Acronym | Sense | Language | Topics |
ASA | Association Syndicale Autorisée | In French | → Associations |
ASAE | Annales du Service des Antiquités d'Égypte | In French | → Serial publications, periodicals → Archeology → History |
ASAI | Association Suisse des Architectes d'Intérieur = VSI | Vereinigung Schweizer Innenarchitekten/architektinnen | In German = ASAI | Associazione Svizzera degli Architetti d'Interni | In Italian |
In French | → Associations → Architecture → Switzerland |
ASAL | Agence Spatiale Algérienne | In French | → Central administration → Astronautics → Algeria |
ASAT | Aspartate Aminotransférase = AST | Aspartato Aminotransferasa | In Spanish |
In French | → Enzymes |
ASC | Association Suisse des Chiropraticiens ( = SCG | Schweizerischer Chiropraktoren-Gesellschaft | In German |
In French | → Associations → Switzerland |
ASCE | Association Sportive et Culturelle de l'ENSI | In French | → Associations → Entertainment → Sport, physical exercises → Specialized or polytechnical colleges |
ASCO | Association Syndicale Constituée d'Office | In French | → Associations |
ASCOP | Assemblée Consultative auprès du Congrès des Peuples | In French | → Parliaments, representation |
ASCOTP | Association pour la Connaissance des Travaux Publics | In French | → Associations → Civil engineering |
ASCT | Allocation Spéciale de Contrôle Thermique | In French | → Energy economics |
ASD | Aqua Service Distribution | In French | → Environmental technology, water supply, waste management |
ASD | Animations, Spectacles, et Découvertes | In French | → Entertainment |
ASD | Association Sportive Domarinoise | In French | → Associations → Sport, physical exercises |
ASD | Astronomie et Systèmes Dynamiques | In French | → Astronomy |
ASE | Aide Sociale à l'Enfance | In French | → Social welfare |
ASE | Académie Syndicale Européenne | In French | → Academies → Labour, labour economics |
ASEC | Association Stéphanoise des jEunes Chercheurs | In French | → Associations → Research policy |
ASECNA | Agence pour la Sécurité de la Navigation Aérienne en Afrique et à Madagascar | In French | → International relations → Transport and postal services → Africa |
ASEM | Agent Spécialisé des Écoles Maternelles | In French | → Education |
ASF | Autoroutes du Sud de la France ( | In French | → Civil engineering and land transport → Transport and postal services → France |
ASF | ACM-SIGOPS France | In French | → Organizations and associations → Computer science → Operating systems |
ASFA | Association des Sociétés Françaises d'Autoroutes ( | In French | → Associations → Transport and postal services → France |
ASFC | Agence des Services Frontaliers du Canada | In French | → Police → Canada |
ASFNE | Allocation Spéciale du Fonds National de l'Emploi | In French | → Labour, labour economics |
ASFP | Architectes Sans Frontiéres - Portugal ( = ASFP | Arquitectos Sem Fronteiras Portugal | In Portuguese |
In French | → Organizations and associations → Development → Architecture → Portugal |
ASG | Association Suisse des Gérants de fortune = VSV | Verband Schweizerischer Vermögensverwalter | In German |
In French | → Associations → Switzerland |
ASG | Alimentation de Secours des Générateurs de vapeur | In French | → Energy economics → Nuclear technology |
ASI | Appui Social Individualisé | In French | → Social welfare |
ASIDCOM | Association de Sensibilisation, d'Information et de Défense des Consommateurs Musulmans | In French | → Associations → Islam → Consumerism |
ASIEC | Association Internationale des Étudiants en Sciences Économiques et Commerciales | In French | → Associations → Economics → Trade → Higher education, universities |
ASIEM | Association Immobilière de l'École Militaire | In French | → Associations |
ASIFA | Association Internationale du Film d'Animation ( | In French | → Associations → Cinema, movies |
ASIS | American Society for Information Science ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → Libraries → United States |
ASJR | Association des Salles de Jeux en Réseau ( | In French | → Associations → Software → Entertainment |
ASLIB | (The) Association for Information Management | In French | → Associations → Libraries |
ASLP | Air-Sol Longue Portée | In French | → Military engineering |
ASM | Association Suisse des Musiciens ( | In French | → Associations → Music → Switzerland |
ASMAC | Association Suisse des Médecins-Assistant(e)s et Chef(fe)s de clinique = VSAO | Verband der Schweizer Assistenz- und Oberärzte/-ärztinnen | In German |
In French | → Associations → Medicine → Switzerland |
ASMI | Association Suisse des Médecins Indépendents | In French | → Associations → Medicine → Switzerland |
