Acronym | Sense | Language | Topics |
RGPP | Révision Générale des Politiques Publiques | In French | → Politics |
RGR | Rassemblement des Gauches Républicaines | In French | → Political parties and movements |
RH | Revue Historique | In French | → Serial publications, periodicals → History |
Rh | Rhodium = Rh | Rhodium | In English = Rh | Rodium | In Afrikaans = Rh | روديوم | In Arabic = Rh | রোহডিয়াম | In Bengali = Rh | Родый | In Belarusian = Rh | Rodijum | In Bosnian = Rh | Rodi | In Catalan = Rh | Rhodium | In Czech = Rh | Rodiu | In Corsican = Rh | Rhodiwm | In Welsh = Rh | Rhodium | In Danish = Rh | Rhodium | In German = Rh | Roodium | In Estonian = Rh | Ρόδιο | In Greek = Rh | Rodio | In Spanish = Rh | Rodio | In Esperanto = Rh | Rodio | In Basque = Rh | رادیم | In Persian = Rh | Rodi | In Friulian = Rh | Roydjum | In Manx = Rh | Rodio | In Galician = Rh | 로듐 | In Korean = Rh | Ռոդիում | In Armenian = Rh | Rodij | In Croatian = Rh | Rodio | In Ido = Rh | Rodium | In Indonesian = Rh | Ródín | In Icelandic = Rh | Rodio | In Italian = Rh | רודיום | In Hebrew = Rh | Rodium | JV = Rh | Rodi | In Swahili = Rh | Rodyòm | In Haitian Creole = Rh | Rodyûm | In Kurdish = Rh | Rhodium | In Latin = Rh | Rodijs | In Latvian = Rh | Rhodium | In Letzeburgesh = Rh | Rodis | In Lithuanian = Rh | zgujinme | In Lojban = Rh | Ródium | In Hungarian = Rh | റോഡിയം | In Malayalam = Rh | र्होडियम | In Marathi = Rh | Rhodium | In Dutch = Rh | ロジウム | In Japanese = Rh | Rhodium | In Norwegian = Rh | Rhodium | In Nynorsk = Rh | Ròdi | In Occitan = Rh | Rodiy | In Uzbek = Rh | Rod | In Polish = Rh | Ródio | In Portuguese = Rh | Rodiu | In Romanian = Rh | Родий | In Russian = Rh | Rodiu | In Sicilian = Rh | Ródium | In Slovak = Rh | Rodij | In Slovenian = Rh | Родијум | In Serbian = Rh | Rodijum | In Serbo-Croatian = Rh | Rodium | In Finnish = Rh | Rodium | In Swedish = Rh | ரோடியம் | In Tamil = Rh | โรเดียม | In Thai = Rh | Rhodi | In Vietnamese = Rh | Rodyum | In Turkish = Rh | Родій | In Ukrainian = Rh | 铑 | In Chinese |
In French | → Chemistry |
RH | Régiment de Hussards | In French | → Military affairs |
RHF | Restauration Hors Foyer | In French | |
RHF | Roller Hockey France ( | In French | → Sport, physical exercises → France |
RHF | Résidences Hotelières de France | In French | → Tourism → Accommodation → France |
RHPC | Revue d’Histoire du Pays Châtelleraudais | In French | → Serial publications, periodicals → History |
RHPh | Revue d'Histoire de la Philosophie | In French | → Serial publications, periodicals → Philosophy, psychology → History |
RHPR | Revue d'Histoire et de Philosophie Religieuses | In French | → Serial publications, periodicals → History → Philosophy, psychology → Religion, theology |
RHR | Revue de l'Histoire des Religions | In French | → Serial publications, periodicals → Religion, theology → History |
RI | Relations Internationales | In French | → International relations |
RI | Régiment d'Infanterie | In French | → 356 |
RIA | Robinet Incendie Armé | In French | → Firefighting |
RIAM | Réseau d'Innovation Audiovisuel et Multimédia | In French | → Telecommunications |
RIAM | Recherche et Innovations en Audiovisuel et Multimédia | In French | → Computer-based techniques → Cinema, movies |
RIB | Réseau Innovation Biotechnologie | In French | → Biotechnology |
RIB | Relevé d'Identité Bancaire | In French | → Banks |
RICE | Rélévé d'Identité Caisse d'Épargne | In French | → Banks |
RIF | Rassemblement pour l'Indépendance et la souveraineté de la France | In French | → Political parties and movements → France |
RIJ | Réseau International de la Jeunesse | In French | → Organizations and associations |
RILEM | Réunion Internationale des Laboratoires et Experts des Matériaux, Systèmes de Constructions et Ouvrages | In French | → Construction |
RILEM | Réunion Internationale des Laboratoires pour l'Essai des Matériaux | In French | → Organizations and associations → Research institutes → Materials science |
RIMA | Revue de l'Institut des Manuscripts Arabes | In French | → Serial publications, periodicals → Manuscripts |
RIN | Réseau Informatique National | In French | → Networks, communication |
RIP | Relevé d'Identité Postale | In French | → Banks → Postal services → France |
