Acronym | Sense | Language | Topics |
ONEP | Office National de l'Eau Potable | In French | → Organizations and associations → Environmental technology, water supply, waste management |
ONEP | Office National d'Études et de Planification | In French | |
ONERA | Office National d'Études et de Recherches Aéronautiques | In French | → Aeronautics, aircraft |
ONERA | Office National d'Études et de Recherches Aérospatiales ( | In French | → Research institutes → Aeronautics, aircraft → Astronautics → France |
ONF | Office National des Forêts ( | In French | → Central administration → Forestry → France |
ONG | Organisation Non Gouvernementale = ONGs | Organizações Não Governamentais | In Portuguese = NGO | Non-Governmental Organization | In English = NGO | Nichtregierungsorganisation | In German = ANG | Aozadur Nann-Gouarnamantel | In Breton = NRO | Ne-Registara Organizo | In Esperanto = ONG | Organizzazione non governativa | In Italian = LSM | Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat | In Indonesian = ONG | Organización non gobernamental | In Galician = GKE | Gobernuz Kanpoko Erakunde | In Basque = ONG | Organización no gubernamental | In Spanish = ΜΚΟ | Μη κυβερνητικές οργανώσεις | In Greek = NNO | Nevládní nezisková organizace | In Czech = ONG | Organització no governamental | In Catalan = ННО | Неурядові неприбуткові організації | In Ukrainian = ONG | Organização não governamental | In Portuguese = NGO | Niet-gouvernementele organisatie | In Dutch = NVO | Nevyriausybinė organizacija | In Lithuanian |
In French | → Organizations and associations |
ONH | Organisme National Habilité | In French | |
ONIAM | Office National d'Indemnisation des Accidents Médicaux ( | In French | → Central administration → Accidents, risks, safety → Medicine |
ONIDOL | Organisation Nationale Interprofessionnelle Des Oléagineux | In French | → Organizations and associations → Agricultural sciences |
ONISEP | Office National d'Information Sur les Enseignements et les Professions | In French | → Labour, labour economics → Education |
ONISR | Observatoire National Interministériel de la Sécurité Routière | In French | → Central administration → Transport and postal services |
ONREK | Office National de Recherche et d'Évaluation en Kinésithérapie | In French | → Medicine |
ONS | Organisme National de Surveillance | In French | |
ONS | Opérateur National de Sécurité | In French | → Accidents, risks, safety |
ONT | Office National du Tourisme | In French | → Central administration → Tourism |
ONTO | Ordre Nouveau des Templiers Opératifs | In French | → Modern spiritual movements |
ONU | Organisation des Nations Unies ( = UN | Unuigintaj Nacioj | In Esperanto = ONU | Organizazión d'as Nazions Unitas | In Aragonese = ААН | Арганіза́цыя Аб'ядна́ных На́цый | In Belarusian = VN | Verenigde Nasies | In Afrikaans = ONU | Organización de les Naciones Uníes | In Asturian = OOH | Организацията на обединените нации | In Bulgarian = ABU | Aozadur ar Broadoù Unanet | In Breton = ПНО | Пĕрлешнĕ Нацисен Организацийĕ | In Chuvash = FN | Feriene Naasjes | In Frisian = UN | United Nations | In English = NBE | Nazio Batuen Erakundea | In Basque = ONU | Organización das Nacións Unidas | In Occitan = UN | Unuiĝinta Naciaro | In Esperanto = UN | Ujedinjeni Narodi | In Bosnian = CN | Consociatio Nationum | In Latin = FN | Forenede Nationer | In Danish = UN | Unionita Nacioni | In Ido = ONU | Organizzazione delle Nazioni Unite | In Italian = KU | Kenedhlow Unys | In Cornish = ONU | Organització de les Nacions Unides | In Catalan = ΟΗΕ | Οργανισμός Ηνωμένων Εθνών | In Greek = ΗΕ | Ηνωμένα Έθνη | In Greek = ONU | Organización de las Naciones Unidas | In Spanish = VN | Vereinte Nationen | In German = VN | Verenigde Naties | In Dutch = VN | Vereent Natiounen | In Letzeburgesh = ООН | Организация Oбъединённых