ASMP | Académie des Sciences Morales et Politiques | In French | → Academies → Social sciences → Politics |
ASMP | Air-Sol Moyenne Portée | In French | → Military engineering |
ASMPA | (Missile) Air-Sol Moyenne Portée Amélioré | In French | → Military engineering |
ASN | Autorité de Sûreté Nucléaire | In French | → Central administration → Nuclear technology |
ASP | Agence Science-Presse | In French | → Newspapers, journalism → Mathematics and natural sciences |
ASP | Association Suisse des Psychothérapeutes = SPV | Schweizer Psychotherapeuten Verband | In German |
In French | → Associations → Psychology → Switzerland |
ASP | Agence de Services et de Paiement ( | In French | → Central administration → Public finance |
ASPA | Aide Sociale aux Personnes Agées | In French | → Social welfare |
ASPAJ | Association Syndicale Professionnelle d'Administrateurs Judiciaires | In French | → Associations → Law, jurisprudence |
ASPAS | Association pour la Protection des Animaux Sauvages | In French | → Associations → Environmental protection |
ASPH | Aide Sociale aux Personnes Handicapées | In French | → Social welfare |
ASPHoG | Association des Pharmaciens Hospitaliers de Guadeloupe | In French | → Associations → Pharmacology, toxicology |
ASPIC | Aide à la Sécurisation et à la Protection des Infrastructures Critiques | In French | → Regional planning → Civil engineering → Construction |
ASPMCDM | Association Syndicale Professionnelle et Mutuelle de la Critique Dramatique et Musicale | In French | → Associations → Newspapers, journalism → Literature → Music |
ASPMP | Air-Sol Petite et Moyenne Portée | In French | → Military engineering |
ASPP | Association des Sociétés Suisses de Publicité ( = VSW | Verband Schweizerischer Werbegesellschaften | In German = ASSP | Associazione delle Società Svizzere di Pubblicità | In Italian |
In French | → Associations → Advertising → Switzerland |
ASPP | Association Suisse de Science Politique | In French | → Associations → Politics → Switzerland |
ASQUER | ASsociation pour la QUalification des Équipements de la Route | In French | → Associations → Transport and postal services |
ASRAS | Alliance des Syndicalistes Révolutionnaires et Anarcho-Syndicalistes | In French | → Organizations and associations → Anarchist organizations → Labour, labour economics |
ASRC | Association des Structures de Recherche Contractuelle ( | In French | → Associations → Research policy |
ASSB | Annales de la Société Scientifique de Bruxelles | In French | → Serial publications, periodicals → Mathematics and natural sciences → Belgium |
ASSEDIC | Association pour l'Emploi dans l'Industrie et le Commerce ( | In French | → Associations → Labour, labour economics → Industry, industrial policy → Social sciences → France |
ASSELAF | Association pour la Sauvegarde et l'Expansion de la Langue Française | In French | → Associations → Language, linguistics, literature |
ASSIPHAR | Association Nationale des Asssistants et Anciens Assistants en Pharmacie Hospitalière | In French | → Associations → Pharmacology, toxicology |
ASSM | Académie Suisse des Sciences Médicales ( = SAMS | Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences | In English = SAMW | Schweizerische Akademie der medizinischen Wissenschaften | In English |
In French | → Academies → Medicine → Switzerland |
ASSR | Attestation Scolaire de Sécurité Routière | In French | → Education → Transport and postal services |
AST | Agent des Services Techniques | In French | → Personnel management |
ASTAF | Association Syndicale de Travaux et d'Amélioration Foncière | In French | → Associations → Construction |
ASTB | Association Sclérose Tubéreuse de Bourneville | In French | → Associations → Neurology |
ASTE | Association pour le Développement des Sciences et Techniques de l'Environnement | In French | → Associations → Environmental protection → Threats to the environment |
ASTER | Analyses des Structures et Thermo-mécanique pour des Études et des Recherches | In French | → Software → Physics |
ASU | Administration Scolaire et Universitaire | In French | → Central administration → Education → Higher education, universities |
AT | Analyse Transactionnelle | In French | → 15998 |
AT | Accident du Travail | In French | → Accidents, risks, safety → Personnel management → Labour, labour economics |
AT | Arrêt de Travail | In French | → Personnel management → Labour, labour economics |
AT2I | Assistance Téléphonie Informatique Internet sur Grenoble ( | In French | → Internet → Telecommunications |
At2i | Automation Assistance Traçabilité Informatique Industrielle ( | In French | → Computer science → Mechanical engineering |