RIPh | Revue Internationale de Philosophie | In French | → Serial publications, periodicals → Philosophy, psychology |
RIS | Revue, Informatique et Statistique dans les sciences humaines | In French | → Serial publications, periodicals → Computer-based techniques → Social sciences → Statistics |
RISCPT | Registre International des Substances Chimiques Potentiellement Toxiques | In French | → Chemistry → Chemical technology |
RITEAU | Réseau 'Eau et Technologies de l'environnement' | In French | → Environmental protection → Environmental technology, water supply, waste management |
RITMER | Réseau 'Pollutions marines accidentelles et conséquences écologiques sur le littoral' | In French | → Environmental protection → Ecology |
RJA | Rapport Journalier d'Activité | In French | → Management |
RJC | Réseau Jeunes Cadres | In French | → Personnel management → Labour, labour economics |
RL | Réseau Luxembourgeois des Amateurs d'Ondes Courtes | In French | → Organizations and associations → Telecommunications → Luxembourg |
RLC | Reconnaissance Locale de Compétence | In French | → Personnel management |
RLOM | République Libre d'Outre-Meuse ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → Arts |
RLR | Recueil des Lois et Règlements | In French | → Law, jurisprudence |
RMBT | Raccordement Modulaire Basse Tension | In French | → Electrical engineering |
RMI | Revenu Minimum d'Insertion | In French | → Social welfare |
RMM | Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale | In French | → Serial publications, periodicals → Metaphysics → Ethics |
RMN | Résonance Magnétique Nucléaire = NMR | Nuclear Magnetic Resonance | In English = RMN | Ressonància Magnètica Nuclear | In Catalan = RMN | Risonanza Magnetica Nucleare | In Italian = תמ"ג | תהודה מגנטית גרעינית | In Hebrew = ЯМР | Я́дерного магни́тного резона́нса | In Russian = НМР | Нуклеарна магнетна резонанција | In Serbian |
In French | → Medicine → Nuclear, atomic, and molecular physics → Nuclear technology |
RMNT | Réseau Micro et Nanotechnologies | In French | → Engineering, technology |
RMPC | Ressources Militaires et de la Protection Civile = MCDA | Military Civilian Defence Assets | In English |
In French | → Military affairs |
RMQ | Responsable Management Qualité | In French | → Quality management |
RMT | Régiment de marche du Tchad | In French | → Military affairs |
RN | Route Nationale | In French | → Transport and postal services |
RN | Résultat Net | In French | → Accounting |
RNB | Réseau National de Bassin | In French | → Hydrology |
RNC | Réseau des Non Confédérés | In French | → Organizations and associations |
RNDE | Réseau National des Données sur l'Eau | In French | → Organizations and associations → Hydrology → Environmental technology, water supply, waste management |
RNI | Revenu Net Imposable | In French | → Taxes, duties |
RNIA | Réseau National Intégré de l'Administration | In French | → Networks, communication → Central administration → Tunisia |
RNIL | Réseau National d'Ingénierie Linguistique | In French | → Computer-based techniques → Linguistics |
RNIS | Réseau Numérique à Intégration de Services | In French | → Telecommunications |
RNOL | Réseau National d'Observation du Littoral | In French | → Threats to the environment |
RNP | Rassemblement National Populaire | In French | → Political parties and movements |
RNPh | Revue Néoscolastique de Philosophie | In French | → Serial publications, periodicals → Philosophy, psychology |
RNPP | Registre National des Personnes Physiques | In French | → Central administration |
RNPP | Recettes Nettes Part Producteur | In French | → Cinema, movies |
RNR | Réacteur à Neutrons Rapides | In French | → Nuclear technology |
RNR | éacteur Nucléaire Rapide | In French | → Nuclear technology |
RNR | Réserve Naturelle Régionale | In French | → Environmental protection |
RNRE | Réseau National de Recherche et d'Éducation | In French | → Research policy → Networks, communication → Education |
RNRS | Entreprise Nationale de Radiodiffusion Sonore ( | In French | → Telecommunications → Algeria |
RNRT | Réseau National de Recherche en Télécommunications | In French | → Organizations and associations → Telecommunications |