Hаций | In Russian = ONU | Organisacion des Nacions unies | In Franco-Provençal = ONZ | Organizacja Narodów Zjednoczonych | In Polish = BMT | Birlashgan Millatlar Tashkiloti | In Uzbek = ООН | Організація Об'єднаних Націй | In Ukrainian = BM | Birleşmiş Milletler | In Turkish = LHiQ | Liên Hiệp Quốc | In Vietnamese = OKB | Organizata e Kombeve të Bashkuara | In Albanian = OSN | Organizácia Spojených národov | In Slovak = OZN | Organizacija Združenih Narodov | In Slovenian = УН | Уједињене нације | In Serbian = FN | Förenta nationerna | In Swedish = UM | Umoja wa Mataifa | In Swahili = NU | Nazzioni Uniti | In Sicilian = ONU | Organizaţia Naţiunilor Unite | In Romanian = ONU | Organização das Nações Unidas | In Portuguese = VN | Vereenten Natschonen | In Low German = ST | Sameindu Tjóðir | In Faroese = HN | Huñusqa Nasyunkuna | In Quechua = PBB | Pertubuhan Bangsa-bangsa Bersatu | In Malay = NA | Náisiúin Aontaithe | In Irish = ÜRO | Ühinenud Rahvaste Organisatsioon | In Estonian = SÞ | Sameinuðu þjóðanna | In Icelandic |
In French | → International relations → United Nations |
ONZUS | Observatoire National des Zones Urbaines Sensibles | In French | → Regional planning |
OP | Ouvrier Professionnel | In French | → Labour, labour economics |
OP | Organisation de Producteur | In French | → Organizations and associations |
OP | Ordre de Paiement | In French | → Prices → Accounting |
OP | Orientation Professionnelle | In French | → Labour, labour economics |
OPA | Océan PArallélisé | In French | → Marine research, oceanography |
OPA | Offre Publique d'Achat | In French | → Economics |
OPAC | Office Public d'Aménagement et de Construction | In French | → Public administration, government → Construction → Accommodation |
OPAH | Opération Programmée d'Amélioration de l'Habitat | In French | → Accommodation |
OPALE | Outil de Pilotage et d'Aide à L'Expertise | In French | → Software |
OPALE | Outil Probabiliste des ALimentations Électriques | In French | → Software → Electrical engineering |
OPC | Organisation pour la Prévention de la Cécité ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → Ophthalmology |
OPC | Observatoire des Politiques Culturelles ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → Politics → Civilization, culture, progress |
OPC | Organisme de Placement Collectif | In French | → Finance |
OPC | Office de la Protection du Consommateur ( | In French | → Central administration → Consumerism |
OPC | Offre Préalable de Crédit | In French | → Banks |
OPC | Ordonnancement, Pilotage et Coordination | In French | → Civil engineering → Construction |
OPCI | Organisme de Placement Collectif dédié à l'Immobilier | In French | → Finance |
OPDQ | Ordre Professionnel des Diététistes du Québec | In French | → Organizations and associations → Personal health and hygiene → Canada |
OPECST | Office Parlementaire d'Évaluation des Choix Scientifiques et Technologiques | In French | → Parliaments, representation → Research policy → Engineering, technology |
OPEN | Organisation de Producteurs d'Énergie Nucléaire | In French | → Organizations and associations → Energy economics → Nuclear technology |
OPEP | Organisation des Pays Exportateurs de Pétrole = OPEC | Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries | In English = OPEC | Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries | In English = OPEL | Organizaĵo de Petrol-Eksportaj Landoj | In Esperanto = OPEP | Organização dos Países Exportadores de Petróleo | In Portuguese = OPEP | Organización de Países Esportadores de Petroleu | In Asturian = OPEP | Organización de Países Exportadores de Petróleo | In Spanish = OPEP | Organització de Països Exportadors de Petroli | In Catalan = ОПЕК | Организација на земји извознички на нафта и нафтени деривати | In Macedonian |
In French | → Chemical technology → Mining → 665 |
