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Acronym Sense Language Topics
UVL Union Vélocipédique Luxembourgeoise In French Organizations and associations
Sport, physical exercises
UVP Unité de Voiture Particulière In French Transport and postal services
UVPL Université Virtuelle des Pays de Loire In French Higher education, universities
Computer science
UVT Université Virtuelle de Tunisie (www.uvt.rnu.tn) In French Higher education, universities
UYF Union des Yachts Français In French Organizations and associations
V Valine
= V | Valine | In English
= V | Valina | In Catalan
= V | Valin | In Czech
= V | Valin | In Danish
= V | Valin | In German
= V | Valina | In Spanish
= V | Valino | In Esperanto
= V | 발린 | In Korean
= V | Valin | In Croatian
= V | Valin | In Indonesian
= V | Valina | In Italian
= V | :ולין | In Hebrew
= V | Valīns | In Latvian
= V | Valin | In Letzeburgesh
= V | Valinas | In Lithuanian
= V | Valine | In Dutch
= V | バリン | In Japanese
= V | Walina | In Polish
= V | Valina | In Portuguese
= V | Валин | In Russian
= V | Valină | In Romanian
= V | Valiini | In Finnish
= V | Valin | In Swedish
= V | Valin | In Turkish
= V | Валін | In Ukrainian
= V | 缬氨酸 | In Chinese
In French Biochemistry, biophysics
V Vanadium
= Va | Vanadium | In Afrikaans
= Va | فاناديوم | In Arabic
= Va | Vanadiu | In Asturian
= Va | Ванадый | In Belarusian
= Va | Ванадий | In Bulgarian
= Va | ভ্যানাডিয়াম | In Bengali
= Va | Vanadijum | In Bosnian
= Va | Vanadi | In Catalan
= Va | Vanadiu | In Corsican
= Va | Vanad | In Czech
= Va | Vanadium | In Danish
= Va | Vanadium | In German
= Va | Βανάδιο | In Greek
= Va | Vanadium | In English
= Va | Vanado | In Esperanto
= Va | Vanadio | In Spanish
= Va | Vanaadium | In Estonian
= Va | Banadio | In Basque
= Va | وانادیوم | In Persian
= Va | Vanadiini | In Finnish
= Va | Vanadi | In Friulian
= Va | Vanadio | In Galician
= Va | Vanaadjum | In Manx
= Va | ונדיום | In Hebrew
= Va | वनडियम | In Hindi
= Va | Vanadij | In Croatian
= Va | Vanadyòm | In Haitian Creole
= Va | Vanádium | In Hungarian
= Va | Վանադիում | In Armenian
= Va | Vanadium | In Indonesian
= Va | Vanadio | In Ido
= Va | Vanadín | In Icelandic
= Va | Vanadio | In Italian
= Va | バナジウム | In Japanese
= Va | jinmrvanadi | In Lojban
= Va | Vanadium | JV
= Va | ವನಾಡಿಯಮ್ | In Kannada
= Va | 바나듐 | In Korean
= Va | Vanadyûm | In Kurdish
= Va | Vanadium | In Latin
= Va | Vanadium | In Letzeburgesh
= Va | Vanadis | In Lithuanian
= Va | Vanādijs | In Latvian
= Va | വനേഡിയം | In Malayalam
= Va | व्हेनेडियम | In Marathi
= Va | Vanadium | In Dutch
= Va | Vanadium | In Nynorsk
= Va | Vanadium | In Norwegian
= Va | Vanadi | In Occitan
= Va | Wanad | In Polish
= Va | Vanádio | In Portuguese
= Va | Wanadyu | In Quechua
= Va | Vanadiu | In Romanian
= Va | Ванадий | In Russian
= Va | Vanadiu | In Sicilian
= Va | Vanadijum | In Serbo-Croatian
= Va | Vanád | In Slovak
= Va | Vanadij | In Slovenian
= Va | Ванадијум | In Serbian
= Va | Vanadin | In Swedish
= Va | Vanadi | In Swahili
= Va | வனேடியம் | In Tamil
= Va | วาเนเดียม | In Thai
= Va | Vanadyum | In Turkish
= Va | Ванадій | In Ukrainian
= Va | Vanadiy | In Uzbek
= Va | Vanađi | In Vietnamese
= Va | 钒 | In Chinese
In French Chemistry
VA Ventilation Assistée In French Traumatology
VAB Véhicule de l'Avant Blindé In French Automobile manufacturing
Military engineering
