Acronym | Sense | Language | Topics |
CNSSA | Conseil National de la Sécurité Sanitaire des Aliments | In French | → Organizations and associations → Medicine → Food technology |
CNSTB | Conseil National de la Sous-Traitance du Bâtiment | In French | → Organizations and associations → Construction |
CNT | Caisse Nationale des Télécommunications | In French | → Telecommunications |
CNTC | Centre National des Technologies et du Consulting | In French | → Engineering, technology → Consulting |
CNTE | Centre National de Télé-Enseignement | In French | → Education |
CNTE | Comité National de Tourisme Équestre | In French | → Organizations and associations → Tourism → Riding → France |
CNTS | Centre National de Transfusion Sanguine | In French | → Blood and circulatory system → Pharmacology, toxicology |
CNTS | Centre National des Techniques Spatiales | In French | → Research institutes → Astronautics |
CNU | Conseil National des Universités | In French | → Higher education, universities |
CNUCED | Conférence des Nations Unies sur le Commerce et le Développement ( = UNCTAD | United Nations Conference on Trade and Development | In English = ЮНКТАД | Конференция на ООН за търговия и развитие | In Bulgarian = CNUCYD | Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre Comercio y Desarrollo | In Spanish = KUNKD | Konferenco de la Unuiĝintaj Nacioj pri Komerco kaj Disvolvado | In Esperanto = UNCTAD | გაეროს ვაჭრობისა და განვითარების კონფერენცია | In Georgian = UNCTAD | การประชุมสหประชาชาติว่าด้วยการค้าและการพัฒนา | In Thai = UNCTAD | 聯合國貿易及發展委員會 | In Chinese |
In French | → United Nations → Trade → Development |
CNUCED | Conférence des Nations-Unies pour le Commerce et le Développement | In French | → International relations → Trade |
CNUDCI | Commission des Nations Unies pour le Droit Commercial International ( = UNCITRAL | United Nations Commission on International Trade Law | In English = ЮНСИТРАЛ | Комиссия Организации Объединенных Наций по праву международной торговли | In Russian = CNUDMI | Comisión de las Naciones Unidas para el Derecho Mercantil Internacional | In Spanish = NTU | Natsionalna Telekompaniya Ukraïny | In Ukrainian = НТУ | Національна Телекомпанія України | In Ukrainian |
In French | → United Nations → International law → Commercial law |
CNUED | Conférence des Nations Unies sur l'Environnement et le Développement | In French | → Development → United Nations → Environmental protection, |
CNUEH | Centre des Nations Unies pour les Établissements Humains = UNCHS | United Nations Centre for Human Settlements | In English = CNUAH | Centro de las Naciones Unidas para los Asentamientos Humanos | In Spanish = CNUAH | Centro das Nações Unidas sobre Assentamentos Humanos | In Portuguese |
In French | → United Nations → Accommodation |
CNVL | Conseil National de la Vie Lycéenne | In French | → Organizations and associations → Education |
Co | Cobalt = Co | Kobalt | In Afrikaans = Co | كوبالت | In Arabic = Co | Kobalt | In Azerbaijani = Co | Кобальт | In Belarusian = Co | Кобалт | In Bulgarian = Co | কোবাল্ট | In Bengali = Co | Kobalt | In Bosnian = Co | Cobalt | In Catalan = Co | Cobaltu | In Corsican = Co | Kobalt | In Czech = Co | Кобальт | In Chuvash = Co | Kobolt | In Danish = Co | Cobalt | In German = Co | Κοβάλτιο | In Greek = Co | Cobalt | In English = Co | Kobalto | In Esperanto = Co | Cobalto | In Spanish = Co | Koobalt | In Estonian = Co | Kobalto | In Basque = Co | کبالت | In Persian = Co | Koboltti | In Finnish = Co | Cobalt | In Friulian = Co | Cóbalt | In Irish = Co | Cobalto | In Galician = Co | Cobalt | In Manx = Co | קובלט | In Hebrew = Co | कोबाल्ट | In Hindi = Co | Kobalt | In Croatian = Co | Kobalt | In Hungarian = Co | Կոբալտ | In Armenian = Co | Kobal | In Indonesian = Co | Kobalto | In Ido = Co | Kóbolt | In Icelandic = Co | Cobalto | In Italian = Co | コバルト | In Japanese = Co | ridjinme | In Lojban = Co | ಕೊಬಾಲ್ಟ್ | In Kannada = Co | 코발트 | In Korean = Co | Kobalt | In Kurdish = Co | Cobaltum | In Latin = Co | Kobalt | In Letzeburgesh = Co | Kobaltas | In Lithuanian = Co | Kobalts | In Latvian = Co | Кобалт | In Macedonian = Co | കൊബാള്ട്ട് | In Malayalam = Co | कोबाल्ट | In Marathi = Co | Kobalt | In Low German = Co | Kobalt | In Dutch = Co | Kobolt | In Nynorsk = Co | Kobolt | In Norwegian = Co | Cobalt | In Occitan = Co | Kobalt | In Polish = Co | Cobalto | In Portuguese = Co | Kubaltu | In Quechua = Co | Cobalt | In Romanian = Co | Кобальт | In Russian = Co | Kobalt | In Serbo-Croatian = Co | Kobalt | In Slovak = Co | Kobalt | In Slovenian = Co | Кобалт | In Serbian = Co | Cobalt | In Saterland Frisian = Co | Kobolt | In Swedish = Co | Kobalti | In Swahili = Co | Кобалт | In Tajik = Co | โคบอลต์ | In Thai = Co | Kobalt | In Turkish = Co | Кобальт | In Ukrainian = Co | Kobalt | In Uzbek = Co | Coban | In Vietnamese = Co | 钴 | In Chinese |
In French | → Chemistry |
CO | Monoxyde de carbone = CO | أول أكسيد الكربون | In Arabic = CO | Monòxid de carboni | In Catalan = CO | Oxid uhelnatý | In Czech = CO | Kulilte | In Danish = CO | Kohlenstoffmonoxid | In German = CO | Carbon monoxide | In English = CO | Karbona monooksido | In Esperanto = CO | Monóxido de carbono | In Spanish = CO | Vingugaas | In Estonian = CO | Karbono monoxido | In Basque = CO | منو اکسید کربن | In Persian = CO | Hiilimonoksidi | In Finnish = CO | Monóxido de carbono | In Galician = CO | Carboan monocseed | In Manx = CO | פחמן חד-חמצני | In Hebrew = CO | Ugljikov monoksid | In Croatian = CO | Wuhlikowy monoksid | In Upper Sorbian = CO | Szén-monoxid | In Hungarian = CO | Karbon monoksida | In Indonesian = CO | Kolmónoxíð | In Icelandic = CO | Monossido di carbonio | In Italian = CO | 一酸化炭素 | In Japanese = CO | 일산화 탄소 | In Korean = CO | Monoxidum Carbonis | In Latin = CO | Anglies monoksidas | In Lithuanian = CO | Oglekļa monoksīds | In Latvian = CO | Јаглерод моноксид | In Macedonian = CO | कार्बन मोनॉक्साईड | In Marathi = CO | Koolstofmonoxide | In Dutch = CO | Karbonmonoksid | In Nynorsk = CO | Karbonmonoksid | In Norwegian = CO | Tlenek węgla | In Polish = CO | Monóxido de carbono | In Portuguese = CO | Monoxid de carbon | In Romanian = CO | Монооксид углерода | In Russian = CO | Oxid uhoľnatý | In Slovak = CO | Ogljikov oksid | In Slovenian = CO | Karbon monoksida | In Sundanese = CO | Kolmonoxid | In Swedish = CO | Karbonmonoksit | In Turkish = CO | Монооксид вуглецю | In Ukrainian = CO | Mônôxít cacbon | In Vietnamese = CO | 一氧化碳 | In Chinese |
In French | → Chemistry |
COAD | Centre Opérationnel d'Aide à la Décision | In French | |
COB | Commission des Opérations de Bourse ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → Financial markets → France |
COB | Cercle Océanaute de Bordeaux | In French | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
COB | Club Olympique de Billancourt | In French | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
COB | Club Olympique de Bamako | In French | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
COB | Club Olympique Briochin | In French | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises |
COBA | Cost Benefit Analysis | In French | → Prices |
CoBrA | Copenhague, Bruxelles, Amsterdam | In French | → Painting |
CoCAC | Conseiller de Coopération et d'Action Culturelle | In French | → International relations → Civilization, culture, progress → Arts |
COD | Complément d'Objet Direct | In French | → Language, linguistics, literature |
CODATU | COnférence sur le Développement et l'Aménagement des Transports Urbains pour les pays en développement | In French | → Transport and postal services |
CODEC | Comité Départemental d'Examen des Comptes des Organismes de Sécurité Sociale | In French | → Public administration, government → Insurance |
CODEFI | Comité Départemental pour le Financement des Entreprises | In French | → Insurance |