AT2i+ | Auvergne Technologie Innovation Initiative Plus | In French | → Engineering, technology |
ATAC | Association Technique pour l'Action Culturelle | In French | → Associations → Civilization, culture, progress |
ATALA | Association pour le Traitement Automatique des LAngues ( | In French | → Associations → Computer-based techniques → Linguistics |
ATC | Association Touristique des Cheminots | In French | → Associations → Tourism |
ATC | Action Thématique Concertée | In French | → Management |
ATCC | Association Tunisienne Contre le Cancer ( | In French | → Associations → Oncology → Tunisia |
ATCC | Avenir Triathlon Club de Charleroi | In French | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
ATCC | Association Tennis Club de Chooz | In French | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
ATCC | Airedale Terrier Club of Canada | In French | → Organizations and associations → Canada |
ATCD | Antécédents | In French | → Medicine |
ATCG | Association Technique pour la Certification des Granulats | In French | → Associations → Standardization → Civil engineering → Construction |
ATEC | Association pour le développement des techniques de Transport, d'Environnement et de Circulation | In French | → Associations → Vehicle engineering → Environmental technology, water supply, waste management → Transport and postal services |
ATEC | Association des Thésards et Étudiants en Catalyse ( | In French | → Associations → Research policy → Higher education, universities → Chemistry |
ATEL | Aar et Tessin SA d'Électricité | In French | → Organizations and associations → Energy economics → Electrical engineering |
ATEnEE | Actions Territoriales pour l'Environnement et l'Efficacité Énergétique | In French | → Environmental protection → Energy economics |
ATER | Attaché Temporaire d'Enseignement et de Recherche | In French | → Higher education, universities → Research policy |
ATG | Association Technique du Gaz | In French | → Associations → Energy economics |
ATGC | Aide Technique à la Gestion Communale | In French | → Public administration, government |
ATHENA | Annuaire TélépHoniquE NAtional | In French | → Telecommunications |
ATHIS | Atelier International Histoire et Informatique | In French | → History → Computer science |
ATI | Affectation Temporaire Indemnisée | In French | → Labour, labour economics |
ATI | Aide Tourangelle à l'Innovation | In French | → Regional administration → Engineering, technology → Research policy |
ATIC | Association Technique pour l'Importation Charbonnière | In French | → Associations |
ATIEF | Association des Technologies de l'Information dans l'Éducation et la Formation | In French | → Associations → Computer science |
ATILH | Association Technique de l'Industrie des Liants Hydrauliques | In French | → Associations → Chemicals → Civil engineering → Construction |
ATILLA | Association des Technologies Internet et du Logiciel Libre ou Alternatif | In French | → Associations → Software → Internet |
ATL | Aide Transitoire au Logement | In French | → Accommodation |
ATMAB | Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique - Bulletin | In French | → Serial publications, periodicals → 6295 → Aeronautics, aircraft |
ATMB | (Société des) Autoroutes et du Tunnel du Mont-Blanc | In French | → Transport and postal services |
ATNC | Agent Transmissible Non Conventionnel | In French | → Biochemistry, biophysics → Infectious diseases |
ATOM | Application de Trésorerie des Opérations de Marché | In French | → Software → Finance |
ATOP | Association des Théâtres de l'Opéra de Paris | In French | → Associations → Theatre → Dance → France |
ATOSS | (Personnel) Administratif, Technique, Ouvrier, de Service et de Santé | In French | → Public administration, government |
ATP | Adénosine Triphosphate | In French | → Biochemistry, biophysics |
ATR | Administration Territoriale de la République | In French | → Municipal administration → Regional administration |
ATR | Accès des Tiers au Réseau | In French | → Energy economics → Electrical engineering |
ATRd | Acidose Tubulaire Rénale distale | In French | → Pathology |
ATS | Accès des Tiers aux Stockages | In French | → Energy economics |
ATSCAF | Association Touristique, Sportive et Culturelle des Administrations Financières | In French | → Associations → Tourism → Public administration, government |
ATSEM | Agent Territorial Spécialisé des Écoles Maternelles | In French | → Education |
ATSM | Agent Territorial Spécialisé d'école Maternelle | In French | → Education |
ATST | Autorisation de Travail Sous Tension | In French | → Energy economics → Electrical engineering |
ATT | Aménagement du Temps de Travail | In French | → Personnel management → Labour, labour economics |