VABF Vérification d’Aptitude au Bon Fonctionnement In French Quality management
VACH Véhicule d'Appui Chimique In French Automobile manufacturing
Chemical technology
VACLED Véhicule d'Appui du Camion de Levage et de Déblaiement In French Automobile manufacturing
VAD Vente à Distance In French Trade
VAE Validation des Acquis de l'Expérience In French Labour, labour economics
VAG Véhicule d'accompagnement GREP In French Vehicle engineering
VAL Véhicule Automatique Léger In French Vehicle engineering
Transport and postal services
VALORIAL VALOrisation pour la Recherche et l'Innovation ALimentaire In French Agricultural sciences
Food technology
VAN Valeur Actuelle Nette In French Accounting
VAP Validation des Acquis Professionnels In French Education
Personnel management
VASI Visualisation Automatique du Sytème d'Information In French Computer science
Knowledge management
VBDC Votre Bien Dévoué Confrère In French Law, jurisprudence
VBS Véhicule de Balisage et de Signalisation In French Vehicle engineering
VC Visite Complète In French Nuclear technology
VC Véhicule Cynotechnique In French Vehicle engineering
VCI Visite Complète Initiale In French Nuclear technology
VCM Véhicule à Carburant Modulable In French Vehicle engineering
VD Visite Décennale In French Nuclear technology
VDC Voyageurs du Cœur In French Associations
VDQS Vin Délimité de Qualité Supérieure In French Beverage industry
VECAM Veille européenne et citoyenne sur les autoroutes de l'information et le multimédia In French Computer science
VEFA Vente en État Futur d'Achèvement In French Accommodation
VEM Véhicule à Éléments Modulaires In French Vehicle engineering
VEMA Véhicule à Élements Modulaires Amovibles In French Vehicle engineering
VEMS Volume Expiratoire Maximum au cours de la première Seconde In French Chest diseases
VEPAR Véhicule d'Entraînement au Port de l'Appareil Respiratoire In French Automobile manufacturing
Specialized or polytechnical colleges
VES Validation des acquis d'Études Supérieures In French Education
VES Véhicule d'Extinction et de Sauvetage In French Automobile manufacturing
VESTA VErsailles Sécurité routière Technologies Avancées In French Transport and postal services
VFC Véhicule Feux de Cheminée In French Automobile manufacturing
VFS Véhicule Feux Spéciaux In French Automobile manufacturing
VG Vanne Guillotine In French Mechanical engineering
VGM Volume Globulaire Moyen
= MCV | Mean Corpuscular Volume | In English
In French Blood and circulatory system
VGR Vente de Gaz Réparti In French Energy economics
VHA Ventilateur Hydraulique Antidéflagrant In French Firefighting
VHD Véhicule Hybride Diesel/Électrique In French Electrical engineering
Vehicle engineering
VHO Viticulture du Haut-Ogooué In French Agricultural sciences
VHR Ventilateur Hydraulique Remorquable In French Firefighting
VHU Véhicule Hors d'Usage In French Vehicle engineering
Transport and postal services
VI Vecteur d'Imputation In French
VI Véhicule Industriel In French Vehicle engineering
VIA Volontaire/Volontariat International en Administration In French Labour, labour economics
Public administration, government
VIC Véhicule d'Intervention Chimique In French Automobile manufacturing
VICTOR Validation et Information en Continu des Temps Ouvrant droit à la Retraite In French Personnel management
Labour, labour economics