CODERPA | Comité Départemental des Retraites et Personnes Agées | In French | → Labour, labour economics → Insurance |
CODESRIA | Conseil pour le Développement de la Recherche en Sciences Sociales en Afrique ( = CODESRIA | Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa | In English |
In French | → Organizations and associations → Social sciences → Africa |
CODEV | COopération et DÉVeloppement | In French | → Organizations and associations → Development |
CODEVI | COmpte pour le DEVeloppement Industriel | In French | → Finance |
CODINORM | Côte d'Ivoire Normalisation | In French | → Standardization |
CODIR | COmité de DIRection | In French | → Management |
CODIS | Centre Opérationnel Départemental d'Incendie et de Secours | In French | → Regional administration → Firefighting → Traumatology → France |
CODOP | COmité de Direction Opérationnel | In French | → Management |
COE | Conseil d'Orientation pour l'Emploi | In French | → Labour, labour economics |
COE | Centre d'Orientation et d'Échanges | In French | |
COFACE | Compagnie Française d'Assurance pour le Commerce Extérieur ( | In French | → Trade → France |
COFIPAC | Compagnie Française d'Investissement, de Participation, d'Assistance et de Coopération | In French | → Economics → France |
COFRAC | Comité Français d'Accréditation | In French | → Standardization → Quality management → France |
COFRAS | Compagnie Française d'Assistance Spécialisée | In French | → Military affairs → Military engineering → France |
COG | Centre des Opérations Gaz | In French | → Energy economics |
COG | Centre Opérationnel de Groupement | In French | |
COGAC | COmpagnie Gazière d'Approvisionnement Charbonnier | In French | → Energy economics → Mining → Chemical technology |
COGECOM | Compagnie Générale de Communications | In French | → Telecommunications |
COGEMA | Compagnie Générale des Matières Nucléaires | In French | → Mining → Nuclear technology |
COGEPA | Compagnie Générale de Participation | In French | → Economics |
COGETHERM | COmpagnie française pour la coGÉnération THERMique | In French | → Energy economics → Electrical engineering → France |
COGITO | Convergence des Outils de Gestion de l'Informatique et Télécoms des Opérateurs | In French | → Computer science → Telecommunications |
COI | Commission de l'Océan Indien ( = IOC | Indian Ocean Commission | In English |
In French | → International relations |
COI | Complément d'Objet Indirect | In French | → Language, linguistics, literature |
CoIAP | Contributions de l'Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris | In French | → Serial publications, periodicals → Astronomy → France |
COIG | Comité d'Orientation des Investissements Gaz | In French | → Energy economics |
COJESKI | Collectif des Organisations des Jeunes Solidaires du Congo-Kinshasa | In French | → Organizations and associations |
COJO | Comité d'Organisation des Jeux Olympiques | In French | → Sport, physical exercises |
COLINE | COLlection d'INformations Élaborées | In French | → Knowledge management |
COLITRAH | Comité de Liaison pour le Transport des Personnes Handicapées | In French | → Medicine → Transport and postal services |
COLO | Club Opportunité des Logiciels Ouverts | In French | → Organizations and associations → Software |
COMAC | Comité d'Action Militaire | In French | → Military affairs |
COMAGA | Communauté d'Agglomération du Grand Angoulême | In French | → Municipal administration |
COMES | Commissariat à l'Énergie Solaire | In French | → Energy economics |
COMORE | Contrôle et Modélisation de Ressources Renouvelables | In French | → Computer science → Environmental protection |
COMT | Commission des Marchés à Terme de Marchandises | In French | → Finance → Trade |
