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Vehicle engineering

→ Vehicle engineering
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Acronym Sense Language Topics
UFO Uidentificeret flyvende objekt
= OVNI | Objet Volant Non Identifié | In French
= OVNI | Objecte Volador No Identificat | In Catalan
= НЛО | Неидентифициран летящ обект | In Bulgarian
= OVNI | Objeto Volador No Identificado | In Spanish
= UFO | Unidentifiziertes Flugobjekt | In German
= UFO | Unidentified Flying Object | In English
= UFO | Unknown Flying Object | In English
= NIFO | Neidentigita Fluganta Objekto | In Esperanto
= UFO | Unbekend fleanend objekt | In Frisian
= עב"מ | עצם בלתי מזוהה | In Hebrew
= OVNI | Oggetto Volante Non Identificato | In Italian
= NLO | Neidentificēts lidojošs objekts | In Latvian
= UFO | Uidentifisert flygende objekt | In Norwegian
= UFO | Uidentifisert flygande objekt | In Nynorsk
= NOL | Niezidentyfikowany Obiekt Latający | In Polish
= OVNI | Objeto Voador Não Identificado | In Portuguese
= OZN | Obiect Zburător Neidentificat | In Romanian
= НЛО | Неопознанный летающий объект | In Russian
= NLO | Neidentifikovani leteći objekat | In Serbo-Croatian
In Danish Astronautics
UFO Unbekend fleanend objekt
= OVNI, НЛО, NIFO, עב"מ, NLO, NOL, OZN (look above)
In Frisian Astronautics
UFO Uidentifisert flygende objekt
= OVNI, НЛО, NIFO, עב"מ, NLO, NOL, OZN (look above)
In Norwegian Astronautics
UFO Uidentifisert flygande objekt
= OVNI, НЛО, NIFO, עב"מ, NLO, NOL, OZN (look above)
In Nynorsk Astronautics
ULO Unmanned Launch Operations In English Astronautics
ULV Unmanned Launch Vehicle In English Astronautics
UMO Unmanned Orbital In English Astronautics
UMPS Unité de Médecine et Physiologie Spatiales In French Medicine
UMVF Unmanned Vertical Flight In English Aeronautics, aircraft
UNOOSA United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs In English United Nations
UNPSA United Nations Programme on Space Applications In English United Nations
UNSC United Nations Space Command In English Military affairs
United Nations
UoSAT University of Surrey Satellite In English Higher education, universities
UPS Upright Perigee Stage In English Astronautics
USA United Space Alliance (www.unitedspacealliance.com) In English Astronautics
USAM Ufficio Generale Spazio Aereo e Meteorologia In Italian Meteorology, climatology
Aeronautics, aircraft
USASATCOMA United States Army Satellite and Communication Agency In English Military affairs
United States
USASDG United States Army Space Defense Group In English Military affairs
Military engineering
United States
USBI United Space Booster, Incorporated In English Astronautics
USNS United States Navy Ship In English 359
United States
USRA Universities Space Research Association (https://www.usra.edu) In English Associations
Higher education, universities
United States
USS United States Ship In English 6295
United States
USS Unmanned Space Satellite In English Astronautics
UTAC Union Technique de l'Automobile et du Cycle In French Organizations and associations
Automobile manufacturing
UTS Unmanned Teleoperator Spacecraft In English Astronautics
UVF Unmanned Vertical Flight In English Aeronautics, aircraft
VAA Vehicle Assembly Area In English
VAB Vehicle Assembly Building In English
VAB Véhicule de l'Avant Blindé In French Automobile manufacturing
Military engineering
VAC Vehicle Assembly and Checkout In English
VAC Visual Approach Chart In English Geodesy, cartography
Transport and postal services
Aeronautics, aircraft
VACH Véhicule d'Appui Chimique In French Automobile manufacturing
Chemical technology
VACLED Véhicule d'Appui du Camion de Levage et de Déblaiement In French Automobile manufacturing
VAG Véhicule d'accompagnement GREP In French
VAL Véhicule Automatique Léger In French Transport and postal services
VAPEPS Vibroacoustic Payload Environment Prediction System In English Acoustics
VASI Visual Approach Slope Indicator In English Aeronautics, aircraft
Transport by air
VBS Véhicule de Balisage et de Signalisation In French
VC Véhicule Cynotechnique In French