VID Véhicule d'Intervention Diverse In French Automobile manufacturing
VIE Volontaire/Volontariat International en Entreprise In French Labour, labour economics
VIH Virus de l'Immunodéficience Humaine
= HIV | Human Immunodeficiency Virus | In English
= VIH | Virus d'Inmunodeficencia Humana | In Asturian
= VIH | Vírus da imunodeficiência humana | In Portuguese
= VIDH | Virus Immunitarii Defectus Humanae | In Latin
= ŽIV | Žmogaus Imunodeficito Virusas | In Lithuanian
= ХИВ | Хумане имунодефицијенције | In Serbian
= MIV | Menslike Immuniteitsgebreksvirus | In Afrikaans
= HIV | Humani Imunodeficientni Virus | In Slovenian
= ВИЧ | Вирус иммунодефицита человека | In Russian
= GIB | Giza Immunoeskasiaren Birusa | In Basque
= HIV | Humaan Immunodeficiëntie Virus | In Dutch
In French Virology
Immunology and allergy
Infectious diseases
VINCI Valorisation des Innovations, Normalisation - Certification, Conseil, Information In French Standardization
VINCI Valorisation des Innovations, Normalisation, Certification, Conseil, Information In French Electrical engineering
VIP Véhicule d'Interventions Polyvalent In French Automobile manufacturing
VIRTUEL Visualisation des Informations et des Renseignements uTiles aUx métiers CliEntèLe In French Electrical engineering
VIZIR Visualisation des Zones d'Influence de Réseau In French Energy economics
Electrical engineering
VL Véhicule Lourd In French Vehicle engineering
Transport and postal services
VLI Véhicule Léger Infirmier In French Vehicle engineering
VLM Véhicule Léger Médicalisé In French Vehicle engineering
VLR Véhicule de Liaison Radio In French Vehicle engineering
VLT Very Large Telescope In French Astronomy
VMC Ventilation Mécanique Contrôlée In French Mechanical engineering
vMCJ Variant de la Maladie de Creutzfeldt-Jakob In French Neurology
VMF Véhicule Multi-Fonctions In French Vehicle engineering
VMM Veille Météorologique Mondiale In French Meteorology, climatology
VMP Valeurs Mobilières de Placement In French 3328
Financial markets
VNF Voies Navigables de France (www.vnf.fr) In French Central administration
Transport and postal services
VO Ventilation Opérationnelle In French Firefighting
VOA Véhicule d'Observation de l'Artillerie In French Automobile manufacturing
Military engineering
VOGUE Vers l'Optimisation de la Gestion et de l'Utilisation de l'Énergie In French Energy economics
Electrical engineering
VPC Vente Par Correspondance In French Economics
VPE Véhicules Propres et Économes In French Vehicle engineering
VPI Véhicule de Première Intervention In French Automobile manufacturing
VPIL Véhicule de Première Intervention Léger In French Automobile manufacturing
vPMO Virtual Program Management Office In French Computer science
VPP Ventilation à Pression Positive In French Firefighting
VRA Vérité Rhône-Alpes In French Graphic industries, printing, publishing
VRM Véhicule Radio Médicalisé In French Vehicle engineering
VRS Virus Respiratoire Syncytial
= RSV | Respiratory Syncytial Virus | In English
In French Virology
Infectious diseases
VRSB Virus Respiratoire Syncytial Bovin In French Virology
Infectious diseases
VRSB Vaillancourt, Robitaille, Savoie, Bédard et associés In French Geodesy, cartography
VRSH Virus Respiratoire Syncytial Humain In French Virology
Infectious diseases
VSAB Véhicule de Secours aux Asphyxiés et Blessés In French Automobile manufacturing