CONAP | Confédération des Nationalités Amazoniennes du Pérou = CONAP | Confederación de Nacionalidades Amazónicas del Perú | In Spanish = CONAP | Confederation of Amazonian Nationalities of Peru | In English = CONAP | Confederação das Nações Amazônicas do Peru | In Portuguese = ICISS | International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty | In English = CIISE | Commission Internationale de l'Intervention et de la Souveraineté des États | In French |
In French | → Organizations and associations |
CONASUR | Comité National de Secours, d'Urgence et de Réhabilitation ( | In French | → Central administration → Natural disasters |
CONEF | Commission Nationale pour l'Éducation des Filles | In French | → Education → Feminism |
CONSUEL | COmité National pour la Sécurité des Usagers de l'ÉLectricité | In French | → Organizations and associations → Electrical engineering |
COOP | Centre Opérationnel d'Optimisation de la Production | In French | → Management → Applied sciences, technology |
COOPOL | Capacité d'appui aérien aux Opérations de secOurs et POLice | In French | → Police |
CoORB | Communications de l'Observatoire Royal de Belgique | In French | → Serial publications, periodicals → Astronomy → Belgium |
COP | Centre d'Orientation des Paiements | In French | → Accounting |
COP | Conseiller en Orientation Professionnelle | In French | → Education → Labour, labour economics |
COP | Conseiller d'Orientation Psychologue | In French | → Education → Psychology |
COP | Convention d'Occupation Précaire | In French | → Law, jurisprudence → Accommodation |
COP | Centre Opérationnel Pandémie | In French | → Public health and hygiene → Infectious diseases |
COPEC | Contribution de la Psychologie et de l'Ergonomie Cognitives (à la coopération homme-machine dans la conduite automobile) | In French | → Human-computer interaction → Psychology → Vehicle engineering → Transport and postal services |
COPENOR | Compagnie Pétrochimique du Nord | In French | → Chemical technology |
COPRIN | Contraintes, OPtimisation et Résolution par INtervalles | In French | → Mathematics |
COPS | Comité politique et de sécurité | In French | → Politics → Military affairs |
CORAF | Conférence de Responsables de Recherche Agronomique Africains | In French | → Organizations and associations → Agricultural sciences |
COREG | Communication et ORganisation en cas d'Evénement Grave | In French | → Management → 659 |
COREM | Comité de Coordination des Centres de Recherches en Mécanique | In French | → Mechanics → Mechanical engineering |
CORESSA | Compagnie de Restauration et de Services Aéroportuaires | In French | → Organizations and associations → 641 → Transport by air → France |
CORIF | Collectif Régional pour l'Information et la Formation | In French | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics |
CORINE | Coordination des Informations sur l'Environnement | In French | → Environmental protection → Threats to the environment |
CORRI | Comité Régional de Restructuration Industrielle | In French | → Engineering, technology → Regional planning |
CORTECHS | Convention de formation pour les techniciens supérieurs | In French | → Education |
COS | Comité d'Orientation Scientifique | In French | → Mathematics and natural sciences |
COS | Comité des Oeuvres Sociales | In French | → Social welfare |
COS | Coefficient d'Occupation des Sols | In French | → Accommodation → Regional planning |
COS | Complément d'Objet Second | In French | → Language, linguistics, literature |
COS | Comité Opérationnel Sécurité | In French | |
COS | Commandant des Opérations de Secours | In French | → Firefighting → Traumatology |
COSEC | Complexe Sportif Évolutif Couvert | In French | → Sport, physical exercises |
COSI | Comité Ouvrier de Secours Immédiat | In French | → Organizations and associations |
COSIP | Commission du compte de soutien à l'industrie des programmes | In French | → Organizations and associations → Cinema, movies |
COSIP | Compte de Soutien à l'Industrie des Programmes | In French | → Cinema, movies → Theatre |
COSIRIX | COmposants et Systèmes Innovants pour la Radiologie Interventionnelle par rayons X | In French | → Electronics → 6158 |
