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Acronym Sense Language Topics
SME Système Monétaire Européen In French Economics
SMEA Système de Management Environnemental et d'Audit In French Environmental protection
SMEBA Société Mutualiste des Étudiants de Bretagne-Atlantique (www.smeba.fr) In French Insurance
SMECO Société Mutualiste des Étudiants du Centre-Ouest In French Insurance
SMEREB Société Mutualiste des Étudiants des Régions Bourgogne et Franche-Comté In French Insurance
SMEREP Société Mutualiste des Étudiants de la Région Parisienne (www.smerep.fr) In French Insurance
SMERRA Société Mutualiste des Étudiants de la Région Rhône-Alpes In French Insurance
SMESO Société Mutualiste des Étudiants du Sud-Ouest In French Insurance
SMHV Séisme Maximal Historiquement Vraisemblable In French Seismology, earthquakes
SMI Structure Militaire d'Intégration In French Military affairs
SMIC Salaire Minimum Interprofessionnel de Croissance In French Labour, labour economics
SMIG Salaire Minimum Interprofessionnel Garanti In French Labour, labour economics
SMIROP Service de Médecine du Travail Interentreprises de la Région Ouest de Paris In French Medicine
Labour, labour economics
SMN Société Morbihannaise de Navigation In French Transport and postal services
SMP Syndrome Myéloprolifératif In French Blood and circulatory system
SMP Société Militaire Privée
= PMC | Private Military Company | In English
In French Military affairs
SMPP Séisme Maximal Physiquement Possible In French Seismology, earthquakes
SMPP Syndrome de Münchausen Par Procuration In French Pathology
SMPTE Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers In French Cinema, movies
SMQ Système de Management de la Qualité In French Computer science
Quality management
SMR Service Médical Rendu In French Pharmacology, toxicology
SMR Stratégie Ministérielle de Réforme In French Politics
Central administration
SMS Sciences Médico-Sociales In French Medicine
SMS Séisme Majoré de Sécurité In French Seismology, earthquakes
SMSI Sommet Mondial sur la Société de l'Information In French Telecommunications
SMUH Service Médical d'Urgence Héliporté In French Traumatology
SMUR Service Mobile d'Urgence et de Réanimation In French Traumatology
SMVM Schéma de Mise en Valeur de la Mer In French Marine research, oceanography
SN Sûreté Nationale In French Police
Sn Étain
= Sn | Tin | In English
= Sn | Tin | In Afrikaans
= Sn | قصدير | In Arabic
= Sn | Estaño | In Aragonese
= Sn | Estañu | In Asturian
= Sn | Chayanta | In Aymara
= Sn | Qalay | In Azerbaijani
= Sn | টিন | In Bengali
= Sn | Волава | In Belarusian
= Sn | Kalaj | In Bosnian
= Sn | Калай | In Bulgarian
= Sn | Estany | In Catalan
= Sn | Тăхлан | In Chuvash
= Sn | Tansan | In Cebuano
= Sn | Cín | In Czech
= Sn | Stagnu | In Corsican
= Sn | Tun | In Welsh
= Sn | Tin | In Danish
= Sn | Zinn | In German
= Sn | Tina | In Estonian
= Sn | Κασσίτερος | In Greek
= Sn | Estaño | In Spanish
= Sn | Stano | In Esperanto
= Sn | Eztainu | In Basque
= Sn | قلع | In Persian
= Sn | Stagn | In Friulian
= Sn | Stán | In Irish
= Sn | Stainney | In Manx
= Sn | Estaño | In Galician
= Sn | Siak | HAK
= Sn | 주석 | In Korean
= Sn | Անագ | In Armenian
= Sn | Kositar | In Croatian
= Sn | Stano | In Ido
= Sn | Timah | In Indonesian
= Sn | Tin | In Icelandic
= Sn | Stagno | In Italian
= Sn | בדיל | In Hebrew
= Sn | ತವರ | In Kannada
= Sn | კალა | In Georgian
= Sn | Sten | In Cornish
= Sn | Stani | In Swahili
= Sn | Озысь | In Komi
= Sn | Eten | In Haitian Creole
= Sn | Pîl | In Kurdish
= Sn | Stannum | In Latin
= Sn | Alva | In Latvian
= Sn | Zënn | In Letzeburgesh
= Sn | Alavas | In Lithuanian
= Sn | Stagno | In Ligurian
= Sn | tinci | In Lojban
= Sn | Ón | In Hungarian
= Sn | Калај | In Macedonian
= Sn | വെളുത്തീയം | In Malayalam
= Sn | टिन | In Marathi
= Sn | Amochitl | En Nahuatl
= Sn | Tin | In Dutch
= Sn | スズ | In Japanese
= Sn | Tinn | In Norwegian
= Sn | Estam | In Occitan
= Sn | Qalay | In Uzbek
= Sn | ٹن | PNB
= Sn | Tinn | In Low German
= Sn | Cyna | In Polish
= Sn | Estanho | In Portuguese
= Sn | Staniu | In Romanian
= Sn | Chayanta | In Quechua
= Sn | Олово | In Russian
= Sn | Tin | In Saterland Frisian
= Sn | Stagnu | In Sicilian
= Sn | Cín | In Slovak
= Sn | Kositer | In Slovenian
= Sn | Калај | In Serbian
= Sn | Kalaj | In Serbo-Croatian
= Sn | Tina | In Finnish