VCC Vehicle Command Count In English
VCC Vehicle Crew Chief In English
VCL Vehicle Centerline In English
VCM Véhicule à Carburant Modulable In French
VCN Vehicle Configuration Number In English
VCÖ Verkehrsclub Österreich (www.vcoe.at) In German Organizations and associations
Transport and postal services
VCP Vehicle Control Processor In English Computer hardware
VCS Vehicle Cargo System In English
VDC Vehicle Dynamic Control In English Electronics
Automobile manufacturing
VDS Vehicle Dynamic Simulator In English
VDSS Vehicle Dynamic Simulator System In English
VDT Vehicle Data Table In English
VE Equivalent Velocity In English
VE Vehicle Engineering In English
VEB Vehicle Equipment Bay In English
VEDS Vehicle Emergency Detection System In English
VEEI Vehicle Electrical Engine Interface In English Electrical engineering
VEHLIB Vehicle Hybrid Library In English
VEI Vehicle End Item In English
VEM Véhicule à Éléments Modulaires In French
VEMA Véhicule à Élements Modulaires Amovibles In French
VEPAR Véhicule d'Entraînement au Port de l'Appareil Respiratoire In French Automobile manufacturing
Specialized or polytechnical colleges
VES Véhicule d'Extinction et de Sauvetage In French Automobile manufacturing
VF Vertical Flight In English Aeronautics, aircraft
VFC Véhicule Feux de Cheminée In French Automobile manufacturing
VFI Verification Flight Instrumentation In English Aeronautics, aircraft
VFR Visual Flight Rule In English Aeronautics, aircraft
VFS Véhicule Feux Spéciaux In French Automobile manufacturing
VFT Verification Flight Test In English Aeronautics, aircraft
VFT Vertical Flight Test In English Aeronautics, aircraft
VG Velocity Generator In English
VGIMU Velocity to be Gained as related to IMU orientation In English
VGOR Vehicle Ground Operation Requirement In English
VGP Vehicle Ground Point In English
VGRF Variable-Gravity Research Facility In English Research institutes
VGT Vehicle Ground Test In English
VHAA Very High Altitude Abort In English Astronautics
VHD Véhicule Hybride Diesel/Électrique In French Electrical engineering
VHM Vehicle Health Monitoring In English
VHU Véhicule Hors d'Usage In French Transport and postal services
VI Véhicule Industriel In French
VIB Vehicle Integration Building In English
VIC Véhicule d'Intervention Chimique In French Automobile manufacturing
VID Véhicule d'Intervention Diverse In French Automobile manufacturing
VIL Vehicle Integration and Launch In English
VIP Véhicule d'Interventions Polyvalent In French Automobile manufacturing
VISTAR Visible Space Tracking and Reconnaissance In English Astronomy
VIT Vehicle Integration Test In English
VIU Vehicle Interface Unit In English Human-computer interaction
VIVACE Value Improvement through a Virtual Aeronautical Collaborative Enterprise In English Aeronautics, aircraft
VL Véhicule Lourd In French Transport and postal services
VLF Vertical Launch Facility In English Aeronautics, aircraft
VLI Véhicule Léger Infirmier In French Medicine
VLM Véhicule Léger Médicalisé In French Medicine
VLPS Vandenberg Launch Processing System In English Astronautics
VLR Véhicule de Liaison Radio In French Telecommunications
VLS Vandenberg Launch and Landing Site In English Astronautics
VLS Vandenberg Launch Site In English Astronautics
VLS Vertical Launch System In English Aeronautics, aircraft
VLSST Vandenberg Launch Site Support Team In English Astronautics
VMF Véhicule Multi-Fonctions In French
VMS Vehicle Management System In English
VMS Velocity Measuring System In English
VO Space Vehicle Operations In English Astronautics
VO Vehicle Operations In English
VOA Véhicule d'Observation de l'Artillerie In French Automobile manufacturing
Military engineering
VOCP Vehicle-Out-of-Commission Part In English
VOEMEC Verband Österreichischer Modell-Eisenbahn-Clubs (www.voemec.at) In German Organizations and associations
Rail transport engineering
VOIR Venus Orbiting Imaging Radar In English Astronomy
VPE Véhicules Propres et Économes In French
VPHD Vertical Payload Handling Device In English Astronautics
VPI Véhicule de Première Intervention In French Automobile manufacturing