COSL | Comité Olympique et Sportif Luxembourgeois | In French | → Organizations and associations → Sport, physical exercises → Luxembourg |
COSOR | Comité des Œuvres Sociales de la Résistance | In French | → Organizations and associations → Social welfare → History |
COSS | Cadres des Organismes du Secteur Social | In French | → Higher education, universities → Labour, labour economics → Social welfare |
COSSE | Comité pour la Sauvegarde de la Santé et de l'Environnement | In French | → Environmental protection → Medicine |
COSSIM | Centre Opérationnel des Services de Secours et d'Incendie de Marseille | In French | → Firefighting → Traumatology |
COSY | COntrôle de SYntaxe | In French | → Software |
COT | Collectif des Objecteurs Tarnais | In French | → Political parties and movements |
COTAM | Commandement du Transport Aérien Militaire | In French | → Public administration, government → Military engineering → Transport and postal services |
COTEFE | Comité Technique de coordination de la Filière Électronique | In French | → Electronics |
COTOREP | Commission Technique d'Orientation et de Reclassement Professionnel | In French | → Labour, labour economics → Public administration, government |
CoUCL | Contributions de l'Universite Catholique de Louvain | In French | → Serial publications, periodicals → Roman catholic church → Higher education, universities |
COUGAR | Coût des OUvrages GAziers de Réseau | In French | → Prices → Energy economics |
COV | Certificat d'Obtention Végétale | In French | → Industrial property → Agricultural sciences |
COV | Composés Organiques Volatils | In French | → Chemistry |
COVESAR | Comptoir de Vente des Charbons Sarrois | In French | |
COVNM | Composés Organiques Volatils Non Méthaniques | In French | → Environmental protection → Threats to the environment |
COZ | Centre Opérationnel de Zone | In French | |
CP | Certificat Préparatoire | In French | → Education |
CP0 | Contrat-Programme n°0 | In French | → Energy economics → Nuclear technology |
CP1 | Contrat-Programme n°1 | In French | → Energy economics → Nuclear technology |
CP2 | Contrat-Programme n°2 | In French | → Energy economics → Nuclear technology |
CP2C | Centre de Professionnalisation Commercial Clientèle | In French | → Labour, labour economics → Trade |
CP8 | Circuit Portatif des années 80 | In French | → Electronics |
CPA | Centre de Perfectionnement aux Affaires | In French | → Economics → Education |
CPA | Cessation Progressive d'Activité | In French | → Labour, labour economics |
CPA | Cellule Présentatrice d'Antigène | In French | → Cytology |
CPA | Classe Préparatoire à l'Apprentissage | In French | → Education → Labour, labour economics |
CPC | Coût Par Clic | In French | → Advertising |
CPC | Commission Parlementaire Conjointe = CPC | Comisión Parlamentaria Conjunta | In Spanish = CPC | Comissão Parlamentar Comum | In Portuguese |
In French | → Parliaments, representation |
CPC | Centre de Perfectionnement Commercial | In French | → Trade |
CPCAM | Caisse Primaire Centrale d'Assurance-Maladie | In French | → Insurance → Medicine |
CPCAMRP | Caisse Primaire Centrale d'Assurance-Maladie de la Région Parisienne | In French | → Insurance → Medicine → France |
CPCEA | Caisse de Prévoyance des Cadres d'Exploitations Agricoles | In French | → Insurance → Agricultural sciences |
CPCET | Centre de Pharmacologie Clinique et d'Évaluations Thérapeutiques | In French | → Organizations and associations → Pharmacology, toxicology |
CPCI | Commission Permanente de Concertation pour l'Industrie | In French | → Industry, industrial policy |
CPCO | Centre de Planification et de Conduite des Opérations | In French | → Military affairs |
CPDH | Comité Professionnel de Développement de l'Horlogerie | In French | → 681 |
CPE | Contrat Première Embauche | In French | → Labour, labour economics |