= Sn | Tenn | In Swedish
= Sn | வெள்ளீயம் | In Tamil
= Sn | తగరము | In Telugu
= Sn | ดีบุก | In Thai
= Sn | Қалъ | In Tajik
= Sn | Kalay | In Turkish
= Sn | Олово | In Ukrainian
= Sn | قلع | In Urdu
= Sn | قەلەي | In Uyghur
= Sn | Thiếc | In Vietnamese
= Sn | Tin | In Waray-Waray
= Sn | צין | In Yiddisch
= Sn | 锡 | In Chinese
In French Chemistry
SNA Syndicat National des Annuaires In French Organizations and associations
SNA Sous-marin Nucléraire d'Attaque In French Nuclear technology
Military engineering
SNA Sous-marin Nucléaire d'Attaque In French Military engineering
SNAV Syndicat National des Agences de Voyages In French Organizations and associations
SNBPE Syndicat National du Béton Prêt à l'Emploi (www.snbpe.org) In French Organizations and associations
Civil engineering
SNC Solidarités Nouvelles face au Chômage In French Organizations and associations
Labour, labour economics
SNC Société en Nom Collectif In French Economics
Law, jurisprudence
SNC Société Nationale de Colombiculture In French Organizations and associations
Agricultural sciences
SNC Société Nucléaire Canadienne (www.cns-snc.ca) In French Organizations and associations
Nuclear, atomic, and molecular physics
Nuclear technology
SNCAMTC Syndicat National des Cadres, Agents de Maîtrise et Techniciens de la Cinématographie In French Organizations and associations
Labour, labour economics
Cinema, movies
SNCB Société Nationale des Chemins de fer Belges (www.b-rail.be)
= NMBS | Nationale Maatschappij der Belgische Spoorwegen | In Dutch
In French Rail transport engineering
Transport and postal services
SNCC Syndicat National des Courtiers en Céréales In French Organizations and associations
Agricultural sciences
SNCD Syndicat National de la Communication Directe In French Organizations and associations
SNCF Société Nationale des Chemins de fer Français (www.sncf.com) In French Transport and postal services
SNCFT Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer Tunisiens (www.sncft.com.tn) In French Transport and postal services
SNCO Syndicat National des Courtiers en Graines Oléagineuses, Huiles et Corps Gras In French Organizations and associations
Agricultural sciences
Food technology
SNCPL Syndicat National des Courtiers en Produits Laitiers In French Organizations and associations
Food technology
SNCTP Syndicat National des Courtiers en Tourteaux et Protéines In French Organizations and associations
Agricultural sciences
SNECMA Société Nationale d'Études et de Construction de Moteurs d'Avions In French Aeronautics, aircraft
SNED Syndicat National des Entreprises de Démolition In French Organizations and associationsConstruction
SNEM Service National des Endémies Majeures In French Central administration
Infectious diseases
SNEPS Syndicat National des Entreprises de Portage Salarial (www.sneps.fr) In French Organizations and associations
Labour, labour economics
SNESUP Syndicat National de l'Enseignement Supérieur In French Labour, labour economics
SNET Société Nationale d'Électricité et de Thermique In French Energy economics
Electrical engineering
SNFS Syndicat National des Fabricants de Sucre In French Organizations and associations
Food technology
SNHF Société Nationale d'Horticulture de France (www.snhf.asso.fr) In French Organizations and associations
SNI Syndicat Neutre pour Indépendants In French Organizations and associations
Labour, labour economics
SNIAS Société Nationale Industrielle Aéronautique et Spatiale In French Aeronautics, aircraft
SNIMA Service de Normalisation Industrielle Marocaine In French Standardization
SNIP Syndicat National de l'Industrie Pharmaceutique In French Pharmacology, toxicology
SNJV Syndicat National du Jeu Vidéo In French Organizations and associations
SNLE Sous-marin Nucléaire Lanceur d'Engins In French Nuclear technology
Military engineering
SNM Service National Maquis In French Political parties and movements
Military affairs
SNMI Syndicat National des Mortiers Industriels (www.snmi.org) In French Organizations and associations
Civil engineering
SNPAA Syndicat National des Producteurs d'Alcool Agricole In French Organizations and associations
Agricultural sciences
Chemical technology
SNPAR Syndicat de la Presse Agricole et Rurale In French Organizations and associations
Newspapers, journalism
Agricultural sciences
