research institutes → Military affairs |
INI | Institut National d'Informatique | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Computer science |
INIA | Institut National des Industries Alimentaires | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Beverage industry → Food technology |
INIM | Institut National des Industries Manufacturières | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → 68 |
INIST | Institut National d'Information Scientifique et Technique | In French | → Libraries → Mathematics and natural sciences → Applied sciences, technology |
INJENO | INitiatives de parents de Jeunes Épileptiques du Nord | In French | → Organizations and associations → Neurology |
INK | Impression Neuro-Kinésiologique = INK | Imprinting Neuro-Kinesiology | In English |
In French | → Psychology |
INLN | Institut Non Linéaire de Nice Sophia Antipolis | In French | → Physics |
INMC | Institut National des Matériaux de Construction | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Construction |
INNORPI | Institut National de la Normalisation et de la Propriété Industrielle | In French | → Standardization → Industrial property |
INPES | Institut National de Prévention et d'Éducation pour la Santé ( | In French | → Education → Public health and hygiene → France |
INPG | Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Engineering, technology |
INPI | Institut National de la Propriété Industrielle | In French | → Industrial property |
INPL | Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine ( | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → France |
INPT | Institut National des Postes et Télécommunications | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Postal services → Telecommunications → Morocco |
INPT | Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Engineering, technology |
INRA | Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique ( | In French | → Biological sciences → Zoology → Agricultural sciences → France |
INRAA | Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique d'Algérie ( | In French | → Research institutes → Agricultural sciences → Algeria |
INRETS | Institut National de Recherche sur les Transports et leur Sécurité | In French | → Research institutes → Transport and postal services → Vehicle engineering |
INRIA | Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique | In French | → Research institutes → Computer science → Mechanical engineering |
INRIA | Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et Automatique | In French | → Research institutes → Computer science → Electrical engineering |
INRS | Institut National de Recherche et de Sécurité | In French | → Research institutes |
INSA | Institut National des Sciences Appliquées | In French | → Applied sciences, technology |
INSEA | Institut National de Statistique et d'Économie Appliquée ( | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Statistics → Economics → Morocco |
INSEE | Institut National de la Statistique et des Études Économiques | In French | → Social sciences |