OPERA | Observatoire PErmanent de la RAdioactivité | In French | → Organizations and associations → Nuclear technology |
OPESH | Observatoire de la Pauvreté et de l'Exclusion Sociale en Haïti | In French | → Organizations and associations → Social welfare |
OPG | Objectif Projet Groupe | In French | → Management |
OPGC | Observatoire de Physique du Globe de Clermont-Ferrand ( | In French | → Research institutes → Geophysics → France |
OPhL | Optique Philippe Lafont | In French | → Optics |
OPI | Objectif Projet Individuel | In French | → Management |
OPI | Office du Périmètre d'Irrigation | In French | → Public administration, government → Agricultural sciences |
OPIC | Office de la Propriété Intellectuelle du Canada ( | In French | → Central administration → Artistic property |
OPIP | Office de Promotion des Investissements Privés | In French | → 33972 |
OPJ | Officier de Police Judiciaire | In French | → Police |
OPO | Offre à Prix Ouvert | In French | → Economics |
OPPBTP | Organisme Professionnel de la Prévention du Bâtiment Travaux Publics | In French | → Organizations and associations → Civil engineering → Construction |
OPPBTP | Organisme Professionnel de Prévention du Bâtiment et des Travaux Publics ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics → Medicine → Civil engineering → Construction → France |
OPPBTP | Organisme Professionnel de la Prévention du Bâtiment et des Travaux Publics ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → Construction → Civil engineering |
OPPS | Observatoire Paritaire du Portage Salarial | In French | → Labour, labour economics |
OPPTIC | Organisation de Professionnels pour la Promotion des TIC en région Languedoc-Roussillon | In French | → Networks, communication → Organizations and associations → Telecommunications |
OPQCM | Office Professionnel de Qualification des Conseils en Management | In French | → Consulting |
OPRI | Office de Protection contre les Rayonnements Ionisants ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → Nuclear technology |
OPSIS | Observation et Prospective sur la Société de l'Information et ses Services | In French | → Computer science → Telecommunications |
OPT | Opérations de Patrimoine et Trésorerie | In French | → Accounting |
OPT | Opération de Patrimoine et Trésorerie | In French | → Finance → Accounting |
OPTILE | Organisation Professionnelle des Transports d'Île-de-France | In French | → Organizations and associations → Transport and postal services → France |
OQLF | Office Québécois de la Langue Française ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → Dictionaries → Linguistics → Canada |
OR | Organisme de Rattachement | In French | |
ORA | Organisation de Résistance de l'Armée | In French | → Military affairs → History |
ORA | Organisation Révolutionnaire Anarchiste | In French | → Organizations and associations → Anarchist organizations |
ORA | Opérateur Régional des Achats | In French | → 34745 |
ORANO | Opérateur Régional d'Achats Nord-Ouest | In French | → 34745 |
ORAP | Organisation Associative du Parallélisme | In French | → Organizations and associations → Computer science |
ORCADE | Outil de Reporting, de Consolidation et d'Aide à la DÉcision | In French | → Software → Management |
ORCHIDEE | ORdonnancement des CHaînes Informatiques Dirigées par les Événements et les Enchaînements | In French | → Software |
ORE | Observatoire de Recherche en Environnement | In French | → Environmental protection → Threats to the environment |
ORE | Opérateur de Réseau Électricité | In French | → Energy economics → Electrical engineering |
OREF | Observatoire Régional de l'Emploi et de la Formation | In French | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics → Education |
OREM | Officier de Renseignement d'État-Major | In French | → Military affairs |