VPIL Véhicule de Première Intervention Léger In French Automobile manufacturing
VPLCC Vehicle Propellant Loading Control Center In English Astronautics
VPM Vehicle Project Manager In English
VPSA Vehicle Processing Storage Area In English
VRM Venus Radar Mapper In English Astronomy
VRM Véhicule Radio Médicalisé In French Telecommunications
VSA Variable-Stability Aircraft In English Aeronautics, aircraft
VSAB Véhicule de Secours aux Asphyxiés et Blessés In French Automobile manufacturing
VSABTT Véhicule de Secours aux Asphyxiés et Blessés Tout Terrain In French Automobile manufacturing
VSAV Véhicule de Secours et d'Assistance aux Victimes In French Automobile manufacturing
VSC Vehicle Support Contractor In English
VSI Vertical Speed Indicator In English
VSM Véhicule de Secours Médical In French Medicine
VSTAG Vandenberg Shuttle Turnaround Analysis Group In English Astronautics
VSTAR Vandenberg Shuttle Turnaround Assessment Report In English Astronautics
VTF Vertical Test Flight In English Astronautics
VTM Véhicule de Transport de Matériel In French Transport and postal services
VTP Vehicle Test Plan In English
VTP Véhicule de Transport de Personnel In French Transport and postal services
VTS Vandenberg Tracking Station In English Astronautics
VTT Véhicule Tout Terrain In French
VTU Véhicule Tout Usage In French
VTUTP Véhicule Tout Usage et Transport de Personnel In French Transport and postal services
VU Vehicle Unit In English
VU Vehicle Utility In English
VUS Véhicule Utilitaire Sport
= SUV | Sport Utility Vehicle | In English
In French Automobile manufacturing
Sport, physical exercises
VUSW Vehicle Utility Software In English Software
VV Vertical Velocity In English
VVI Vertical Velocity Indicator In English
WAC World Aeronautical Chart In English Aeronautics, aircraft
WASP Watkins Aircraft Support Products (www.waspinc.com) In English Aeronautics, aircraft
WCSAR Wisconsin Center for Space Automation and Robotics (http://wcsar.engr.wisc.edu) In English Research institutes
Mechanical engineering
United States
WFF Wallops Flight Facility In English Aeronautics, aircraft
WIRE Wide-field Infrared Explorer In English Astronautics
WISE Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer In English Astronautics
WLS Western Launch Site In English Astronautics
WPANL Wright-Patterson Aeronautical Laboratory In English 358
Aeronautics, aircraft
WSMC Western Space and Missile Center In English Military engineering
WSMCR Western Space and Missile Center Range In English Military engineering
WSMCR Western Space and Missile Center Regulation In English Military engineering
WSOA Winged Sprints on Asphalt (http://wsoa.us) In English Sport, physical exercises
Automobile manufacturing
United States
WSV Weapon System Vehicle In English Military engineering
WUPPE Wisconsin Ultraviolet Photo-Polarimeter Experiment In English Astronautics
United States
WUSCI Western Union Space Communications, Incorporated In English Telecommunications
XEUS X-Ray Evolving Universe Spectroscopy Mission In English Astronautics
ZEVGA Zeitschrift fur Eisenbahnwesen und Verkehrstechnik Glasers Annalen In German Serial publications, periodicals
Transport and postal services
ZFlu Zeitschrift fur Flugwissenschaften In German Serial publications, periodicals
ZFlWe Zeitschrift fur Flugwissenschaften und Weltraumforschung In German Serial publications, periodicals
ZGT Zero-Gravity Trainer In English Astronautics
ИКИ Института космических исследований (http://arc.iki.rssi.ru) In Russian Research institutes
МИАТ Монголын Иргэний Агаарын Тээвэр
= MIAT | Mongolyn Irgenii Agaaryn Teever | In Mongolian
In Mongolian Aeronautics, aircraft
Transport and postal services
НЛО Неидентифициран летящ обект
= UFO, OVNI, NIFO, עב"מ, NLO, NOL, OZN (look above)
In Bulgarian Astronautics
НЛО Неопознанный летающий объект
= UFO, OVNI, NIFO, עב"מ, NLO, NOL, OZN (look above)
In Russian Astronautics
עב"מ עצם בלתי מזוהה
= UFO, OVNI, НЛО, NIFO, עב"מ, NLO, NOL, OZN (look above)
In Hebrew Astronautics
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