ATTAC | Association pour la Taxation des Transactions pour l'Aide aux Citoyens ( = ATTAC | Asociación por la Tasación de las Transacciones y por la Ayuda a los Ciudadanos | In Spanish = ATTAC | Associació per la Taxació de les Transaccions i per l'Ajuda als Ciutadans | In Catalan = ATTAC | Associazione per la Tassazione delle Transazioni finanziarie e per l'Aiuto ai Cittadini | In Italian |
In French | → Associations → Development |
ATTEE | Adjoint Technique Territorial des Établissements d'Enseignement | In French | → Central administration → Education |
ATU | Autorisation Temporaire d'Utilisation | In French | → Pharmacology, toxicology |
ATu2L | Association Tunisienne des Logiciels Libres | In French | → Associations → Software → Tunisia |
ATUGE | Association des TUnisiens des Grandes Écoles ( | In French | → Associations → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Tunisia |
AU | Arrêt d'Urgence | In French | |
AUA | Association des Universités Africaines | In French | → Associations → Higher education, universities → Africa |
AUDECAM | Association Universitaire pour le Développement, l'Éducation et la Communication en Afrique et dans le Monde | In French | → Associations → Higher education, universities → Development → Social sciences |
AUE | Association des Usagers de l'Eau | In French | → Associations → Environmental technology, water supply, waste management |
AUF | Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → International relations → Higher education, universities |
AUFO | Association des Utilisateurs Français d'Oracle ( | In French | → Associations → Software → Data → France |
AUGC | Association Universitaire de Génie Civil | In French | → Associations → Civil engineering |
AURIF | Association des Utilisateurs de Réseaux Informatiques en Île-de-France | In French | → Associations → Networks, communication → Telecommunications → France |
AURMS | Association des Usagers des Restaurants des Ministères Sociaux | In French | → Associations → Central administration |
AVC | Accident Vasculaire Cérébral | In French | → Cardiology → Neurology |
AVH | Association Valentin Haüy | In French | → Associations → Medicine |
AVK | Antivitamine(s) K | In French | → Biochemistry, biophysics |
AVL | Atlas Virtuel de la Lune | In French | → Astronomy |
AVP | Accident sur Voie Publique | In French | → Accidents, risks, safety → Traumatology |
AVPES | Association Valaisanne des Professeurs de l'Enseignement Secondaire | In French | → Associations → Education |
AVQP | Aussi Vite Que Possible | In French | |
AVRUL | Agence pour la Valorisation de la Recherche Universitaire du Limousin | In French | → Research policy |
AVS | Auxiliaire de Vie Scolaire | In French | → Education |
AVSF | Agronomes et Vétérinaires Sans Frontières ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → Agricultural sciences → Veterinary medicine |
AXUL | Association aiXoise des utilisateurs de Linux et des logiciels libres | In French | → Associations → Software → Operating systems |
AZF | AZotes Fertilisants | In French | → Chemical technology |
AZI | Association Zen Internationale | In French | → Associations → Buddhism |
B2I | Brevet Informatique et Internet | In French | → Education → Computer science → Internet |
BA | Besoin d'Amélioration | In French | → Quality management |
BA | Bonne Action | In French | |
BAAC | Bulletin d'Analyse des Accidents Corporels (de la circulation) | In French | → Serial publications, periodicals → Traumatology → Accidents, risks, safety → Transport and postal services |
BAAC | Budget Annexe de l'Aviation Civile | In French | → Aeronautics, aircraft → Transport and postal services |
BAB | Bureau d'Automatisation des Bibliothèques | In French | → Libraries → Electronics |
BABel | Bulletin Astronomique de Belgrade | In French | → Serial publications, periodicals → Astronomy |
BAC | Béton Armé Continu | In French | → Civil engineering → Civil engineering and land transport → Construction |
BAC | Brigade Anti-Criminalité | In French | → Police |
BAD | Banque Asiatique de Développement = ADB | Asian Development Bank | In English = AsEB | Asiatische Entwicklungsbank | In German = BDA | Banco de Desenvolvimento da Ásia | In Portuguese = АБР | Азиатский банк развития | In Russian |
In French | → Banks → Development |
BAD | Banque Africaine de Développement ( = ADB | African Development Bank | In English = BAD | Banco Africano de Desenvolvimento | In Portuguese = АБР | Африканский банк развития | In Russian |
In French | → Banks → Development → Africa |
BADGE | Bilan d'Aptitude Délivré par les Grandes Écoles | In French | → Education |