ORG | Opérateur de Réseau Gaz | In French | → Energy economics |
ORGÉV | Omnium de Recherche sur la Génétique du Vieillissement | In French | → Biotechnology |
ORGM | Office National de Recherche Géologique et Minière | In French | |
ORGT | Officier Renseignement de Groupement Tactique | In French | → Military affairs |
ORGUE | Outils de Réorganisation de la Gestion Unifiée des Entités | In French | → Software |
ORIC | ORganisation Informatique Comptable | In French | → Computer science → Accounting |
ORM | Opérateur de Réseau Mixte | In French | |
ORM | Observatoire Régional des Métiers | In French | → Organizations and associations → Labour, labour economics |
ORMP | Office Rwandais des Marchés Publics | In French | → Central administration |
ORPCF | Organisation pour la Reconstruction du Parti Communiste de France | In French | → Communist parties → France |
ORPHEM | Organisation Régionale des Pharmaciens Hospitaliers de l'Est Méditerranéen | In French | → Organizations and associations → Pharmacology, toxicology |
ORR | Ordre de Réduction de Recettes | In French | → Accounting |
ORSE | Observatoire sur la Responsabilité Sociétale des Entreprises | In French | → Ethics → Social sciences |
ORSEC | Organisation de la Réponse de SEcurité Civile | In French | → Central administration → France |
ORT | Organisation Reconstruction Travail | In French | → History |
ORTAS | Organisme de la Radio-Télévision Arabe Syrienne | In French | → Telecommunications |
ORU | Opération de Rénovation Urbaine | In French | → Accommodation → Architecture |
OS3B | Open Software Blanc Bleu Belge | In French | → Organizations and associations → Software → Belgium |
OSA | Officier Supérieur Adjoint | In French | → Military affairs |
OSC | Orientations Stratégiques Communautaires | In French | → European Union |
OSCAR | Outils de Services, Conseils et Assistance Rapide | In French | → Computer science |
OSCE | Organisation pour la Sécurité et la Coopération en Europe ( = OSCE | Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe | In English |
In French | → International relations → Europe |
OSCI | Organisation des Opérateurs Spécialisés du Commerce International | In French | → Organizations and associations → Trade |
OSE | Oeuvre de Secours aux Enfants | In French | → Organizations and associations → Politics |
OSGE | Observatoire Statistique du Groupe EDF | In French | → Energy economics → Electrical engineering |
OSIRIS | Outil de Synthèse Informatique des Résultats et Indicateurs Standardisés | In French | → Software |
OSIRIS | Organisation et Système Informatisé de Rangement des Informations Stratégiques | In French | → Software |
OSIRIS | Observatoire des Systèmes d'Informations, des Réseaux et des Inforoutes au Sénégal ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → Software → Networks, communication → Telecommunications |
OSMOI | Organisation Spéciale de la Main d'Oeuvre Immigrée | In French | → Political parties and movements → History |
OSQC | Outil Standard de la Qualité Comptable | In French | → Accounting |
OT | Office de tourisme | In French | → Tourism |
OT | Organisation Todt | In French | → Military engineering → History |
OT | Ordre de Travail | In French | → Labour, labour economics |
OTAN | Organisation du Traité de l'Atlantique Nord ( = OTAN | Organització del Tractat de l'Atlàntic Nord | In Catalan = NATO | North Atlantic Treaty Organisation | In English = OTAN | Organizazión d'o Tratau de l'Atlantico Norte | In Aragonese = OTAN | Organización del Tratáu del Atlánticu Norte | In Asturian = AFNA | Aozadur Feur-emglev Norzh-Atlantel | In Breton = ন্যাটো | উত্তর আটলান্টিক নিরাপত্তা জোট | In Bengali = NATO | Οργανισμός Βορειοατλαντικού Συμφώνου | In Greek = NATO | Nordatlantikvertrag-Organisation | In German = OTAN | Organización del Tratado del Atlántico Norte | In Spanish = NATO | Nord-Atlantika Traktat-Organizo | In Esperanto = NAFO | Noard-Atlantyske Ferdrachsorganisaasje | In Frisian = OTAN | Organización do Tratado do Atlántico Norte | In Galician = ნატო | ჩრდილოატლანტიკური თანამშრომლობის ორგანიზაცია | In Georgian = OTAN | Organização do Tratado do Atlântico Norte | In Portuguese = OTNA | Organizaciya le Tratatosko le Nordutne Atlantikosko | In Vlax Romani = OTAN | Organizaţia Tratatului Atlanticului de Nord | In Romanian = NATO | Organisatschoon vun den Noordatlantikverdrag | In Low German = NAVO | Noord-Atlantische Verdragsorganisatie | In Dutch |
In French | → International relations → Military affairs |
OTI | Ordre de Transfert Interne | In French | |
OTJC | Ordre du Temple de la Jérusalem Céleste | In French | → Modern spiritual movements |
OTN | Objet Transneptunien = TNO | Trans-Neptunian Object | In English = TNO | Transneptunisches Objekt | In German = TNO | Transneptuna Objekto | In Esperanto = TNO | Transneptunsk Objekt | In Norwegian = ТНО | Транснепту́новый объе́кт | In Russian = NÖC | Neptün Ötesi Cisim | In Turkish |
In French | → Interplanetary medium |
OTNE | Objet Transneptunien Extrême = ETNO | Extreme Trans-Neptunian Object | In English |
In French | → Interplanetary medium |
OTP | Organigramme Technique de Projet | In French | |
OTS | Ordre du Temple Solaire | In French | → Modern spiritual movements |
OUA | Organisation de l'Unité Africaine | In French | → International relations → Africa |
OULIPO | OUvroir de LIttérature POtentielle | In French | → Literature |
OVA | Organisme Vérificateur Agréé | In French | |
OVNI | Objet Volant Non Identifié = OVNI | Objecte Volador No Identificat | In Catalan = НЛО | Неидентифициран летящ обект | In Bulgarian = OVNI | Objeto Volador No Identificado | In Spanish = UFO | Unidentifiziertes Flugobjekt | In German = UFO | Unidentified Flying Object | In English = UFO | Unknown Flying Object | In English = UFO | Uidentificeret flyvende objekt | In Danish = NIFO | Neidentigita Fluganta Objekto | In Esperanto = UFO | Unbekend fleanend objekt | In Frisian = עב"מ | עצם בלתי מזוהה | In Hebrew = OVNI | Oggetto Volante Non Identificato | In Italian = NLO | Neidentificēts lidojošs objekts | In Latvian = UFO | Uidentifisert flygende objekt | In Norwegian = UFO | Uidentifisert flygande objekt | In Nynorsk = NOL | Niezidentyfikowany Obiekt Latający | In Polish = OVNI | Objeto Voador Não Identificado | In Portuguese = OZN | Obiect Zburător Neidentificat | In Romanian = НЛО | Неопознанный летающий объект | In Russian = NLO | Neidentifikovani leteći objekat | In Serbo-Croatian |
In French | → Astronautics |
OVR | Opération Villages Roumains | In French | |
ÖVV | Österreichischer Volleyball Verband ( | In French | → Organizations and associations → 7963 → Austria |
P | Phosphore = P | Fosfor | In Dutch = P | Phosphor | In German = P | Phosphorus | In English = P | Fósforo | In Esperanto |
In French | → Chemistry |
P | Proline = P | Proline | In English = P | প্রোলিন | In Bengali = P | Prolina | In Catalan = P | Prolin | In Danish = P | Prolin | In German = P | Prolina | In Spanish = P | Prolino | In Esperanto = P | 프롤린 | In Korean = P | Prolin | In Croatian = P | Prolin | In Indonesian = P | Prolina | In Italian = P | פרולין | In Hebrew = P | Prolīns | In Latvian = P | Prolin | In Letzeburgesh = P | Prolinas | In Lithuanian = P | Prolin | In Hungarian = P | Proline | In Dutch = P | プロリン | In Japanese = P | Prolina | In Polish = P | Prolina | In Portuguese = P | Пролин | In Russian = P | Proliini | In Finnish = P | Prolin | In Swedish = P | Prolin | In Turkish = P | Пролін | In Ukrainian = P | 脯氨酸 | In Chinese |
In French | → Biochemistry, biophysics |
P2IC | Programme Interne aux Instituts Carnot | In French | → Research policy |
PA | Présence Africaine | In French | → Serial publications, periodicals → Politics → Africa |