SNPB Syndicat National du Pompage du Béton In French Organizations and associations
Civil engineering
SNPBAH Syndicat National des Pharmaciens et Biologistes Assistants des Hôpitaux In French Organizations and associations
Pharmacology, toxicology
SNPGH Syndicat National des Pharmaciens Gérants Hospitaliers In French Organizations and associations
Pharmacology, toxicology
SNPHPU Syndicat National des Pharmaciens, Praticiens Hospitaliers et Praticiens Hospitaliers Universitaires In French Organizations and associations
Pharmacology, toxicology
SNPI Service National de Production Informatique In French Computer science
SNPJ Syndicat National de la Presse Judiciaire (https://www.snpj.fr/) In French Organizations and associations
Newspapers, journalism
Law, jurisprudence
SNPM Syndicat National de la Presse Médicale et des professions de santé In French Organizations and associations
Newspapers, journalism
SNPR Syndicat National des Publications Régionales In French Organizations and associations
Serial publications, periodicals
Newspapers, journalism
SNPTV Syndicat National de la Publicité Télévisée In French Organizations and associations
SNRE Stratégie Nationale de Recherche dans le domaine de l'Énergie In French Research policy
Energy economics
SNRPH Syndicat National des Radiopharmaciens In French Organizations and associations
Pharmacology, toxicology
SNRT Société Nationale de Radiodiffusion et de Télévision In French Telecommunications
SNSA Syndicat National des Sociétés d'Assistance In French Organizations and associations
SNTPCT Syndicat National des Techniciens et Travailleurs de la Production Cinématographique et de la Télévision (www.sntpct.fr) In French Organizations and associations
Labour, labour economics
Cinema, movies
SNV Sciences de la Nature et de la Vie In French Earth sciences
Biological sciences
SNVB Société Nancéienne Varin-Bernier In French Financial markets
SNVB Société Nancéienne Varin Bernie In French Banks
SO2 Dioxyde de soufre In French Chemistry
SOAC Système Ouest Africain d'Accréditation In French International economic cooperation
Quality management
SOAMET Secrétariat Ouest-Africain de Métrologie In French International economic cooperation
Quality management
SOC Système OTAN de Classification In French Military affairs
SOCODEI Société pour le Conditionnement des Déchets et Effluents Industriels In French Environmental technology, water supply, waste management
SOCRATE Système Offrant à la Clientèle la Réservation d'Affaires et de Tourisme en Europe In French Software
Transport and postal services
SODETEG Société d'Études Techniques et d'Entreprises Générales In French Applied sciences, technology
SODETREL Société pour le Développement des Transports Électriques In French Electrical engineering
Vehicle engineering
Transport and postal services
SODEVAL Société d’Exploitation de la Valentonine In French Organizations and associations
Pharmacology, toxicology
SODIT SOciété Développement Innovation dans les Transports In French Transport and postal services
SOFC Solid Oxide Fuel Cell In French Energy economics
SOFCOT SOciété Française de Chirurgie Orthopédique et Traumatologique (www.sofcot.com.fr) In French Organizations and associations
Surgery, orthopaedics, ophthalmology
SOFCOT Société Française de Chirurgie Orthopédique et Traumatologie In French Organizations and associations
Surgery, orthopaedics, ophthalmology
SOFICA Société pour le Financement de l'Industrie Cinématographique et Audiovisuelle In French Cinema, movies
SOFILO Société Foncière Immobilière et de Location In French Accommodation
SoFMMAA SOciété Française de Médecine Morphologique et Anti-Age (www.sofmmaa.org) In French Organizations and associations
SOFRES Société Française d'Exportation de Systèmes d'Armements In French Trade
Military engineering
SOGEP Société Genevoise des Pétroles In French 665
SOGEP Société Générale de Prestations In French Maintenance and logistics
SOGEP Société Générale d'Entreprises Pyrénéennes In French Economics
SOGETI Société pour la Gestion de l'Entreprise et le Traitement de l'Information In French Computer science
SOISIC Saisie Optique Informatique de Structures Industrielles Complexes In French Computer-based techniques
Engineering, technology
SOL Service d'Ordre Légionnaire In French Police
SOLAME Société Lyonnaise d'Applications Mécanographiques In French Computer science
