Acronym | Sense | Language | Topics |
SME | Système Monétaire Européen | In French | → Economics |
SMEA | Système de Management Environnemental et d'Audit | In French | → Environmental protection |
SMEBA | Société Mutualiste des Étudiants de Bretagne-Atlantique ( | In French | → Insurance → Education → France |
SMECO | Société Mutualiste des Étudiants du Centre-Ouest | In French | → Insurance → Education |
SMEREB | Société Mutualiste des Étudiants des Régions Bourgogne et Franche-Comté | In French | → Insurance → Education |
SMEREP | Société Mutualiste des Étudiants de la Région Parisienne ( | In French | → Insurance → Education → France |
SMERRA | Société Mutualiste des Étudiants de la Région Rhône-Alpes | In French | → Insurance → Education |
SMESO | Société Mutualiste des Étudiants du Sud-Ouest | In French | → Insurance → Education |
SMHV | Séisme Maximal Historiquement Vraisemblable | In French | → Seismology, earthquakes |
SMI | Structure Militaire d'Intégration | In French | → Military affairs |
SMIC | Salaire Minimum Interprofessionnel de Croissance | In French | → Labour, labour economics |
SMIG | Salaire Minimum Interprofessionnel Garanti | In French | → Labour, labour economics |
SMIROP | Service de Médecine du Travail Interentreprises de la Région Ouest de Paris | In French | → Medicine → Labour, labour economics |
SMN | Société Morbihannaise de Navigation | In French | → Transport and postal services |
SMP | Syndrome Myéloprolifératif | In French | → Blood and circulatory system → Pathology |
SMP | Société Militaire Privée = PMC | Private Military Company | In English |
In French | → Military affairs |
SMPP | Séisme Maximal Physiquement Possible | In French | → Seismology, earthquakes |
SMPP | Syndrome de Münchausen Par Procuration | In French | → Pathology |
SMPTE | Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers | In French | → Cinema, movies |
SMQ | Système de Management de la Qualité | In French | → Computer science → Quality management |
SMR | Service Médical Rendu | In French | → Pharmacology, toxicology |
SMR | Stratégie Ministérielle de Réforme | In French | → Politics → Central administration |
SMS | Sciences Médico-Sociales | In French | → Medicine |
SMS | Séisme Majoré de Sécurité | In French | → Seismology, earthquakes |
SMSI | Sommet Mondial sur la Société de l'Information | In French | → Telecommunications |
SMUH | Service Médical d'Urgence Héliporté | In French | → Traumatology |
SMUR | Service Mobile d'Urgence et de Réanimation | In French | → Traumatology |
SMVM | Schéma de Mise en Valeur de la Mer | In French | → Marine research, oceanography |
SN | Sûreté Nationale | In French | → Police |
Sn | Étain = Sn | Tin | In English = Sn | Tin | In Afrikaans = Sn | قصدير | In Arabic = Sn | Estaño | In Aragonese = Sn | Estañu | In Asturian = Sn | Chayanta | In Aymara = Sn | Qalay | In Azerbaijani = Sn | টিন | In Bengali = Sn | Волава | In Belarusian = Sn | Kalaj | In Bosnian = Sn | Калай | In Bulgarian = Sn | Estany | In Catalan = Sn | Тăхлан | In Chuvash = Sn | Tansan | In Cebuano = Sn | Cín | In Czech = Sn | Stagnu | In Corsican = Sn | Tun | In Welsh = Sn | Tin | In Danish = Sn | Zinn | In German = Sn | Tina | In Estonian = Sn | Κασσίτερος | In Greek = Sn | Estaño | In Spanish = Sn | Stano | In Esperanto = Sn | Eztainu | In Basque = Sn | قلع | In Persian = Sn | Stagn | In Friulian = Sn | Stán | In Irish = Sn | Stainney | In Manx = Sn | Estaño | In Galician = Sn | Siak | HAK = Sn | 주석 | In Korean = Sn | Անագ | In Armenian = Sn | Kositar | In Croatian = Sn | Stano | In Ido = Sn | Timah | In Indonesian = Sn | Tin | In Icelandic = Sn | Stagno | In Italian = Sn | בדיל | In Hebrew = Sn | ತವರ | In Kannada = Sn | კალა | In Georgian = Sn | Sten | In Cornish = Sn | Stani | In Swahili = Sn | Озысь | In Komi = Sn | Eten | In Haitian Creole = Sn | Pîl | In Kurdish = Sn | Stannum | In Latin = Sn | Alva | In Latvian = Sn | Zënn | In Letzeburgesh = Sn | Alavas | In Lithuanian = Sn | Stagno | In Ligurian = Sn | tinci | In Lojban = Sn | Ón | In Hungarian = Sn | Калај | In Macedonian = Sn | വെളുത്തീയം | In Malayalam = Sn | टिन | In Marathi = Sn | Amochitl | En Nahuatl = Sn | Tin | In Dutch = Sn | スズ | In Japanese = Sn | Tinn | In Norwegian = Sn | Estam | In Occitan = Sn | Qalay | In Uzbek = Sn | ٹن | PNB = Sn | Tinn | In Low German = Sn | Cyna | In Polish = Sn | Estanho | In Portuguese = Sn | Staniu | In Romanian = Sn | Chayanta | In Quechua = Sn | Олово | In Russian = Sn | Tin | In Saterland Frisian = Sn | Stagnu | In Sicilian = Sn | Cín | In Slovak = Sn | Kositer | In Slovenian = Sn | Калај | In Serbian = Sn | Kalaj | In Serbo-Croatian = Sn | Tina | In Finnish = Sn | Tenn | In Swedish = Sn | வெள்ளீயம் | In Tamil = Sn | తగరము | In Telugu = Sn | ดีบุก | In Thai = Sn | Қалъ | In Tajik = Sn | Kalay | In Turkish = Sn | Олово | In Ukrainian = Sn | قلع | In Urdu = Sn | قەلەي | In Uyghur = Sn | Thiếc | In Vietnamese = Sn | Tin | In Waray-Waray = Sn | צין | In Yiddisch = Sn | 锡 | In Chinese |
In French | → Chemistry |
SNA | Syndicat National des Annuaires | In French | → Organizations and associations |
SNA | Sous-marin Nucléraire d'Attaque | In French | → Nuclear technology → Military engineering |
SNA | Sous-marin Nucléaire d'Attaque | In French | → Military engineering |
SNAV | Syndicat National des Agences de Voyages | In French | → Organizations and associations → Tourism |
SNBPE | Syndicat National du Béton Prêt à l'Emploi ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → Civil engineering → Construction |
SNC | Solidarités Nouvelles face au Chômage | In French | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics |
SNC | Société en Nom Collectif | In French | → Economics → Law, jurisprudence |
SNC | Société Nationale de Colombiculture | In French | → Organizations and associations → Agricultural sciences |
SNC | Société Nucléaire Canadienne ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → Nuclear, atomic, and molecular physics → Nuclear technology → Canada |
SNCAMTC | Syndicat National des Cadres, Agents de Maîtrise et Techniciens de la Cinématographie | In French | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics → Cinema, movies |
SNCB | Société Nationale des Chemins de fer Belges ( = NMBS | Nationale Maatschappij der Belgische Spoorwegen | In Dutch |
In French | → Rail transport engineering → Transport and postal services → Belgium |
SNCC | Syndicat National des Courtiers en Céréales | In French | → Organizations and associations → Trade → Agricultural sciences |
SNCD | Syndicat National de la Communication Directe | In French | → Organizations and associations → 659 |
SNCF | Société Nationale des Chemins de fer Français ( | In French | → Transport and postal services → France |
SNCFT | Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer Tunisiens ( | In French | → Transport and postal services → Tunisia |
SNCO | Syndicat National des Courtiers en Graines Oléagineuses, Huiles et Corps Gras | In French | → Organizations and associations → Trade → Agricultural sciences → Food technology |
SNCPL | Syndicat National des Courtiers en Produits Laitiers | In French | → Organizations and associations → Trade → Food technology |
SNCTP | Syndicat National des Courtiers en Tourteaux et Protéines | In French | → Organizations and associations → Trade → Agricultural sciences → Proteins |
SNECMA | Société Nationale d'Études et de Construction de Moteurs d'Avions | In French | → Aeronautics, aircraft |
SNED | Syndicat National des Entreprises de Démolition | In French | → Organizations and associations → Construction |
SNEM | Service National des Endémies Majeures | In French | → Central administration → Infectious diseases |
SNEPS | Syndicat National des Entreprises de Portage Salarial ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → Economics → Labour, labour economics |
SNESUP | Syndicat National de l'Enseignement Supérieur | In French | → Labour, labour economics → Education |
SNET | Société Nationale d'Électricité et de Thermique | In French | → Energy economics → Electrical engineering |
SNFS | Syndicat National des Fabricants de Sucre | In French | → Organizations and associations → Food technology |