PA | Petites Annonces | In French | → Graphic industries, printing, publishing |
PA | Pyrénées-Atlantiques | In French | → History |
PA | Préjudice d'Agrément | In French | → Law, jurisprudence |
PA | Puissance Atteinte | In French | → Energy economics |
PA | Principal Adjoint | In French | → Education |
PA | Proviseur Adjoint | In French | → Education |
PA | Protocole Additionnel = AP | Additional Protocol | In English |
In French | → International law |
PAA | Population Active Agricole | In French | → Agricultural sciences |
PAC | Pile à combustible | In French | → Energy economics → Electrical engineering |
PAC | Programme d'Actions Concertées | In French | |
PAC | Politique Agricole Commune = PAC | Política Agrícola Comunitària | In Catalan = SZP | Společná Zemědělská Politika | In Czech = GAP | Gemeinsame Agrarpolitik | In German = ΚΑΠ | Κοινή αγροτική πολιτική | In Greek = KAP | Komuna Agrikultura Politiko | In Esperanto = PAC | Política Agrícola Común | In Spanish = KAP | Közös agrárpolitika | In Hungarian = PAC | Politica Agricola Comune | In Italian = BŽŪP | Bendroji žemės ūkio politika | In Lithuanian = GLB | Gemeenschappelijk Landbouwbeleid | In Dutch = CAP | Common Agricultural Policy | In English = WPR | Wspólna polityka rolna | In Polish = ССП | Спільна сільськогосподарська політика | In Ukrainian |
In French | → European Union → Agricultural sciences |
PACA | Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur | In French | → Geography |
PACLIDO | Protocoles et Algorithmes Cryptographiques Légers pour l’Internet Des Objets | In French | → Networks, communication → Internet |
PACS | PActe Civil de Solidarité | In French | → Law, jurisprudence |
PACTE | Pile À Combustible Tout Électrolyte | In French | → 6298 → Chemical technology |
PACTE | Parcours d'Accès aux Carrières de la fonction publique Territoriale, hospitalière et d'État | In French | → Education → Public administration, government |
PAD | Plan Annuel de Développement | In French | |
PAE | Projet d'Action Éducative | In French | → Education |
PAE | Programme d'Action pour l'Environnement | In French | → 5023 |
PAF | Pilotage Aérodynamique Fort | In French | → Military engineering |
PAF | Participation Aux Frais | In French | → Economics |
PAF | Plan Académique de Formation | In French | → Education |
PAF | Piste d'Audit Fiscal | In French | → Accounting → Taxes, duties |
PAFG | Participation Aux Frais Généraux | In French | → Prices |
PAGEV | Projet d'Amélioration de la Gouvernance de l'Eau dans le bassin de la Volta | In French | → Hydrology → Environmental technology, water supply, waste management |
PAH | Port Autonome du Havre | In French | → Transport and postal services |
PAI | Produit d'Activation des Impuretés (de la céramique) | In French | → Chemistry → Nuclear technology |
PAIO | Permanence d'Accueil, d'Information et d'Orientation | In French | → Education → Labour, labour economics |
PAL | Phosphatase Alcaline Leucocytaire | In French | → Enzymes → Blood and circulatory system |
PALP | Programme d'Armement à Logiciel Prépondérant | In French | → Military engineering → Software |
PAM | Programme Alimentaire Mondial = PMA | Programa Mundial d'Alimentos | In Asturian = WFP | World Food Programme | In English = WFP | 세계 식량 계획 | In Korean = WFP | მსოფლიო სასურსათო საბჭო | In Georgian = WFP | 国際連合世界食糧計画 | In Japanese = PAM | Programma Alimentare Mondiale | In Italian = PMA | Programa Mundial de Alimentos | In Spanish |
In French | → United Nations → 6123 → Agricultural sciences |
PAM | Port Autonome de Marseille ( | In French | → Transport and postal services → France |
PAM | Plan d'Action pour la Méditerranée | In French | |
PAN | Phénomènes Aérospatiaux Non identifiés | In French | → Applied sciences, technology |