CPE | Classification Périodique des Éléments | In French | → Chemistry |
CPE | Conseiller Principal d'Éducation | In French | → Education |
CPEG | Certificat Préparatoire aux Études de Gestion | In French | → Economics → Education |
CPER | Contrat de Plan État-Région | In French | → Public administration, government |
CPER | Contrats de plan État-région | In French | → Internal policy → Public administration, government |
CPER | Contrat de Projets État/Région | In French | → Public administration, government |
CPF | Classification des Produits Française | In French | → France |
CPFC | Cahier de Prescriptions de Fabrication et de Contrôles | In French | → Engineering, technology |
CPG | Chromatographie en Phase Gazeuse | In French | → Chromatography, mass spectrography |
CPGC | Chromatographie en Phase Gazeuse Capillaire | In French | → Chromatography, mass spectrography |
CPGE | Classes Préparatoires aux Grandes Écoles | In French | → Education |
CPGE | Classe Préparatoire aux Grandes Écoles | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges |
CPH | Centre de Physique des Houches | In French | → Serial publications, periodicals → Physics |
CPI | Cour Pénale Internationale = ICC | International Criminal Court | In English |
In French | → Law, jurisprudence |
CPI | Cycle Préparatoire Intégré | In French | → Education |
CPI | Centre de Promotion des Investissements | In French | → 33972 |
CPI | Centre de Première Intervention | In French | → Firefighting |
CPIE | Centre Permanent d'Initiative pour l'Environnement | In French | → Organizations and associations → Environmental protection |
CPL | Courant Porteur en Ligne | In French | → Electrical engineering → Telecommunications |
CPL | Chromatographie en Phase Liquide | In French | → Chromatography, mass spectrography |
CPL | Chef de Projet Local | In French | → Management |
CPLD | Conseil de Prévention et de Lutte contre le Dopage | In French | → Sport, physical exercises |
CPM | Coût Pour Mille affichages | In French | → Advertising |
CPME | Confédération des Petites et Moyennes Entreprises | In French | → Organizations and associations → Economics |
CPN | Commission Pédagogique Nationale | In French | → Education |
CPNAMB | Caisse Primaire Nationale d'Assurance-Maladie de la Batellerie | In French | → Insurance → Medicine → Transport and postal services |
CPNEF/AV | Commission Paritaire Nationale de l'Emploi et de la Formation dans l'Audiovisuel | In French | → Labour, labour economics → Cinema, movies → Telecommunications |
CPNT | Chasse, Pêche, Nature, Traditions | In French | → Political parties and movements |
CPP | Cycle Préparatoire Polytechnique | In French | → Education |
CPP | Code de procédure pénale | In French | → Law, jurisprudence |
CPP | Commission Psycho-Pédagogique | In French | → Psychology → Education |
CPP | Convention Pauvreté Précarité | In French | → Social welfare |
CPP | Carnet de Prescriptions au Personnel | In French | → Medicine → Labour, labour economics |
CPP | Cahier de Prescriptions Particulières | In French | |
CPPL | Commission Permanente de la Police Locale | In French | → Police |
CPPN | Classe Pré-Professionnelle de Niveau | In French | → Education |
CPPN | Centre Pédiatrique Paris Nord | In French | → Pediatry |
CPPN | Code de Procédure Pénale Neuchâtelois | In French | → Law, jurisprudence |
CPPOSS | Caisse de Prévoyance du Personnel des Organismes Sociaux et Similaires | In French | → Insurance |
CPQ | Cellule Prévention Qualité | In French | → Quality management |
CPRDFOP | Contrat de Plan Régional de Développement des Formations et de l'Orientation Professionnelles | In French | → Regional administration → Education → Labour, labour economics |
CPRDFP | Contrat de Plan Régional de Développement des Formations Professionnelles | In French | → Regional administration → Education → Labour, labour economics |
CPSA | Chargé de Prévention et de Sécurité des Agents | In French | → Accidents, risks, safety |