VSABTT Véhicule de Secours aux Asphyxiés et Blessés Tout Terrain In French Automobile manufacturing
VSAV Véhicule de Secours et d'Assistance aux Victimes In French Automobile manufacturing
VSD Vendredi, Samedi, Dimanche In French Newspapers, journalism
VSF Vétérinaires Sans Frontières
= VSF | Veterinarios Sin Fronteras | In Spanish
= VSF | Veterinari Senza Frontiere | In Italian
In French Organizations and associations
Veterinary medicine
VSG Voie Secondaire Générale In French Education
VSM Véhicule de Secours Médical In French Vehicle engineering
VSNE Volontariat du Service National à l'Étranger In French Labour, labour economics
Public administration, government
VSR Véhicule de Secours Routier In French Traumatology
VSR Vérification de Service Régulier In French Quality management
VSRHR Véhicule de Secours Routier Hors-Route In French Traumatology
VSRM Vehicule de Secours Routier Moyen In French Traumatology
VSS Véhicule de Soutien Sanitaire In French Medicine
VTC Véhicule de Transport en Commun In French Transport and postal services
VTHR Vidéo Transmission Haute Résolution In French Telecommunications
VTM Véhicule de Transport de Matériel In French Vehicle engineering
Transport and postal services
VTP Véhicule de Transport de Personnel In French Vehicle engineering
Transport and postal services
VTT Vélo Tout Terrain In French Sport, physical exercises
VTT Véhicule Tout Terrain In French Vehicle engineering
VTU Véhicule Tout Usage In French Vehicle engineering
VTUTP Véhicule Tout Usage et Transport de Personnel In French Vehicle engineering
Transport and postal services
VUS Véhicule Utilitaire Sport
= SUV | Sport Utility Vehicle | In English
In French Automobile manufacturing
Sport, physical exercises
W Tryptophane
= W | Tryptophan | In English
= W | ট্রিপ্টোফ্যান | In Bengali
= W | Triptòfan | In Catalan
= W | Tryptofan | In Danish
= W | Tryptophan | In German
= W | Triptófano | In Spanish
= W | Triptofano | In Esperanto
= W | 트립토판 | In Korean
= W | Triptofan | In Indonesian
= W | Triptofano | In Italian
= W | טריפטופן | In Hebrew
= W | Triptofāns | In Latvian
= W | Tryptophan | In Letzeburgesh
= W | Triptofanas | In Lithuanian
= W | Tryptofaan | In Dutch
= W | トリプトファン | In Japanese
= W | Tryptofan | In Norwegian
= W | Tryptofan | In Polish
= W | Triptófano | In Portuguese
= W | Triptofan | In Romanian
= W | Триптофан | In Russian
= W | Tryptofán | In Slovak
= W | Tryptofaani | In Finnish
= W | Tryptofan | In Swedish
= W | Triptofan | In Turkish
= W | Триптофан | In Ukrainian
= W | 色氨酸 | In Chinese
In French Biochemistry, biophysics
WACT Web Application Component Toolkit In French Software
Networks, communication
WHIST Walloon Highway Information System for Traffic In French Transport and postal services
WPS Web Positioning System In French Networks, communication
Y Tyrosine
= Y | Tyrosine | In English
= Y | تيروسين | In Arabic
= Y | Tirosina | In Catalan
= Y | Tyrosin | In Danish
= Y | Tyrosin | In German
= Y | Tirosina | In Spanish
= Y | Tirozino | In Esperanto
= Y | 티로신 | In Korean
= Y | Tirosin | In Indonesian
= Y | Tirosina | In Italian
= Y | טירוזין | In Hebrew
= Y | Tirozīns | In Latvian
= Y | Tyrosin | In Letzeburgesh
= Y | Tirozinas | In Lithuanian
= Y | Tyrosine | In Dutch
= Y | ja:チロシン | In Japanese
= Y | Tyrozyna | In Polish
= Y | Tirosina | In Portuguese