BAEL | Béton Armé suivant la méthode des États Limites | In French | → Civil engineering → Construction |
BAES | Bloc Autonome d'Éclairage de Sécurité | In French | |
BAFN | Bon d'Aide aux Familles Nécessiteuses | In French | → Social welfare |
BAGB | Bulletin de l'Association Guillaume Budé | In French | → Serial publications, periodicals |
BAGHEERA | BAsse tension de Génération des cHarges et de calcul de l'État Électrique de Réseaux Arborescents | In French | → Electrical engineering |
BAI | Bureau d'Architecture et d'Ingénierie de l'infrastructure | In French | |
BAIAC | Bureau des Affaires Immobilières de l'Administration Centrale | In French | → Central administration → Accommodation |
BAL | Boîte Aux Lettres | In French | → Software |
BAL | Binôme d'ALimentation | In French | → Firefighting |
BAM | Baïkal Amour Magistral = BAM | Bajkalo-Amoerskaja Magistral | In Dutch = BAM | Baikal-Amur Mainline | In English = BAM | Bajkalsko-amurská magistrála | In Czech = BAM | Baikal-Amur-Magistrale | In German = BAM | Baikali-Amuuri magistraalraudtee | In Estonian = BAM | Bajkalsko-amurska magistrala | In Slovenian = БАМ | Байкало-Амурська магістраль | In Ukrainian = БАМ | Байкало-Амурская магистраль | In Russian |
In French | → Transport and postal services |
BAN | Bâtiment des Auxiliaires Nucléaires | In French | → Nuclear technology |
BANA | Budget Annexe de la Navigation Aérienne | In French | → Aeronautics, aircraft → Transport and postal services |
BANEDA | BÂtiment National Destiné à l'Entreposage des Déchets Activés | In French | → Environmental technology, water supply, waste management → Nuclear technology |
BANEXI | Banque pour l'expansion industrielle | In French | → Banks |
BANG | Bits, Atomes, Neurones, Gènes | In French | → Computer science → Neurology → Genetics |
BAP | Béton Autoplaçant | In French | → Civil engineering → Construction |
BAPSA | Budget Annexe des Prestations Sociales Agricoles | In French | → Finance → Social welfare → Agricultural sciences |
BAPSS | Bulletin de l'Académie Polonaise des Sciences, Séries des Sciences Mathématiques, Astronomiques et Physiques | In French | → Serial publications, periodicals → Mathematics → Astronomy → Physics |
BARB | Bulletin de l'Académie Royale de Belgique | In French | → Serial publications, periodicals → Belgium |
BARPI | Bureau d'Analyse des Risques et des Pollutions Industrielles | In French | → Central administration → Industry, industrial policy → Accidents, risks, safety → France |
BAS | Bureau d'Aide Sociale | In French | → Social welfare |
BAS | Bâtiment des Auxiliaires de Sauvegarde | In French | |
BASIAS | Base de données des Anciens Sites Industriels et Activités de Service | In French | → Databases → Industry, industrial policy → Environmental technology, water supply, waste management → 5023 |
BASIAS | Base des Anciens Sites Industriels et Activités de Service | In French | → Databases → Industry, industrial policy → Environmental technology, water supply, waste management → 5023 |
BASM | Bombe à sous-munition | In French | → Military affairs |
BAT | Bon à tirer | In French | → Graphic industries, printing, publishing |
BAT | Binôme d'ATtaque | In French | → Firefighting |
BAU | Bande d'Arrêt d'Urgence | In French | → Transport and postal services |
BAVU | Ballon Autoremplisseur à Valve Unidirectionnelle | In French | → Medicine |
BB | Béton Bitumineux | In French | → Civil engineering → Civil engineering and land transport |
BBC | Béton Bitumineux Clouté | In French | → Civil engineering → Civil engineering and land transport |
BBC | Bâtiment Basse Consommation | In French | → Construction → Energy economics |
BBDR | Béton Bitumineux DRainant | In French | → Civil engineering → Civil engineering and land transport |
BBF | Béton Bitumineux à Froid | In French | → Civil engineering → Civil engineering and land transport |
BBM | Béton Bitumineux Mince | In French | → Civil engineering → Civil engineering and land transport |
BBMC | Biochimie, Biologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire | In French | → Biochemistry, biophysics → Cytology |
BBME | Béton Bitumineux à Module Élevé | In French | → Civil engineering → Civil engineering and land transport |
BBS | Béton Bitumineux pour chaussée Souple | In French | → Civil engineering → Civil engineering and land transport |
BBS | Béton Bitumineux pour couche de Surface | In French | → Civil engineering → Civil engineering and land transport |
BBSG | Béton Bitumineux Semi-Grenu | In French | → Civil engineering → Civil engineering and land transport |
BBSG | Bioinformatique, Biochimie Structurale et Génomique | In French | → Computer science → Biotechnology → Biochemistry, biophysics → Genetics |