RNRT | Réseau National de la Recherche en Télécommunications | In French | → Organizations and associations → Telecommunications |
RNTL | Réseau National des Technologies Logicielles | In French | → Organizations and associations → Software |
RNTL | Réseau National de Recherche et d'Innovation en Technologies Logicielles | In French | → Software |
RNTS | Réseau National 'Technologies pour la Santé' | In French | → Medicine |
RNV | Réserve Naturelle Volontaire | In French | → Environmental protection |
ROC | Rassemblement des Opposants à la Chasse | In French | → Organizations and associations → Fishing, hunting |
ROC | Reconnaissance Optique de Caractères = ORC | Optical Character Recognition | In English |
In French | → Writing systems → Document processing → Optics |
ROD | Reporting Opérationnel de Détail | In French | → Management |
RODP | Redevance pour Occupation du Domaine Public | In French | → Taxes, duties |
ROE | Remise d'Ouvrage à l'Exploitant | In French | → Civil engineering |
ROEM | Renseignement d'Origine Électromagnétique | In French | → Military affairs |
ROHUM | Renseignement d'Origine Humaine | In French | → Military affairs |
ROIM | Renseignement d'Origine Imagerie | In French | → Military affairs |
ROME | Répertoire Opérationnel des Métiers et des Emplois | In French | → Labour, labour economics |
ROMM | Revue de l‘Occident Musulman et de la Méditerranée | In French | → Serial publications, periodicals → Area studies |
RORAD | Renseignement d'Origine Radar | In French | → Military affairs |
RP | Relations Publiques = PR | Public Relations | In English = RP | Relations Presse | In French |
In French | → Public relations |
RP | Relations Presse = PR (look above) |
In French | → Newspapers, journalism → Public relations |
RP | Rémunération Principale | In French | → Personnel management |
RP | Région Parisienne | In French | → Geography → France |
RPA | Réponses aux Problèmes d'Alimentation | In French | → Energy economics → Electrical engineering |
RPA | Régime de Pension Agréé | In French | → Labour, labour economics |
RPC | Régime de Pensions du Canada | In French | → Labour, labour economics |
RPCC | Rémunération de la Performance Contractualisée des Cadres | In French | → Personnel management |
RPD | Redevance pour Pollution Diffuse | In French | → Taxes, duties → Environmental technology, water supply, waste management |
RPDE | Réseau Partenarial des Données sur l'Eau | In French | → Organizations and associations → Hydrology → Environmental technology, water supply, waste management |
RPF | Rassemblement Pour la France | In French | → Political parties and movements → France |
RPF | Rassemblement du Peuple Français | In French | → Political parties and movements → France |
RPFC | Rassemblement du Peuple Franc-Comtois | In French | → Political parties and movements |
RPh | Revue de Philologie, de littérature et d'histoire ancienne | In French | → Serial publications, periodicals → Philology → Literature → History |
RPhA | Revue de Philosophie Ancienne | In French | → Serial publications, periodicals → Philosophy, psychology |
RPhL | Revue Philosophique de Louvain | In French | → Serial publications, periodicals → Philosophy, psychology |
RPI | Regroupement Pédagogique Intercommunal | In French | → Education |
RPIMa | Régiment de Parachutistes d'Infanterie de Marine | In French | → Military affairs |
RPP | Recrutement et Parcours Professionnel | In French | → Personnel management |
RPP | Recueil des Prescriptions au Personnel | In French | → Personnel management → Labour, labour economics |
RPPST | Réseau pour la Prévention et le Progrès en Santé au Travail - Île-de-France | In French | → Labour, labour economics → Medicine → France |
RPR | Rassemblement pour la République | In French | → Political parties and movements |
RPS | Responsable Produit/Service | In French | → Management |
RPS | Rapport Préliminaire de Sûreté | In French | → Nuclear technology |
RPU | Résumé de Passage aux Urgences | In French | → Traumatology |
RPU | Révision Périodique Universelle | In French | |
RPV | Réseau Privé Virtuel = VPN | Virtual Private Network | In English = RPV | Red Privada Virtual | In Spanish = SPN | Skynprivaatnetwerk | In Afrikaans = VPN | Virtueel Particulier Netwerk | In Dutch = VPN | Virtuellt Privat Nätverk | In Swedish |