SNHF | Société Nationale d'Horticulture de France ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → Horticulture → France |
SNI | Syndicat Neutre pour Indépendants | In French | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics |
SNIAS | Société Nationale Industrielle Aéronautique et Spatiale | In French | → Aeronautics, aircraft → Astronautics |
SNIMA | Service de Normalisation Industrielle Marocaine | In French | → Standardization → Morocco |
SNIP | Syndicat National de l'Industrie Pharmaceutique | In French | → Pharmacology, toxicology |
SNJV | Syndicat National du Jeu Vidéo | In French | → Organizations and associations → Software → Entertainment |
SNLE | Sous-marin Nucléaire Lanceur d'Engins | In French | → Nuclear technology → Military engineering |
SNM | Service National Maquis | In French | → Political parties and movements → Military affairs → History |
SNMI | Syndicat National des Mortiers Industriels ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → Civil engineering → Construction |
SNPAA | Syndicat National des Producteurs d'Alcool Agricole | In French | → Organizations and associations → Agricultural sciences → Chemical technology |
SNPAR | Syndicat de la Presse Agricole et Rurale | In French | → Organizations and associations → Newspapers, journalism → Agricultural sciences |
SNPB | Syndicat National du Pompage du Béton | In French | → Organizations and associations → Civil engineering → Construction |
SNPBAH | Syndicat National des Pharmaciens et Biologistes Assistants des Hôpitaux | In French | → Organizations and associations → Pharmacology, toxicology |
SNPGH | Syndicat National des Pharmaciens Gérants Hospitaliers | In French | → Organizations and associations → Pharmacology, toxicology |
SNPHPU | Syndicat National des Pharmaciens, Praticiens Hospitaliers et Praticiens Hospitaliers Universitaires | In French | → Organizations and associations → Pharmacology, toxicology |
SNPI | Service National de Production Informatique | In French | → Computer science |
SNPJ | Syndicat National de la Presse Judiciaire ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → Newspapers, journalism → Law, jurisprudence → France |
SNPM | Syndicat National de la Presse Médicale et des professions de santé | In French | → Organizations and associations → Newspapers, journalism → Medicine |
SNPR | Syndicat National des Publications Régionales | In French | → Organizations and associations → Serial publications, periodicals → Newspapers, journalism |
SNPTV | Syndicat National de la Publicité Télévisée | In French | → Organizations and associations → Telecommunications → 659 |
SNRE | Stratégie Nationale de Recherche dans le domaine de l'Énergie | In French | → Research policy → Energy economics |
SNRPH | Syndicat National des Radiopharmaciens | In French | → Organizations and associations → Pharmacology, toxicology |
SNRT | Société Nationale de Radiodiffusion et de Télévision | In French | → Telecommunications |
SNSA | Syndicat National des Sociétés d'Assistance | In French | → Organizations and associations → Economics |
SNTPCT | Syndicat National des Techniciens et Travailleurs de la Production Cinématographique et de la Télévision ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics → Cinema, movies → Telecommunications → France |
SNV | Sciences de la Nature et de la Vie | In French | → Earth sciences → Biological sciences |
SNVB | Société Nancéienne Varin-Bernier | In French | → Financial markets |
SNVB | Société Nancéienne Varin Bernie | In French | → Banks |
SO2 | Dioxyde de soufre | In French | → Chemistry |
SOAC | Système Ouest Africain d'Accréditation | In French | → International economic cooperation → Standardization → Quality management |
SOAMET | Secrétariat Ouest-Africain de Métrologie | In French | → International economic cooperation → Standardization → Quality management |
SOC | Système OTAN de Classification | In French | → Military affairs |
SOCODEI | Société pour le Conditionnement des Déchets et Effluents Industriels | In French | → Environmental technology, water supply, waste management |