SONAR Sound Navigation Ranging In French Engineering, technology
SONEB Société Nationale des Eaux du Bénin In French Environmental technology, water supply, waste management
SONEL Société Nationale d'ÉLectricité In French Electrical engineering
SOPEMEA Société pour le Perfectionnement des Matériels et Équipements Aérospatiaux In French Aeronautics, aircraft
SOPER Société de Promotion Économique de Rimouski In French Economics
SOPEXA Société Pour l'Expansion des ventes des produits Agricoles et Alimentaires In French Trade
Agricultural sciences
SOPOREN Société Poitevine de Rénovation In French Organizations and associations
SOPROLIF Société Provençale du Lit Fluidisé In French
SORIA Système d'Optimisation du Renseignement Interarmées In French Military affairs
SORTEL Société d'Optique de Précision et d'Électro-Optique In French Horticulture
Electrical engineering
SOS Syndrome d'Obstruction des Sinusoïdes In French Pathology
SP Solidarité et Progrès In French Political parties and movements
SP2M Service de Physique des Matériaux et Microstructures In French Nuclear, atomic, and molecular physics
SPA Société Protectrice des Animaux In French Organizations and associations
SPA Sapeur-Pompier Auxiliaire In French Firefighting
SPB Société de Prévoyance Bancaire In French Banks
SPCS Syndicat de la Presse Culturelle et Scientifique In French Organizations and associations
Newspapers, journalism
Mathematics and natural sciences
Applied sciences, technology
SPDG Syndicat Professionnel de la Géomatique In French Organizations and associations
Geodesy, cartography
SPE Société de Production d'Électricité In French Electrical engineering
SPECBEA Syndicat Professionnel des Entrepreneurs de Chaussées en Béton et d'Équipements Annexes (www.specbea.com) In French Organizations and associations
Civil engineering
SPECIF Société des Personnels Enseignants et Chercheurs en Informatique de France (www.specif.org) In French Organizations and associations
Research policy
Computer science
SPECT Syndicat des Producteurs et Créateurs d'Émissions de Télévision In French Organizations and associations
Cinema, movies
SPEI Secteur des Particuliers et Entreprises Individuelles In French Economics
SPEJP Syndicat de la Presse Économique, Juridique et Politique In French Organizations and associations
Newspapers, journalism
Law, jurisprudence
SPFA Solidarité Protestante France-Arménie (www.spfa-armenie.org) In French Organizations and associations
Protestant churches
SPFA Syndicat des Producteurs de Films d'Animation (www.animation-france.fr) In French Organizations and associations
Cinema, movies
SPG Section Permanente Générale In French Organizations and associations
SPHP Service de Protection des Hautes Personnalités In French Police
SPHR Syndicat de la Presse Hebdomadaire Régionale In French Organizations and associations
Newspapers, journalism
SPI Sciences Physiques pour l'Ingénieur In French Physics
Engineering, technology
SPI Société à Prépondérance Immobilière In French Accommodation
SPI Syndicat des Producteurs Indépendants (www.lespi.org) In French Organizations and associations
Cinema, movies
SPI Société de Protéines Industrielles In French Organizations and associations
Chemical technology
SPIN Système de Protection Intégré Numérique In French
SPIP Système de Publication pour l'Internet In French Software
SPIRAL Secrétariat pour la Prévention des Pollutions Industrielles et Risques dans l'Agglomération In French Environmental protection
SPJP Syndicat de la Presse Judiciaire de Province In French Organizations and associations
Newspapers, journalism
Law, jurisprudence
SPL Systèmes Productifs Locaux In French Economics
SPLEF Société pour la Propagation des Langues Etrangères en France In French Organizations and associations
SPLF Société de Pneumologie de Langue Française In French Organizations and associations
Chest diseases
SPMI Syndicat de la Presse Magazine et d'Information In French Organizations and associations
Newspapers, journalism
SPMS Syndicat de la Presse Magazine et Spécialisée In French Organizations and associations
Newspapers, journalism
SPMT Syndicat Professionnel des Médias de Télécommunications In French Organizations and associations
Newspapers, journalism
SPN Section Permanente Nucléaire In French Organizations and associations