In French | → Networks, communication |
RQC | Révision Qualité Comptable | In French | → Accounting |
RRC | Rhodanienne de Révision Comptable | In French | → Accounting |
RRIT | Réseau(x) de Recherche et d'Innovation Technologique | In French | |
RRIT | Réseau de Recherche et d'Innovation Technologique | In French | → Research policy → Engineering, technology |
RRMPA | Revue Roumaine de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées | In French | → Serial publications, periodicals → Mathematics |
RRMS | Réseau Romand de Médecine du Sport | In French | → Medicine → Sport, physical exercises |
RRQ | Responsable Régional Qualité | In French | → Quality management |
RRQ | Régime de Rentes du Québec | In French | → Labour, labour economics |
RRR | Rabais, Remise, Ristourne | In French | → Prices → Accounting |
RRR | Recherche, Réclamation, Régularisation | In French | |
RRS | Réseau de Réussite Scolaire | In French | → Education |
RSD | Relevé Sans Dérangement | In French | → Energy economics → Electrical engineering |
RSE | Responsabilité Sociale d'Entreprise | In French | → Economics → Social welfare |
RSE | Réseau Spécial d'Exploitation | In French | → Energy economics |
RSE | Rapport de Synthèse d'Essais | In French | → Applied sciences, technology |
RSE-M | Règles de Surveillance en Exploitation des Matériels Mécaniques des Îlots Nucléaires REP | In French | → Nuclear technology |
RSF | Recherche Systématique de Fuites | In French | → Energy economics |
RSI | Radio Slovaquie Internationale ( = RSI | Rádio Slovakia International | In English |
In French | → Telecommunications → Slovakia |
RSI | Responsable Système d'Information | In French | → Computer science |
RSRel | Recherches de Sciences Religieuses | In French | → Serial publications, periodicals → Religion, theology |
RSS | Républiques Socialistes Soviétiques = RSS | Repubbliche Socialiste Sovietiche | In Italian = PSR | Padomju Sociālistiskajām Republikām | In Latvian = RSS | Republici Sovietice Socialiste | In Romanian = SSR | Sovjetskih Socialističnih Republik | In Slovenian |
In French | → Politics → Geography |
RSSI | Responsable de la Sécurité des Systèmes d'Information = CISO | Chief Information Security Officer | In English |
In French | → Computer science |
RSSI | Responsable de la Sécurite du Système Informatique | In French | → Management → Computer science |
RSST | Responsable de la Sécurite des Systèmes de Télécommunications | In French | → Management → Telecommunications |
RST | Revenu Supplémentaire du Travail | In French | → Labour, labour economics |
RT | Revue Thomiste | In French | → Serial publications, periodicals → Philosophy, psychology → Religion, theology |
RT | Rapport Technique | In French | → Documentation → Applied sciences, technology |
RT | Régiment de Transmissions | In French | → Military affairs → Telecommunications |
RTA | Réseau Technologique d'Alsace | In French | → Engineering, technology |
RTAGV | Réseau Temporaire d'Accueil des Gens du Voyage | In French | → Social sciences → Accommodation |
RTBF | Radio-Télévision Belge de la Communauté Française ( | In French | → Telecommunications → Belgium |
RTC | Réseau Téléphonique Commuté | In French | → Telecommunications |
RTC | Réseau de Transport de la Capitale | In French | → Organizations and associations → Transport and postal services → Canada |
RTCP | Réseau Téléphonique Commuté Public = PSTN | Public Switched Telephone Network | In English = ТСОП | елефонная сеть общего пользования | In Russian |
In French | → Telecommunications |
RTD | Réseau de Transmission des Données | In French | → Networks, communication → Data |
RTE | Réseau Technique Électricité | In French | → Electrical engineering |
RTE | Réseau de Transport d'Électricité ( | In French | → Electrical engineering |
RTL | Réseau de Transport de Longueuil | In French | → Organizations and associations → Transport and postal services → Canada |
RTLM | Radio Télévision Libre des Mille Collines | In French | → Telecommunications |
RTM | Réseaux, Télécoms et Multimedia | In French | → Networks, communication → Document processing → Telecommunications |
RTN | Réseau Téléphonique National | In French | → Telecommunications |