PAN-H | Plan d'Action National sur l'Hydrogène et les piles à combustible | In French | → Energy economics → Chemical technology |
PANTER | Poste Auxiliaire de Numérisation, de Tracé et d'Études de Réseaux | In French | → Computer-based techniques → Energy economics → Electrical engineering |
PAP | Procédé Agrégé de Paiement | In French | → Economics |
PAP | Plan d'Action de Prévention | In French | |
PAP | Projet Annuel de Performance | In French | → Management |
PAP-ND | Projet d'Action Personnalisée – Nouveau Départ | In French | → Labour, labour economics |
PAPA | Projet Annuel de Performance Académique | In French | → Education |
PAPE | Projet Annuel de Performance d'Établissement | In French | → Education |
PAPEETE | Pour Améliorer les Performances Énergétiques ET Environnementales | In French | → Energy economics → Environmental technology, water supply, waste management |
PAPG | Plan d'Amélioration de la Productivité Globale | In French | → Management |
PAPI | Point d'Accès Public à Internet | In French | → Internet |
PAQ | Plan d'Assurance Qualité | In French | → Quality management |
PARAK | Programme d'appui rural Aga Khan | In French | → Development → Agricultural sciences → Regional planning |
PARE-PAP | Plan d'Aide à la Recherche d'Emploi - Projet d'Action Personnalisée | In French | → Labour, labour economics |
PAREL | Programme d'Aide à la Remise en État des Logements | In French | → Accommodation |
PARM | Permanencier Auxiliaire de Régulation Médicale | In French | → Traumatology |
PARTAJ | Plan d'Accompagnement Régional et Territorial pour l'Avenir des Jeunes | In French | → Regional administration → Education → Labour, labour economics |
PAS | Prêt à l'Accession Sociale | In French | → Finance → Accommodation |
PAS | Programme d'Ajustement Structurel | In French | |
PAS | Produit d'Activation des Structures | In French | → Chemistry → Nuclear technology |
PASA | Permutateur Automatique de Sources d'Alimentation | In French | → Electrical engineering |
PASS | Permanence d'Accès aux Soins de Santé | In French | → Medicine |
PASTEL | Plateforme d'Assistance Technique Européenne en Lorraine | In French | → Research policy → Regional administration → France |
PAT | Prime à l'Aménagement du Territoire | In French | → Regional planning |
PATRACDR | Personnel, Armement, Tenue, Radio, Alimentation, Commandement, Déroulement, Rendez-vous | In French | → Firefighting → Telecommunications |
PATRIARCHE | Patrimoine Archéologique | In French | → Databases → Archeology |
PauLLA | Pau Logiciels Libres Association | In French | → Associations → Software → Operating systems |
PAVE | Profession Architecture, Ville et Environnement | In French | → Research institutes → Regional planning → Architecture |
PB | Point de Branchement | In French | → Telecommunications |
PBB | Polybromobiphényle = PBB | Polybromierte Biphenyle | In German = PBB | Polybrominated biphenyl | In English |
In French | → Chemicals |
PBDE | Polybromodiphényléther = PBDE | Polybromierte Diphenylether | In German = PBDE | Polybrominated diphenyl ether | In English |
In French | → Chemicals |
PBDI | Prise de Branchement avec Déclencheur Intégré | In French | → Energy economics |
PBR | Ponction-Biopsie Rénale | In French | → Diagnostics |
PC | Petite Couronne | In French | → Regional planning |
PC | Poste de Commandement | In French | |
PC | Piste Cyclable | In French | → Road transport → Sport, physical exercises |
PCA | Programme Commun d'Activités | In French | → Management |
PCA | Peugeot Citroën Automobiles | In French | → Automobile manufacturing |
PCA | Plan Comptable Analytique | In French | → Accounting |
PCAM | Poste de Commandement pour Appels Multiples | In French | → Telecommunications |
PCB | Polychlorobiphényles | In French | → Chemicals |
PCC | Parti Communiste Chinois | In French | → Communist parties |