= Y | Тирозин | In Russian
= Y | Tirosin | In Sundanese
= Y | Tyrosiini | In Finnish
= Y | Tyrosin | In Swedish
= Y | Тирозин | In Ukrainian
= Y | 酪氨酸 | In Chinese
In French Biochemistry, biophysics
YAST Yet Another Setup Tool In French Software
Z Impédance
= Z | Impedance | In English
= Z | معاوقة | In Arabic
= Z | Импеданс | In Bulgarian
= Z | Impedància | In Catalan
= Z | Impedance | In Czech
= Z | Impedans | In Danish
= Z | Impedanz | In German
= Z | Impedancia | In Spanish
= Z | Impedanco | In Esperanto
= Z | Inpedantzia | In Basque
= Z | 임피던스 | In Korean
= Z | Samviðnám | In Icelandic
= Z | Impedenza | In Italian
= Z | עכבה חשמלית | In Hebrew
= Z | Impedancia | In Hungarian
= Z | Impedantie | In Dutch
= Z | インピーダンス | In Japanese
= Z | Impedans | In Norwegian
= Z | Impedancja | In Polish
= Z | Impedância elétrica | In Portuguese
= Z | Impedanţă electrică | In Romanian
= Z | Электрический импеданс | In Russian
= Z | Impedancia | In Slovak
= Z | Impedanca | In Slovenian
= Z | Електрична импеданса | In Serbian
= Z | Električna impedansa | In Serbo-Croatian
= Z | Impedanssi | In Finnish
= Z | Impedans | In Swedish
= Z | மின்மறுப்பு | In Tamil
= Z | Trở kháng | In Vietnamese
= Z | Öz direnç | In Turkish
= Z | Імпеданс | In Ukrainian
= Z | 阻抗 | In Chinese
In French Electrical engineering
ZA Zone d'Activité In French Regional planning
ZAC Zone d'Aménagement Concerté In French Regional planning
ZAC Zone d'Aménagement Concertée In French Regional planning
ZAC Zone d'Atmosphère Contrôlée In French Biological sciences
Pharmacology, toxicology
ZAD Zone d'Aménagement Différé In French Regional planning
ZAE Zone d'Activité Économique In French Regional planning
ZAR Zone d'Action Renforcée In French Regional planning
ZAT Zone Affectée Thermiquement In French Regional planning
ZAT Zone d'Aménagement du Territoire In French Regional planning
ZD Zone de Danger Liquide In French Firefighting
ZDV Zone de Danger Vapeur In French Firefighting
ZEE Zone Économique Exclusive In French Economics
Regional planning
ZELT Zone Expérimentale et Laboratoire de Trafic In French Regional planning
Transport and postal services
ZEP Zone d'Éducation Prioritaire In French Regional planning
ZEP Zone d'Environnement Protégé In French Regional planning
Environmental protection
ZERC Zone d'Exploitation Coordonnée des Carrières In French Regional planning
ZERMOS Zones Exposées à des Risques liés aux Mouvements du Sol et du Sous-Sol In French Seismology, earthquakes
Accidents, risks, safety
ZFU Zone Franche Urbaine In French Regional planning
ZI Zone Industrielle In French Industry, industrial policy
Regional planning
ZI Zone d'Intervention In French
ZICO Zone Importante pour la Conservation des Oiseaux In French Environmental protection
ZICO Zone d'Inspection Communautaire pour les Oiseaux In French Regional planning
Environmental protection
ZIF Zone d'Intervention Foncière In French Regional planning
ZIRST Zone pour l'Innovation et les Réalisations Scientifiques et Techniques In French Regional planning
Research policy
ZLE Zone de Libre-Échange In French Economics
ZLEEM Zone de Libre-Échange Euro-Méditerranéenne In French International economic cooperation
Zn Zinc
= Zn | Sink | In Afrikaans
= Zn | زنك | In Arabic
= Zn | Cinc | In Asturian
= Zn | Sink | In Azerbaijani
= Zn | Цынк | In Belarusian
= Zn | Цинк | In Bulgarian