RTRA | Réseau Thématique de Recherche Avancée | In French | → Research policy |
RTT | Réduction du Temps de Travail | In French | → Labour, labour economics |
RTVE | Radio-Télévision Espagnole ( | In French | → Telecommunications → Entertainment → Spain |
RU | Restaurant Universitaire | In French | → Higher education, universities → 64 |
RUO | Revue de l'Université d'Ottawa | In French | → Serial publications, periodicals → Higher education, universities |
RUSF | Réseau Universités Sans Frontières | In French | → Organizations and associations → Higher education, universities |
RUTMP | Réseau Universitaire Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées | In French | → Organizations and associations → Higher education, universities |
RVA | Réseaux à Valeur Ajoutée | In French | → Networks, communication |
RvAc | Revue d'Acoustique | In French | → Serial publications, periodicals → Acoustics → Acoustical engineering |
RVE | Rendez-Vous d'Évaluation | In French | → Education |
RvGPG | Revue de Géographie Physique et de Géologie Dynamique | In French | → Serial publications, periodicals → Earth sciences → Geography |
RVN | Réseau des Villes Numériques | In French | → Computer science |
RVP | Rendez-Vous Pédagogique | In French | → Education |
RvPA | Revue de Physique Appliquée | In French | → Serial publications, periodicals → Physics |
RvPD | Revue du Palais de la Découverte | In French | → Serial publications, periodicals |
RVRP | Rendez-Vous Réussis avec la Presse | In French | → Public relations |
RvRP | Revue Roumaine de Physique | In French | → Serial publications, periodicals → Physics |
RvRST | Revue Roumaine des Sciences Techniques - Série de Mécanique Appliquée | In French | → Serial publications, periodicals → Mechanical engineering |
S | Sérine = S | Serine | In English = S | سيرين | In Arabic = S | Serina | In Catalan = S | Serin | In Czech = S | Serin | In Danish = S | Serin | In German = S | Serina | In Spanish = S | Serino | In Esperanto = S | 세린 | In Korean = S | Serin | In Croatian = S | Serin | In Indonesian = S | Serina | In Italian = S | סרין | In Hebrew = S | Serīns | In Latvian = S | Serin | In Letzeburgesh = S | Serinas | In Lithuanian = S | Serine | In Dutch = S | セリン | In Japanese = S | Serin | In Norwegian = S | Seryna | In Polish = S | Serina | In Portuguese = S | Серин | In Russian = S | Seriini | In Finnish = S | Serin | In Swedish = S | செர்ரீன் | In Tamil = S | Serin | In Turkish = S | Серин | In Ukrainian = S | 絲氨酸 | In Chinese |
In French | → Biochemistry, biophysics |
S | Soufre = S | Swawel | In Afrikaans = S | كبريت | In Arabic = S | Azufre | In Asturian = S | Kükürd | In Azerbaijani = S | Сера | In Belarusian = S | Сяра | In Bulgarian = S | গন্ধক | In Bengali = S | Sumpor | In Bosnian = S | Sofre | In Catalan = S | Zolfu | In Corsican = S | Síra | In Czech = S | Sylffwr | In Welsh = S | Svovl | In Danish = S | Schwefel | In German = S | Θείο | In Greek = S | Sulfur | In English = S | Sulfuro | In Esperanto = S | Azufre | In Spanish = S | Väävel | In Estonian = S | Sufre | In Basque = S | گوگرد | In Persian = S | Rikki | In Finnish = S | Solfar | In Friulian = S | Xofre | In Galician = S | גופרית | In Hebrew = S | गन्धक | In Hindi = S | Sumpor | In Croatian = S | Souf | In Haitian Creole = S | Kén | In Hungarian = S | Ծծումբ | In Armenian = S | Belerang | In Indonesian = S | Sulfo | In Ido = S | Brennisteinn | In Icelandic = S | Zolfo | In Italian = S | 硫黄 | In Japanese = S | 황 | In Korean = S | Kibrît | In Kurdish = S | Schwiefel | In Letzeburgesh = S | Solfer | In Limburgish = S | Siera | In Lithuanian = S | Sērs | In Latvian = S | Pungatara | In Māori = S | Сулфур | In Macedonian = S | ഗന്ധകം | In Malayalam = S | Хүхэр | In Mongolian = S | सल्फर | In Marathi = S | Swevel | In Low German = S | Zwavel | In Dutch = S | Svovel | In Nynorsk = S | Svovel | In Norwegian = S | Sulfre | NOV = S | Sofre | In Occitan = S | Siarka | In Polish = S | Enxofre | In Portuguese = S | Salina | In Quechua = S | Sulf | In Romanian = S | Сера | In Russian = S | Surfi | In Sicilian = S | Sumpor | In Serbo-Croatian = S | Síra | In Slovak = S | Žveplo | In Slovenian = S | Squfuri | In Albanian = S | Сумпор | In Serbian = S | Walirang | In Sundanese = S | Svavel | In Swedish = S | Sulfuri | In Swahili = S | கந்தகம் | In Tamil = S | గంధకము | In Telugu = S | กำมะถัน | In Thai = S | Kükürt | In Turkish = S | Сірка | In Ukrainian = S | Oltingugurt | In Uzbek = S | Lưu huỳnh | In Vietnamese = S | שװעבל | In Yiddisch = S | 硫 | In Chinese |