SOCRATE | Système Offrant à la Clientèle la Réservation d'Affaires et de Tourisme en Europe | In French | → Software → Transport and postal services → Tourism |
SODETEG | Société d'Études Techniques et d'Entreprises Générales | In French | → Applied sciences, technology |
SODETREL | Société pour le Développement des Transports Électriques | In French | → Electrical engineering → Vehicle engineering → Transport and postal services |
SODEVAL | Société d’Exploitation de la Valentonine | In French | → Organizations and associations → Pharmacology, toxicology → Hormones → Proteins |
SODIT | SOciété Développement Innovation dans les Transports | In French | → Transport and postal services |
SOFC | Solid Oxide Fuel Cell | In French | → Energy economics |
SOFCOT | SOciété Française de Chirurgie Orthopédique et Traumatologique ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → Surgery, orthopaedics, ophthalmology → Traumatology → France |
SOFCOT | Société Française de Chirurgie Orthopédique et Traumatologie | In French | → Organizations and associations → Surgery, orthopaedics, ophthalmology → Traumatology → France |
SOFICA | Société pour le Financement de l'Industrie Cinématographique et Audiovisuelle | In French | → Cinema, movies |
SOFILO | Société Foncière Immobilière et de Location | In French | → Accommodation |
SoFMMAA | SOciété Française de Médecine Morphologique et Anti-Age ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → Medicine → Gerontology |
SOFRES | Société Française d'Exportation de Systèmes d'Armements | In French | → Trade → Military engineering |
SOGEP | Société Genevoise des Pétroles | In French | → 665 |
SOGEP | Société Générale de Prestations | In French | → Maintenance and logistics |
SOGEP | Société Générale d'Entreprises Pyrénéennes | In French | → Economics |
SOGETI | Société pour la Gestion de l'Entreprise et le Traitement de l'Information | In French | → Computer science |
SOISIC | Saisie Optique Informatique de Structures Industrielles Complexes | In French | → Computer-based techniques → Optics → Engineering, technology |
SOL | Service d'Ordre Légionnaire | In French | → Police |
SOLAME | Société Lyonnaise d'Applications Mécanographiques | In French | → Computer science → Electronics → France |
SONAR | Sound Navigation Ranging | In French | → Engineering, technology |
SONEB | Société Nationale des Eaux du Bénin | In French | → Environmental technology, water supply, waste management |
SONEL | Société Nationale d'ÉLectricité | In French | → Electrical engineering |
SOPEMEA | Société pour le Perfectionnement des Matériels et Équipements Aérospatiaux | In French | → Aeronautics, aircraft → Astronautics → France |
SOPER | Société de Promotion Économique de Rimouski | In French | → Economics |
SOPEXA | Société Pour l'Expansion des ventes des produits Agricoles et Alimentaires | In French | → Trade → Agricultural sciences |
SOPOREN | Société Poitevine de Rénovation | In French | → Organizations and associations → Construction |
SOPROLIF | Société Provençale du Lit Fluidisé | In French | |
SORIA | Système d'Optimisation du Renseignement Interarmées | In French | → Military affairs |
SORTEL | Société d'Optique de Précision et d'Électro-Optique | In French | → Horticulture → Electrical engineering |
SOS | Syndrome d'Obstruction des Sinusoïdes | In French | → Pathology |
SP | Solidarité et Progrès | In French | → Political parties and movements |
SP2M | Service de Physique des Matériaux et Microstructures | In French | → Nuclear, atomic, and molecular physics |
SPA | Société Protectrice des Animaux | In French | → Organizations and associations → 5023 |
SPA | Sapeur-Pompier Auxiliaire | In French | → Firefighting |
SPB | Société de Prévoyance Bancaire | In French | → Banks |
SPCS | Syndicat de la Presse Culturelle et Scientifique | In French | → Organizations and associations → Newspapers, journalism → Arts → Mathematics and natural sciences → Applied sciences, technology |