Nuclear technology
SPNDE Service Personnalisé pour un Nouveau Départ vers l'Emploi In French Labour, labour economics
SPOT Système Probatoire d'Observation de la Terre In French Earth sciences
SPOT Système Probatoire pour l'Observation de la Terre In French Meteorology, climatology
SPOTI Service des Programmes d'Observation, de Télécommunications et d'Information In French Military engineering
SPP Société Psychanalytique de Paris In French Organizations and associations
SPP Syndicat de la Presse Parisienne In French Organizations and associations
SPP Sapeur-Pompier Professionnel In French Firefighting
SPPMO Syndicat Professionnel de la Presse Magazine et d'Opinion In French Organizations and associations
Newspapers, journalism
SPPPI Secrétariat Permanent pour la Prévention des Pollutions Industrielles In French Environmental protection
SPPRO Syndicat de la Presse Professionnelle In French Organizations and associations
Newspapers, journalism
SPQD Syndicat de la Presse Quotidienne Départementale In French Organizations and associations
Newspapers, journalism
SPQN Syndicat de la Presse Quotidienne Nationale (www.spqn.fr) In French Organizations and associations
Newspapers, journalism
SPQR Syndicat de la Presse Quotidienne Régionale In French Organizations and associations
Newspapers, journalism
SPRL Société Privée à Responsabilité Limitée In French Economics
SPS Syndicat de la Presse Sociale In French Organizations and associations
Newspapers, journalism
SPT Service des Postes et Télécommunications (www.spt.pf) In French Telecommunications
Transport and postal services
SPT Société des Postes du Togo In French Transport and postal services
SPTMI Société Phocéenne Marine Industrielle (www.sptmi.com) In French Mechanical engineering
SPV Sapeur-Pompier Volontaire In French Firefighting
SQ Sûreté du Québec In French Police
SQ Système Qualité In French Quality management
SQE Société Québécoise d'Espéranto
= ESK | Esperanto-Societo Kebekia | In Esperanto
In French Organizations and associations
Artificial languages (linguistics)
SQF Service associé à la Qualité de Fourniture In French Quality management
SR Section Recherche In French Police
SR Secours Routier In French Traumatology
SRA Système Rénine-Angiotensine In French Cardiology
SRA Secrétariat Régional d'Accréditation In French International economic cooperation
Quality management
SRAS Syndrome Respiratoire Aigu Sévère
= SARS | Severe Acute Respiratory Disease | In English
In French Chest diseases
SRC Société de Recherche sous Contrat In French Engineering, technology
SRC Structure de Recherche Contractuelle In French Organizations and associations
Research policy
SRC Service Régional de Comptabilité In French Accounting
SRCTA Syndicat des Réalisateurs et Créateurs du Cinéma, de la Télévision et de l'Audiovisuel (www.srcta.fr) In French Organizations and associations
Cinema, movies
SRDE Schéma Régional de Développement Économique In French Economics
Regional planning
SRE Synthèse de Résultats d'Essais In French Applied sciences, technology
SRF Société des Réalisateurs de Films (www.la-srf.fr) In French Organizations and associations
Cinema, movies
SRG Supplément de Revenu Garanti In French Labour, labour economics
SRH Service des Ressources Humaines In French Personnel management
Labour, labour economics
SRI Secrétariat pour les Relations avec l'Islam In French Islam
SRI Syndicat des Régies Internet (www.sri-france.org) In French Organizations and associations
SRP Stage de Réinsertion Professionnelle In French Labour, labour economics
SRPI Sécurité Radioprotection Incendie In French
SRPJ Service Régional de Police Judiciaire In French Police
SRPT Service Régional de la Police des Transports In French Public administration, government
Transport and postal services
SRU (Loi relative) à la Solidarité et au Renouvellement Urbain In French Public administration, government
Social welfare
Regional planning
SRU Solidarité et Renouvellement Urbain In French Politics
Social welfare
Regional planning
SRWT Société Régionale Wallonne de Transport In French Transport and postal services
SS Sécurité Sociale In French Insurance
SSBA Societe Suisse des Beaux-Arts In French Organizations and associations
SSD Société de Services Décentralisée In French
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