In French | → Chemistry |
S&T | Sciences et Technologie = CyT | Ciencia y Tecnología | In Spanish = S&T | Science and Technology | In English = C&T | Ciência e Tecnologia | In Portuguese |
In French | → Mathematics and natural sciences → Engineering, technology |
S2E | Surveillance Spatiale des Épidémies | In French | → Infectious diseases |
S2R | Système de Reconnaissance et de Rémunération | In French | → Personnel management |
S3IT | Schéma Stratégique des Systèmes d'Information et des Télécommunications | In French | → Computer science → Telecommunications |
SA | Société Anonyme = NV | Naamloze Vennootschap | In Dutch = SA | Sociedade Anónima | In Portuguese = SA | Sociedad Anónima | In Spanish = ΑΕ | Ανώνυμη Εταιρεία | In Greek = AŞ | Anonim Şirket | In Turkish |
In French | → Economics |
SA | Syndrome d'Asperger | In French | → Neurology |
SAAC | Secrétaire Administratif d'Administration Centrale | In French | → Central administration |
SAAM | Système d'Auto-défense Anti-Missiles | In French | → Military engineering |
SAAQ | Société de l'Assurance Automobile du Québec | In French | → Insurance → Automobile manufacturing → Transport and postal services → Canada |
SABCA | Société Anonyme Belge de Constructions Aéronautiques | In French | → Aeronautics, aircraft → Belgium |
SABENA | Société Anonyme Belge d'Exploitation de la Navigation Aérienne | In French | → Aeronautics, aircraft → Transport and postal services → Belgium |
SABINE | Services d'Accès à la Base d'INformations Élaborées | In French | → Data → Personnel management |
SAC | Système d'Aide au Commandement | In French | → Software → Military affairs |
SACDE | Société d'Aide à la Création et au Développement des Entreprises | In French | → 3384 |
SACE | Secrétaire Administratif de Classe Exceptionnelle | In French | → Central administration |
SACEM | Société des Auteurs, Compositeurs et Éditeurs de Musique | In French | → Artistic property → Music → Literature |
SACI | Société Anonyme de Crédit Immobilier | In French | → Finance → Accommodation |
SACO | Service d'Assistance Canadienne aux Organismes = CESO | Canadian Executive Service Organization | In English |
In French | → Organizations and associations → Development → Canada |
SACPTCP | Sol-Air Courte Portée et Très Courte Portée | In French | → Military engineering |
SACRE | Système d'Aide au Choix de REnouvellement (des canalisations en fontes grises) | In French | → Software → Energy economics |
SACSO | Suspension ACtive pour essais en SOufflerie | In French | → Physics → Vehicle engineering |
SAD | Société Andine de Développement ( = CAF | Corporación Andina de Fomento | In Spanish = ADC | Andean Development Corporation | In English = CAF | Corporação Andina de Fomento | In Portuguese |
In French | → International relations → Development |
SADIEau | Système Africain de Documentation et d'Information sur l'Eau = AWIS | African Water Information (and Documentation) System | In English |
In French | → Knowledge management → Hydrology → 626 → Environmental technology, water supply, waste management → Africa |
SADIR | Société d'Assistance à Domicile des Insuffisants Respiratoires | In French | → Medicine |
SAE | Système d'Archivage Électronique | In French | → Knowledge management |
SAEIV | Système d’Aide à l’Exploitation et à l’Information Voyageurs | In French | → Software → Rail transport engineering → Rail transport → France |
SAENES | Secrétaire Administratif de l'Éducation Nationale et de l'Enseignement Supérieur | In French | → Central administration → Education |
SAES | Société des Anglicistes de l'Enseignement Supérieur ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → Education → Language, linguistics, literature |
SAETR | Serveur d’Aide à l’Exploitation Temps Réel | In French | → Software → Rail transport → France |
SAFAF | Société Anonyme Française des Automobiles Fiat | In French | → Mechanical engineering → Automobile manufacturing |