SPDG | Syndicat Professionnel de la Géomatique | In French | → Organizations and associations → Geodesy, cartography → Geography |
SPE | Société de Production d'Électricité | In French | → Electrical engineering |
SPECBEA | Syndicat Professionnel des Entrepreneurs de Chaussées en Béton et d'Équipements Annexes ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → Civil engineering |
SPECIF | Société des Personnels Enseignants et Chercheurs en Informatique de France ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → Education → Research policy → Computer science |
SPECT | Syndicat des Producteurs et Créateurs d'Émissions de Télévision | In French | → Organizations and associations → Telecommunications → Cinema, movies |
SPEI | Secteur des Particuliers et Entreprises Individuelles | In French | → Economics |
SPEJP | Syndicat de la Presse Économique, Juridique et Politique | In French | → Organizations and associations → Newspapers, journalism → Economics → Law, jurisprudence → Politics |
SPFA | Solidarité Protestante France-Arménie ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → Protestant churches |
SPFA | Syndicat des Producteurs de Films d'Animation ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → Cinema, movies → France |
SPG | Section Permanente Générale | In French | → Organizations and associations |
SPHP | Service de Protection des Hautes Personnalités | In French | → Police |
SPHR | Syndicat de la Presse Hebdomadaire Régionale | In French | → Organizations and associations → Newspapers, journalism |
SPI | Sciences Physiques pour l'Ingénieur | In French | → Physics → Engineering, technology |
SPI | Société à Prépondérance Immobilière | In French | → Accommodation |
SPI | Syndicat des Producteurs Indépendants ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → Cinema, movies |
SPI | Société de Protéines Industrielles | In French | → Organizations and associations → Chemical technology → Proteins |
SPIN | Système de Protection Intégré Numérique | In French | |
SPIP | Système de Publication pour l'Internet | In French | → Software → Internet |
SPIRAL | Secrétariat pour la Prévention des Pollutions Industrielles et Risques dans l'Agglomération | In French | → Environmental protection |
SPJP | Syndicat de la Presse Judiciaire de Province | In French | → Organizations and associations → Newspapers, journalism → Law, jurisprudence |
SPL | Systèmes Productifs Locaux | In French | → Economics |
SPLEF | Société pour la Propagation des Langues Etrangères en France | In French | → Organizations and associations → Education → Linguistics → France |
SPLF | Société de Pneumologie de Langue Française | In French | → Organizations and associations → Chest diseases |
SPMI | Syndicat de la Presse Magazine et d'Information | In French | → Organizations and associations → Newspapers, journalism |
SPMS | Syndicat de la Presse Magazine et Spécialisée | In French | → Organizations and associations → Newspapers, journalism |
SPMT | Syndicat Professionnel des Médias de Télécommunications | In French | → Organizations and associations → Newspapers, journalism → Telecommunications |
SPN | Section Permanente Nucléaire | In French | → Organizations and associations → Nuclear technology |
SPNDE | Service Personnalisé pour un Nouveau Départ vers l'Emploi | In French | → Labour, labour economics |
SPOT | Système Probatoire d'Observation de la Terre | In French | → Earth sciences → Astronautics → France |
SPOT | Système Probatoire pour l'Observation de la Terre | In French | → Meteorology, climatology → Astronautics |
SPOTI | Service des Programmes d'Observation, de Télécommunications et d'Information | In French | → Military engineering → Telecommunications |
SPP | Société Psychanalytique de Paris | In French | → Organizations and associations → Psychology → France |
SPP | Syndicat de la Presse Parisienne | In French | → Organizations and associations → 70 → France |
SPP | Sapeur-Pompier Professionnel | In French | → Firefighting |
SPPMO | Syndicat Professionnel de la Presse Magazine et d'Opinion | In French | → Organizations and associations → Newspapers, journalism |