= Zn | Cink | In Bosnian
= Zn | Zinc | In Catalan
= Zn | Zingu | In Corsican
= Zn | Zinek | In Czech
= Zn | Sinc | In Welsh
= Zn | Zink | In Danish
= Zn | Zink | In German
= Zn | Ψευδάργυρος | In Greek
= Zn | Zinc | In English
= Zn | Zinko | In Esperanto
= Zn | Zinc | In Spanish
= Zn | Tsink | In Estonian
= Zn | Zink | In Basque
= Zn | روی | In Persian
= Zn | Sinkki | In Finnish
= Zn | Zinc | In Friulian
= Zn | Sinc | In Irish
= Zn | Cinc | In Galician
= Zn | Shinc | In Manx
= Zn | אבץ | In Hebrew
= Zn | जस्ता | In Hindi
= Zn | Cink | In Croatian
= Zn | Zenk | In Haitian Creole
= Zn | Cink | In Hungarian
= Zn | Ցինկ | In Armenian
= Zn | Seng | In Indonesian
= Zn | Zinko | In Ido
= Zn | Sink | In Icelandic
= Zn | Zinco | In Italian
= Zn | 亜鉛 | In Japanese
= Zn | zinki | In Lojban
= Zn | Sèng | JV
= Zn | 아연 | In Korean
= Zn | Çînko | In Kurdish
= Zn | Zincum | In Latin
= Zn | Cinkas | In Lithuanian
= Zn | Cinks | In Latvian
= Zn | Konutea | In Māori
= Zn | Цинк | In Macedonian
= Zn | നാകം | In Malayalam
= Zn | Цайр | In Mongolian
= Zn | झिंक | In Marathi
= Zn | Zink | In Low German
= Zn | जिन्क | In Newari (Nepal Bhasa)
= Zn | Zink | In Dutch
= Zn | Sink | In Nynorsk
= Zn | Sink | In Norwegian
= Zn | Zinc | In Occitan
= Zn | Cynk | In Polish
= Zn | Zinco | In Portuguese
= Zn | Tsinku | In Quechua
= Zn | Zinc | In Romanian
= Zn | Цинк | In Russian
= Zn | वङ्गम् | In Sanskrit
= Zn | Zincu | In Sicilian
= Zn | Cink | In Serbo-Croatian
= Zn | Zinok | In Slovak
= Zn | Cink | In Slovenian
= Zn | Цинк | In Serbian
= Zn | Zink | In Swedish
= Zn | Zinki | In Swahili
= Zn | துத்தநாகம் | In Tamil
= Zn | Руҳ | In Tajik
= Zn | สังกะสี | In Thai
= Zn | Çinko | In Turkish
= Zn | Цинк | In Ukrainian
= Zn | خارصین | In Urdu
= Zn | Rux | In Uzbek
= Zn | Kẽm | In Vietnamese
= Zn | 锌 | In Chinese
In French Chemistry
ZND Zone Naturelle Protégée In French Regional planning
Environmental protection
ZNE Zone Naturelle d'Équilibre In French Regional planning
Environmental protection
ZNIEFF Zone Naturelle d'Intérêt Écologique Faunistique et Floristique In French Threats to the environment
ZNIEFF Zone Naturelle d'Intérêt Écologique, Faunistique et Floristique In French Regional planning
Threats to the environment
ZPA Zone de Publicité Autorisée In French 659
ZPE Zone de Publicité Elargie In French 659
ZPIU Zone de Peuplement Industriel ou Urbain In French Regional planning
ZPP Zone de Protection de la Pêche In French Fishing, hunting
ZPPAUP Zone de Protection du Patrimoine Architectural Urbain et du Paysage In French Regional planning
ZPPAUP Zone de Protection du Patrimoine Architectural, Urbain et Paysager In French Regional planning
ZPR Zone de Publicité Restreinte In French 659
ZPS Zone de Protection Spéciale In French Environmental protection
ZRG Zone à Risques Géotechniques In French Accidents, risks, safety
ZRR Zone de Revitalisation Rurale In French Regional planning
ZRR Zone de Responsabilité Renseignement In French Military affairs
ZRU Zone de Redynamisation Urbaine In French Regional planning
ZSC Zone Spéciale de Conservation In French Regional planning
Environmental protection
ZSP Zone de Solidarité Prioritaire In French Development
ZUP Zone à Urbaniser en Priorité In French Regional planning
ZUS Zone Urbaine Sensible In French Regional planning
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