CPSM | Caisse de Protection Sociale de Mayotte | In French | → Insurance |
CPST | Cahier des Prescriptions et Spécifications Techniques | In French | → Engineering, technology |
CPT | Centre de Production Thermique | In French | → Energy economics |
CPT | Capacité Pulmonaire Totale | In French | → Chest diseases |
CPU | Collège Polytechnique Universitaire | In French | → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Engineering, technology |
CPU | Conférence des Présidents d'Université | In French | → Higher education, universities |
CPVE | Conseil Parisien de la Vie Étudiante | In French | → Municipal administration → Specialized or polytechnical colleges → Higher education, universities → France |
CQEL | Cellule Qualité des Eaux Littorales | In French | → Hydrology → 55156 |
CQFD | Ce Qu'il Fallait Démontrer = QED | Quod Erat Demonstrandum | In Latin |
In French | → Science and knowledge |
CQFH | Comité sur les Questions Financières de l'Hémisphère = CAFH | Comité de Asuntos Financieros Hemisféricos | In Spanish = CAFH | Comitê de Assuntos Financeiros no Hemisfério | In Portuguese = CHFI | Committee on Hemispheric Financial Issues | In English |
In French | → Finance → International economic cooperation |
CQG | Comité Qualité Gestion | In French | → Quality management |
Cr | Chrome = Cr | Chroom | In Afrikaans = Cr | كروم | In Arabic = Cr | Cromu | In Asturian = Cr | Xrom | In Azerbaijani = Cr | Хром | In Belarusian = Cr | Хром | In Bulgarian = Cr | ক্রোমিয়াম | In Bengali = Cr | Hrom | In Bosnian = Cr | Crom | In Catalan = Cr | Cromu | In Corsican = Cr | Chróm | In Czech = Cr | Krom | In Danish = Cr | Chrom | In German = Cr | Χρώμιο | In Greek = Cr | Chromium | In English = Cr | Kromo | In Esperanto = Cr | Cromo | In Spanish = Cr | Kroom | In Estonian = Cr | Kromo | In Basque = Cr | کروم | In Persian = Cr | Kromi | In Finnish = Cr | Crom | In Friulian = Cr | Cromo | In Galician = Cr | Cromium | In Manx = Cr | כרום | In Hebrew = Cr | क्रोमियम | In Hindi = Cr | Krom | In Croatian = Cr | Kwòm | In Haitian Creole = Cr | Króm | In Hungarian = Cr | Քրոմ | In Armenian = Cr | Kromium | In Indonesian = Cr | Kromio | In Ido = Cr | Króm | In Icelandic = Cr | Cromo | In Italian = Cr | クロム | In Japanese = Cr | rogjinme | In Lojban = Cr | ಕ್ರೋಮಿಯಮ್ | In Kannada = Cr | 크로뮴 | In Korean = Cr | Krom | In Kurdish = Cr | Chromium | In Latin = Cr | Chrom | In Letzeburgesh = Cr | Chromas | In Lithuanian = Cr | Hroms | In Latvian = Cr | Konukita | In Māori = Cr | Хром | In Macedonian = Cr | ക്രോമിയം | In Malayalam = Cr | Kromium | In Malay = Cr | Tlapāltepoztli | En Nahuatl = Cr | Chrom | In Low German = Cr | Chroom | In Dutch = Cr | Krom | In Nynorsk = Cr | Krom | In Norwegian = Cr | Cròme | In Occitan = Cr | Chrom | In Polish = Cr | Crômio | In Portuguese = Cr | Krumu | In Quechua = Cr | Crom | In Romanian = Cr | Хром | In Russian = Cr | Cromu | In Sicilian = Cr | Hrom | In Serbo-Croatian = Cr | Chróm | In Slovak = Cr | Krom | In Slovenian = Cr | Kromi | SQ = Cr | Хром | In Serbian = Cr | Chrom | In Saterland Frisian = Cr | Krom | In Swedish = Cr | Chromi | In Swahili = Cr | குரோமியம் | In Tamil = Cr | โครเมียม | In Thai = Cr | Krom | In Turkish = Cr | Хром | In Ukrainian = Cr | Xrom | In Uzbek = Cr | Crom | In Vietnamese = Cr | 铬 | In Chinese |
In French | → Chemistry |
CRA | Centre de Rétention Administrative | In French | → Law, jurisprudence |
CRA | Cédants et Repreneurs d'Affaires | In French | → Economics |
CRABS | Comptes-Rendus de l'Académie Bulgare des Sciences | In French | → Serial publications, periodicals → Mathematics and natural sciences |
CRAC | Comité radicalement anti-corrida | In French | → Organizations and associations → 5023 |
CRAC | Compte-Rendu d'Activité au Concédant | In French | |
CRACMO | Centre de Référence des Affections Chroniques et Malformatives de l’Oesophage | In French | → Pathology → Chest diseases |