SPPPI | Secrétariat Permanent pour la Prévention des Pollutions Industrielles | In French | → Environmental protection |
SPPRO | Syndicat de la Presse Professionnelle | In French | → Organizations and associations → Newspapers, journalism |
SPQD | Syndicat de la Presse Quotidienne Départementale | In French | → Organizations and associations → Newspapers, journalism |
SPQN | Syndicat de la Presse Quotidienne Nationale ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → Newspapers, journalism |
SPQR | Syndicat de la Presse Quotidienne Régionale | In French | → Organizations and associations → Newspapers, journalism |
SPRL | Société Privée à Responsabilité Limitée | In French | → Economics |
SPS | Syndicat de la Presse Sociale | In French | → Organizations and associations → Newspapers, journalism |
SPT | Service des Postes et Télécommunications ( | In French | → Telecommunications → Transport and postal services |
SPT | Société des Postes du Togo | In French | → Transport and postal services |
SPTMI | Société Phocéenne Marine Industrielle ( | In French | → Mechanical engineering → 6295 |
SPV | Sapeur-Pompier Volontaire | In French | → Firefighting |
SQ | Sûreté du Québec | In French | → Police → Canada |
SQ | Système Qualité | In French | → Quality management |
SQE | Société Québécoise d'Espéranto = ESK | Esperanto-Societo Kebekia | In Esperanto |
In French | → Organizations and associations → Artificial languages (linguistics) → Canada |
SQF | Service associé à la Qualité de Fourniture | In French | → Quality management |
SR | Section Recherche | In French | → Police |
SR | Secours Routier | In French | → Traumatology |
SRA | Système Rénine-Angiotensine | In French | → Cardiology |
SRA | Secrétariat Régional d'Accréditation | In French | → International economic cooperation → Standardization → Quality management |
SRAS | Syndrome Respiratoire Aigu Sévère = SARS | Severe Acute Respiratory Disease | In English |
In French | → Chest diseases |
SRC | Société de Recherche sous Contrat | In French | → Engineering, technology |
SRC | Structure de Recherche Contractuelle | In French | → Organizations and associations → Research policy |
SRC | Service Régional de Comptabilité | In French | → Accounting |
SRCTA | Syndicat des Réalisateurs et Créateurs du Cinéma, de la Télévision et de l'Audiovisuel ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → Cinema, movies → Telecommunications → France |
SRDE | Schéma Régional de Développement Économique | In French | → Economics → Regional planning |
SRE | Synthèse de Résultats d'Essais | In French | → Applied sciences, technology |
SRF | Société des Réalisateurs de Films ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → Cinema, movies → France |
SRG | Supplément de Revenu Garanti | In French | → Labour, labour economics |
SRH | Service des Ressources Humaines | In French | → Personnel management → Labour, labour economics |
SRI | Secrétariat pour les Relations avec l'Islam | In French | → Islam |
SRI | Syndicat des Régies Internet ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → Advertising → Internet |
SRP | Stage de Réinsertion Professionnelle | In French | → Labour, labour economics |
SRPI | Sécurité Radioprotection Incendie | In French | |
SRPJ | Service Régional de Police Judiciaire | In French | → Police |
SRPT | Service Régional de la Police des Transports | In French | → Public administration, government → Transport and postal services |
SRU | (Loi relative) à la Solidarité et au Renouvellement Urbain | In French | → Public administration, government → Social welfare → Regional planning |
SRU | Solidarité et Renouvellement Urbain | In French | → Politics → Social welfare → Regional planning |
SRWT | Société Régionale Wallonne de Transport | In French | → Transport and postal services |
SS | Sécurité Sociale | In French | → Insurance → Medicine |
SSBA | Societe Suisse des Beaux-Arts | In French | → Organizations and associations → Arts → Switzerland |
SSD | Société de Services Décentralisée | In French |